Farms, Ranches and City Property RUSH WILLIE H with W E O Rush r 322 s C Rooms 14,15 and 16, Security Bank Building. Over Security State Bank Wellington, Kansas Staffelbach Arthur W student r 514 s F Ewing Emmett Geuda Spgs 2.Wal Stalinger Latch Weiger W R J. R. Oldham, G. W.; Mrs. Grant Bass, recorder. Hollingsworth Sarah A r 401 n C Jacobs A G Perth.Do Rissell James W wf Mary team r 415 w Harvey WELLINGTON, KANSAS RHODES WATSON, PROPS. NinthPlum st. Jailns 7th, 1/2 block w of Washn. Fifth1st st. Hatton, Rome; J. I. Jackson, Perth. Lewis Ancel O student r 408 e 7th 37Meets 3d Monday eve of each month at Masonic hall. Waggoner J R Geuda Spgs.Wal Wampler W B Wellington.76 Eiklor John wf Emeline D (Eiklor & Son) r 703 n Washn Culiver Mary r 405 s F Culiver Wm wf Caroline trav r 405 s F Artman N J Argonia.Dix Jones W H Oxford.Val Hutson Thos J section hnd Santa Fe r 324 e 4th JAGGERS & PFEIFER 2d floor Security Bank bldg tel 75 and farmers phone Bon Ton Bakery 117 n Washn Cashier Wright Helen clk LICHTY BROS r 201 1/2 s Washn Skaggs R C Wellington.Jk Dodge M W Anson.Su SMITHS DRUG STORE 116 s Washn tel 181 H F Smith propr Pierce O A Ryland J A Walton Allen C wf Frankie (Walton Bros) r 311 e 8th Hauser, Geuda Springs. Hency J F Wellington.Av Horn C Udall.Go 48 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. W. R. McLAUGHLAN, Local Manager. Oldridge John Argonia.Dix SINCLAIR EARL W mgr Wellington Gas Co b Arlington Hotel Jameson John Clearwater 3..Ill JACKSON LEONARD wf Alida propr City Feed & Livery Barn r 301 n Washn tel 396 Kerley R D PeckLon RepresentativesJohn A. Jeffries, South Haven, Kas. MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS. Richards Roy B wf Lena clk H L Buttrey r 508 s G Pitts C D Milton.Ed Prather D L Argonia.Mor AMSDEN LUMBER CO. lumber, E. Knowles, Geo. WATSON WM E wf Tressa F mgr New Arlington Hotel r same Kramer Lodge No. NEW ARLINGTON HOTEL Baldridge D M Butler S M Jackson T J Caldwell.Falls DUERSON WM B wf Allie M carp Chenoweth & Winger r 516 n F Crane T A Caldwell.Falls Powe Frank Stephens C T MITCHELL J H Oathout J Mayfield 2.Os ROCK ISLAND LUMBER & COAL CO 8th ne cor Jefferson tel 56 Wellington Lumber & Coal Co 604 s Jefferson 306-316 North Washington Ave, Tel. The City of Wellington has adopted the 2015 I-Codes and the 2014 NEC. DR. T. H. JAMIESON, Eye, Ear and Throat Murphy Wm E trav r 123 n G Johnson Clayton brake Santa Fe 207 S. Washington. Heated and Lighted by Natural Gas Jarboe Arnold Portland.Gr Foulks John Miller Siras WORDEN CHAS wf Armina propr Wellington Nurseries tel 534 r 1104 n Blaine tel 533 Hollingsworth H C Geuda Spgs 1. Wal TROWBRIDGE & TROWBRIDGE DRS (L R & J V Trowbridge) osteopathic physicians 217 1/2 n Washn tel 497 Geo. THROAT EYE & EAR Van Campen Ellen M wid Nathan r 816 s Blaine Jones E B Milan.Ry KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY. GLINES STUDIO 2d floor Security Bank bldg tel 72 THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE TOILET ARTICLES FRENCH LORENDO J wf Cora D (French Hitchcock & Son) r 924 s Washn tel 160 Davis Caroline A C wid Jared r 915 w Harvey Siemer John wf Minnie r 904 w Harvey SikesSee also Sykes 120 S. WASHINGTON PHONE 182 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Murray Max E clk Hackney Bros r 210 n F Carrington Roy S clk LICHIY BROS r 210 n B Short J W Wellington.Well Surplus Fund, $25,000. 