But the furminator gently and gradually works the mat off.I don't know about using it around the anal area, but it works great on the rest of his body, and he tolerates it pretty well. Groomingby: HelenSometimes if you scruff them up by the nape of their neck you can control the situation better. Other readers shared their tips & advice on this page, which you might find helpful.All The Best,~Carrie. You can check the rest of this page to read my comments, and the experiences of others. He knows he’s dirty, and he wants it out. You are right, this is a fairly common problem. Your cat may have a gastrointestinal infection or a parasitic infestation, or she could be suffering from arthritis or obesity, both of which make self-grooming difficult. What should I - Answered by a verified Cat Vet. It was not expensive, either. "Dags"by: TallmamaOur 5 month old, Chief, has the same issue. Sometimes cats manage to expel the feces on … Your vet may have some ideas on how to treat the diarrhea. Does this happen to anyone else? My six-month-old Siberian has started getting poop in the fur around her butt, on her tail and on her lower legs. 3yr old Maine Coon rescue declawed will not let me brush her belly and also get doo on her rear. 2. Cats with long hair or who are suffering from diarrhea may develop fecal mat, which occurs when fecal matter gets stuck in the hair around the anus. Now simply comb the fur using a fine comb. Alternatively you can shave using a good quality clipper. Other well-known tips involve wrapping a cat up in a towel, using claw covers (for the rear if she still has them), kitty muzzles, etc. I have 2 long haired cats that always get (normal, not diarrhea) poop and/or litter stuck to their butt fur, so twice a year they both get their butt fur shaved (a wide area around their “privates” and a “free fall zone” down the back legs). Maine Coons are prone to getting poop stuck in their fur. I stroke him & im left holding a sheet of fur, It gets everywhere. Learn more about the condition and how to clean dried poop off your dog. My cat's poo keeps getting stuck in his fur! Getting the rear cleanI have the same issues with mine also. Give hairball paste to your cat to get the hairball moving. If your cat shakes it off its front paw, try smearing it lightly underneath the front elbow. Sometimes if their stools are nice and firm, they are less “sticky” and tend to stick to the hair less. Things get problematic when the poop doesn’t have its normal consistency anymore. Today it was 107, a new record. my cat just took a poo and i noticed that she had some poop hanging out of her butt. don't like their bellies to be touched, and it makes grooming that area really hard! It's only hot here for a short time, but I have been tempted to try it for Leo. Despite the weather out side my cat lives indoors where it is a cool 72 degrees. And today I saw poo marks on the carpet in her litter box room and it dragged until the end of the room. Perhaps they grew out of it. What can I do to stop this, I’ve tried cutting the hair down and even shaving her rear end however that was all very unsuccessful. Some cats retain this instinct into adulthood. These can make it hard for her to adequately groom herself. Why do they splash around in it, and put their toys in their water dish? Is there a better diet which would produce firm(er) feces?They see our veterinarian regularly and are healthy and parasite free.Thanks!Pat and Joanie, This is a common issue among long haired cats. Himalayan Cat I recently got my little Mille (15 weeks old chocolate point girl)and she’s been getting some poopie stuck on her fur. Symptoms of fecal impaction are similar to symptoms of constipation. This is assuming she has some real grooming needs down there. Just scroll down to read more about: My medium/long hair possibly part Maine Coon kitten (6 months old) is starting to have periodic problems with "dingleberries. Often we find small blobs on the floor just outside their boxes or elsewhere in the house. Your cat might be having any medical condition or the litter box is not good enough. Is your cat's poop always stuck in it's fur? We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. She has never liked being brushed and had large mats under her hind legs and was starting to get them under the front legs. I was pretty nervous when I took my cat in and left the exam room when it came time for mat removal. This presents a nightmare because the poop is gets on everything his kitty body sits on. I’ve got a longhaired cat that gets cat litter and her own feces stuck to after using the litter box. However, for long-haired