Now, training a muscle more than 1-2x a week, using full body workouts (another thing that I kept pushing over and over again years ago when everyone thought bro-splits were the way to go) is finally common. I train arms 5 days a week with weekends off and a two week break every three or four months. Nope not at all! I am not a Doctor or Dietitian. Try to avoid the negative portion of each rep (eccentrics/negatives) to minimize excessive muscle damage. This is manageable, and doesnt negatively affect recovery (especially if youre eating and sleeping enough). Name a SINGLE fitness YouTuber who NEVER sold a single program or supplement for almost 10 years straight. R.I.P. Because I never wanted Nucleus Overload or my channel to be associated with scams and fads. This principle reminds me of intermittent fasting in comparison to regular dieting. Muscle Cells are the only Cells of the Body than can have multiple nuclei, they're called myonuclei ('myo' means muscle). I had all kinds of family visiting from Brazil for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years and because Im also building a pool, the last 3 weeks have been full of design work, lots of shoveling to redo my irrigation lines and just random other stuff. So the theory is that if you take time OFF, your muscles will be more susceptible to damage and as a result more prone to accumulating new myonuclei, and primed for greater total hypertrophy. It will take 3-6 months but it will work. But I dont want to lie to you guys for the sake of views on a video. So basically full body splits Vs. bro splits which is something the majority of us already know and accepted to be true:, But then the information collected was taken one step further in a more recent study in 2019 where two groups of men were given the same amount of TRAINING VOLUME, but one group consisted of traditional SPLIT training where the other did full body workouts. Instead they use the Volume/Fatique Pathway where you manipulate Musclefatique, Recovery and Volume to force adaption by Hypertrophy. Train like Vegeta for a month straight, active rest or deload for a solid 12 14 days to de-train your body, then right back to more intense training! Let me explain. Your email address will not be published. Take a look at this image. Remember that building muscle is an adaptative process, thats why we are only doing this for 30 days. Also, the goal of N.O is to train the muscle as often as possible WITHOUT causing excessive muscle damage. There are some fundamently wrong things about it and I made this post to educate some people who are maybe interested in this method. Advanced lifters have a hard time to generate enough muscledamage to still take advantage of this pathway. and they got SWOLE.. That is the pathway where noobgains mostly come from. Scan this QR code to download the app now. This belief is the result of propaganda. Finally, I decided to name it Nucleus Overload, since the word Overload actually means "excessive amount", and "overload" just sounds much cooler than "multiplication". Does the amount of cytoplasm within a muscle fiber controlled by a single myonucleus, wont breach its threshold. Youre argument in this comment is that even if it works, and faster, it doesnt give it legitimacy because we will all reach the natty limit in the end. Why was it so game changing? Now I knew why all these guys had such tremendous physiques, and were able to regain their muscle mass so fast (and even surpass it). Well, The holidays were a big part of it. I was on youtube and I came across a video by Team 3D Alpha talking about this strategy called "nucleus overload". The muscle would shrink following the detraining period, but the nuclei would remain intact, allowing the muscle to easily regain its former size in far less time. Just take a look at these recent studies, In 2018, this Study shows that AGE, SEX and MUSCLE FIBER TYPE do not matter. Its finally here!!! Also, I highly recommend blood flow restriction training since this allows you to use very safe loads AND achieve a ridiculous pump. re: FDA prosecution letters have been sent out to all US SARMs dealers.. To be honest, I just think too many people are lazy and its easier to say OVERTRAINING than to put the work in. I would grow at a much faster rate: BICEPS: The ONLY TWO Exercises You Need For GROWTH! Is this something I can attempt to do with chest as well? You clearly havent even watched the videos. Now, I did quite a bit of research on NOT and for the most part a lot of people are saying the same things. But the REAL QUESTION is, why did I wait SO LONG to show you my results as I did this from October 10th through November 10th. HSP Nucleus Overload Training combines all 3 of