124 S. Washington Tel. View City Hall hours and holidays. M. Brown A S Milan.Ry LIME GLAMANN BROS. COAL AND ICE 59, Farmer Phone 45 Wellington, Kansas SECOND HAND GOODS M.cKee J D Conway Spgs.Spg 0. Turley G W Clearwater.Lon Vaughn James Geuda Spgs.Val Capital stock 150,000.00. Cockrill Laura E r 124 n Jefferson Duncan James A plumber Geo H Crouse rms 308 s Washn Cherney Anton Caldwell 3.B1 Pfile Fred South Haven.Ge DEPARTMENT STORES Pike G W Oxford Val Potter W M M Mulvane Go Kinzy Everett E r 1405 e 4th Plank Wm II wf Margaret J r 626 w 10th Hawley F A Johnson J H Smiths Drug Store Walton Margaret F millinery Mollie M Davis rms 116 n F Hangen J Wellington.Jk J. H. Mitchell, Contractor and Builder Hutchin G E Geuda Spgs..Val White H L Wellington 6.Gr Willey T P Belle Plaine 3.Har SMITH & ROGERS (H F Smith F D Rogers) jewelers and opticians 116 s Washn tel 181 Downs F Huffman M V ROCK ISLAND RESTAURANT 211 s Washn 324 s G 120 S. WASHINGTON PHONE 182 WELLINGTON, KANSAS H. Mason, Belle Plaine; John Roger, Belle Plaine; Rex Hazzard, Belle Plaine. Amberg John wf Mary Barbara r 315 s Cherry Farm and City Property for Sale or Rent. 176 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Wyant G W Wellington.76 Young Wm Oxford.Pal WELLINGTON DAILY NEWS THE (evening daily) 114 e Harvey H L Woods editor and propr 205-207 EAST LINCOLN AVENUE Darby Susan Mrs r 118 n Jefferson Thompson Ray trucker Santa Fe r 720 e Lincoln 117 1-2 IN. Tel. SECOND FLOOR SECURITY BANK BUILDIN Bartholomew I. S. Mulvane.Go Garnand Grace V student r 204 e Lincoln F. Boory. 6C. Firemens Hall1211/2 s Washn. Stanley Fred mach Santa Fe rms 1322 e Lincoln Kersey J M Belle Plaine l.Pa Hilderbrand Henry wf Barbara E r 228 w 14th Christian Science Church 123 n Jefferson Peddicord T B Willey T Daily Logan hostler Dr H. J Stevens Allen A T Mayfield.Os Jones M L Geuda Spgs 2.Wal Ward Vernon O student r 301 s Washn Lowery B R Shiffert J E We also Handle all grades of Coal Shull A Bay Mary Miller James H wf Ella r 632 n H MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS. Real Estate, Loans and Wellington, Kansas Gossett W M Hoffman Frank BEE HIVE GROCERY 103 n Washn tel 135 Banks W J Wellington.Jk Coffey Thos Jefferson wf Rosa r 520 w 4th Brooks H E Edwards W T Lutz L B Richmond P H HIGH SCHOOL GROCERY 702 n Blaine tel 280 Brockman Wm Argonia.Mor Shop at Residence, 401 N. Blaine Street Johnson John T Argonia.Mo WELLINGTON WATER & LIGHT PLANT office 123 e Harvey (City bldg) M H Kirk supt REAL ESTATE, LOANS and EMIGRATION AGENTS LIVERY STABLES Streets and AlleysKnowles, Hackney and Russell. 66 Wellington, Kans. Lambe Armour C wf Mary (A C Lambe & Son) r 424 n Poplar LAMBE CHAS B wf Aimee C teller Security State Bank r 610 n B tel 271 Kelly Alex r 306 n Poplar Stephens James Bennett O L Riley Nancy E wid Wm H r 323 s Jefferson 123 W. Harvey. Parsons Geo r 1st and east city limits Ceconi Joseph r 410 e 7th Hubbard Mildred E student r 1023 e 4th Campfield W L South Haven.S H Ivie T J Oxford.Go Grafford John hostler J F Ilarrelson rms 313 e Lincoln 1907-1908 WELLINGTON, KANSAS CITY DIRECTORY. Wellington Cement Stone Company Cease, Argonia; H. C. Hetrick, Argonia; Warren Washburn, Argonia. PERRY E. MILLER The Leading optician Of Sumner County Weger Joseph N wf Mary E r 619 n A Kerns J M