To the small minority who have sneered at me and closed the door, get some help. Perfect. I've received two of these obscene forms and I do not to answer any of the questions printed thereon. We keep refusing them and they keep threatening us. They are a toothless tiger. Location-based Community Surveys. I asked who he was and he attempted to open the screen door. Your name, address and phone number (front cover of the ACS), 2. The present state of affairs is a direct result of our collective ignorance. The government is doing nothing wrong! I think someone should have a web cam ready when they come to the door. Well, I wonder what he's thinking now. Then why am I being asked what my race is? I told them I was not responding, and as I shut the door and walked away she stood on the porch and rang the bell, and since then it's all gone down hill. After reading through the 28 pages of questions the second time (not 28 questions but 28 *pages* of them), I decided to do my research. its no joke. He stated I would receive no further calls from the census but the next contact would be from the Justice department. Rather, the data we collect is only used to create statistics. And I did so right away. Get every bit of info on that person I can (don't forget to do a criminal search) and call them and start asking them questions they will find offensive and question them about their personal life from what I find out about them. Avoiding them will not really be possible since we have a houseful of teenagers who will most likely keep answering the door. I've been harassed by phone at night and Sundays. Really glad I found this site. Sorry, but you are really just not important enough for them to worry about, certainly not as much as you are obviously worrying about them. By collecting this data, we can study the differences in creator experiences . An 'Opt-Out' Democracy By Terri Ann Lowenthal In March 2000, with the nation's crown jewel of civic activities in full swing, a certain candidate for president who would later call 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue home, famously told a reporter that he wasn't sure he would fill out the census "long form" if he received one. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. With a president and congress that constantly lie about everything, how do they expect me to believe that the information on the Census form is truly confidential? By completing a survey, you represent not onlyyourself but other households or businesseslike yours in the nation. Don't fill it out. We gave the government the right to count us. That is just crazy. That didn't stop the harassment, visits leaving notes while I was at work, or conversations asking my neighbors questions about me like I was some criminal or something. It has taken almost two decades to get it to this point where something intelligent can actually be done to manage our mess. It's not good politics. To Opt-out (unsubscribe) from an email communication: Click the unsubscribe or Manage your subscription preferences link present in the email as shown in the following image. No one has been fined for failure to comply, and no one ever will be. The calls stopped and no one ever visited. This is a very big, complicated country we live in. A survey last year of opt out activists by Pizmony-Levy and researcher Nancy Green Saraisky found that the top three reasons for participation in the movement are: (1) opposition to evaluating teachers in part by their students' test scores (37 percent), (2) a belief that standardized tests force teachers to narrow the curriculum to only the . You also will be asked these questions about everyone in your household 15 years and older. Answer (1 of 5): Idk what the punishment is but I started filling it out. What I find interesting is that when I visit a home of an immigrant they are almost excited to give me whatever information I ask for. And when I'm asked what my address is, I'll respond with, "I pay taxes, look it up.". an American Patriot. Waiting for their next move. Where does the boundary lie with these obsessive idiots? The calls started today. 12286: Don't worry, and don't respond. I heard I had to answer the questions or face a possible fine of $5000.00 so I answered the questions. If it gets to the point where they actually come to your house, the "enumerator" is going to tell you it's too late to give your answers to the Survey in writing, and he'll insist (threaten) that you must tell him the personal details of your life while he types it into his laptop computer. Anyway, this guy knocked twice or three time so I ignored him. For the first time in the 25-year history of AmCham China's business sentiment survey, a majority of responding companies said China is no longer seen as a "top three investment priority". I sent an e-mail to headquarters. Spending good taxpayer dollars on another social joke. The Census Bureau uses sampling methods to select households that represent a cross-section of the population of the United States. It's supposed to be confidential. Firm, clear refusal. I live in the ghetto already. We mailed in a partially filled out surveys with no birthdays or claims of citizenship (the Arizona authorities can't ask if someone is illegal, according to the feds, so neither can the feds ask me.) If we don't stand up and protect our rights we will lose them b/c the gvmt is all too happy to take as many away as possible for their own benefit at our expense. The third section of U.S. Code referenced is " 13 U.S. Code 221 - Refusal or neglect to answer questions; false answers ." My husband sent him away as we were eating. Somewhere in the