my Bone Density Training ($25 value), Weighted Stretch Training ($25 value), and Nucleus Overload Training protocols ($25 value) into ONE ultimate program designed to pack on SOLID mass and strength the fastest way possible, whether youre a beginner, intermediate, or advanced lifter. Also all relevant suggestions and feedback from customers will be grouped together and added to future editions (which again, will be all free), meaning that the E-Book/Program will continue to get better and better each year. I need to film a video, RIGHT NOW!! So getting back to my list, lets start with #1 which is NEWBIE GAINS and Im going to do my best to keep my explanations as simple as possible. Some of my favorite parts of the video are when he talks about being a kid in West Africa and seeing the merchants who would ride bikes up and down hills every day with all their merchandise and even though they were undereating and thin in their upper body, their legs were still really developed, especially their quads. I chose 4 weeks because based on my research on the human body, that is usually the amount of time it takes for the body to adapt to external stimuli before peaking. YouTube and the study of hypertrophy is just my passion. But then as your training volume decreases, its possible for the muscle to get smaller, but still retain the same number of nuclei. But i think that more people need to investigate training protocols based around higher frequency. And yes I know Arnold used steroids and we know testosterone increases nuclei content, however, that doesnt mean nuclei overload wont work us natty lifters too. 34179 >>34177 Yo, are you migan. Use all of the information provided at your own risk. 3)When I take time off to reset my mTOR, should I stop training completely? Youre supposed to be training multiple sets to failure every day with high volume (~50% 1rm). No, the word "overload" in the English language has 2 meanings: An Excess or something, or a very heavy load. Muscle cells can not split them self. Finally, I had to give my program a name. My main source of income comes from Stock trading. And remember, you NEED more myonuclei to achieve substantial muscle growth and bust through hypertrophy plateaus. I had all kinds of family visiting from Brazil for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years and because Im also building a pool, the last 3 weeks have been full of design work, lots of shoveling to redo my irrigation lines and just random other stuff. TEAM 3D ALPHA migan here Life 20/03/21(Sat)12:12 No. You see, theres quite a bit of research that talks about the effects of de-training your muscles with time off in order to re-sensitize yourself to muscle damage. Thats because the loss of muscle size doesnt come from loss of myonuclei, it comes from loss of muscle proteins. Look if you want to see what the. As long as sleep, hydration, protein, micronutrients, stress/hormone management etc. Some other real life examples include powerlifters. I was completing 100 reps as fast as I could, usually in 10 sets of 10 reps. 10)Can I do multiple Nucleus Overload cycles? It doesnt know youre lifting weights trying to get bigger. The only thing that happens is that you accumulate fatique of the muscle because of poor recovery and high weekly volume. So I decided to give Nuclei Overload Training (NOT) a shot and what I did was perform 100 dumbbell biceps curls a day for 30 days straight. COPYRIGHT TEAM3DALPHA, 2023. Go to the gym and do a 55 workout with 80% of your max. But be careful, most people can't recover from that sort of brutally heavy training long enough for the repeated bout effect to kick in. -ONLY if your recovery management is optimal (check the Recovery Guide video for the top 10 things). I dont think this article shouldve been posted, dude. Required fields are marked *. You have 12 weeks, time to unleash your inner BEAST !! One last thing since completing the 100 reps a day for my biceps, whenever I train back or perform biceps movements, the pump and mind-muscle connection has been better than ever. I was completing 100 reps as fast . Some other real-life examples include powerlifters. Years later (around 2014-2015), I also stumbled upon Blood flow-restriction training, which was an absolute gold mine and supported all of my findings about Nucleus Overload. Wouldnt a muscle with more nucleus have more potential to grow than a muscle that hasnt done nucleus overload? Basically this means that your muscles can only get so big because your body regulates what it can sustain and a single nucleus can only maintain a given amount of sarcoplasm in that if the muscle fiber expands TOO MUCH, then things would break down and function less efficiently. At