Charlie is sad, and when they talk, Grace tells him that she does not want to have children. As he's done before in the past (in Season 2), Justin tries to convince Julia that Griffin is a loser after he gets into a bar fight over frustration about his marital troubles. Ross persuades Claudia to take the scholarship and not pass up an opportunity like this. At the same time, Claudia becomes acquainted with a fellow student named Carl, who is assigned to show her around the campus. Claudia, on the other hand, is a home-schooled violinist, having gone on various world tours in which she wants to quit her profession for a little rest. Bailey is very excited with wrestling and wants to tryout for All Stars. Kirsten frets about her pregnancy and fear of losing her baby by miscarriage. Robin later tells Sarah that she's leaving in two days for an acting job in Hollywood. Julia wants to help, but he does not accept her apology or her money to pay the fine. Meanwhile, Charlie seeks Kirsten's advice about Daphne. He attempts to look out for Juliain any way he can because she is his little sister. They go up to her room and Bailey sees them. He tries to get on the college hockey team, but he's not in good shape, so he gets invited to join the wrestling team, which is the worst at the college and his coach, Mr. Petrocelli, is too lenient on the team. Kirsten gets a job far away and they have to deal with the distance. Sarah Zamora Reeves-Merrin is a new addition to the show in the second season as Bailey's girlfriend. After finding out more about Ned's relationship with his abusive parents and his autistic brother Richie, Julia wants to get closer to Richie. At the end, as the family sorrowfully looks at the closed down Salingers Restaurant, Joe arrives with good news that the sale for the restaurant somehow fell through and the restaurant is now back in their ownership. Bailey "Bay" (family nickname) Salingeris the secondchild of the Salinger family in the 1994 television series Party of Five. Meanwhile, Sarah wants to fix Callie with her cousin to keep her away from Bailey, but Callie turns it into a double date right away. Meanwhile, Morgan begins to drink after his club is closed down and he is forced to pay a fine. Julia Dahl & Mitchell Burgess & Robin Green. Charlie realizes that if he and Kirsten had gotten married, they would be celebrating their first anniversary. During "Naming Names" Sarah later changes her name to Sarah Zamora Reeves-Merrin to honor the life of her biological mother. You show that to your father. When Charlie can not take care of Owen, Bailey takes him on a camping trip and it turns out to be a total disaster. Meanwhile, Claudia feels like a nerd at her new school, but as time passes she realizes that being smart is not a bad thing after all. Bailey is shocked when Kate tells him she plans to remain a virgin until she marries. After spending all summer in Europe, Julia has trouble adjusting to married life as she settles in with Griffin. Jody tells Claudia that her mother's new live-in boyfriend came into her room one night and kissed her, but Jody begs Claudia not to tell anyone because the boyfriend has been a positive influence in Jody's mother's life because she has stopped drinking, using drugs, has gotten a steady job, and so it would devastate her to learn that the boyfriend is a suspected pedophile. Meanwhile, Bailey realizes that Owen is losing his heritage by living away from the Salinger house. After being told he has little chance of custody while unemployed, Charlie takes a new job as a high school shop teacher. After some incidents with the workers, Gus decides to let Charlie run the business all by himself. "Hello, my name is Bailey Salinger, and I am an alcoholic." Sarah: Bailey, um, it's Alcoholics Anonymous. Morgan fires all the waitresses, but later he tries to get Julia back, unsuccessfully. Charlie is angry and frustrated because Kirsten is gone from his life. During her first week at Stanford, Julia realizes she has feelings for Josh, which makes her roommate's boyfriend, Ned, jealous. Also, Bailey injures a teammate during football practice, which makes him afraid he's going to injure someone else. Jake does comes back and apologizes, but Bailey can not get over it. Meanwhile, Sarah wants to make peace between Annie and Bailey, so she finally decides to get them together to resolve their problems. Later, she is cold to him and tells him she slept with him because she is sick and scared. Meanwhile, Charlie realizes that he needs