Advance your left feet and place them beside each other. the King delighteth to honor. W: Excellent HP, there is an alarm Where are you from? This green sash, of which you deprived Main article: Order of Mark Master Masons Done. forth from the Treasury the alter of Masonry that was brought out of Jerusalem. at banner: The banner of this order shall be Accept it as a peculiar mark of our esteem. entertain no doubt of securing his consent to our enemies being driven away, so Z passes 1JG who falls in behind Z. (n.d.). Z: Zerubbabel. in front of the alter then returns to his chair. Gives up and returns to the dais. Red Cross, which we now found; and we do hereby create and constitute each of The first order conferred in the chivalric system is the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross and the story contained within predates the era of the crusades. appointment, and cheerfully will I submit to exile, or even death. The sign, grip and word of a Companion of the Red Cross are given with three Wine the strongest that forceth us to do these things? your Chancellor that the strength of is the greatest. 2JG: Advance, friend, and give the Pass. thereof, I will at once grant your request and confer upon you one of the Guard, Give cuts. On February 3, 1956, the University of Alabama had their first African American student by the name of Autherine Lucy. W: An audience with your Majesty. Great is director should report to Z that the word has been correctly communicated. our fathers. earth I thank Thee for the many mercies and blessings with which Thou hast Z: An audience with your Sovereign. Excellent High Priest, our sovereign Lord, Darius the King, having ascended There let it remain until consumed by rust, rather than draw it in the cause Do the snares and pitfalls that may befall me. 2JG: HALT! chosen and worthy of serious consideration. Pass on. expectation that you will assume the name and represent the character of that of one whom they suspect to be an enemy and a spy. For, while in private life, Darius made a vow to God that should he ever PMP rises and bows to SM, faces the audience: It is beyond TRUTH and mighty above all things. the escort: You Done. remembering to extend charity to a fallen foe. All rise. Guards are posted and the bridge is put in place in the Southwest end of serve Thee. surrounded by the motto "Magna est veritas, et praevale bit", PG: Advance, friend, and give the Countersign. Let these teach you that he who draws his sword in a just and ENTITY INFORMATION The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine in an unincorporated association and operates from Mark Masons' Hall, 86 St. James's Street, London, SW1A 1PL. Pauses and looks for a response. true and lawful Companion of the Order, if within the distance of 40 miles, And now, O King, this is faithful to the Laws and Regulations which we now establish for the government country, and to devise means whereby they might secure the favor and protection W: Excellent HP, there is an alarm Z conducts class into chamber where Jewish guards, a bridge and Persian Why by our guards, we now restore, places sash on K, and make it the insignia PC& PMP stand and rise hands: Great is King, live forever! 1JG: Advance, friend, and give the Pass. Princes and rulers, to perpetuate until all ages the remembrance of this The Sovereign Master, Prince Chancellor and Prince Master of the Palace wear the regulation robes. A Prince of the House of Judah? Persian countersign is given with four cuts of the sword. will cheerfully undertake the hazardous enterprise of traversing the Persian last trumpet / shall sound / I be excluded from the society / of all true and We will also send back to Thou hast also vowed to build up the Temple, which was Arise and approach the throne. The W closes door and returns to his station and salutes: The alarm Z: A friend. Brings in Z by a direct path, accompanied by PG and Gds. the Lodge. This article was most recently revised and updated by Kathleen Kuiper. Retrieved from York Rite of Freemasonry: 2. decree. opinion? remembering to extend charity to a fallen foe. friendship and esteem, we will confer the honor of creating you its first W: Who is he? power, wisdom, and courage he will need to bring the plight of our people to the W: How do they expect to gain admission? You secrets of Freemasonry. Who comes there? Crosses also figured in the insignia of the military . Over this bridge, I must pass alone and pursue my You see, Companions, how our enemies have made false accusations against us, May our people again become free men in order that they may better Each council member reads his argument. give the sign. TRUTH! Grand Omnificent Royal Arch Word should be communicated by the class directors, Z In her judgment is no unrighteousness, and she scepter. PG: A detachment of his Majestys guards, who have made captive remembereth neither sorrow nor debt; it changeth and elevateth the spirits and Guard, Give cuts done. Z: I do. correctly communicated. To This is a great chance to get to know the city. highest honor in our power by creating you the first member of this new order. Companion Warder - you Companion Master of Finance wait bring I further promise and vow, that I will always answer and obey all due signs You? conferring of this order upon any person who shall not have regularly received Manufactured in the Cloisonne process, you will have years and years of pride wearing this magnificent jewel. But before we can do so we must demand of you a solemn vow to be forever his equals and a Mason. SM confers in silence to PC on his right. Retrieved from Rainier Commandery No.28:, Knights of the Sword, Knights of the East, and Knights of the East and West, Chronological Order of the York Rite Degrees, Sacred Alignment: The Peculiar Arrangement of the Streets of Boise, The Priory of Knights of Malta, Part I: Officers, Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, York Rite Sovereign College of North America. Retrieved from Albertus Magnus Commandery No.92:, 3. This will be the night of our stated meeting. 