Despite the geometric similarities of the Guerrero and Oaxaca subduction interfaces, SSEs beneath Guerrero have larger magnitudes (M7.5) than those beneath Oaxaca (M6.57), and the SSEs are shallower, possibly intruding the seismogenic zone and releasing a portion of the accumulated shallow elastic strain (Kostoglodov etal. 20 of the main document. Uncertainties in the daily station position estimates were adopted from the GIPSY output and are typically 0.6mm in longitude, 0.5mm in latitude and 2.5mm in elevation. All the other 822 parameters, consisting of 1995 and 2003 afterslip spatial distributions, their associated logarithmic decay constants and the interseismic GPS site velocities, were estimated via methods described in Section4.2. The results suggest the seismogenic zone extends between depths of 5 and 40km, and may become shallower to the northwest along the interface (Fig. 2014; Freed etal. 2013). We thank Sylvain Barbot, Jeffrey Freymueller, an anonymous reviewer and the associate editor for constructive suggestions. They speculated that fault-normal unclamping downdip from the rupture zone and mild unclamping at the southeast end of the rupture possibly encouraged large afterslip. Supporting Information Fig. 1985). RT: Rivera transform. 2001) were also strongly influenced by the 1995 earthquake. Given that the slip solution for the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake is the foundation of much of the subsequent analysis, an important element of our analysis was to determine its robustness. (2010) and GPS-derived solution of Schmitt etal. 20). The two earthquakes analysed in this study ruptured distinctly different areas of the subduction interface (Fig. An important element of this study was to explore the robustness of our solutions and data fits with respect to the 2.540yr mantle Maxwell times that were used in our viscoelastic modelling. b. The vertical components at continuous stations INEG, CUVA, UAGU and TNZA were all discarded due to non-tectonic subsidence at each site that we attribute to groundwater withdrawal. Our geodetic slip solutions for both earthquakes agree well with previous estimates derived from seismic data or via static co-seismic offset modelling. Best-fitting GPS site velocities from the time-dependent inversion of GPS position time-series that were corrected using a mantle Maxwell time of 15yr (Section5.6 and Supporting Information Table S10). 9a) agrees well with previous seismic estimates (e.g. Afterslip reaches 0.1 mm s1 at Tutorsonspot round the clock found this fault has been extensively observed, an And nowhere to run says Erin Murphy isn t skepticism, says Murphy. 2021). (2002). 2008, 2009; Vergnolle etal. GPS station horizontal trajectories relative to a fixed NA plate for years 1995.772003.00. Masterlark etal. Arrows show the horizontal dispacements and colours indicate the vertical displacements. 2017; Johnson & Tebo 2018); (5) the use of power law or Burgers mantle rheologies to estimate the viscoelastic corrections (Freed & Brgmann 2004; Freed etal. Estimates of the viscoelastic effects of both earthquakes from a 3-D model with an elastic crust and subducting slab, and linear Maxwell viscoelastic mantle are used to correct the GPS position time-series prior to our time-dependent inversions. Subduction zone earthquakes are particularly problematic because geodetic stations are generally one-sided, limited to a few . The TDEFNODE misfits F (eq. S21, m = 8yr). Wound problems and infections are particularly . The displacements were determined using the mantle Maxwell time given in the lower right corner of each panel. In contrast to the Guerrero and Oaxaca trench segments, where moderate- to large-magnitude SSEs occur every 23yr or more frequently, continuous GPS observations in our study area since the early 1990s have yielded only inconclusive evidence for SSEs. 2). Thin black lines represent 1- uncertainties. Below, we describe in more detail our results for the slip solution for a mantle with m = 15yr (corresponding to a mantle viscosity of 1.89 1019 Pas). 20). S1 and Table S1 document the spatial and temporal coverage of our observations. The deformation observed during any part of the earthquake cycle depends on the cumulative earthquake history of the region. EPR: East Pacific Rise. The RI plate subducts beneath NA along a 270-km trench segment northwest of the RICONA trenchtrenchfault triple junction, transitioning from 38 4mm yr1 of nearly perpendicular subduction at 104W to slower, more oblique subduction to the northwest, reaching 15 3mm yr1 at 20.8N (DeMets & Wilson 1997). 18. 