There are different kinds of wax available; however, most recreational skiers should use either a warm temperature or universal wax. You can keep adjusting the angle slightly in order to round it off smoothly. The base will also absorb wax better with the proper structure. PROTECT SKI & SNOWBOARD EDGES To protect ski and snowboard metal and top edges, as well as car seats and the inside of ski/board travel bags from amage, buy 2 to 4 pieces of foam pipe insulation (for 1/2" pipes) at any hardware store. This includes the sharpening of your ski or snowboard edges. If you’re likely to be riding a variety of terrain, stop de-tuning at the wide points – keeping the effective edge sharp. That is, unless you want to detune your edges first… EDGE DETUNING Carefully assess your edges to make sure they are fairly sharp. Lightly slide your fingers down the edge to see if the metal is getting dull and worn down. You may also notice that you could use a good stone grind or that your bindings need some adjusting. If the edge feels blunt or burred, then it is time to tune your board. Even the best ski equipment requires consistent maintenance to ensure proper performance. Base and side edge bevels vary according to ski type and intended usage, with racers often preferring a nearly flat base bevel and 2 or 3 degrees of side edge bevel, and park riders often choosing up to a 3 degree base edge bevel with 2 or 3 degrees side. To make the most of your snowboard, you’ve got to detune (or dull) the edges over the tip and tail. Everyone here waxes their skis before each and every ski day and we tune our skis after 3-4 days of skiing on a pair of all-mountain/everyday skis. Lightly slide your fingers down the edge to see if the metal is getting dull and worn down. Do you need to tune a new snowboard? Service technicians will check the flatness of your bases with a true bar and make your bases flat with a stone grinder. Base edge bevel guides are more elaborate devices that hold a longer file at the desired angle off the base surface. Visit one of our stores where our professional ski and snowboard techs can tune, wax, mount or repair your trusty snow sliders. It is best to tune them regularly yourself or have a shop do it. When complete, the edges of your board should be clean, smooth and even. It’s also recommended that you wax your snowboard throughout the winter season even if you’re not doing base or edge repairs. SNOWBOARD EDGE DE-TUNING Nobody likes catching an edge on the slopes, especially when sliding a rail or transitioning from edge to edge. If you are the type of skier or snowboarder who tends to beat your skis up a lot more than the average rider, you might need a tune-up more often. Snowboard vices will also provide a stable place to hold the board perpendicular to the bench with designated slots in the vice, which makes tuning the side edges much easier. If you are an expert who regularly tackles tough terrain or the park and pipe, you will need to care for your ski gear more frequently compared to others who are sticking to resort slopes. If they feel “hooky” you can begin by dulling an inch or so past the contact point and trying them out again. Spread it generously and across the surface. Then use the Soft stone to fine-tune the edges. Many advanced snowboarders prefer some bevel and shape to their edges. Snowboards can usually be tuned by simply folding the highback forward. If you go the professional route, you will generally be given a couple of options. The high spots (or the areas around the low spots) have to be ground down either manually or by machine so that the running surface is flat. A basic tune-up will include a sand-grind to flatten and clean the base. With that said, regular edge sharpening and a good wax should suffice for the typical recreational skier or snowboarder, as long as you also add a big end-of-season tune-up to the mix. How do I know When My Gear Needs Wax or Tuning? Inspect the edges of your skis or snowboard looking for any rust, or burrs. File guides (both adjustable and fixed angle) are available for both base and side edges to ensure that your file stays at this angle as it cuts. Is the base bright and shiny or drying out? Tools needed to perform this work include a flat file, file guide(s) with appropriate steel or diamond files to accurately maintain base edge and side edge bevel, a gummy stone for smoothing and a file card or wire brush for keeping the files clean. How often you need to tune your skis or snowboards depends on the snow conditions and how you ski or ride. Some manufacturers do a fantastic job with the base structures on their final products, others not so much. During the summer, this wax will protect your edges from rust and the excess wax will be absorbed into your base over the summer giving it a more durable and longer lasting base. (If you’re really serious about your edges you can even adjust the angle of the base edge too, though this level of precision is usually the realm of racers). De-tuning affects the the turn shape, the less dulling, the truer the shape of the turn to the side cut. Fine tune the edges by using the gummy stone