least the guy from 3D Alpha linked a couple of studies on the topic. In fact, a really great video for you to check out later is by Jonathan Migan of Team 3D Alpha called The Best Video Ever On How To Build Muscle Naturally where he talks a lot about real life examples of NOT and goes over a lot of recent studies that now prove it does have truth based in science. So if you train every day with medium intensity and load, I'll guaranty you, there will no muscle damage happen after 3-4 days of doing this. I knew this was bullshit all along, simply because ever since I was a kid, some of the most muscular people I had ever seen always followed a very high frequency training approach, regardless of genetics. To put this into perspective, imagine that you can bench press 80kg for 1-2 reps. 50% of that equals 40kg. Not in reference to if this will work or not, but muscles are multi-nucleated. And yes I know Arnold used steroids and we know testosterone increases nuclei content, however, that doesnt mean nuclei overload wont work us natty lifters too. Eventually you'll hit your genetic limit of course, but that will take years. I only have one goal: turning weak, lonely, depressed men into absolute monsters, alpha males, leaders, and world changers . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Tbh, everyone claims their program to be the best if not revolutionary . Nucleus Multiplication, Excessive Nuclei etc. The Team 3D Alpha method requires you to overtrain and then rest whereas as with the mainstream method you maintain a steady overload. Bro, dont try to teach him anything. Should we all just start going to the gym and training everything everyday for a set period of time and then take a long break to de-train from that overloading training stimulus in order to re-sensitize ourselves to muscle damage? Thats the real question and unfortunately I cant give a definitive answer just yet. This way a growing muscle cell can obtain more nuclei. And people wont doubt your findings ,, myonuclei are definitely donated to the muscle cell. I put forth the theory that it had to be because of the extra nuclei within their muscles from all the years of "local overtraining". As you know I decided to experiment with Nuclei Overload Training to try to spark more growth in my biceps! So this is the worst article that I could find, even worse than a negative gaming review. One last thing since completing the 100 reps a day for my biceps, whenever I train back or perform biceps movements, the pump and mind-muscle connection has been better than ever. Remember, the goal of mTOR reset is not to deload, it is to DETRAIN. With enough Tension, Load or Insensity (doesn't matter how you call it) you get muscledamage which leads to satellite cell activation and the whole process I described earlier. I remember it like it was yesterday, I looked in my mirror after an intense arms workout and said DAMN, I look huge!! The most rapid muscle growth you will ever experience in 12 weeks. Sets: ~5 sets per day, less than 5 minutes total. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. -Any exercise that is safe, allows for a maximum pump, and doesn't put excess stress on your connective tissue. So if you're using moderate loads (less than 30 reps to failure), you don't need BFR at all. muscle atrophy is always a fear as well, but I didnt STOP training, I just wasnt nearly as consistent as I was back then. If you begin to train you are increasing myonuclear content:, Another study in 2018 by Brad Schoenfeld demonstrates that high frequency training is more optimal in terms of hypertrophy gains than training once a week. Reply. So in my case, I would say the last 6 or 7 months have been the best dedication to training Ive had in YEARS and I know I can still do even better. That's why I take SO many breaks from YouTube (for months at a time, sometimes up to a year) whenever I want, even though it CRUSHES my views and stops my channel from growing. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Nucleus training WORKS! 9)Do I have to use blood flow restriction training for Nucleus Overload? I once experimented with pushups every day for a month using the arms of a sturdy armchair. In fact, even though I was 10lbs lighter, I looked thicker all over and its only recently that I feel like Im getting back to where I was. So once the repeated bout effect kicks in (usually takes up to a few weeks depending on your training status), you'll actually be causing less damage, causing protein synthesis to go towards muscle growth as opposed to just damage repair. You can also subscribe without commenting. 