Think about “facilitating learning” instead of “instructing.”. The main purpose of the study was therefore to investigate how family types predicted family stability in Anambra State of Nigeria. This is necessary to promote the usage of Committee System in schools. Treat people the way you would want to be treated. The study adopted the survey research design. Even if you can’t be there, ask about them after the fact. “They will interrupt you and talk about gross things.”—Mindy M. “Don’t take it personally when they are one hundred percent more interested in each other than they are in you.”—Shari K. “Sometimes kids will say hurtful things to get back at you if they’re upset… don’t take it personally.”— Wendy R. “Attend plays, sporting events, concerts, etc. Effects of Classroom Learning Environment of Secondary Researchers-developed questionnaire titled "Principals Communication Strategies for Teacher Effectiveness Questionnaire" (PCSTEQ) was used for data collection. The study was informed by Assertive Discipline Model and Thorndike’s Behavior Modification Theory. That both male and female lecturers use ICT. Classroom rules/expectations and procedures are visible and known by every student 5. They want to feel valued and respected. Don’t react to things they do to try and get a reaction.”—Vanessa D. “Ignore what you can and reward the positive.”—Beth S. Losing your temper is a lose-lose. You are not seeking their approval, they will seek yours.”— AJ H. “Work to have an inscrutable poker face.”—Lia B. If one of your students is mentioned in the announcements, acknowledge it the next time you see them. Free. They get a candy bar which makes up for having to sit in front of the class and hear good things about themselves.”—Candice G. And finally, teaching high school is not for everyone. Based on the data analyzed, it was found from the study that twenty four workshop planning techniques are needed. This will help to expose them to the potentials which ICT offers in the field of academic and through this way arouse their interest more towards the use of ICT. Connecting on non-academic topics goes a long way if you hit a rough spot later on.”—Joyce G. Yes, they seem to have a language of their own, and yes they sometimes pretend like they could care less, but they’re also really capable and accomplished and have amazing energy and ideas. “For athletes a well-placed email to a coach works wonders!”—Cathy B. If you need to, give yourself a time out. Similarly. “Contact parents regularly, for the good and the bad.”—Joyce G. Sometimes extracurricular activities are a great bargaining chip to keep students on track in the classroom. Treat them like the capable, intelligent people you expect them to be. Oyira (2006) reported that the variables that measures the, in the classroom. :-) Read more. Problems Confronting Science Teachers in the use of Innovative Instructional Strategies. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Face validity of the instruments was ascertained by pilot testing the questionnaires and also by seeking expert judgment by university lecturers. Kyriacou, C.O. “Always being mindful to respect each student’s individuality. Author: Created by MagicClass. “Hold students to the rules in the beginning of the year…you can slack off a bit at the end. Journal of Arts and Education 1 (2). The study focused on demographic variables as determinants of teachers' effectiveness in classroom management in secondary schools in Obio/Akpor and Port Harcourt Local Government Areas of Rivers State. “Don’t be afraid to joke with them as well as discuss serious world issues.”—Sarah  H. “I highly recommend an inexpensive shoe rack like this one for cell phones…like a parking lot. “I had more luck with emails/talking to the coach than the parents most of the time.”—Emily M. What a simple, beautiful truth for high school classroom management and beyond. All rights reserved. Three research questions were framed for the study. Rely on them for support and insight. LOVE what you do and they will feel it.”—Tanya R. Teens seem to have particularly sensitive BS meters. Yaduma, P.S. They’ll enjoy it and you will too. But we still need rules, routines, trust, and student ownership to make a classroom run smoothly and effectively. This is in agreement with. Findings indicated that there was no significant difference in the mean ratings of principals and teachers on the communication strategies adopted by principals for teacher effectiveness. School Management: Characteristics of Effective Principal By Abdikadir Issa Farah Atlantic International University , United States Abstract- Research shows that managing school is like managing a state. The six education zones were covered in the study. The results of the study showed that age, educational qualification, and years of teaching experience had significant influence on teachers' classroom management effectiveness. An Overview of the Need for Classroom Management Strategies It is not the purpose of this overview to discuss theories of classroom management; rather, authoritative research was consulted to determine “what works.” A precursor to effective instruction is a learning environment that is under control. Don’t assume they’ll just know. & Abdulhamid, A. “You’ve got to be consistent to build students’ trust.”—Liz M. “If you threaten…you absolutely MUST follow through with it. Effective classroom management and positive classroom climate construction are essential goals for all teachers. Make space for differences of style and opinion. Teenagers are teenagers.”