his family now more than ever, so he's in doubts about leaving the house. Elsewhere, Sam does not want anything with Julia and Claudia says she's pathetic, but Julia insists and Sam decides to return to the house. Season 5. Charlie becomes wary about Luke in handling baby Diana, but learns that his parenting is not all perfect either since he has to make a deadline with his new furniture designs and be with Kirsten for a surgery. The following is a list of episodes for the television show Party of Five. Charlie sees him leaving early Christmas morning, and Jake says he has to go for a chemotherapy appointment for cancer and he does not want to be a burden on them anymore. A fortuneteller tells Kirsten that she would not marry Charlie. She and Charlie are forced to decide between a premature birth or Daphne dying from liver failure. Bailey has second thoughts about going to the meetings, and he quits. Bailey goes to a bar and almost drinks, but meets a woman named Tracy, who turns out to be married. She seduces him, and they sleep together. At the end, Bailey reaches into the kitchen refrigerator and drinks one of Charlie's beers. Sarah has a hard time trying to figure out just what is she wants to do with her life. In the series finale, Bailey, Julia and Claudia all announce their plans to leave town during the weekly family dinner at Salinger's Restaurant. Bailey meets a guy named Cooper at his first day of college. Evan and Julia finally sleep together. Callie gets drunk and insults Bailey. Charlie realizes that Daphne is not really bonding with their daughter. Elsewhere, a visiting prep school student rep named Jamie Burke makes a play for Claudia, until she learns that his parents have had a long-term rivalry with her late parents. Maggie confesses to him that she's not with her. Charlie dumps her, but when Emily gets back by giving Claudia a hard time in class, Jody asks her to reunite Charlie and Emily. Kirsten's parents, Gene and Ellie, arrive and Charlie gets furious with Claudia for telling them about Kirsten's worsening mental problems since he does not want help dealing with Kirsten due to his stubborn pride. Sarah asks her to stay, and Robin gives Sarah her cat, promising that she will return. Paul talks to Charlie about Kirsten and tells him that she belongs to him. Charlie, although telling Grace that he does love her, says that his parental responsibilities come first. Sarah is throwing a Halloween party, and Bailey goes so he would not feel so bad for cheating on her. Meanwhile, Charlie does not want to rush things with Grace, but the more they try to slow it down, the more they want to be together, so they sleep together. Meanwhile, Griffin discovers that he cannot fight with his growing attraction to Rosalie anymore. They promise to give it another try, but Bailey sleeps with Callie again. Meanwhile, Cooper lets Bailey crash at his place. (177) 6.8 1999 13+. After confronting him, Bailey figures that the man who is helping him is in fact his maternal grandfather Jacob 'Jake' Gordon (guest star. Charlie enrolls Kirsten in an overseas program, but changes his mind when he finds out that she'll be gone for two years. Meanwhile, Bailey wants to bond with Annie's daughter, Natalie, despite the fact that the youngster wants nothing to do with him. When she finds her, she tells Julia that another book with the same story of hers has been published, so her book would not be published anymore. Justin is going to Europe for two months and ask Julia to go with him. Charlie runs into a desperate woman in the hallway of the hotel. It starts a wave of arguments over one's priorities. Anyway, you need to take this trip alone. Charlie has to kick them out so his clients would not leave, and Grace prints in the newspaper a bias opinion what he did, giving him a hard time. He used to be a rebellious teenager before his parents died. He regrets it and Bailey apologizes. Everybody else is busy but Claudia, who misses him at home, and she shows up. Sarah thinks she's found her father in New York and plans to meet him, meaning that she will have to leave Bailey. Also, Claudia is trying to get closer to her grandfather Jake, and she asks him to move into the house. Occupation Nick Salinger (late father)Diana Salinger (late mother)Joe Mangus (adoptive father)Charlie Salinger (older brother)Kirsten Salinger (sister-in-law)Julia Salinger (younger sister)Claudia Salinger (younger sister)Owen Salinger (younger brother)Diana Salinger II (niece)Nick Salinger II (nephew)Jake Gordon (maternal grandfather) Meanwhile, Claudia goes to Avery searching for answers for questions about her father. Meanwhile, Claudia wants to be popular during her first day of high school, so she tries out for the cheerleading squad, but ends up with the humiliating job of being the mascot. Meanwhile, Charlie and Grace break up because she reveals that she does not like children. Sarah is afraid that the robber will return, so she's in constant fear. Allison comes on to Julia, who later reveals her secret that she is gay. Daphne leaves. 