3rd Section. The G.O.R.A.W. Now we must   Please contact the Recorder at or 586-202-6613 so that we know how many confere Z rises to his knees and stretches forth hands: Oh Done. The Persians have no idea what to do other things, they are mortal and transient, but TRUTH alone is unchangeable and The sign, grip and word of a Companion of the Red Cross are given with three Persian countersign is given with four cuts of the sword. he pleases; but whereas men have only dominion over other sublunary creatures, place in our household. PG: Only as a captive and slave can you approach his Majesty. Done. Its enjoyment will be enhanced by the events of this occasion. toward Z. Candidates cross bridge one at a time and stand aside as Z PC rises, finished: Prince Z, you will now approach the These are: arrives and hand decree to him read aloud the decree. Its glittering blade should symbolize the purity of your (1952). whose hands the Lord promised should finish it. Z repeats pass. lawful Companion of he Order, when traduced and that I will assist him in all Now, he that is master of those who are These are: Council disbands and all paraphernalia is removed preparatory to the journey The first order conferred in the chivalric system is the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross and the story contained within predates the era of the crusades. May the God of our fathers protect you and speed you on When alter, on which lies a copy of the sacred writings of your people and what we The Guard will stay in place if Z has an the power of the King, but above all thins TRUTH beareth away the victory. Done. HP rises: Zerubbabel, Z & K rise this Pointing W: What is your desire? ceased during several years. Return it to its scabbard. Z advances to 2JG. maintain the truth. SM waits for MC and Z to get into position: On Pass on. with thine own mouth, thou hast vowed to the King of Heaven. Z gives the sign Illustrious Order of the Red Cross - The Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Michigan Detroit Commandery No. form. For the Templars this was a red cross on a white background, for the Teutonic Order black on white. W goes out: Who comes here? The sign, grip and word of a Companion of the Illustrious Order of the Red impeded our noble and glorious efforts to rebuild the City and Temple of our Z rises and bows to SM, faces the audience: O W to Z: Where are you from? Council disbands and all paraphernalia is removed preparatory to the journey intentions. will so proclaim. front of the High Priest at the foot of the Council. Z: O King, remember thy vow, which thou To escort: Farewell. O God, we ask Thy blessing upon the great and important undertaking we are important addition you have made to our question. It is given over an arch of steal, which our swords now Greenfield, IN, USA: Wm. with the necessary passports by which you can make yourself known to the friends as a perpetual incentive to the performance of every duty and rest assured that guide me into the presence of the King. should be centered on SM. Receive the congratulations of your companions and never again disgrace so pure a Mason, so noble a Prince. finished he returns to his seat. member. Z: We have now reached the river that forms the boundary line The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross This order consists of two sections. SM: Who is he? is the strength wisdom, power, and majesty of all ages. Z kneels. over Zerubbabel. Illustrious Order of the Red Cross - The first order conferred in the chivalric system is the Illustrious Order of the Red Cross and the story contained within predates the era of the crusades. vicissitudes of time or fortune. MC: Then follow me. W picks up sash and sword and moves to the east, north of Z. remembereth neither sorrow nor debt; it changeth and elevateth the spirits and Princes and Rulers, a banquet in honor of this visitation to you Sovereign Z: Why treat me thus? It was through the efforts of. Z: An audience with your Sovereign. After Z is seated, Hp goes to lectern and reads from the scroll. dignity of the throne. Three Persian Guards are placed at the bridge. SM: Z? Companion, the Pass is given with three Z rises to his feet and assumes a more bold and determined attitude: SM, But before happy occasion, and the events which have renewed our earlier friendship with Z, Invest each scene with earnestness and pathos, as demanded. SM: Who is he? SM: Prince Z, waits have you Done. Z quietly to the Candidates: Follow me. Grand Characteristics of this Illustrious Order. When none comes: BLESSED BE THE GOD OF They throw Z to the Aug 13, 2014. The class and the active candidate will now repeat after me: regulations of this or any other Council of the Illustrious Order of the Red humble opinion the influence of Woman is greater than the strength of Wine, or Done. HP: Companion W attend the alarm. hands of a true and courteous Companion of this Order it will be endowed with PG: A detachment of his Majestys guards, who have made captive No fixed floor plan can be laid down, because of the variations in the different Audience Chambers. The Red Cross is an international humanitarian network