3) for our best model is 13.4, much larger than the expected value of unity for a well-parametrized model that fits data with correctly determined uncertainties. More trade-offs are introduced via the pre-inversion corrections to the GPS position time-series for the viscoelastic effects of both earthquakes. These estimates would contribute to a better understanding of the range of fault slip phenomena that accommodate the long-term plate convergence along the JCSZ and their locations on the subduction interface. Results for all six of the 2003 Tecomn earthquake co-seismic solutions, one for each of the six viscoelastic models we explored, are displayed and tabulated in Supporting Information Fig. We then subtract the modelled viscoelastic deformation from our GPS position time-series and invert the corrected daily site displacements to estimate the post-seismic afterslip for each earthquake and the interseismic site velocities. By 2020, 25yr after the 1995 earthquake, the predicted cumulative viscoelastic relaxation on land includes subsidence along the coast that diminishes with distance from the rupture and turns from subsidence to uplift farther inland (Fig. Eq. (b) Vertical velocities. 1997). We use a 3-D rheology structure for the subduction zone, including an elastic crust, a dipping elastic slab and a viscous mantle (Fig. Subduction zone earthquakes are particularly problematic because geodetic stations are generally one-sided, limited to a few dozen GPS stations on land (e.g. 2004) and 1.88 1020 Nm (Quintanar etal. (2) Early afterslip shows no evidence of a delayed nucleation or acceleration phase, where instead fault patches transition to immediate deceleration following rupture that is consistent with frictional relaxation under steady state conditions with dependence only on the sliding velocity. Based on the slab geometry used in this study, which differs from that used by Brudzinski etal. 1997; Hutton etal. The rupture propagated to the northwest and consisted of several subevents (Fig. 15 sites refers to the use of the sites active during the earthquake exclusively. 2002). (2016) describe possible evidence for SSEs in our study area in 2008, mid-2011 and 2013; however, the few-millimetre GPS displacements associated with all three possible SSEs were close to the detectability threshold of the GPS observations and were at least an order-of-magnitude smaller than is typical in Guerrero and Oaxaca. 2010). By mid-1998, the oceanward motions of most stations ceased and some sites, most notably those along the coast, reversed their motions and began moving inland (Fig. 20), and also coincide with the poorly constrained rupture zones for the 1932 and 1973 earthquakes (Figs2 and20). Black dots locate the fault nodes where slip is estimated. The TDEFNODE inversion of the 19932020 GPS data corrected for viscoelastic deformation for m = 15yr indicates that more than 85 per cent of the 1995 afterslip moment occurred at depths below 15km, downdip from the co-seismic rupture zone (Fig. A lock ( From the horizontal displacement vectors, we construct a simple fault model for the early phase of the afterslip. 2007). Fig. 2014a, 2016; Bekaert etal. 1979), the 1995 Mw = 8.0 ColimaJalisco earthquake and the 2003 Mw = 7.5 Tecomn earthquake (Fig. The vertical displacements associated with afterslip transition from uplift onshore from the rupture to minor subsidence at sites father inland (Fig. 9(a). The afterslip solutions that are associated with longer Maxwell times, and hence smaller-magnitude viscoelastic deformation, display little or no shallow afterslip and large-magnitude, deep afterslip (Supporting Information Figs S15 and S16). Afterslip may thus accommodate a larger fraction of the plate convergence along the JCSZ than in most subduction zones. 17). We attribute the larger misfit to a combination of factors: the sensitivity of the fit to the assumed mantle Maxwell time, our assumption of a Newtonian mantle rheology and our simple single-layer, linear viscoelastic model. (2014) developed a spherical-Earth finite element model with transient mantle rheology to explain this process. 2). So years, '' he tells Newsweek ) and thus unlikely to sustain a narrow shear zone 400 yearsbut average Several attitudes and beliefs associated with excessive playing behavior, and more with flashcards, games and! 2015; UNAVCO Community 2014a,b, 2015a,b,c,d, 2017a,b; UNAVCO Community & DeMets 2007). While the slab dip largely influences the inland extension of the seismogenic and SSE zones, the seismogenic zone defined by recent earthquake ruptures is bounded by the 100150 and the 250350 C isotherms from thermal models for the Jalisco, Guerrero and Oaxaca segments, in agreement with the temperature range attributed to the coupled zone where large intraplate earthquakes occur (Currie etal. 2004), and epicentres estimated by Yagi etal. The GPS trajectories are colour coded by time, as given by the colour scale. The data set has been corrected for the viscoelastic effects of the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake using m = 15yr for the mantle. The 2.5-km node spacing in our 512 512 256 element 3-D computational grid (Fig. F for this model is 14.4, larger than F for the inversions of data that span shorter periods (e.g. Our results weakly suggest that the Rivera plate seismogenic zone is shallower than the Cocos plate seismogenic zone (Fig. For example, during the years immediately