1.01 Pilot Summary: Owen is 18. Julia is worried about the consequences of her relationship with Ned, but they make love. Bailey Salinger In the fourth season finale, Sarah confesses to Bailey that she still loves him. Bailey tries to plan a perfect wedding for Charlie and Kirsten. Drama Family Bailey now enjoys dating Sarah, but his public affection and general spontaneity make her feel like a Jill substitute. At the end, Julia is surprised when she finds out that Jeanie left her husband. Sarah Reeves: You know what, why don't you come with me? Charlie and Kirsten go on a double date with Daphne and her new boyfriend named Luke Sheppard. After Claudia has an argument with Charlie for betraying her trust about Jody, she makes a phone call to Kirsten's parents. Julia is accepted in Stanford, but is not sure she wants to go. Daphne and Griffin get drunk and end up together. Ned is rushed to the hospital, while Griffin gets arrested. Ostracized by everybody he knows, Charlie is forced to ask Jake for help to find a way to stop the restaurant from going out of business. Julia finally sees that Griffin comes from an abused home; Griffin's father is a Major in the U.S. Army who yells and beats Griffin every day and has zero tolerance for insolence or loafing. Bailey has to choose between his family life with Owen and a new amazing business offer. I love you, you know that. Meanwhile, Grace's apartment burns down, so she moves into the Salinger house. Julia advises Allison not to run away from her problems. One day Nick and Diana Salinger were killed in a terrible car crash, and left their five children all alone. While Charlie is against Bailey's choice to stay silent, Kirsten is supportive to Bailey in standing up for his principles. Sarah convinces Julia that she needs to find a real job for herself, but Julia's new job as an office intern does almost nothing to help her and Griffin's financial woes. After Sam gets fired for not covering the roof, Julia rehires him from her own money. Claudia is shocked when she finds out that Kirsten is dating someone else. Bailey's love life takes yet another turn when he meets a young woman, named Evvie, at an AA meeting who asks him to be her sponsor. Sarah Reeves: All right. Meanwhile, as Bailey's math grades gradually slip, his teacher pairs him with Julia; because Bailey is so jealous of his sister's blossoming relationship with Justin, these tutoring sessions flare into a nightmare for both of them. Elsewhere, Bailey gets a $40,000 scholarship to attend a college in New Hampshire from an elderly stranger. Bailey misunderstands Sarah's frustrations towards Annie as she struggles to find a new job. Claudia is preparing to celebrate her 16th birthday and her only wish is that the whole family gets back together. Meanwhile, Julia ponders a choice to moving to Washington D.C. for an internship working for the National Organization for Women, and being away from Justin and the rest of the family. Read all Director Adam Nimoy Writers Elsewhere, Grace decides to run for city council and makes the Salingers's house her campaign headquarters. Meanwhile, Charlie has pneumonia and is back to the hospital. Jake is missing during a business trip, and Bailey worries about him never returning. 1978 Bailey and Claudia decide to put Thurber to sleep due to his old age and ill health, and the whole family spread his ashes in the park, saying goodbye for the last time to the long-time family pet. Julia tries interacting with Josh while Griffin moves back to the Salingers' shed as he looks for a new place to live. She meets a boy who is the son of the hotel's owner and they kiss. In Season 3, Episode 20, Claudia confesses to Bailey that she favors him more than her other siblings. They flirt. Meanwhile, Griffin goes to Boston on a job task and finds Claudia there, where she asks him to take her back to California. That Ends Well Kirsten prohibits Dudley to give Charlie a bachelor's party, so he asks Bailey if he would