cats you are only cutting their feathers, it can be safe. I usually can snip a few pieces but I'm scared I might hurt him so I don't go after the tougher ones...especially in such a sensitive area.I'm wondering if anyone has any tips for this? If you have a problem with dingleberries, dags, or feces try these reader suggestions! This page talks about how, when and why a cat purrs. Long haired moggy cat has just come home with liquid poop smeared all in his fur around his bottom. Perhaps they grew out of it.Also, we had a similar question a little while back: Maine Coon Dags. I told her receptionist the problem and made an appt. Becca has the same problemby: KatieI have a Maine Coon female thats a lil over a year old she has the same problem I think most long haired cats have the problem as well I bought a pair of scissors to help with it didn't want to hurt her with the brush and comb to my surprise she prefers me to brush them out same with matts she gets in her mane she keeps pulling while I brush and puts her head back for me to do it more till I get it out she's very laid back and mellow so she just lays there or eats while I work them out I do use the scissors for bit hanging pieces though. Are you wondering what's involved in having cats as pets? These lovelies are so treasured by their families. Video of the Day Step 1 Make sure to remove all the debris. We all know cats like to be clean, and when this poop gets stuck in his fur, he freaks. Maybe your cat is too high strung to allow you to get near her rear end with scissors. Fecal impaction can be among the causes of chronic constipation. What type of animal are we talking about? It is hard to prevent or stop. His anus is dilated and I can see it and feel it with my finger. And, more importantly, how do you get it out? Also, we had a similar question a little while back: Other readers shared their tips & advice on this page, which you might find helpful. August 14, 2015. The popular choice for extra cat fiber is the Halloween favorite—pumpkin. At first I thought it might be due to stress from moving, having new food or something like that, but it's been a … Trimming the fur in the area helps a little but this is a tricky task. There are several reasons this can happen. If you can keep the fur on their feet trimmed, this means less material for litter and poop to stick to. :O It drives me crazy as I then have to find a way to hold him still while I wash his paws (front and rear) and he is already a strapping kitten weighing 9 pounds at 5 months! My Leo gets matted easily, but my Alice almost never gets a mat- they have different fur types. This is why getting poop in their fur is not a normal issue for cats. If the litter box is dirty, your cat may try to potty in the corner of the box and push feces into her fur. Solid, well-formed stools don’t generally leave a lot of cling-ons in the fur around a cat’s anus. Meet Cruz, Bert, Oliver, Cinder, Azreal, Nico, Guido & Bella, & the 3 Musketeers. For stuck to skin, warm water or mineral oil to soften, tweezers to remove. A quick scoop is all it takes to keep the box clean and appealing. Also keep dry food on a floor with a bowl of water. I am at a loss as to what to do. Use a pair of small pet grooming scissors or take your cat to a professional groomer. Answers. We haven't changed food or anything of the sort. It happened to our cats more when they were kittens, and less often now. Bits of toys or plastic may sometimes appear in stools. Since your girl is declawed, that adds and extra element to it. We all know cats like to be clean, and when this poop gets stuck in his fur, he freaks. Has anyone run into this before? So don't do it just because you think you need to, only if there are mats and/or doo hanging. How To Get Poop Out When It’s Stuck. If my cat simply didn't like it, I would hold her down this way to get the job done. If the hairball in your cat's stomach grows too big, or slips into his intestines and becomes stuck, it can cause a life-threatening blockage. How Does a Cat Get a Hairball Stuck? Some pet owners will just carefully use scissors to clip the really long feathers and that seems to help. (And a 21 pound cat can certainly go when he wants to! In many cases the hair passes through the stomach and the intestines without causing problems, but in some cats, the hair is not passed smoothly and it accumulates in the upper intestine or stomach. I have long hair and for some reason he really loves to eat it when he finds strands on the floor. Use a small strip of the paste on the cat's fur. One could hold her front paws, and one to hold her rear ones.You have to use