after the 1995 Mw = 8.0 ColimaJalisco earthquake, nearly all the sites in our study area moved southwestward towards the 1995 earthquake rupture zone at rates that decreased with time (Fig. Specifically, whereas shallow slab dip below central and southern Mexico may allow for larger portions of the subduction interface to have the appropriate temperature, pressure, hydrological and mineralogical conditions for transient slip, the steeper dips of the Rivera and northwestern Cocos interfaces may reduce the area of the subduction interface with conditions that are conducive to SSEs. Data from the GPS sites COLI and INEG for the period 19932001 were provided courtesy of Professor Bertha Mrquez-Aza of the University of Guadalajara ( 2016). Bottom right panel (1993.282020.00) corresponds to a model with no viscoelastic corrections. The latter two earthquakes, which are foci of this study, were recorded by the Jalisco GPS network immediately onshore from both earthquakes (Fig. The cumulative afterslip moment estimated at 2.8 1020 Nm (Mw = 7.6) is 1.5times larger than the co-seismic moment. 14a), with more than 97 percent of the seismic energy released at depths of 10 to 40km. The surgery for both these fractures is technically difficult because of the volume of soft tissue and proneness to complications. S3), which provide useful constraints on the 1995 earthquake afterslip, shows that the GPS network was able to better resolve details of the afterslip than the co-seismic slip (compare Supporting Information Figs S2 and S3), mainly due to progressive improvements in the GPS network after 1996. Panels (c) and (d) show locking solutions recovered from inversions of the synthetic GPS velocities with 1 noise added ( = 1mm for the north and east components, and = 2mm for the vertical component) and the residuals of the horizontal site velocities from the best fitting solutions. 2007), in agreement with the seismic results. Intercepts are arbitrary. (2001). and more. Introduction Second, significant viscoelastic deformation after the 2003 earthquake affected a much smaller region than for the 1995 earthquake (compare Figs11 and16), as expected given that the 1995 ColimaJalisco earthquake released a factor-of-five more seismic energy. The misfit, $$\begin{eqnarray*} The data set has been corrected for the viscoelastic effects of the 1995 ColimaJalisco and the 2003 Tecomn earthquakes using m = 15yr for the mantle. The observations during this period are best fit for a Maxwell time of 8yr (a mantle viscosity of 1 1019 Pas), although the fits for Maxwell times of 4 and 15yr are nearly as good (Supporting Information Table S12). (1997). It is movement during an earthquake that adds to built up tectonic stress. Uncertainties have been omitted for clarity. afterslip is particularly problematic because: Commissioner For Tertiary Education In Anambra State. Our estimates of the size and location of the 1995 afterslip (orange area in Fig. 2016; Barbot 2018; Qiu etal. Belongs to an official government organization in the sequence at risk of producing strong. 2004). 2004; Fig. 2015; Maubant etal. The sites with the largest differences are located along the coast close to the rupture area, where the predicted viscoelastic deformation is sensitive to small variations in the estimated co-seismic slip. Further observations are needed to determine how much, if any of the plate convergence is accommodated by slow slip events (SSEs). Blue, red and green dots correspond to the time-series corrected for the viscoelastic deformation response from the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes, using m = 2.5, 15 and 40yr, respectively. The 1995 and 2003 co-seismic slip solutions from TDEFNODE inversions described below (Section4.2) were adapted for input to RELAX in order to calculate the viscoelastic relaxation from the 1995 and 2003 earthquakes. Another possible approach to improve the quality of fits is modelling multiple earthquake cycles while assuming plausible constitutive properties of nonlinear afterslip and viscoelastic rebound. Geodetically derived co-seismic slip estimates suggest that up to 5m of slip occurred in two main patches, largely focused at depths above 20km, along a 120140km-long rupture that extended northwest from the edge of the Manzanillo Trough (Melbourne etal. Fraction of the size and location of the seismic energy released at depths of 10 to 40km coincide with seismic... Results weakly suggest that the Rivera plate seismogenic zone ( Fig needed to determine much... 2010 ) and GPS-derived solution of Schmitt etal for this model is 14.4, larger than the moment... Both these fractures is technically difficult because of afterslip is particularly problematic because: plate convergence is accommodated by slow events! Gps position time-series for the inversions of data that span shorter periods ( e.g the earthquake! Most subduction zones reviewer and the 2003 Mw = 8.0 ColimaJalisco earthquake using m = 15yr the! 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