do it. It is the wedding day, but the insecure Charlie is not sure and asks Kirsten to wait six more months. Julia is upset because Justin is dating a new girl and tries to ruin everything, but regrets it and gets them back together. Charlie eventually shows up at Kirsten's wedding and she finally runs away with him. The couples have a fight and when Bailey receives a letter that says he was accepted to attend a university in Massachusetts, Julia decides to let him have the attic. Meanwhile, Charlie is very happy to find out that he is going to have a baby girl, but Daphne did not want to know the sex and is upset when it is blurted out in front of her. Sarah has problems with her boyfriend Elliot, who may be losing interest in her. He tries to help a homeless man at the restaurant find a job and place to live, but later learns that it was all a waste because the homeless man suffers from the exact same mental illness as Kirsten. Meanwhile, Will has a new girlfriend named Gina, who is really talkative and annoying, and he breaks up with her because Bailey does not like her. Julia realizes that Major Holbrook is friendly with Griffin just for the money. Julia spends some time with Danny, a regular customer at the coffee shop who is HIV positive. After a fight with Julia, Griffin turns to Rosalie for comfort and they finally sleep together. Bailey decides to pay Sarah a visit in New York with Griffin and Will, but does not get very far. Bailey says he'll help her out, but then finds out that Tom is his art professor. Bailey rushes to the house, when Charlie, Julia, Claudia, Grace and Sarah confront him. As a result, she quits. Charlie also meets Kirsten's new husband, Paul Thomas, a resident intern at the hospital where Kirsten also works. Claudia breaks her arm while ice-skating, and Ross worries about her future as a violinist. Student They all try to get Julia to break up with him, but she refuses. Mrs. Gideon, the social worker, shows up without notice and finds the house a complete mess. Seeing how drunk that Bailey frequently is, Claudia tries to get Bailey to stop drinking, but he ignores her. Bailey tells Evvie that they should start living up their lives by going to a party and drinking, where Bailey drinks in moderation and Evvie ends up collapsing from alcohol poisoning and is rushed to the hospital. At the same time, Charlie continues to try to win back Kirsten by literally stalking her at her job, and later showing up at her pre-wedding party urging her to come back to him. Julia also never grew up and has been engaged to Justin for years, which changes when she meets Griffin for the first time and loses her virginity with him. Scott Wolf As the Thanksgiving holiday draws near, the Salinger siblings finally meet Walter Alcott, the drunk driver who killed their parents whom was recently paroled from prison. Julia meets a Stanford teacher, who is also a writer. She is a main character and appears in all episodes. Meanwhile, Will pays Bailey a visit and realizes that he and Bailey are living in totally different worlds. Overview System Requirements Related Other seasons Callie gets jealous because Bailey is spending much more time with Sarah--who meets a guy at her doctor's office and they hit it off--than with her. Six months after an accident involving a drunk driver, PARTY OF FIVE follows five Salinger orphans are struggling to make ends meet and keep their family together.#ThrowBackTV #partyoffive #90tvshowParty of Five | Sarah Tells Bailey She Loves Him | Throw Back TVhttps:// Will McCorkle (best friend) Julia gets a new job as a museum curator and her new boss, Daniel (guest star. Kirsten wonders if he'll be happy with her, knowing that she can never have children. shows an interest in her. They all convince Charlie that Bailey has a serious drinking problem. At Bailey's first meeting, he bumps into Walter Alcott, the man that killed his parents. They fight and Kate tells him she will have sex with him, but he refuses to because she does not mean that. She tells him that she will marry Michael the next week. Stuart gives Claudia a very expensive gift and she tries to give him a bad gift, but he loves it. Later, Griffin shows up unannounced at an office building where Julia works as a receptionist wanting to hang out with her and refuses to leave. When Bailey does not accept her decision and Kate does not change her mind, they break up. Owen is Bailey's younger brother by 15 years. She talks with his brother, Sam, and he fires Alec. Griffin reacts by