In April of 2015, another Razzle player stated that he lost $2,500 at a shopping-mall carnival in Tallahassee. Basically, sedentary people dont like transient people. Nixs former lawyer Pete Halat, who later became mayor of Biloxi, blamed the missing money on his former law firm partner Vincent Sherry, who was then a judge of the Second Mississippi District Circuit Court. No state requires background checks, said Bob Johnson of the Florida-based Outdoor Amusement Business Association, a national trade group. In 2014, a Razzle victim wrote to me about being fleeced for $7,000 at a festival in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Rather the way they interact with the public is a large part of what makes them different. This mirror serves the rich and powerful while it shapes a negative and distorted view of the poor minority. Drupal theme by, Carnival racketeering is endemic throughout the United State and has been for years. From 1995 to 2002, Gregory and his wife, Vonna Jo Gregory, contributed heavily to politicians in national elections. Festival carnivals are usually sponsored by charitable service organizations such as Kiwanis, Jaycees, Shriners, or neighborhood churches, which lend legitimacy to the for-profit midway games. Willie Lovett was the longtime chief of police of the Savannah Chatham, Georgia, Metro Police Department. Meanwhile, the Dixie Mafia received hundreds of thousands of dollars during this time. They dont have ties in the community. In reach of the big payoff at 95 yards but broke, the mark is encouraged by the slick talking flatty to go to the automatic teller machine (ATM) and return with more money stating: You need just a few more yards to win a thousand dollars for each hundred you invested. As part of a self-serving marketing ploy, some carnival owners publicize their plans to make donations to local charities, in an attempt to present themselves as compassionate people in order to gain respect and support of citizens they plan to flimflam. From his prison cell in the Louisiana State Penitentiary, Nix created a lonely hearts scam that targeted innocent gay men. Im not sure what other highly-transient, blue collar labor force[s] youre alluding to, but I disagree that carnies only seem different from such groups because of where and how they interact with the public. Prior to that episode, Frank was arrested, convicted and fined in Waterford, Michigan (1974), for running an illegal carnival game. He was an alcoholic. He placed ads in gay publications posing as a young stud named Eddie Johnson to attract correspondence from unsuspecting readers. As reported in the Savannah Morning News, the government contended Lovett and Randall Roach (Magic Midway carnival owner) schemed from 2004 until September 27, 2013, when Lovett retired. In my early years as a police officer of the Dearborn Police Department and working the information desk, a man named Steve Nowosielski walked in to complain that carnival employees were stealing from the patrons with Razzle at the city carnival only 100 yards from the police station. Police officers patrolling midways are evidently being paid in whole or in part with carnival money in the form of contracts from the carnival company or carnival sponsor. A loud bell should sound when it is known that itinerant serial criminals are targeting members of the U.S. military and children with impunity. Get up to work twelve hour days for the next two weeks or so, then work a twelve hour day, take down your ride, show, what have you and drive it to the next spot, without sleep, usually a few hundred miles away. They live on the road throughout the summerand fall, setting up and tearing down rides, or hosting games to bilk people out of their money (unless you know the secrets to beating their tricks). Rides at America's carnivals are operated by seasonal, migrant workers who can work long, Along with other costs, in most cases, a contracted carnival owner pays the contract fee, (around $1million), in advance of a long-running state fair. Bill Colgin/Getty ImagesThe Dixie Mafias territory stretched all over the South, from Georgia to Oklahoma. According to law enforcement sources, the outdoor amusement industry is at least a $10 billion-per-year business in North America, mostly a cash-based trade. The two Razzle games, managed by an up and coming Frank Zaitshik, were shut down. WebEmployees felt differently about being labeled a carnie, a name colloquially used to describe carnival workers. Some believed the word to be derogatory. Unbeknownst to authorities, Dixie Mafia leader Kirksey McCord Nix Jr. was orchestrating an elaborate extortion scheme from behind bars. We only do a handful of large events each season, generally for a month at a time. Natasha Ishak is a staff writer at All That's Interesting. All players lay a bet down on a color and only one of the players throws a rubbery ball in a bin of 96 colored holes. I've traveled and worked on four or fiveshows of various sizes, mainly in the Midwest and Northeast. Kirksey McCord Nix Jr., one of the lead figures of the Dixie Mafia, was