on the bottom edges of the board, and on the side. Carefully look over the underside of your skis or snowboard. Additionally, really sharp edges get burrs in them sooner that normal edges. Whether you’re a recreational skier or a skilled snowboarding expert, it’s important to make sure your skis or snowboard are in optimal condition. Ski and snowboard edges can also be sharpened and maintained by hand, and the skills can be learned by anyone with moderate coordination and desire to master them. In the event of damage to your base structure from sustained use, rocks, or heavy scraping, it’s possible to restructure it yourself, but you’ll need the right tools and some expertise. Bear in mind that edges should be regularly checked to keep turns efficient and easy. Is the base bright and shiny or drying out? If the edges are feeling grabby, use the Gummy Stones to fine tune the edges. Obviously the upturned part of the tip and tail that never contacts the snow can be dulled without affecting performance. Instead, they are beveled slightly away from the snow, usually between .5˚ and 1˚, to make the edge more forgiving and less likely to “hook.” The side edge is usually beveled correspondingly at around 89˚. Ski and snowboard edges normally have a 90˚ profile when they come from the factory, but they aren’t perfectly square to the base of the ski. This will protect your hands, clothing, car interiors, etc. Always finish up your tuning by waxing your snowboard. Carefully assess your edges to make sure they are fairly sharp. Hold it at a 90° angle and run it down the edges from tip to tail. Ski and snowboard edges normally have a 90˚ profile when they come from the factory, but they aren’t perfectly square to the base of the ski. Do you notice more and more snow sticking to the bottom? The Wintersteiger stone grinder - don't try this at home! 10 It is best to use your edge tool here to ensure even cuts. Gummy stones come in varying degrees of hardness and remove small burrs without taking off too much of the sharpened edge. In a pinch you can perform this work on a table with a couple of 4x4s under the ends of your skis or board (make sure you have a wall to keep them from sliding) or propped up diagonally against a table or counter, but it makes the work more difficult. They will also sharpen the edges, de-tune the tale and tip, and apply a hot wax treatment. Run a rag over the edges, clean up your mess, and start waxing! It’s likely that your edge sharpener has several angle options. Instead, they are beveled slightly away from the snow, usually between.5˚ and 1˚, to make the edge more forgiving and less likely to “hook.” If your edges are dull they won't bite in when you make turns. If you want to keep your skis or snowboard performing like they’re designed to, it’s important to tune them regularly. Do you see any gashes of scratches? Edges damaged by impact are harder than normal; a coarse or medium diamond stone is usually the best bet for smoothing these out. Edges can be a catch 22, If you over tune your edges they will get thinner and thinner to the point where they become very delicate, on the flipside however, the more out of hand you let them get the more aggressive your tech will have to get when he tunes them. They will tune new snowboards before skiing them to get their preferred edge profile. Finish off using your gummy stone again, to add polish and luster to the metal. 89, 88 and 87 degrees are progressively more advanced. Many experienced tuners use coarse steel files only for shaping the edge profile, and maintain the sharpness of their edges with a series of diamond files, starting with coarser and moving on to finer. Next, apply … If you look carefully at a quality ski or snowboard base, you’ll notice that it’s not smooth but actually has a pattern of grooves and/or tiny dimples in it. These are all good signs that you could use a wax. Retract the ski brakes before you start and use a thick rubber band stretched between the brake arms and over the heel piece to keep them out of the way. Sure, you … The more acute angles will give you more bite, which is handy on hard-pack and is often used for racing. Since this is difficult and time consuming to do accurately by hand, we suggest taking your skis or board to a qualified shop if you suspect you need this sort of work done. Diamond files (or stones) are blocks of plastic with industrial diamond cutting surfaces attached – they are available in various grades of coarseness. These are all good signs that you could use a wax. PROTECTING EDGES. A proper detuning is in order anytime you unsheath a new board. When these edges get damaged, it can seriously affect your riding. Fit these over your steel edges, as well as around tips and tails. It’s often done when the board or skis first come from the factory. Next, examine the edges … There are different kinds of wax available; however, most recreational skiers should use either a warm temperature or universal wax. Our goal is to provide you with great information to make both your purchase and up-keep easy. A tune in the spring is best because after your equipment is tuned, a