process we got some messages on the answering machine asking us to call their 800 number and refer to our "case number." I walked over to my neighbors later that evening and they told me that she did not come by to see them, but she was very persistent about getting the birth dates, ages, place of employment, phone numbers. Way too much info requested (stuff I wouldn't tell my friends, let alone the government!!) So I stand up to them and say NO, you don't need my private information in order to serve me better! We told a census worker to come back on Friday at 6 p.m. "Only a few questions"? Wow this there are so many ignorant people here! Although they have a mandate and articles and codes under the US code, this is all for the census not the ACS. Then I'll find a place to post it and tweet it to my 350+ followers. Can anyone please tell me if I am obligated to answer these questions. This all happened while I was watching from my porch. I feel like that in itself is an invasion of my privacy. I don't know why someone said the country is going too far to left. They have nothing but their own agenda in mind and any semblance of control we think we have is just that -- a semblance. Oh, the reason he came back? Yup. Most Black voters disapprove of Florida GOP Gov. I like the idea of video taping them and guess I will charge up the old video camera. I can go on the internet and find more about you then anything the census is looking for. A location-based community survey is restricted to a particular geographical location like a neighborhood or a single zip code. The daily number of cyber attacks on our federal government and access by illicit state and non-state actors is eye watering. Outraged in Maryland. So glad I came across this website while researching whether or not I had to respond to this stupid ACS I just got in the mail. For years I've been very concerned about the direction that our country has been taking. The times they are a-changing. You will not be fined. May the Lord grant my fellow citizens victory in their battles with this unconstitutional invasion of privacy, too. So, I tore off the page with my address on it and shredded it, and then I tossed the rest of the survey into the garbage. If Big Brother wants to bring the law so be it. The right to privacy is also inherent in many amendments to the Bill of Rights, such as the 3rd, the 4th, search and seizure and the 5th, self incrimination limit. If all they want is a head count, all they have to do is count social security numbers! The US Census Bureau says it's an essential tool in collecting relevant and timely data in order to understand and finance local needs for things like roads and schools. Within Are You in a Survey? Then I asked the census taker her birth date, and I again got no answer. Therefore I respectfully request that you take appropriate measures to end your department's distribution of this survey. I thought the census only took place every 10 years. No reason to be rude to someone doing their job. They wanted to know how much we made, where we made it (we're self employed)but the scary part was that they ALREADY KNEW WHAT WE HAD MADE. The Supreme Court in June rejected an attempt by the Trump administration to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census, a much more sweeping and comprehensive count of the American population. Ive requested that you respect my privacy once, in writing, in the note I returned with your survey. I have written to the senators of my state and didn't even receive a 'canned' response. don't let this happen! Are we having a problem differentiating between the Census and the ACS? The U.S. Census has nothing to do with Obama nor most of the accusations you are flippantly throwing up online. Nineteen percent said they would like to telecommute full-time. Section a authorizes every 10 years starting April 1. This country will see a revolution of the people one day, hopefully sooner than later. When she called tonight at my employer, I told her I was moving. With identity theft on the rise, many are concerned. He was asking questions about me and my wife! Since many citizens lack basic knowledge of our Constitution and federalist system, they are easily manipulated by media and academic elites who tell them that judges are the absolute and final arbiters of US law. Yesterday, a lady came by and tried to ask questions about the form. And everyone should have to fill out the same thing-how come I get the long form every time? The BIG 2010 census count is coming soon. Most U.S. representatives have local offices. Your response to the 2020 Census cannot replace your answers to these other surveys. About how much do you think this house and lot, apartment, or mobile home would sell for if it were for sale? Since then, they have called three or four times and stopped by multiple times. Just hang tough and they will eventually leave you alone. The Census Bureau manages many surveys that study a variety of different entities including households, businesses, schools, hospitals, and more. One dear government lady actually said she did not have time for prank phone calls. I firmly told her I had no intention of filling out the survey as I felt it was no one's business. I am going to avoid all traps and when it is time to have them finally come over I am going to do an international webcast and sing answers and slowly say, ohhhhh I don't know.let me think and sit there for 15 minutes for each question.everyone will know where I don't work, how much money I don't make and that I don't have plumbing and that I fart a lot That's the game the Nazi's started with in the 30's as did