suspected to be one of the men behind the hit. The carnival marketing target demographic currently ischildren, thereby creating a predictable and dependable source of income, as opposed to the time-tested art of cleaning out the occasional high-dollar Razzle-type mark by which there is always the chance of generating trouble via player beefs. The festival officials did not like my presence (which is normal), so they called police about me. Rossen Reports: Are carnival games cheating you-and your kids?" he government contended Lovett and Randall Roach (Magic Midway carnival owner) schemed from 2004 until September 27, 2013, when Lovett retired. New York TimesA New York Times article on Kirksey McCord Nix Jr.s conviction for the murder of a Mississippi judge and his wife. There was no chance they would win at some of the games, said Keteyian. Heres my take on it - it isnt that theyre any different than anyone else in a highly-transient, blue collar labor force, its just that theyre the only ones in such a position who come into contact with average families and kids in a situation where theyre ostensibly supposed to be having fun and the environment is supposed to be happy and jolly. The last two victims also withdrew money from the ATM. The various suspect games on NAMEs midway, vividly depicted in Biloxi and Indianapolis, are featured in Jeff Rossens and Sandra Thomass 2012 expos. Police officials in Wayne County and the City of Dearborn have been allowing known rigged games at their carnivals for the last decade while patrons were under the impression they were being protected by cops seen patrolling the midway. Olivia Bray, mother of three, understands this as well as the limbs attached to her body. Heres my take on it - it isnt that theyre any different than anyone else in a highly-transient, blue collar labor force, its just that theyre the only ones in such a position who come into contact with average families and kids in a situation where theyre ostensibly supposed to be having fun and the environment is supposed to be happy and jolly. He has since risen to the pinnacle of the carnival world with his rigged games, his cash, his protectors, and his friends in high places. Gregorys little moon-walk act looks good on the six-o-clock news; however, everyone in the industry knows that carnival owners and managers are never in the dark about the corrupt features of every dirty game on their midways. Carnivals have close ties to not only organized crime but to local law enforcement. Sponsors, and especially church festival committees, likely make the mistake of trusting carny-managers under the ill-judged impression that they (sponsors) share game profits. A new lawyer has taken the helm of the legal department at Carnival Corp., but the cruise lines longtime general counsel isnt abandoning ship just yet. Lists about the strange, fascinating, and horrifying history of circuses and carnivals in America and around the world. The numbers of arrests and convictions found in the background checks do not surprise Burbank Police Chief Bruce Radowicz. Migrant workers in the fairs and carnivals often assemble rides with no safety training and equipment. The life is really like a frat house on wheels:rampant [use of illicit substances]abounds. Carnival racketeering is endemic throughout the United State and has been for years. One of the top leaders of the Dixie Mafia, Kirksey McCord Nix Jr., had been caught running a scam from prison and even ordering a mob hit from behind bars. Hey! By the 1980s, many top members of the Dixie Mafia had found themselves in prison. Thats exactly what I did. The midsummer small spots were nice because the hours were short, but the end of the season and the state fairs are where the big money's at. With a greater number of gambling and crooked games, the carnival owner will increase his undivided claim to the unshared game loot. With the likelihood that carnival business books are being cooked, the Internal Revenue Services expertise would be invaluable in uncovering money trails. The fair is an extension of her; it is her identity and passion. For other uses, see. Tubs of Fun, known as a bucket games, consist of plastic tubs which replace the old bushel baskets, where the agent is able to execute an unnoticeable stealthy trick only when demonstrating how easy it is to win.. If you were one of the players lucky enough to have your money on that color at 32-to-1 odds against, you would win a stuffed animal. WebBusiness Insider asked current and former cruise-ship workers what they wish they could tell passengers but can't. All states will allow honest games of chance at not-for-profit fundraisers, such as raffles or millionaire parties for charitable organizations and churches. But at the other five carnivals, nine workers had warrants and several other employees gave fake names to authorities or fled the festival grounds. Griffin is one of at least three traveling carnival workers who have been arrested in Bucks County since 2013 with criminal records one of them for crimes He said you could make enough money each summer to last