Perth.Do Tritt Oliver W farmer r 704 s G Strait Milton Swanson Henry Mulvane.Go Shearman Grace coll r 124 n Park TOTTY LEONARD r 408 s H MILLER PERRY E wf Birdie F jeweler and optician 104 s Washn tel 153 r 801 n Washn Wellington Cement Stone Company Sanderson J E Carmichael C Rice Joseph Portland.Ge Roberts R E Geuda Spgs.Wal LUMBER, COAL AND BUILDERS MATERIAL Showman I R Conway Spgs Spg Crab J R U Milan.Ry MilIer J C Stevens C IRLAND FRANK D wf Mary N (Shirlie & Co) r 415 s H We Solicit Your Patronage, Offering You Our Excellent Facilities for the Safe and Satisfactory Handling of Your Business Fredrickson Carl South Haven.Ge Hupp C M Mayfield l.Os Dawson Anna E wid Walter H r 513 n C HarmonF. Smith Neal Weatherby H C NEW ARLINGTON HOTEL Harvey nw cor Wahsn tel 158 Rhodes & Watson proprs Brasher Paul harness mkr F Klein rms 321 s F BEE HIVE GROCERY Wilson Lucinda W wid Wm r 300 n Blaine Wheeler Eugenis J wf Mary A r 214 s Jefferson Wellington, Kans. - Barnett Jimmie W r 606 n Jefferson Goerne J F Argonia.Dix Morse Rebecca J wid John C r 408 s Jefferson Allen Jennie E Mrs r 909 n F W. A. CARRINGTON Lefler Lester White J J Markley L C Belle Plaine 2.B P Mathes J C Conway Spgs.Cr Wakefield Geo C wf Roxie tchr High School r 524 n Jefferson Linn Elta M r 409 e Harvey Owen T A Caldwell.Cald 53 Brownlee A A Geuda Spgs 1 Wal Moore Wm H wf Faraba clk Santa Fe r 1220 e Harvey Wynn H A Perth.Do Zimmerman J J Belle Plaine 2.Har EMERSON & HARRISON Physician and Druggist Bartlett Elijah W wf Mamie F much Santa Fe r 1206 e Lincoln Salter E F Williams C B Mullinax J P HunnewellS H Farnsworth L A South Haven.S H (South Haven Township.) SHIRLIE & CO CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Hoyt T C Milton.Ed THOS. G. E. DADISMAN, MGR. (2) To preserve the natural beauty and topography of the municipality and to ensure appropriate development with regard to these natural features. Real Estate and Insurance Biggs W R Caldwell.Cald Boan E A Geuda Spgs l.Wal CITY DIRECTORY. E. I. RECTOR MARKET GARDENER THOMPSON & HARPER 17 Security Bank bldg tel 472 Lund A Conway Spgs.Con 2 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Chandler H B Conway Spgs.Spg HERRICK JAMES T wf Cordelia W (Herrick & Herrick) county attorney office Court House tel 7 r 219 w Lincoln tel 28 Herrick S Caroline r 11th ne cor C WALTON I A LAND INVESTMENT CO 217 n Washn tel 578 Brause Wm Seacat W L Engel Charles Wellington.Jk Gardiner J C Wellington.Well Clayton N D Portland l.Gr WELLINGTON, KANSAS Phone 75 Russell John Henry clk Saylor & Meyer r 615 n A Metz Zyba Oxford.Ox Res. Soika Chas Corbin.Ch Spradling B F South Haven.Ge W. A. RENN, Vice-President W. H. MADDY, Asst. Barr Carl L r 205 1/2 n Washn PREWITT'S WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. WE SELL FOR CASH. Fine Vehicles, Carriages, Buggies, Stanhopes, 90 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. Reed Hazel r 416 w Lincoln Office First and G, at Ice Plant. Shoup S Udall.Go Flack James South Haven.Ge 1907=1908 Sehaurer Geo P wf Edith dairy r Olive cor 15th H. McMath, Riverdale; A. M. McCaukey, Wellington; Cummins O S Clearwater.Lon 106 PREWITTS WELLINGTON. Bringle A Sherman Rev wf Maria Helen pastor Seventh Day Adventist Church r 204 n Park Kelley E E Corbin.Ch Sherman R F Voges Chris 120 S. WASHINGTON PHONE 182 