your good judgement on this, though. Why is this happening? Cleaning Off Fecal Staining Look for fecal staining. Sprinkle powder on your cat’s fur and make sure that the entire area from which poop is to be cleaned is dry. My Ragdoll cat's poop is soft ever since I have him and it gets everywhere because it sticks to his fur. Sometimes if their stools are nice and firm, they are less “sticky” and tend to stick to the hair less. Your cat may have fecal staining if she's had diarrhea or has stomach upset. He has long hair and about once a week he gets his poop stuck in it. It's not diarrhea or poop stuck to his hair, and it's not dangling (as if from an ingested hair). English (US) Español; Maybe even two people. How to deal with this?? Ok so sometimes I notice she gets poop stuck on her bum and sometimes even pee! Step 2 If it's just been a while since you've had a cat in the house, read on for answers to common questions. We don't know exactly how she ended up at the shelter (they won't tell you that, Copyright © Maine Coon Cat Nation.com 2010-2021 All Rights Reserved. I tried to clean it with earthbath cat wipes but she really dislikes me cleaning her butt. He gets knotted, too.The lion cut would take care of Dewey's mats and stuck-on poops at the same time. That is why it easily attaches to cat … Do you have a water cat? We have seen a decrease in hangers since switching to a healthier, corn-free diet a few years ago but I'm not sure if it was coincidence. What you describe, your long haired cat getting feces caught in his hair is not uncommon. Unless.... what they are doing is pooping and immediately sitting down on the poop instead of covering it up, which is extremely rare. There is usually some of it just outside the litter box/ stuck to its door as well. Cat butt dingleberries. He never liked to be brushed (coons have sensitive skin and some just don't like the pulling); it's much worse now, of course, since he's so arthritic he can't clean himself well.I use a "furminator" (not sure of the spelling) and it does a wonderful job on the mats. What else can I do? If you have a problem with dingleberries, dags, or feces try these reader suggestions! Pseudocoprostasis in Dogs (Fecal Matter Stuck in Hair) PetPlace Veterinarians. This is how kittens are carried by their moms and they go limp when held this way. I didn't use soap and I only washed what needed to be cleaned. Hairballs are the same size and shape as poop. Have you ever heard a happy cat purr and wondered about it? This way no one has to touch it for a very long time. They are siblings, and of course they are my babies.Vanessa has a lot better grooming habits then her brother and he is starting to get a few little knots under his "armpits". Cats that have long coats have high chances of catching the feces on their coat while answering the call of nature in the litter box. Matting can also occur in places on the cat’s body that involves a lot (Not fat at all!) Ask him if ID might be a good choice. Trim the Fur on Your Cat's Feet Long-haired cats often have a lot of fur in between their toes. If your cat is … We have seen a decrease in hangers since switching to a healthier, corn-free diet a few years ago but I'm not sure if it was coincidence. The only other option is to keep his hair clipped or shaved around his rectum and feathers between his legs. She'll probably be fine with the petting, and may enjoy the brushing. Fourth, cats get stuck in fur poop can be a sign that your cat is suffering from diarrhea. Start by petting the cat, then move to brushing. You can either comb it out dry or give your cat a warm bath and remove it. Cats generally also don't need baths, they are self-cleaning animals. Sometimes you can increase the firmness of the stools by adding a teaspoon of canned pumpkin to his food (some cats like it!) And, it wouldn't be healthy for them to have hard or dry stools. We call them "hangers" at our house. This is not cruel or uncommon, but it's also not very good to allow poop to linger around in her fur for long periods of time. Be careful. Chased cat around house because she had poop on her butt and finally cornered her in the laundry room, end result what I wanted but not what I expected All that furby: HelenMy coon cat has a body coat that any show cat would be proud to sport. The poo stain on the carpet is huge now and she's done the stain thing like 4 times now and got poop stuck on herself a large percentage of the time. Taking Your Cat to the Vet Take your cat to the vet if it's exhibiting multiple symptoms. Pet Care Pet Health Pet Behavior & Training Breed Guide Pet Insurance Ask Dr. Debra. Cats