the year, and a lot of his old carnie friends travel all over the world when they aren't working fairs. Their goal was to cover all aspects of true crime: Read More, Contents Copyright 1998-2020 by Crime Magazine | J. Patrick O'Connor Editor | E-mail, Designed by Orman. To view the full story in Dearborn Patch, search the Net for St Anselms festival carnival contained scammers victimizing children at the games.. Huston, vice president of Operations at Pugh Shows at the time, was present when Argo was arrested. I remember he went about two or three years (jobless) chasing down an injury lawsuit when he got hurt on a job. Our excitement over cotton candy and carnival rides easily matches that of our kids. "I hope we get through this without somebody being killed or getting raped," said Rep. Bill Black (R-Danville), who also has sponsored a failed bill. Very long hours - up to 20 a day for five to sevendays straight. There was no chance they would win at some of the games, said Keteyian. After a fruitful investigation, Thomas phoned to say that many of the games appeared to be rigged, based on results. By the 1980s, the blurred lines between government officials and Dixie Mafia members had become so extreme that federal authorities designated the entire Harrison County Sheriffs Office in Mississippi as a criminal enterprise. For a carnival owner or manager to deny responsibility is like saying I didnt run you over, my car did! When it comes to interviews, carnival owners and managers will act outraged while feigning ignorance about the rigged game and its perpetrator. While the Dixie Mafia had no formal ties to La Cosa Nostra, they did have an understanding with a notorious Italian-American Mafia mob boss named Carlos Marcello. Here, lets see if my charm works on you, Back on topic, I never did carnivals, but I have worked a freak show / side show. The British form of fairground cant is called "polari". Good ol Uncle Cecil. Richardson, aware of the so-called games for two years, not only failed to command appropriate investigative action, he also failed to properly document the complaints in the county police files This way, a nosy reporter, going through police files, will not encounter any crime complaints to write about. There seems to be this very strong stereotype of carnival workers as being shady, creepy, untrustworthy, scary, or somehow deviant in some other way. He agrees with legislators pushing a law requiring background checks but wants to make sure the carnival industry has input, specifically regarding who will pay for the checks. I quickly learned that the carnival in question donated $1,000 to the police department and some officers didnt want to upset the carnival workers and chance losing that gift. All 12 rims on the North American Midway Entertainment (NAME) carnival midway measured 10.5-by-17 inches on elliptical axes. Carnival midways are the only venues in the United States where local police departments allow carnival lots to be free crime zones for illegal gambling, larceny, and fraud. It is quite common for illegal carnival operators to pay off police and public officials in order to operate, says Riedthaler in the Corruption of Officials section of his police training seminar called Carnival Games Gambling and Frauds.. I think the reputation of carnies goes back much, much further to the suspicion and hatred of people like the Gypsies and extending today to our dislike of fucking hippies. He died broke shortly thereafter. Playing ignorant to his many crooked games including Razzle, Gregory, with feigned dismay and with an award-winning performance on camera, stated his intent to fire his swindlers. Most carnival game agents, these days, would rather design and display attractive child-luring games that would serve to mark thousands of young teens for their allowance or grass-cutting money. There are no exemptions for carnival zones. WebAnswer (1 of 2): Ahh.. ciazarn. For the youthful victim, rebound energy forced her ball out of the empty tub each time because the angle of the tub is always set up to cause failure in this scam. Even today, this is still pretty prevalent on the smaller shows. I worked the Minnesota State Fair in St. Paul last year and was averaging over $30 per hour - cash, no taxes - which was phenomenal. This add-up-the-score ruse, which comes in many captivating forms, involves a brilliant system of cheating, accompanied by vague, complicated rules. In my research spanning the last 17 years, I estimate that about 75 percent of carnival games on todays traveling midways are gambling, frauds, or a combination of both; up from law enforcements earlier estimate of 50 percent. By maintaining two sets of books, the carnival can cheat the charity out of a large amount of revenue for their purposes.. No rigged games, daily ride inspections, and regular and random drug testing andbackground checksgo a long way towardcleaning up the carnie image. Carnival midways are the only venues in the United States where local "We did find a large number of them had criminal records," said sheriff's office spokesman Bill Cunningham. The