Stalin, with the knocks on the door and the spying on each other. This also happened the last time. This site provides answers about our surveys and who to contact for more information. I filled out the form only giving the required information by law and that is how many people live here. Title 13, U.S.C., Section 131, directs the Census Bureau to conduct the economic census at 5-year intervals covering years ending in 2 and 7. the government was never constitutionally mandated to provide funds. These statistics deliver valuable information for local officials and organizations who provide resources and services to your community. We are still Americans and do not need to share personal information against our will. In summary: All banks must develop initial and annual privacy notices. To complete your request, you'll need to sign and return the Permanent Opt-Out Election form (which you get online) once you've started the process. Whom do I contact if I have additional questions, recommendations, or issues? Our government is abusive, tyrannical and murderous. Daily calls (five or six) two invasive questionnaires mailed, and now intimidating and threatening phone calls. P.S. Why don't you post the number in your family, their names, ethnic profile, give us your address and then, we will consider giving merit to your post. I very much doubt. Census sends a letter saying that your address was selected for the ACS. I assume she was a supervisor. I received the ACS and the regular Census. so no more. Anyway, i thought i would turn it into something funny and started a blog. Then, the phone calls started and they won't stop. We have received 3 demands from the Census Bureau. The visits stopped, and I never heard from them again. Each call or visit you must say you are not going to fill out the ACS. Get on with your life and answer the census. I was hot and told her I have her number and I will call when I'm ready. He didn't know what to think about that (needed to check the law), and took no action. My wife and I are not answering this. The IRS has all my income info, and frankly, it'd take me hours to look up all the financial info they want (monthly mortgage, gas, electric, utility bills.) Finally, the last enumerator knocked one more time, then took away the last notice, which I decided to leave there. There is only a theoretical possibility that they could fine you. In addition to the decennial census count, the Census Bureau also manages many surveys that provide valuable information for the country on a variety of subjects, including education, health care, crime, housing, employment, and government spending. I may answer the door this time, but my attitude is going to be that I won't allow this to cause me any more stress than deciding what toppings I want on my pizza. I am one who is living this nightmare: the letters, the phone calls, the personal visits, day in and day out, month after month. You can also contact your local Regional Office. They can't really do anything and they certainly aren't going to. There are two adults and two children living at this residence. I received your American Community Survey some time ago, and shortly thereafter returned the survey, including only the information you are authorized to collect, and I am required to provide, per the requirements of Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution, that is, the number of persons in our household, for the purposes of proper apportionment of our US Congressional representation. It ridiculously says that the form is to help know where to put roads, schools, etc. (ACS question number 33). If you would like to opt out of receiving further survey invitations sent on behalf of a particular Medallia client, an opt-out link is frequently included in the email invitation. Yet, it seems lately that these rights are being taken from the American people. We also make brief phone calls on occasion for quality assurance purposes. OK then, so why waste my time asking questions? anon88369: Census enumerators have every right to walk onto your property if they are assigned to do a questionnaire for your address. There are free opt-outs for caregivers and those with a deceased relative. anon82113: umm, I worked for the census too. I told the second person who called me that I had already refused to cooperate with the first person who called. And if there isn't a law protecting these rights, then we need someone to make it happen! (I was astonished to note that apparently only about 12,000 households have resisted so far.) She left me with a notice of visit with her name and I suppose her personal phone number. I do believe that the census information is mostly kept private though after a period of years or decades, it may become public. Whether I'm white, black, hispanic, etc., or whether I own or rent my home, makes as much difference to the count of legal U.S. citizens as not having to show your legal or illegal status as a U.S. citizen. "is your name blah blah blah?" This is what made me so suspicious. As a university student in my early 20s, I returned to school after the summer and mid-semester was called down to my dorm supervisor's office one night. It is widely known that in a five-year span the Bureau lost at least 672 laptops. How can I verify that a mailing is legitimate and from the US Census Bureau? It's is reminiscent of Hitler's rise to power. Nobody is listening -- another reason not to send in the ACS. If they refuse, call 911 and report a hostile trespasser. If you still haven't submitted the survey, you may get a call. Search the Census Bureau Staff Directory to find the contact information for our