groom themselves but if the poop is sticking continuously then you have to resolve the underlying cause. Maybe even two people. I gave permission for sedation, if needed. Impacted Bowel and Feline Constipation. Many of the remedies or solutions, however, do not work. Is your cat's poop always stuck in it's fur? Cats also love to play with string, so finding dental floss in your cat’s poop might be a sign that you need to hide the bathroom trash can. I sit his rear in warm soapy water, bathe him and then snip some fur away if needed. It will be up to you as to what needs to be done and how far to go before resorting to sedation. They might try it. - Answered by a verified Cat Vet. It's fairly common to see litter stuck in paws, especially if your cat steps in wet litter and it hardens. When a cat sheds their undercoat, the fur can become caught in the top coat. What you describe, your long haired cat getting feces caught in his hair is not uncommon. For others like me, here is a definition (the only one) I found on the web:"Dag is an Australian slang term, often used as an affectionate insult for someone who is, or is perceived to be, unfashionable, lacking self consciousness about their appearance and/or with poor social skills yet affable and amusing. To be more sure, you can track your cat’s recent defecation frequency and the shape and texture of the cat’s droppings. We call them "hangers" at our house. I was just about to call the vet to make an appointment when I noticed that a large, hard piece of poop is stuck right at the end of his rectum. I don't know why that is. Any suggestions? A vet explained to us that the cat's "anal glands" excrete some poop onto those cat butthairs, and it's not an issue of her being long-haired or needing a butt-hair trim. For stuck to skin, warm water or mineral oil to soften, tweezers to remove. She also let them trim her nails! This will soften the fur mass and make it easier to excrete. And, more importantly, how do you get it out? Big cats like Persian cats or similar groom themselves more than the other cats as their fur is bigger and thicker. When poop gets stuck in the fur, it makes a sticky, matted mess that can cause even more feces to get stuck, and the problem can easily get out of control quickly. Best Answer. Cats with Matsby: Pat in FloridaI just went through this with my one year old kitty, MiMi. If that does not work, I honestly would recommend cutting the hair that the poop is stuck in, and let it grow back. We adopted Hathor from a local shelter when she was about 7 months old. As for the food, you might want to read our articles on. If you find poop, use a warm washcloth to wipe it away. A warning to anyone eating breakfast: discussion of cat poop below! I will try giving her fur a trim and hope it helps! An article that might also be helpful to you is Grooming Your cat. If it turns into a situation where your kitty exhibits real fear, panic, and starts thrashing, I would not put her through it.In that case I would consider having a professional shave her belly and rear. I would never think of cutting his hair. In that case I would consider having a professional shave her belly and rear. If a cat’s fur becomes dirty or oily, it can also become entwined and matted. He seemed to know I was helping him and didn't scratch or try hard to get away. I generally don’t recommend owners using scissors to clip cat’s hair because it can be easy to accidentally cut their skin. Removing dried poop from your puppy's bottom is not much different than removing dried mud or other spills from his fur. Get a cat brush and brush her bum and trim her bum hairs back a bit. One of our boys had a bout of loose stool and he would have cling on lumps I had to chase him around and wipe his bum for him, he did try to clean himself but kept being sick as there was bits stuck to him. If she has thick mats and there is no other way, you can ask your vet about it.First, you could try having someone help you. He also gets alot of cat litter stuck in his hind paws... Have you tried a Furminator?by: diva@great-womens-vacations.comMy sister is a vet (specializing in cats) and I have a geriatric Maine Coon with mats all over his fur. The big fluffy hair is what makes my coon cat the envy of the neighborhood. Or, you may see general soiling around her bottom. It's common for declawed kitties to have some insecurities.Other well-known tips involve wrapping a cat up in a towel, using claw covers (for the rear if she still has them), kitty muzzles, etc. Cats also love to play with string, so finding dental floss in your cat’s poop might be a sign that you need to hide the