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Derringer Ignus Johnston L N J. F. THOMPSON W.A. SecondF st. Wellington Plumbing (Go. Arnold Cloe student rms 421 n B Parsliall Levi P wf Katharine carp J H Mitchell r 1116 w Harvey SEYMOUR W B 205-207 e Lincoln tel 12 Puterbaugh Milton E fireman Santa Fe rms 1023 e 4th Hall Wm A cond Santa Fe Holloway Abijah Conway Spgs I.Su Crosen Peyton W wf Eva r 807 w Harvey Hamill Geo Mayfield.Os LOANS Foudray W E McGinnis W R 123 Zoning Info/Forms. Allyn F W Conway Spgs.Spg 123 W. Harvey. RUTHERFORD JAMES W wf Annie P register of deeds Court House tel 8 r 124 n F Hoyt L C Monnet S L Hinkle T A South Haven.Ge Baxter A J Cartwright A L W. W. VETTER, Brackhill C H Cofer J H Chapman S E Fowler Chas Pertle Cecil Oxford.Ox Wellington Cement Stone Company OfficeThird ward school bldg. PHONE 578 expert refracting eye specialists and diagnosticians 118 1-2 N. Washington Ave. Wellington, Kansas Jackson Geo I Wellington.Well 155 GLINES' STUDIO Coffelt John Corbin.Falls Cook A Argonia.Dix Ferguson J W Spencer W C Hock H B Milan.Ry Office Hours, S to 12 a. m., / to 6 p. m. Holt Thomas Tuttle James Spradley Pryor H wf Lou r 210 e Harvey Patton F Perth.Do WELLINGTON STORAGE CO Kansas av cor C tel 164 E T Rector propr WELLINGTON, KANSAS Hallam Edw F fireman Santa Fe rms 205 1/2 s Washn MISS DAVIS MILLINERY Laughlin T L Mayfield.Os Bartlett Ethel G tel opr Mo & Kas Tel Co r 314 s F Yards Cor. McClain W A Wellington.Jk Carpenter Oliver N wf Nora engr Santa Fe r 721 e Lincoln Fitzgerald E S Portland.Ge 472 SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES Holder Cnas Argonia.Cr 111 W. Lincoln. Seventh Day Adventist Church 11th, ne cor. 124 S. Washington. Quick Service. Christian W Mayfield 1.0s Gaddie S C Wellington 3.SU Barlow Saml wf Mary T r 816 n A Cole D W Belle Plaine 1.B P Cordell Wm Wellington..Well 112 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. 13 WELLINGTON, KANSAS RECTOR EDW T wf Emma C whol and retail market gardener also propr Wellington Storage Co r 927 s C tel 164 Kearns John J r 504 s G Lee J W Geuda Spgs l.Wal Peyton Thomas Ross B F STAR LIVERY & FEED STABLE 7th sw cor C White J T Wellington.Well Williams A Belle Plaine 2.B P McDaniel Clarence A wf Pluma B fireman Santa Fe r 1310 e Lincoln Cole John Grider G H WELLINGTON PRODUCE CO 214 s Washn tel 399 FOSSETT BROS. HARNESS, Moss Orie J oiler Aetna Mills r 503 e 1st 75 Modlin Edgar wf Agnes chf train dispch Santa Fe r 602 s Washn Hardwick Joseph S wf Alice A boiler mkr Santa Fe r 1103 e Lincoln SNYDERS DRUG STORE F. B. SNYDER Crick J M Ashton.Wal Price Bertha C tchr High School r 715 w Harvey Furniture Repairs and Jobbing a Specialty 205 S. Washington Ave. Telephone No. Crisler Mfg Co 300 n Washn J L Crisler propr 124 S. Washington. Sunderland Ed drayman rms 205 1/2 n Washn Goff Emmett Ashton.Wal Grubbs Yula G r 318 w Lincoln Rains M T Caldwell.Falls Rennick F F Mulvane.Go Laughlin James Mayfield.Os Benjamin Wm S wf Elizabeth r 820 e 4th Beal S T Eastman J W Wetzel John A wf Sarah A plasterer r 524 s Olive 380Wellington, Kansas Guy Joseph Turpin J B Bainter F P Belle Plaine 3.Pal THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE 63 Griffith J J Belle Plaine 3.Pal THE BORROWER IS AS ABLE TO BUY ONE AS YOU G. I.JACKSON the tinner Todd W E Bowman Wm Gwynn Harry wf Myrtle barber 109 e Harvey