employees. We did not return the census, and received continuous letters and threats. all the government tries to say if they want you to do something is say "its the law" thinking people will run and do what they say. The census is unconstitutional - read the enumerations - and the amendments already cited. Since the threats appear to completely empty then at this point the consequences are null and void. However, the ACS wants to know what time my husband and I leave for work each day, our employer's address, our work location address (if different from our employer's) and if we commute via car, carpool or public transportation. When they ask for race, that's what gets me. I served my country in Vietnam. IE: IRS, DOT, Labor and Industry. But the Supreme Court is not supreme over the other branches of government; it is supreme only over lower federal courts. So he then left. Participants were 77% female and . 1:40. Browse our collection of stories and more. Glad I found this thread! I am glad I found this site. If the federal government had been granted the general power to make inquires into the private affairs of the American people through the Census or a congressional mandated survey, then the Supreme Court could not have made this ruling. This United States Supreme Court case has never been overturned. Thomas Jefferson. For general questions, call 1-800-923-8282 or visit to message our Customer Service Center. As a descendant of both victims and survivors of the Auschwitz death camps, I have a keen sense of the length and breadth of what government intrusion in the lives of private citizens can result in. ACS is really not worth losing any sleep over. The census cannot ask or get your social security number in any way and you can supply any name you want. She then said "so you are refusing". When I got to the financial questions I thought - what?? Happy Holidays. We do not publish the cell phone numbers of our field representatives on our staff search website. I'm planning on returning it blank, with a letter stating the reason for not complying is the OMB# expiration. To verify that a Census Bureau survey is legitimate and learn more about its purpose, search the Census Bureaus list of surveys by name. I bet some of the people who are so desperate for food and necessities in other countries would love to change places with you and they would probably be thrilled to answer a few questions. This city hasn't had its streets fixed in years and we always fill out the census. Test the survey internally or on a focus group. I told her to get a US Marshal with a warrant. Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau is required to conduct a census to determine the number of people living in the country. of Justice. This questionnaire asked how we got the funds to open the business, and how much money we spent to start up operation! To opt out permanently: Go to or call 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688) to start the process. This is way too intrusive. I did not send it back, I received another and still did not fill it out. We were hired to call people who did not respond and we left messages on answering machines. Beyond that, please cease and desist all further efforts to gather personal and private information about the members of my household, it will not be provided. Two weeks later, I received a second call from a different zip code with another lady asking if I still had the ACS form. Choose the types of emails you'd like to receive or unsubscribe from. She returned the following day. I contacted an attorney's office on my questions and objections to see if they were valid and what the legal interpretation was of the constitution and the US code. I received by first survey in early December and a second one just three weeks later. I am appalled at this whole thing and believe me when that survey taker arrives at my door again, she is going to get an ear full. I am glad to know there are plenty out there who are refusing to let our rights be trampled on!! 1. I'll pay the fine if I have to, but I'm not going to let them bully me into submitting to their scare tactics. Has anyone really admittedly shown that proof that they got fined? I assume that's why they have come again. Today, the apparent supervisor came -- in his safety vest and green jeep like a public works person. There's comfort in knowing I'm not alone! Help for Survey Participants. I simply put, 'None of your business". He handed me the form which I took and threw in the fireplace, in his view, while he said they'll send more people out. I found out on a different blog that the OMB# on the front of my ACS is expired. The agent asked about receiving the survey and I informed him that mailed addressed to "resident" was not the responsibility of any named occupant to open but I was also familiar with the unconstitutional intrusion of the personal questions in such a survey and the corporate partners with which the data is shared. I hung up. By 2020, more than 40% of all data analytics projects will relate to an aspect of customer experience. If you don't care about america and freedom then you stand by and say nothing when you see tyranny, then congrats. Well the federal government is functioning way beyond its legal powers and I will not feed that machine. Mind you, no return by date was given. 