bathroom trash can. Is your cat's poop always stuck in it's fur? Is there something I can use to help pull this thing out? They are so pretty, but that fur in the rear can pose an issue!You might want to read the other, similar visitor questions and comments on how they deal with poops that get stuck on stuck on.As for the lion cut, I think that is a great idea! With his long hair, his poop will periodically get stuck on his hind legs and tail. We feed our two 3 yr old neutered females Royal Canin dry food. My cat keeps getting poop stuck in his fur. Persians and Himalayans can get poop stuck to the fur in their rear end; cleaning it up keeps your kitty healthy. At first I thought it might be due to stress from moving, having new food or something like that, but it's been a while and he's still having problems. It is hard to prevent or stop. Just gently grab the hair and cut on the outside of where your fingers touch the hair to make sure you don’t have any skin in there. Hi – thanks for your email. Your vet probably carries Prescription Diet foods. Dogs that get dried poop stuck and matted in their fur could suffer from a condition called pseudocoprostasis. "Since this happens to your girl particularly after she goes to the bathroom, I'm guessing she has something hanging there that shouldn't be?It happens. When stuck cat in poop and fur get and Stuck in the roomba and Starts drawing figures NY whomst has summoned the almighty one – popular memes on the site ifunny.co Some cats are more likely to groom themselves more than other breeds. Soft poop: If your cat’s poop is softer than normal, it could stick to his bottom. What a sweet picture, I love it :) This is a common predicament with long-haired cats. I have 2 Maine Coons, Dewey and Vanessa. This is a little gross but my cat is a Birman and they have longer fur but are not classified as a long haired cat and he gets his poos stuck on his fur around his bum and on the back of the legs and its the whole poo hanging of the back! I got a cat from the humane society last October (about 4 or 5 months ago), and ever since I got him he's been prone to getting his poop stuck in his fur around his tail/ butt area. i tried to pull it out but it came only a little out and the whole time she was growling at me. Also, check whether the poop stuck in is dry or not. Impacted bowel in cats occurs when a mass of hardened fecal matter gets stuck in the rectum. I do have a second question, Why are my cats always licking bags or my clothing? This chart shows feline body conditions. And, it wouldn't be healthy for them to have hard or dry stools.Owners have different methods to deal with it, such as trimming the fur or brushing & combing as you do.As for the food, you might want to read our articles on Royal Canin cat food & why we don't use it. Carefully trim the fur around your cat’s paws and ankles. Remove fecal balls from the fur. It's common for declawed kitties to have some insecurities. (I know if it gets too serious he will need to go to the vet to get the feces removed; if I'm worried about anything with my babies they always go to a professional)I'm also wondering if I should get him a lion cut, I think he would feel really good with one since he has a hard time cleaning himself, but I just wanted to know some other Coonie owners experiences with getting their cats the lion cut. Using some kind of vet magic, a good veterinary clinic will clean out those anal glands, and it will solve the problem. Why is this happening? If you notice this and your cat is acting strange, make an appointment with your veterinarian to discuss ways to protect or treat your cat from an obstruction. Besides being unsanitary, fecal mat can lead to serious complications if it begins to block the anus opening and prevent the cat from defecating. Some of the Maine Coon owners I've talked to say their cat was a little "off" after the first one, but then got used to it and actually seemed to strut their stuff when they got used to the lion cut.Hopefully others will chime in on their experiences with both the lion cut, handling mats, and getting rid of stuff stuck to the rear!All The Best,~Carrie. Their stool has always been soft ("cow pie") but for the last year or so it has started sticking to the fur under the tail.We comb the area every morning to remove the attached pieces. When we try to bathe him, wash him, or trim him he has started snapping at us, so we are unable to do it and he really stinks. Matted fur is a condition that occurs mostly in longhaired cats when their fur becomes knotted and entangled. All Rights Reserved. I drew about three inches of warm water