coating of wax is applied to your base. Photo by J Gowell Get Your Supplies There’s no point in having edges on your nose and tail when you never use them for anything, so get rid of them. This prevents your snowboard from being too hooky in turns and your catching edges. © 2001-2021 evo - All rights reserved, all wrongs reversed  |, Clockwise From Left: Coarse nylon brush, gummi stone, steel scraper, plastic scraper, file guide with clip and 4” panzer file (diamond stones below), 10” flat file, brass brush for cleaning files, fine horsehair brush, medium nylon brush. If you choose to use a steel file for edge maintenance, file tip to tail and be sure to apply light pressure only in the correct direction – files are directional and only cut one way. If you have burrs in your edges from hitting rocks or other objects, you may have trouble removing them with a regular file. The key thing to know about edges is that every process your tech has for sharpening edges takes some degree of life away from them. This “structure” helps break the suction between your base and the snow and lets you slide faster. How far do you detune? evo also likes to travel to remote places across the globe in search of world-class powder turns, epic waves, or legendary mountain biking locations through evoTrip Adventure Travel Trips. When maintaining your edges yourself, you’ll need a file guide to preserve the bevel of your edges. Skis and snowboards normally come from the factory with a finished tune that includes a flat base and smooth, sharp edges. Take it gradually – you can always detune more, but it’s harder to sharpen an already detuned edge. Visit American Ski Exchange for all your ski equipment needs. If your skis are dry (no wax) they won't slide as easily, which means you'll go slower and have more trou… They can help you find the right setup to fit your needs. This instruct-able is going to show you how to tune your edges, hot wax, and finish to get you back on track and riding how your board is suppose to feel. Detuning by holding the file at a 45 degree angle to the edge. July 28, 2008 By Nick Hamilton How To Snowboard: Detune Your board. The idea is to blunt the edge, so focus on the corner and keep filing back and forth until it is slightly beveled. Start with the Rough stone first. Over time, you may notice the profile of your board or skis start to change, causing different sections of the equipment to make contact with the snow on turns. In general, it’s good to tune your skis after about every 20 days of riding. Finish By Applying Rub-On Wax. After filing, edges are normally smoothed and de-burred by making several passes over them with a gummy stone. 89° - This angle means only slight relief-grinding of the edge and is suitable for kids and newbies to skiing. That said, if you only have your equipment professionally serviced once every year, schedule your tune-up right before you place your equipment in storage. You should also sharpen your snowboard if it looks dull as this may mean the wax coating has worn off, and it … Likewise, if you ski or ride icy or hard-pack conditions, you will need more frequent tune-ups compared to those who regularly glide on pristine, powdery snow. Please give our customer care team a call at 866-386-1590, Customer Care Hours. You should also be sure to store your equipment in a dry, dark place that has a consistent temperature to minimize the risk of rust. It’s important to remember that you can wax as often as you’d like; some racers and expert skiers. For more than 30 years, American Ski Exchange has been Vail’s most popular resource for individuals and families in need of top-quality ski rentals. If your skis or board have bases that are not flat – that is, there are high spots or significant concavities in the running surface – they won’t perform like they’re designed to. Simply put, wax helps your snowboard ride better and faster over snow. Use a fine razor knife or mill file to remove nicks and plastic burrs there. Alternate between the bottom and side edges until you are happy with the feel. With that said, many skiers and snowboarders prefer to avoid the cost of maintaining their equipment by renting their gear from American Ski Exchange, which offers the best-priced, highest-performing ski and snowboard equipment in all of Vail Village. The length of the metal edge of the snowboard from the widest point on the nose to the widest point on the tail, that makes contact with the snow; So, basically the length of the edges of a snowboard that are in contact with the snow, when you are … First, look at the bases for scrapes. You may also have the option of paying extra for a stone-grind to help add structure to the base. Snowboard vises normally hold the board upright or at a slight angle (and width hasn’t changed much over the years) so compatibility isn’t a problem. Take a fine file and scribe up and down the edge to take away the sharpness to stop you catching an edge when turning, or when performing 180 or 360 jumps and landing slightly on an edge. Simply apply a snowboard wax universally to the base of your snowboard. End-of-season tune-ups will help prevent your equipment from rusting during the summer, and the wax will have lots of time to seep into the base. Base structure is also important. Step 2: Tune Edges to Prevent Rust. Competitive snowsport athletes often experiment with different base structures for different conditions, but most recreational skiers and snowboarders should be fine with what comes from the factory. 