Outdoor Amusement Business Association advocates for carnival companies to conduct background checks and wants to work with legislators to draft a law that can be fair to companies, Johnson said. . In the carnival business, the slang synonymous with rig or trick is gaff; i.e., The game is gaffed. Most operators of gaffed games combine gambling with the gaff in order to pinch as much money as possible from the unwitting customer. Go to work at 6 am;go to bed at 2 am the next day. There were hundreds of victims. As for my petty crime, I smoked a lot of pot. But the carnival I work forhas spent a long time building their image up to try to distance themselves from the stigma. There must be collaboration among governmental agencies regarding the identification, tracking, and documenting of these interstate businessmen along with recognizing the moral and social ills associated with the intentions of most to take criminal financial advantage of children. So, I singled out a known scam artist operating one of the basketball games, Kenneth David Argo, a 12-year game agent for Huston. In late 1991 and 1992, the grisly murder of Ault - involving carnival workers and satanism - dominated Indiana and Ohio headlines for months. I paid Argo $9 and missed all five shots. If legislation is passed to require companies to foot the bill for background checks, it might force them to pass costs on to already cash-strapped county fairs, said Tom Ostermeier, president of the Illinois Association of Agricultural Fairs. Barton County District Judge Mike Keeley on Friday also sentenced Christine Tenney, 40, of La Marque, Texas, Pop two balloons and get your pick of any prize! The assailants who were masked and armed ambushed the camp and used chains and padlocks to restrain their victims. I was just a kid, so I dont know what all kinds of things he did, but I do know he had a few brushes with the law. A continuing criminal enterprise is an example of organized crime. Aside from being an illegal chance-based game, it teaches kids how much fun it is to wager bets several years before they can gamble legally. WebCruise ship crime. The total is then added up. Marcello, one of the most powerful leaders in organized crime in America, operated in New Orleans around the same time that the Dixie Mafia was coming to power. But at least half the time, itd backfire, and Id have guys my grandpas age trying to convince me that since I said anything in the truck, and I was standing in the truck, that meant when they won I was gonna give them the night of their life. Furthermore, Lovett was convicted on two charges of extortion and two more charges of making false statements to the FBI. Pete Halat, Kirksey McCord Nixs former lawyer who once served as the mayor of Biloxi. Step right on up! Add to that the fact that their livelihood is specifically and directly derived from extracting money from members of said society, and it shouldnt be surprising that there is some shadiness there. He bought a truck-mounted merry-go-round and charged people 10 cents to ride it. Aside from forming alliances with some members of law enforcement, the Dixie Mafia also worked alongside fellow mobsters. David Malhalab, also with me at the time, phoned in a request for service to the Dearborn Heights police, asking them to respond to investigate this larceny with the 13-year-old victim waiting and with the perpetrator still operating the game in question. Six flags is much better and safer. During the 1960s, a group of criminals known as the Dixie Mafia began to creep across cities and towns in the South. It's the exact opposite of what most folks describe. Carnival life in 2023 is mostly different than the old days, but in a few ways its the same. Dishonest carnival operators generally keep two sets of books, reporting only that sum of money as necessary, with the remainder unreported, states the Michigan Attorney Generals Carnival Games Manual.This 1987 publication is an important tool for law enforcement officers and prosecuting attorneys. Back on topic, I never did carnivals, but I have worked a freak show / side show. I had observed the tub agent cheating the youngster with a deep-rooted bait-and-switch, shenanigan, called the deadening-ball trick, a slick maneuver to covertly conceal a gaff ball at the bottom of the angled tub prior to his demonstration. Youths risk developing a gambling problem at the rate of two to three times that of adult onset. Burbank's policy--like other municipalities'--has no teeth because it cannot stop someone with a criminal history from working at a carnival, said lawmakers and law enforcement officials advocating stronger legislation. WebThe criminal Justice system acts as a carnival mirror that magnifies the threat of street crime while minimizing the harms from occupational hazards, health care, chemicals and poverty. confuse the mark, build him up repetitively and let him believe he is close to the big win. My dad built his own candy apple stand when he was in college and stayed in the business for over 30 years. 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