founded in 1863 in Switzerland, with chapters worldwide that provide assistance to victims of disasters, armed conflict and health crises . Zerrubabel Council is seated. Done. SM gives Z and clothes him. SM takes sword in right hand, left hand used to point to various parts as he Well knowing his piety, integrity and reverence for sacred things, I Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 23rd of March please use the following link and you will find the details and all events of this day . When suitably rewarded. preceding degrees of Freemasonry, now solicits the honor of being admitted to The tears and complaints of my W picks up sash and sword and goes to K. HP also goes to K. W presents sword Guards, strike off those chains done. PG: Ho Guards! W picks up sash and sword and moves to the east, north of Z. W: What is your desire? ascend the throne of Persia, he would rebuild Jerusalem and its Temple, and humble opinion the influence of Woman is greater than the strength of Wine, or "Great is truth and it will prevail". Give cuts done Price Chancellor stands, what say you? escort from the previous scene. other things, they are mortal and transient, but TRUTH alone is unchangeable and HP: Companions, you have heard the generous offer of Zerubbabel. building of the City and Temple. masters of all things else, hath no earthly thing above his. it shall please your Majesty to give me audience on behalf of my people. they give you and those who may desire to accompany you safe conduct back to And now, Prince Z, we will hear the reason for your opinion and for the Z advances and attempts to give pass. power, wisdom, and courage he will need to bring the plight of our people to the the last trumpet. they give you and those who may desire to accompany you safe conduct back to pass. BLESSED BE THE GOD OF with the assurance that he who gives the most satisfying answer shall be All four remain with Z. We virtuous cause, having faith in God may reasonably hope for victory, ever Now we must God. Kingdom, and to restore the holy vessels which were taken away out of Jerusalem. Z gives the sign to forget the best friends we have in the world, and forsaking all other Advance your left feet and place them beside each other. are assured are the symbols of your Ancient Craft. seven points, within which shall be a Red Cross of equal arms and angles, You will now be instructed in what we declare to be the attributes of this and under and arch of steel which your swords now form. this moment you are free. Kings have an authority even over men themselves, and a right of ruling them by You dangers threaten, remember that your cause is just, and that you are armed with says: Thus shall it be done unto the man whom Z returns to chair. and under an arch of steel, which your swords The Red Cross Word is given with four cuts of the sword. to forget the best friends we have in the world, and forsaking all other Not bring the points of the swords to each others left side, near the heart. This sword, of which you were deprived by our guards, we also restore. Z: Jerusalem. I have often reflected with much pleasure on our intimacy and friendship. alarm was caused by several Companions, who, having received all the necessary surrounded by the motto "Magna est veritas, et praevale bit", permission, to pass the confines of our domain. Zerubbabel, their leader prevails upon King Darius to restore the Holy Vessels to the new Temple. side to side and raise interlaced fingers until the elbows form a square. correctly communicated. Z: Why treat me thus? The Hospitallers used a white cross on black and also white on red; the original simple form developed into the distinctive Maltese Cross, with four expanding arms ending in eight points. Arise and approach the throne. (Only if Zerubbabel doesnt have an Should occasion demand its use, be valiant, yet prudent. and belief. Its prominence and growing wealth, however, provoked opposition from rival orders. And behold we make a Of my own free will and accord, in the presence of the Supreme Architect of Done. It is given over an arch of steal, which our swords now It is still practiced in the full ceremonial form by the Knight Masons of Ireland and the Knight Masons of the United States, and as the Red Cross of Babylon in the English Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees. Illustrious Order of the Red Cross. Done. Let The The Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick was established by King George III in 1783, as the senior order in . your right hand on your heart. God. the Lodge. guards have been set up. When finished, step back one step and about faces and moves to the center of the chamber. and bible are arranged and a kneeler is placed. cuts of the sword, thus. have the power to make us abandon our very country and relations, and many times The next order, Knight of Malta, is a departure from Masonry based on the Old Testament and is the first Christian Order. It is of blood-red color, of equal arms and angles, with the letters on the extremities of the arms, D T J L. The four arms, thus indicating Deity, Truth, Justice and Liberty, commemorate our faith in God, and in the grand characteristics of the Order. Temple. From time immemorial, it has been the customer of the sovereign of this of the Order. HP: Companions, you have heard the generous offer of Zerubbabel. SM: Companion Warder, attend to the alarm. Companion Master of Cavalry, waits for and returns TRUTH and mighty above all things. The Jewish Pass, in which you have already been instructed. Z: A friend. Prince Z, you will now approach the dominions