6)Should I keep training the same muscle normally in my regular program if I decide to do Nucleus Overload? Dri-Fit Workout Bodybuilding Stringer - Red, Dri-Fit Workout Bodybuilding Stringer - Light Blue, Dri-Fit Workout Bodybuilding Stringer - Silver,,,,,, Newbie Gains (which doesnt really apply to me but should still be noted), Muscle Memory (which DOES apply to me and I will explain why), Actual growth obtained from additional myonuclei in the muscle. But before we move into that, which is number 3 on my list (actual growth obtained), lets first discuss number twoMUSCLE MEMORY. In fact, for my first 9 years on YouTube (from 2011 to 2020), I never sold a SINGLE program, although I had around 40-50K subscribers at a time. It's just a hobby for me. 11)Why not just do normal training? -There is a difference between overtraining and under recovering. But eventually, the sarcastic name stuck, and a year later when YouTubers CT Fletcher and Mike Rashid entered the YouTube scene, many confused my "overtraining" method with their version of "overtraining", which is completely different. Thats the point that Team Alpha was making. I know that people will never stop looking for the cure to being natural, but even overtraining cannot break the natural limits, for the fact that training does not alter the synthesis of protein in the body to the point where steroid-like results manifest. and our After the GROWTH stage, the muscle is not only bigger, but also contains much more myonuclei. This is the facebook fan page for Team3Dalpha. #DominanceDisciplineDirection Created 2)How many reps (or how heavy should I go) on Nucleus Overload? Acceptable_Tune3299. ALWAYS keep protein on the high side (at least 1g per pound of bodyweight, slightly less if very obese). So basically full body splits Vs. bro splits which is something the majority of us already know and accepted to be true:, But then the information collected was taken one step further in a more recent study in 2019 where two groups of men were given the same amount of TRAINING VOLUME, but one group consisted of traditional SPLIT training where the other did full body workouts. I have a Bachelor's degree in Corporate Finance, and another Bachelor's in Management Consulting & Analysis. Duration: 4 weeks max, followed by 1-2 weeks of DETRAINING. I had to find out the reason for this, so I kept digging endlessly and kept recommending it anyway despite the constant ridicule. I didnt put much additional size on them but they look muscular. This can never happen unless you are a professional athlete on steroids who has built up his training capacity over the years. So I plan on trying the 100 reps challenge again, but this time Im going to attack TRAPS and CALVES. This principle reminds me of intermittent fasting in comparison to regular dieting. He then goes on to talk quite a bit about West African fisherman and how they develop such dense muscle because every single day theyre rowing, casting nets, bringing fish in and swimming to the bottom of the river to bring up loads of 30lbs buckets of sand to sell and they do this DAILY, which if most of you did this amount of work, you would likely categorize it as overtraining. It has kept passed 51 ever since. You have to take into consideration THREE very important things as well. So I decided to give Nuclei Overload Training (NOT) a shot and what I did was perform 100 dumbbell biceps curls a day for 30 days straight. But what does this REALLY mean? Maybe untapped growth is a bi-product of us thinking our bodies cant adapt well and the true culprit holding us back is the fear of overtraining? Would both ways still have the same natty limits? If so should I try regular bench, incline or decline for 30 days? Those who played rugby/football would have their Trapezius grow extremely fast, those who used to swim a lot would develop ultra-wide lats without even trying etc. The directors rely on muscular men to play the roles of criminals. Nucleus Overload is officially the fastest way for naturals to grow, and the safest way to achieve hyperplasia without excessively damaging the muscle. What a difference from the 13 puny looking arms I had. were all recommendations which were far too cringy in my opinion. HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM AND MEAL PLAN Mr. But this is just life for them and dont pull the Its because they have black genetics card, because thats just ignorant as not everyone in West Africa is born shredded with super dense muscle mass. Not bad things, just overall healthy adult life growth. The reason is because I didnt want to have to go TOO light. Rest period: less than 30 seconds between sets. Some days were harder than others and the weights varied from 35lb dumbbells to 50lb dumbbells depending on how sore I was. Its a short term strategy to improve a particualr body part. For example, take this video filmed back in June of 2013. 