angrily yelling back at Julia, claiming that he's always had a problem with authority stemming from the lifelong abuse and mistreatment by his abusive, military-minded father. Bailey and Julia play parents on Claudia's date, ruining it. Also, Charlie reverts to his immature and womanizing personality when he flirts with a waitress at the restaurant, but when she tells him that she does not want anything with him, he gets angry and gives her a hard time. Kirsten's parents, Ellie and Gene, arrive suddenly to spend some time with them. She tells him that she does not like him in that way, and he gets mad, but apologizes and stays for Christmas dinner. They go to the bar and have some drinks, and she asks him to sleep with her. Sarah meets a former friend of her birth mother who tells her that her natural birth father, whom was in fact briefly married to her mother, lives in New York City, which prompts the trouble Sarah meets a former friend of her birth mother who tells her that her natural birth father, whom was in fact briefly married to her mother, lives in New York City, which prompts the troubled Sarah to consider traveling to New York to find him, and leaving Bailey. Bailey is revealed to be living with Will and both of them work as roadies for a heavy metal band after Bailey dropped out of college and never stopped drinking or grew up. Party Of Five. Elsewhere, Bailey likes Kate Bishop, the pretty customer he meets at his after-school job at a local shoe store, but is saddened to learn that she has a boyfriend. Meanwhile, Bailey is jealous about Sarah for wearing tight clothes in her shows and for hanging out too much with her new band. Claudia tries to slow down her new relationship with Cody. Claudia tries to put the members of the band back together, so she tries to become friends with Cody, the guitarist. Sarah suspects something's up with Will when he begins to act strangely. Sarah Reeves: Bailey, you don't have to Bailey Salinger: But even if I didn't, you want this, and I would never stand in the way of something that you wanted, ever. When Bailey tries to apologize, Sarah accepts after learning he got her band a job at the restaurant. Claudia figures out that Cameron is attacking his friends on a web page. Holly leaves to go back to England, and Will tells Bailey that he has decided to return to college. Eventually, they call a truce and all ask Kirsten what she wants to do, but she is too withdrawn and disturbed by this point into a child-like state to decide or understand anything. Bailey has doubts when Kate, who has returned, and Jill both want to get back together with him and continue their relationship where it stopped. She says goodbye to her violin, putting it on the shelf in the basement. Claudia realizes that Reed does not have the same romantic feelings that she does for him. Julia continues to mistakingly think that Griffin's lackadaisical attitude and his inability to express any emotion stems from indifference, similar to Julia's own over her parents deaths. Also, Claudia is rightfully convinced that Grace is too self-absorbed with running for city council and does not care about her and Owen, so she makes up a story about a reporter wanting to meet her just to spend some time with Grace. She is getting married, and Sam realizes he still loves her. In San Francisco, Julia and Justin take action by organizing a school protest to a new rule that prohibits kissing in school, while Griffin continues to show an interest in Julia. His siblings immediately express their disapproval, and when Charlie attempts to make the decision for them, he risks losing his family for good. Elsewhere, Bailey discovers that Annie has fallen off the wagon after he finds her drunk on the second anniversary of her sobriety. Joe arrives later that day and tells Bailey and everyone else that his late father, Nick Salinger, also had a serious drinking problem for many years, but he stayed sober for 18 years until he died. 45 Minutes. Before Julia and her boss, Morgan, go on a date, Nina tells Julia to be mysterious and surprising, and to make him jealous. Charlie then decides to make Luke the new partner in his furniture factory to give him, Daphne, and Diana support after Bailey tells him about moving to Pennsylvania to go to college. Julia finally finds out about Griffin's financial problems before they renew their wedding vows. Charlie does not tell anyone, but he later tells everything to Kirsten. Claudia tries to find their lost grandfather. Charlie tries to talk to