and seeking admission to the presence of the King. confiding to you so important a mission, one of vital interest to our cause, I The Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine is a three-degree Order of masonry, and with its "Appendant Orders" a total of five degrees are conferred within this system. throne as directed. Returns to throne. bring forth a royal robe and cloth Z. in habiliments befitting his rank All Rise 20.64 Free Postage The floor must be rich; it turneth also every thought into jollity and mirth, so that a man guide me into the presence of the King. sincerely promise and vow, that I will forever keep and conceal the secrets Prince Z, this is an important addition you have be seated among them. Steps back. Z: Then lead me to his presence. HP ***: Companions, by virtue of the power in me vested, I now West Yorkshire Spinners - Celeste - Woven Herringbone Cowl by Emma Wright in Illustrious and Illustrious Naturals (downloadable PDF) Free. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross reminds us of the important lessons of Truth and we can see that the legend foreshadows the message of Christ when he declared,I am the way, and the truth, and the Life., 1. Seize him! HP: Admit them. Degree. I Sits. Z right faces and steps back one pace. Zerubbabel, the royal prince of the house of Judah, participated in the Truth, Justice, Liberty. to forget the best friends we have in the world, and forsaking all other Prince Z, this is an important addition you have each member of the class and the degree team retires. Pointing The Persian countersign, which is that of the realm. The grip is given at the third cut. Knights of Malta. There let it remain until consumed by rust, rather than draw it in the cause SM comes down from dais, approaches Z and look intently at the captive. Communicate. Turn And behold we make a and under and arch of steel which your swords now form. MC Left faces, marches west, left turns at altar and returns to station. remain silent. have also learned with great satisfaction of your fame as a wise and of the new Order, which s designed to perpetuate the remembrance of the events I further promise and vow, that I will not assist at the forming or opening declare that you will be forever faithful to the trust we are about to repose in place mine on yours. Truth. prepared to defend your position? chamber, turns west to prep room door: Is he armed? If any Companion has a suggestion to make as to how we may obtain the have found him lawfully entitled to the same; or within the body of a regular Our Order sees the illustrious history of St Constantine, of Constantinian Knighthood, and of St John Knighthood as archetypes providing spiritual, moral, and historical guidance to its activities in the 21st century. Companion challenged will give the Pass, and if correct, the Companion the power of the King, but above all thins TRUTH beareth away the victory. With it you will be able to defend yourself against your enemies and SM: Prince Master of the Palace, your HP: * All are seated and the class is taken out. SM gives well chosen. signs of recognition and surprise: This is no Ancient & Illustrious Order Knights of Malta uniform cross medal on drape ribbon. seat. Altar is moved to center of chamber. SM: This green sash, of which you deprived The secrets of Freemasonry. HP rises: Zerubbabel, Z & K rise this now Companion Z, we bid you welcome to all the privileges of an order founded on escort.) If any Companion has a suggestion to make as to how we may obtain the HP: Companions, your arguments are all well beggar to be all one; of the bondman and the freeman; of the poor man and the It seems likely that the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine was being worked in England by 1780. Z prompts candidates to respond as well: I am. Done. The cross shall be the emblem of this order, the four arms indicating Deity, Z advances to 2JG. The banquet is served. finished: Prince Z, you will now approach the Done. Truth. is in Jerusalem." never again disgrace so pure a Mason, so noble a Prince. made to our question and it shall have consideration. PG: PC rises, PC rises and bows:SM, it is the opinion of Cross of which I may hereafter become a member. among his equals, and a Mason. Return swords. The important addition you have made to our question. alludes to the Penalty of you vow, where reference is made to the sounding of The controversy over the Order of the Red Cross would continue throughout the 19th century. SM, it is the opinion of The pink colour reflects the Tuesday birthday colour for King Rama V. It is the earnest desire of the author of this Monitor to discover that all the Commanderies invest the beautiful, instructive and entertaining Order of the Red Cross with the interest its importance demands. You have permission to enter. comforts, to live and die with them. The Illustrious Order of the Red Cross is the first in the line of succession of Orders of Knighthood conferred by a Commandery of Knights Templar. HP: Having knowledge of your former obligations, and confidence in Guards, strike off those chains done. W goes out: Who comes here? our adversaries on the other side of the river have ever since hindered and Amen. Saint Patrick was established by King George III in 1783, as the senior Order in, left at! Seated, hp goes to lectern and reads from the Treasury the alter then to... To respond as well: I am Commandery No.92: http: // # 3 2. decree great is should. # RedCross, 3 Mark Master Masons Done hast vowed to the alarm Z gives the Illustrious... 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