1)Can I do Nucleus Overload on multiple body parts or FBW every day? To be exact there is no such thing as nucleus overload, you cannot force satellite cells to give more nuclei to a muscle without steroids. Compared to all my other muscles, Ive always felt like my biceps are lagging, and if what Ive been doing wasnt working, trying something else seemed like the best alternative. For example, take this video filmed back in June of 2013. The idea would be to train a muscle every day for 4 weeks, followed by a brief period of detraining. I feel the same want about my chest as you did about your arms? Not bad things, just overall healthy adult life growth. However, the biggest reason is that a HUGE PART of NOT is the RECOVERY after the 30 days and I wanted to be able to talk about that as well as have time to research the science as well. If you insist on going to the gym anyway, keep it light, dont go near failure. In fact, I noticed about a quarter-inch difference when I remeasured from day 1 to 30 days later and still retain that difference even now. I did 3 sets to failure, varying the rest periods between for variety (between 10 and 30 seconds). The first and foremost is the muscle damage pathway. Nucleus Overload is the 30-day program I designed several years ago to accelerate muscle growth in natural lifters. -First off, Nucleus Overload is free, and always has been. Some of the messages underneath the videos are just hilarious. Each rep range has its own biologically ideal programing style. To make things clear, there are different mechanisms to achieve musclegrowth. It doesnt know youre lifting weights trying to get bigger. That is when everything finally clicked, and all my years of observation and personal research paid off. I know that there was A LOT in this article. But that wouldnt be very scientific, would it? Well, let me post this question to all of you. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. And number two, I was training A LOT more frequently back then and I really dont want to use that as an excuse, but life happens and a lots changed in my life since then. Log in to follow creators, like videos, and view comments. To be honest, I want to continue with NOT for other body parts, but always use this video as a point of reference so I dont have to re-explain everything, every time. That detraining period is what separates Nucleus Overload from all other high frequency training protocols. The idea behind this is that you overload the muscle cells with more myonuclei, which produces a lot of hypertrophy in the aftermath when you rest. Thanks 20/03/21(Sat)16:10 No. HOW MUCH PROTEIN SHOULD I EAT FOR NUCLEUS OVERLOAD AND HSP TRAINING. But this method is actually pretty much the exact opposite of what should be done. As you know I decided to experiment with Nuclei Overload Training to try to spark more growth in my biceps! My friends who used to play soccer would start bodybuilding and see their legs and calves hypertrophy at a ridiculous rate with barely any effort. -for optimal results, yes, don't train hard. Theres a lot more to this than just seeing growth. . But how do you accomplish this once the NEWBIE GAINS phase is over? Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. But basically myonuclar domain theory states that how large a muscle can get is to some degree constrained by the number of myonuclei it has. Thanks 20/03/21(Sat)16:10 No. Within 2 months, arms had grown to 14 cold. In fact, even Jonathan makes this statement as he was born in West Africa himself. If it does, lower your volume on your main routine so that N.O + your routine equals no more than 10 sets per day for THAT specific muscle. You gonna share buddy! In another study by Schoenfeld, he shows that basically you can perform three sets of 10 reps and get the same muscle gains as someone doing 1 drop set. I dont think it was specific thing but a synergy of different approaches shocking the muscle. Even when Nucleus Overload finally went viral back in 2016 (5 years ago), friends thought I was crazy for refusing to capitalize on the opportunity. In fact, a really great video for you to check out later is by Jonathan Migan of Team 3D Alpha called The Best Video Ever On How To Build Muscle Naturally where he talks a lot about real life examples of NOT and goes over a lot of recent studies that now prove it does have truth based in science. ) on Nucleus Overload and hsp training or not, but also contains much more myonuclei to achieve substantial growth... 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Maren Morris Ethnicity, Litchfield Middle School Staff Directory, Articles T