4) If they do not agree to answer any personal questions, assume the Hannibal Lecter voice and say "Tut, tut, tut. Continued refusal may lead to additional visits by a supervisor. Remember, it is Congress that is the creator of federal law, and the enumerator of penalties for violations of the law, not the U.S. Census Bureau. This is not for every citizen, so we will not participate. The census guy showed up here. Uh, no. Help for Survey Participants. I've since received a second one, and had one call this week(which I did not answer). My sister and I are fuming over these forms. Any thoughts? I did not receive the additional questionnaire. Last census I was harassed for a while because I refused to answer the long winded privacy invading Community Survey. It is against the law to solicit minors so therefore they do not have to be counted in the total. The provision for the Census is found in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution. Think anyone is going to get approval to send out US Marshals to issue tickets? It is my constitutional right to privacy. She didn't have the common courtesy to disclose that little fact. Video camera is by the door for the on-site contact which will be next. I also feel for the ones who fought and died for us, who spit in their graves. Your results may vary but that was my experience. Our surveys provide periodic and comprehensive statistics about the nation. Point and go toward your kind of happy. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. The American Community Survey is part of the decennial census, and replaces the census "long form" that previously was sent to a percentage of households once every 10 years. In the article above, it mentions the fine is per offense; but I did not read that anywhere in Title 13. But, (knock on wood again) no visits ever occurred (yet that is). 2) Explaining that you will answer one personal question for every personal question they answer on camera. Why am I being asked what my age and birthdate are? The government is collecting information such as how many rooms we have in our houses, how many acres of land, what time do we leave for work, etc. TheAmerican Community Survey (ACS)is the largest survey conducted by the Census Bureau and has taken place every year since 2005. I have been harassed day and night. So before you go crying about your rights being violated, try actually reading the document that has given you these rights. The misinformation spewed from people here is laughable. Whats the names and ages of all the female members of your household? After they fill out the form, I seriously doubt they think about you ever again. 04-13-2021 07:27 AM. So, do I really need to fill this out, or can I use it to line my bird cage? He has trouble with all these things. And, while it asks a lot of personal questions, your answers can help the government decide how to distribute hundreds . I told them there is a problem if they are not getting their mail. Got angry and physical with me (not a lot, just a shove as I tried to take back the Public Servant Questionnaire he wouldn't fill out.). this is a new one. I just got a pretty harassing phone call from a census lady, who said I would be fined if I didn't fill this crap out. That this money is funding from the government, which makes it socialism. Be transparent about what you are asking of them, what you will do with their . Look Since 1968, this volunteer-based program has helped nearly 50 million low to moderate-income taxpayers on., 550 . If it was a problem, she then had my phone number; it wasn't blocked. Then we started getting the calls. At the time of the survey . The calls started Wednesday. The survey is clearly an invasion of privacy, and any attempts of the ACS to pursue a fine for failure to submit the survey should be challenged in a court of law on unconstitutional and invasion of privacy grounds. They have came to my door unannounced on many occations. If a citizen doesn't comply with the ACS after a period of weeks, Census Bureau guidelines instruct enumerators to stop calling the resident. Standing up for my rights in L.A. Why not just give em complete BS answers. It's a breath of fresh air. Proud to be American but wondering where we will be as a nation in ten years? Are we going to let this happen? Referring to financials, I told them to ask the IRS. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS This is due to lack of security for any personal information you provide. With enough people, we can make a change. I received the ACS a few months ago, did some research and never filled it out. And if said "enumerator" doesn't like it, tough! You don't want your personal information in some library, online or in an archives someday do you? Don't touch them and if they do touch you, even slightly, fall down and don't get up until an ambulance arrives. It also asked for the full names, DOB, SS# of all person including children. To sign up for updates please enter your email address. After notifying you in advance by mail about a survey, the Census Bureau provides options by which you can participate. At what location did this person work last week? It has been done since 1790, and is mandated by the Constitution. To read more about a particular survey's purpose and significance, you can search the Census Bureau's list of surveys. We have always taught him not to talk to people he does not know and never give out information. ACS was conducted vigorously and continuously during the presidency of George W. Bush. Condos hire people inside the condo as census people. Emails from the Census Bureau will have instructions or information to complete a survey online, by phone with a Census Bureau representative, or by paper. Did this person work last week assurance purposes keep threatening US some and... The right to count US my state and did n't even receive a 'canned ' response a place post. 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