Kirsten, but learns that the easy way is not the way he has to go with Kirsten. Meanwhile, Claudia's new clique of friends is criticized on a on-line web page, and Claudia suspects the Read all. An old friend of Nick Salinger's named Earl arrives looking for a job, and Charlie gives him one because his father used to know him. Claudia is hard-pressed to complete a school assignment on a time capsule that requires her to look to the future. Claudia claims to be sick, but Julia does not believe her and thinks she's faking to gain attention. Sarah Zamora Reeves-Merrin is a new addition to the show in the second season as Bailey's girlfriend. Bailey sabotages Julia's audition for the lead singer of a band by sending Sarah, who gets the job. Bailey considers moving to Philadelphia to go back to college by attending the University of Pennsylvania following Joe's advice, but has some complications when Owen does not want to go with him and Charlie tells Bailey about keeping their parental responsibilities. Maggie confesses to the Salingers that Ned hit Julia because he used to physically hit her too when they were together. Claudia has to find a plumber to fix the pipes and gets yelled at by Charlie because it costs $3,000, but she says she's only age 13 and that was not her job. Elsewhere, Claudia pretends to be younger so she can enter a violin competition. Claudia calls him and tells a story about Owen falling down the stairs. As Sarah begins to recover from Bailey's car accident that has left her face physically scarred, he starts to go to AA meetings. As a result, Claudia breaks up with Byron and unfairly blames Julia for stealing her boyfriend. Sarah Reeves: I know it. Claudia confides in Julia about being very depressed and lonely. Meanwhile, Bailey and Annie start bonding and talking about their addictions while Sarah feels alone and left out. From Season 4 Episode 24, 'Fools Rush Out'. Julia, Bailey and Charlie leave town to drive up to their family cabin up in the Sierras to relax while Charlie waits for the results of his latest medical test. Sarah and Callie are away for the holidays. An unusually moody Kirsten thinks she's going through withdrawal since she quit taking her anti-depressant pills, only to get an even bigger surprise that will change her life and Charlie's. Robin Merin meets Sarah for the first time and introduces herself as Sarah's biological mother. Also, Julia decides to travel with Griffin on a road trip through Nevada, but the motorcycle breaks down and they have to get back to San Francisco to get it fixed. Kirsten tells Charlie that he is part of her mental problems. Also, Julia wins an award for her writing, but her siblings are humiliated by what she wrote about them. Joe is marrying a younger woman and wants the wedding held at the Salinger house, which reminds Charlie of his own aborted wedding to Kirsten. Now even more determined to find Daphne, Charlie leaves for Los Angeles. Meanwhile, Julia holds a party for Nina and her "new friends", but they quickly abuse her generosity by trashing the house. They spend the night together and end up having sex. Julia tries to talk with Sarah about her pregnancy, but Sarah says that if her mother decided to have an abortion, she would not be there. Bailey urgently travels to L.A. to find Jill, who is missing. Claudia tells Charlie she would not forgive him because the restaurant was a piece of their parents. Bailey soon develops an attraction for Greer instead. The family discusses her decision, and she says she just wants to be normal. Bailey steals expensive liquor from the house he was working on and gets fired. Kirsten and Charlie finally sleep together. Elsewhere, Charlie gets an award for helping the homeless, and he realizes how much he likes Grace when another man asks her out. Also, Julia and Justin decide to break up due to their differences and indifference to each other's recent actions. Charlie and Bailey decide to increase production of the furniture assembly line sales when a big client offers a generous fee. Ellie and Gene, arrive suddenly to spend some time with Danny, a resident intern at hospital... By what she wrote about them Sarah confesses to the hospital where party of five bailey and sarah first kiss also works regrets and... She 's not with her, says that his parental responsibilities come first line sales when big... Remain a virgin until she marries about her future as a violinist Sarah later changes her name Sarah! 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