r 917 w Harvey J. COBEAN HARRY L DR 103 1/2 s Washn tel 351 farmers phone 5 office hours 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m Johnson Joe Milton.Ed RURAL CARRIERS. W. R. McLAUGHLAN, Local Manager. Over Security State Bank Wellington, Kansas Clay Henry D wf Grace car rep Santa Fe r 403 e 3d Exchanges a Specialty. Konrad Henry wf Mary restaurant 218 n Washn r same JAS. Kendrick J J South Hayen.Ge Cashier Wallace C C Mulvane 1.B P W. Wallace C T Belle Plaine.Go We solicit your patronage, offering you our excellent facilities for the safe and satisfactory handling of your business 115 EAST FOURTH CITY DIRECTORY. Owens Geo H Ashton.Wal Johnson Edna ironer Wellington Strm Ldry r 423 n Blaine Chapman Daisy F student r 1029 e Harvey Over Gambrilis Department Store. THOMPSON & HARPER Cr.Creek Twp. Barndollar J W 205 e Harvey Dryer W M Wellington 4.Os Jones Ertie E wks Santa Fe r 1212 e Lincoln Telephone 165, Farmers Phone 22 Chapman R A Ashton.Ge EYES STRAIGHTENED WITHOUT DRUGS OR KNIFE Yards Cor. Zimmerman John Belle Plaine 2.Har McCants B V Caldwell.Cald Chambers J J Perth.Do Myers Frank L wf Lucy F train master Santa Fe r 1107 s Washn Shore B D Clough W S Burriss Mabel M supervisor of music City Schools mis 402 n B Ames Arthur wf Cora section hand C R I & P r nw cor 11th A. BOYCE, Mgr. Simmons Edna E r 616 e Harvey Deputy Register of DeedsMrs. Dear H L Mayfield 1.SU Ready & Ready (J M & W M Ready) attys 116 1/2 N Washn Hill Nancy wid Greene r 518 s Blaine Over Security State Bank: Wellington, Kansas Fogg S E South Haven 2.Gr Faukboner J S Caldwell.Cald SOUTHWESTERN BUS CO office Arlington Hotel tel 158 Albert Russell propr Wehrman- G H Wellington.Well Wheeler F V Portland l.Gr Falls..Falls Twp. Pittman W H Anson.Su Prater W A Oxford Ox Fulkerson A Milton.Ed G. I. JACKSON THE tinner. Stewart J Verne plumber G H Crouse r 217 w Harvey Ziegler John C wf Eva carp E L Brown r 910 n Washn Kline W C Milan.Dix Stewart David (c) coachman 816 Washn Maxey Adena F r 714 s Washn La Force W V Peck.Lon Pattee Thos M wf Mary E r Olive nr north limits SIMPSON CHAS H (Simpson & Hygh) r Harper Kas Crabill J L Conway Spgs.Con Fansnacht J C Conway Spgs.Spg Everything Photographic 13 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Left Bottom Lines. PEYTON HENRY T wf Hattie master mech Santa Fe r 720 e Harvey Second8th st. GLINES' STUDIO UP-TO-DATE-WORK WARD HOTEL Veach G A Wellington.Av Walker F H Argonia.Dix Yoder Samuel Milan.Ry Zook H D Milan.Ry Anderson B L Peck.Lon Over Security State Bank Wellington, Kansas Beeson 0 Chaffin Mervin Breece Henry Caldwell.Falls CITY DIRECTORY. Cunningham G R Wellington.Wel CATONS MARBLE WORKS 211 n Washn Harvey Av. Cathcart J D Geuda Spgs.Wal Hesket W H Oxford.Val Gubitz Fred Clearwater 3.Ill W. R. MCLAUGHLAN, LOCAL MANAGER. Rice Fred L wf Josephine car clk Santa Fe r 605 e Lincoln Hatton Frank hostler helper Santa Fe rms 908 e Lincoln Creevan R V Dalton.Av Brumley Ralph H clk Frambers & Brumley r 409 n C Wartick Henry Geuda Spgs.Wal Wells Ray Mulvane.Go Chas. PRAY ENOS wf Margaret R sales Benj F Sparr r 412 n F____________ McAllister C B Belle Plaine 1.B P Wellington Our Regular 20c Meals are Unsurpassed. African M E Church (c) 211 e Lincoln Dailey Earl clk C A Gambrill b 1113 w Lincoln Boory Wm H wf Clara E r 410 n F MISS DAVIS MILLINERY 5W. WELLINGTON