2. Look at your edges. You can remove rust easily with a gummy stone, file, fine sandpaper, or a base grind. Do you see any gashes of scratches? Only detune the nose and tail section of your snowboard and keep the edges between the nose and tail for carving and turning. Whether you go to a professional or do it yourself, there is always some tuning you can easily perform at home with the right tools. How do you know if you need to tune your skis? As with diamond files, it’s best to use a file guide to maintain your preferred edge bevels. But ya, if its got burs on it then tune it, if you feel like your sliding out on hardpack and you don't like it, sharpen up. There are many ways to tune up a snowboard, from the typical hot waxing, tuning edges, and even repairing chips if you've really done some damage. Filed Under: Ski Equipment Rentals Tagged With: ski equipment maintenance, ski tune up, snowboard tune up, tune up, Carefully look over the underside of your skis or snowboard. Having sharp edges, a flat base, and a good wax job can make all the difference between an epic and terrible day. This is evo. When your bases are flat and structured, and your edges sharp, smooth and correctly beveled, it’s time for the next step – wax. Freeriders and all mountain skiers usually like something in between, typically 1 and 1. A low cost alternative to using a base edge guide is to wrap one end of the file with fiberglass strapping tape - three wraps is the approximate equivalent of a 1° base bevel with a 100 mm waisted ski. A wet board that isn’t dried off properly, leads to rusted edges, which decreases the performance of the snowboard and corrosion to the metal edge. Bear in mind that edges should be regularly checked to keep turns efficient and easy. 88° - This angle is suitable most for advanced skiers, because you will need less effort to ski on the side edge. Another benefit of an end-of-season tune-up is that your gear will be ready to go at the beginning of next season. Depending on how often you go to the mountain, you may only need to get your skis or snowboard tuned once per year; if you ride a lot you may need work done weekly. Skis & Snowboards - How to Store for the Summer. In general, it’s good to tune your skis after about every 20 days of riding. Snowboards are sharpened at the factory as part of the assembly process. To determine if your skis or snowboard might be in need of some service, consider the following: Assess your base. If your bases and edges are generally in good shape, a medium diamond file (200 or 400 grit) and file guide will allow you to maintain your skis or snowboard over the course of the season with an annual visit to your shop for a stone grind. You might be asking, “Why do snowboard companies put edges … In addition to the latest ski and snowboarding gear, our family-owned-and-operated ski shop offers discounts and delivery services to help you get the most from your ski trip in Vail. Step 3: Clean Your Ski or Snowboard Base. We are a ski, snowboard, wake, skate, bike, surf, camp and clothing online retailer with physical stores in Seattle, Portland, Denver, Salt Lake City, and Whistler. It’s important to remember that you can wax as often as you’d like; some racers and expert skiers wax their skis and snowboards every day. Do you notice more and more snow sticking to the bottom? Over time, you may notice the profile of your board or skis start to change, causing different sections of the equipment to make contact with the snow on turns. From the tip, how far you detune behind the contact point is a matter of personal preference, and you should ride the skis or board first before making a decision. Without them, you wouldn’t have much control. You may choose to do some or all of your tuning at home, or you may want to bring your gear to a professional ski shop like evo Seattle, evo Portland, or evo Denver where they have skilled technicians and machines that can do a perfect job. Again, however, this varies for every user. Let the wax dry for a few minutes. Both types of guide can be adjustable. Next, examine the edges for rust and small burrs. I only sharpen to de-bur, not a fan of sharp edges but then again, I'm a buttery pressing 180ing junky and I really hate when by edge hooks up. function GTranslateFireEvent(element,event){try{if(document.createEventObject){var evt=document.createEventObject();element.fireEvent('on'+event,evt)}else{var evt=document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');evt.initEvent(event,true,true);element.dispatchEvent(evt)}}catch(e){}}function doGTranslate(lang_pair){if(lang_pair.value)lang_pair=lang_pair.value;if(lang_pair=='')return;var lang=lang_pair.split('|')[1];var teCombo;var sel=document.getElementsByTagName('select');for(var i=0;i