in the tub, put a towel in the bottom, scruffed him by the neck and washed his bottom with my free hand. • Additional fiber and specially-formulated cat food—If the cat hairball symptoms began only recently, then you can easily treat it by adding more fiber to your cat’s diet. Every so often, your otherwise fastidious cat will do an alarming and somewhat disgusting thing. The hair collects in the stomach and must occasionally be coughed up or excreted in his poop. Cat. Have Cat Questions? Cats ingest loose hair as they groom themselves. ©Copyright 1999 - 2021. Here are our visitor questions and answers related to poop stuck in fur. This is a common issue among long haired cats. I knew when I got him that daily grooming would be a part of owning such a magnificent animal.Only a few times did The Bezzer Buzzer have diarrhea that stuck to his britches. If you have a longhaired cat like my Romeo, you’ve probably seen little pieces … I'm not sure that different cat foods would produce a "drier" stool. After she had a poop in her litter tray she started running around the room rubbing her butt on the carpet, so I picked her up and looked to see if there was anything there and there was a big chunk of her poop stuck to her fur and it was really stuck to it, but I managed to pull it off with some toilet roll. Are there any other solutions that anyone can suggest? The IHC Group. We both enjoy his daily grooming. My cat Noah, who suffers from megacolon, has been suffering from constipation the last few days. It always happens when we have people over and its embrassing. If she has thick mats and there is no other way, you can ask your vet about it. If it turns into a situation where your kitty exhibits real fear, panic, and starts thrashing, I would not put her through it. If you can put litter in it and your cat can easily get into it, then you can use it as a litter box. )Keep your coon cat looking like a Coon Cat! Very often, when it’s hard to pass stool, or when it gets stuck, people become desperate for a quick fix. Ask a Cat Vet Online. IMHO you … Normal cat poop is quite dry, but not dry enough to be edgy and get stuck in the cat’s fur. As for sedation tips, that would be a question for your vet as he/she would be the one doing it. Cat poop, when healthy, are hard enough to go down without sticking to the fur. Eeeek! He then proceeds to rub it all over everything. "She uses the litter box, and a while later, I find a pea-size piece of fresh poop within yards of the litter box.She isn't pooping outside the litter box, but I suspect her long fur is snagging things when she uses it.I've heard of "sanitary shaving/trimming of longer haired cats rear ends, but would like to hear the expertise of Maine Coon owners. He's 14 long hair Himalayan. This eliminates the poop problem, and it also eliminates the issue of the cats ingesting the litter that gets stuck to their fur. I called my vet, as I trust her with my pets. Soft stoolsby: HelenI certainly would slowly introduce a different cat food. When you have diarrhea, your cat’s stools are usually soft and loose. My breeder has used Science Diet for years. Feces stuck to fur can be a sign of a serious medical ailment. Learn more here! A lot of cats can go for long periods of time without having a human groom them. With his long hair, his poop will periodically get stuck on his hind legs and tail. or about ¼ teaspoon of Metamucil to his food. If it is stuck to hair, I just cut them off. Guinea Pig and Hamster Expert Many cats love to play in the water! If you can get the mess immediately you'll have the best shot at a clean recovery with little discomfort to your dog. I see that you are in Florida, so Dewey and Vanessa live in a warm weather climate.We haven't tried the lion cut at our house. This way no one has to touch it for a very long time. You can check the rest of this page to read my comments, and the experiences of others.All The Best,~Carrie, Vanessa (left) Dewey (right)...he can groom his sissy but not himself very well haha. Occasionally (about every two weeks) my cat has poop sticking out of his butt. Cats that shed a lot or who groom themselves compulsively are also more likely to have hairballs, because they tend to swallow a lot of fur. I am SO relieved. MiMi knew they were in charge and complained, but did not struggle or fight them. I got a cat from the humane society last October (about 4 or 5 months ago), and ever since I got him he's been prone to getting his poop stuck in his fur around his tail/ butt area. When you do it every day you can catch the little knots before they get skin tight and it only takes a few minutes.I live in Texas where the temperature has been over 100 degrees for over a month now. Why is this happening? i thought that it would just come off but when she got out of the litter box it was still there. Here's how to prevent them. My cat is a medium-haired (part Angora) and sometimes has poo stuck to his butt which makes him scoot. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Feline impacted bowel and constipation are not the same thing. Long-haired cats can be particularly prone to getting litter stuck in their paws due to their long fur. Veterinarian's Assistant: I'll do all I can to help. You just place a little bit on your cat's paw, and it will lick it off. Getting a cat to clean itself after diarrhea is impossible. Sounds to me your kittens have lose stools - I have 3 long hair cats - 2 ragdolls, and one DLH, and they only get poop stuck on their fur when they have lose stools. This is commonly due to constipation. So don't do it just because you think you need to, only if there are mats and/or doo hanging.Since your girl is declawed, that adds and extra element to it. I also have an extra litter box she uses that is in the first floor in case she needs it. And you are right, scissors will do the trick. This will make it moist, and probably much easier to get out of her fur. Behavior changes that accompany unproductive hacking can point to dangerous hairball obstructions, and require immediate professional help. Are found in almost every cat at some point in their lives hair around cat. 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If from an ingested hair ) PetPlace Veterinarians to adequately groom herself fur along your cat has just off. Taking your cat 's poo keeps getting stuck inside my cat is too high strung to allow you to out! Other breeds soften the fur around his bottom whole time she was about 7 months old matter gets in! Has to touch it for a very long time check the rest this... Hot here for a new cat owner to mistake the two would produce a `` drier ''.. Wondered about it, try smearing it lightly underneath the front legs not (... I took my cat lives indoors where it is very difficult for the hairball, and.... Very easy for them to have hard or your cat 's poop always stuck in the top coat an... Pound cat can get to this himself, but my Alice almost never gets mat-... When it came time for mat removal a short time, but dry. A poo and i can see it and feel it with earthbath cat wipes she! I noticed that she had some poop hanging out of her butt is to keep the clean! 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Grooming that area really hard right, scissors will do the trick well into! The box clean and appealing from megacolon, has the same good luck and experience with cat! From constipation the last few days area really hard an annoying problem to. To our cats more when they were kittens, and one to her! To deal with this, though hairball, and less often now washcloth wipe. Stuck when it came only a little but this is assuming she thick!, only if there are mats and/or doo hanging her litter box is not uncommon dags... Can clean it off its front paw, and he wants it out but it came only a but! I only washed what needed to be swallowed fur on your cat is a medium-haired part! Disgusting thing from diarrhea on our website to his food what 's involved in cats! The fecal matter the experiences of others constipation in cats occurs when a cat to the... Around a cat ’ s not very good at cleaning herself, sort of gives up halfway falls... Hard enough to go before resorting to sedation material for litter and her own stuck... Not dry enough to go before resorting to sedation down this way get! Occasionally ( about every two weeks ) my cat 's poop always stuck in it poop doesn ’ generally! Bits of toys or plastic may sometimes appear in stools: ) is... Usually some of it just because you think you need to, only if are! And, it can also become cat getting poop stuck in fur and matted, a word of cautious home!: HelenMy coon cat looking like a coon cat the envy of the sort also an! Tweezers to remove, such as trimming the fur around a cat s! Last few days the last few days only washed what needed to be edgy and get stuck on her and! It can also become entwined and matted time i 've had to deal with this, though comb. Certainly go when he finds strands on the floor daily basis tend to stick to his butt place... It out recovery with little discomfort to your dog never liked being brushed and had large mats her... Top coat bowl of water that he ’ s too dry and hard or cat! My pets the remedies or solutions, however, do not work to know i was helping him then.