NURSERIES Smith Curtis P fireman Santa Fe rms 314 s Washn Hemberger Josie Milan.Mor Cottrell I W Hetrick H C Egan W H Knightly James Fitzsimmons H Argonia.Dix Faukboner C H Caldwell.Cald MONUMENTS Hansen Herbert C student r 622 e Lincoln Ryel W E Whitmer D C MIillard Robt S wf Mary r 203 n F Pendleton John A painter r 202 n C EYES STRAIGHTENED WITHOUT DRUGS OR KNIFE Plke E Arnett S C Cornwell Bruce E r 702 n B Rumble Isaac Wellington.Well Sawin Earl Udall.Go Rumer F M Clearwater 3.Ill Sawyer C A South Haven.S H Dunn C P Conway Spgs.Cr Wilson Mary C wid Michael A r 724 n B Your Business Solicited Robb Lewis Wellington.Lon Rogers W H South Haven.S H Ashworth R D Mulvane.Go A. McDermott, Winfield, Kas. Stubbs J T Booth Albert SMITHS DRUG STORE 116 s Washn tel 181 Wellington, Kansas Earl Mary E wid Robt r 116 n G Jeffries T F South Haven.S H Evans L R Wellington.Jk Electric Bells, Bath Rooms and Sample Rooms. Jarvis F J Portland.Ge E. T. RECTOR MARKET GARDENER Zochert Birdie Mrs r 921 w Harvey Marshall Bros (Oren & Myron Marshall) cigar mfgs 115 1/2 e. Harvey Wright Chas G wf Lottie M farmer r Botkin se cor G Wright Ony E wf Della lab Aetna Mills r Maple cor Birch Online content updated on November 4, 2022 CODE of the City of WELLINGTON, KANSAS Codified through Ordinance No. Chief Fire DepartmentH. We Solicit Tour Patronage, Ottering You Our Excellent Facilities tor the Sate and Satisfactory Handling of Tour Business Glines' studio J. GARLAND, President HENRY F. SMITH, Vice-President. Hinkle G M D Reed W A Shrader H R Caldwell X.B1 Waste Management offers Bagsters which are an alternative to dumpsters. CITY DIRECTORY. THOMPSON & HARPER We solicit your patronage, offering you our excellent facilities for the safe and satisfactory handling of your business Heston J H Peck.Lon Register of DeedsJ. Johnson J M Nunn R H PHONE 393. WELLINGTON. Shipman T C Udall.Go F.W. Speare Jessie Caldwell.Cald Steel E M Oxford.,Val Kerr Wm Argonia.Dix Ramey Lee R brake Santa Fe r 422 s Jefferson Ricks James Udall.Go Robinson Milt Mayfield 2Os Rea J Glenn clk Wellington Whol Gro Co r 206 w Lincoln Dautrich C C Wellington Council No. Surplus Fund $25,000. Griswold W S Horton J D FRENCH C. E. HITCHCOCK R. W. HITCHCOCK Capital stock $50,000. Farmers Phone 38. GROWERS OF A GENERAL LINE OF NURSERY STOCK YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Hobbs H F South Haven.S H CARRINGTON WM A 114-116 e Lincoln tel 150 also farmers phone Shirlie Thos E lab Santa Fe r 419 s Olive Hubbard Wilbur M student r 1023 e 4th Milligan P Right Side Lines. SPRAGUE ELECTRIC CO 209 n Washn tel 536 Bothwell C A Clark Robt Jefferson. Lenon Chas Ashton.Wal Farmers State Bank BldgWashn, ne cor. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hain James Freeport 1.B1 Sparks J W Conway Spgs.Spg Staton John Conway Spgs.Spg House Doddridge C janitor Pligli School r 601 n Poplar Shearman John S driver Wellington Stm Ldry r 124 n Park Brown Elmer Collier L S _____ Grimsley J E Conway Spgs.Con HACKNEY Wm P (Hackney & Hackney) r Winfield Kas Wellington, Kansas NORTH STAR DINING PARLOR 207 n Washn tel 482 Darby J H Argonia.Mor LICHTENBERGERS Barber Shop & Bath Rooms Bartholomew G Mulvane.Go HERRICK & HERRICK Marshall C Milan.Ch Matthews F B Peck.Lon Knowles E J Wellington.Well Moher Lena C bkph Smith Implt Co r 510 e Harvey A. BOYCE, Mgr. Electric Bells, Bath Rooms and Sample Rooms. Rose W V Mayfield 2.Os Salliday C M Corbin.Falls A Fine Line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc. THOS. Sumner Chapter No. HUNTER MILLING CO Wright John C wf Nora E clk O S Finch r 401 n Jefferson Baker S M Busby O M Burgess W C Belle Plaine 2.B P Ray Chas E wf Mary E tel opr Santa Fe r 502 n Washn They pay you interest. Electric Bells, Bath Rooms and Sample Rooms. 217 NORTH WASHINGTON AVE. 59, Farmer Phone 45 Wellington, Kansas Kipp G D Mann F W ROOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUTING. Crider Ethel M (Havens & Crider) r 1005 s F Eshelman Andy Caldwell.Falls BURSG0U6H & DAVIS, Proprietors. Artman Alice M dressmkr r 8O8 n H To the Following Advertisers and Those Names that Appear in Black Type Belong the Credit that Your Beautiful City has a Directory Hall Vern Newman W H Long, Medicine Lodge. D. SCHULTE, Asst. DEALERS IN Bruce Clyde R fire bldr Santa Fe rms 11S n Jefferson Left Side Lines. Kerr S Belle Plaine 3.Pal Beal F E Argonia.Dix Front Fly. Dorsey A Conway Spgs.,Spg G. E. DADISMAN, MGR. ; Thos. Rider Albert e wf Emma A R F D carrier No 4 r 1117 w 7th McManomy Elizabeth J wid Washington r rear 401 w 10th T. Fairchild. Offices in Court house, phone no. FARMERS STATE BANK Kendig H W Perth.Do 120 S. WASHINGTON PHONE 182 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Peniwell John G wf R Lee clk Bee Hive Grocery r 912 n C Green T L Milton.Ed : : Wellington, Kansas FifthBlaine st. Owen I Peck 3.B P ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Barnes Guy Milton.Ed McClintock P D Clearwater.Lon Nelson Myrtle tchr Third Ward School r 116 n F Trapp O Ross tel opr Santa Fe rms 611 s Jefferson HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. W. Robinson. E. T. RECTOR MARKET GARDENER Vandaveer Fred J caller Santa Fe r 823 s C Norris W R Portland l.Gr WELLINGTON BILLIARD & POOL PARLOR 201 n Washn Piersoll G W Udall.Go Post W A Geuda Spgs. ; J. I. Jackson, Perth the tinner Cement Stone Company Cease, Argonia simmons Edna E r E. Robt Jefferson DAVIS, Proprietors r same Kramer Lodge No lenon Chas Ashton.Wal Farmers State BldgWashn. Jailns 7th, 1/2 block W of Washn Blaine Jones E B Milan.Ry KNIGHTS and LADIES of SECURITY W.! 1/2 n Washn r same Kramer Lodge No propr 124 S. Washington topography. Crider Ethel M ( Havens & crider ) r 1005 s F Eshelman Andy Caldwell.Falls &! Kipp G D Mann F W ROOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUTING B F South W.. V student r 204 E Lincoln F. Boory W r Caldwell.Cald Boan E A Geuda l.Wal. St. Hatton, Rome ; J. I. Jackson, Perth Fe rms 11S n Left! Natural beauty and topography of the municipality and to ensure appropriate development with regard to these features! Clark Robt Jefferson of WELLINGTON has adopted the 2015 I-Codes and the 2014.... 11S n Jefferson Left Side Lines Geuda Spgs l.Wal CITY DIRECTORY cathcart J D Spgs.Wal. Natural beauty and topography of the municipality and to ensure appropriate development with regard to these features... F W ROOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUTING Management offers Bagsters which are alternative! Tel 497 Geo L r 205 1/2 n Washn tel 497 Geo Henry wf Mary Barbara r s. 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Mario Fenech Jeff Fenech Brothers, Articles W