—Margaret H. “High schoolers want and need some autonomy in learning and hate feeling like you are trying to “hold their hand” through every little lesson/activity. According to, Effects of Classroom Learning Environment of Secondary School Students Attitude towards Schooling. They can spot a disingenuous adult from a mile away. A sample of 861 respondents was selected for the study. Enugu: Institute of Economical Education. A sample of 300 was administered questionnaire the instrument for data collection. Establishing positive relationships with all students in the class 3. All books are in clear copy here, and all files are secure so don't worry about it. Too much or no follow through means Zero credibility.”—Linds M. “When they are doing something that isn’t ok – talk with them ask them what’s going on to make them behave in such a way. Through worksheets, case studies, and other materials, readers learn how to use the seven essentials of effective classroom management that Robert J. Marzano identified by analyzing more than 100 research studies. The descriptive survey design was adopted. Qualitative data from interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis. visit WE’VE ALL HEARD THIS ABOUT STUDENTS: “If they are engaged, they are managed.” And this is absolutely the truth. Data was collected using Psychological factors and Malpractice Questionnaire. Read online Instructional Classroom Management Strategies book pdf free download link book now. The design of the study was ex-post facto design. High school is a great time to experiment with personal style. Ensure success for all learners. If you stay calm and respect them, they will show respect for you. “Do YOU and no one else. The results of the study showed that age, educational qualification, and years of teaching experience had significant influence on teachers' classroom management effectiveness. A stratified random sampling technique was employed. consistency of the instrument. It’s ok. Everyone makes mistakes.”—Linds M. Share your unique self with your students—authentically. Building Workshop for Nigerian Teachers, August 4-8 Benin-City. High school students come to you with years of distinct educational experiences. Please leave an honest comment/review. The purpose of study was to determine the communication strategies adopted by principals for teacher effectiveness in secondary schools. Anih, S. (1999). Anikweze, C.M. A paper presented at the TRCN Capacity Building Workshop for Nigerian Teachers. There was no significant difference between monogamous and polygamous family types on family stability. Data collected were analyzed using mean scores and standard deviation for the research questions and t-test for the hypotheses. It is this plan that sets the expectations for every student. Additionally, the existing Committees in secondary schools should work collaboratively and their progress should be reviewed periodically by principals to check for any deviations and unnecessary waste of time. Delta Kappan. Results obtained revealed the effective classroom management techniques included among others constant engagement of students in activities, use of innovative instructional strategies by teachers, teachers acting as models, monitoring, effective communication, stimulating classroom environment and regular use of questions during instruction. Kolawole,C.O. In order for a classroom management plan to be successful, there must be a complete understanding from the student on each of the guidelines set in place. Keeping A Calm Classroom Strategy #5 – Keep the lesson moving. (2007). Classroom Management Plan 1. Teenagers can be champion negotiators. There will be a second location at the rear of the room to ensure that students all have a clear view of the rules. instructional strategies • Designs classroom curriculum that facilitates student learning • Also considers, when designing a curriculum, the needs of the students collectively and individually and not just relying on the textbook provided by the district • Implements rules and regulations and imposed disciplinary actions . Teens pick up on who they really have to work for and which classes they can blow off. A structured 30-item questionnaire which was duly validated by three experts was used to collect data. Random sampling technique was used to select 25 senior secondary schools in Ilorin Metropolis and 290 participants comprising 20 Principals, 20 Vice-principals and 250, This study investigated family types as predictors of family stability in Anambra State of Nigeria. The survey research design was used for the study using questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. “My best piece of advice is respect begets respect.”— Joanna D. Sharing in your students’ discoveries is one of the best parts of the job. for CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT TEN TIPS presents. Of course, students know the classroom rules and school rules. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Proactive classroom management strategies focus on implementing strategies emphasizing how students should behave in the classroom, the expectations in the classroom, and how to make the classroom as structured and predictable as possible to avoid disruptive behaviors. Each student comes to you with different needs, different attitudes, and different situations at home. United Kingdom: Problems Confronting Science Teachers in the use of As a secondary school teacher, you might teach 100 students per day - or more. Managing a classroom at the high school level can be a bit tricky, and whole different ballgame from teaching early or elementary ed. Effective Classroom Management Techniques for Secondary, answered using mean while two hypotheses were formula, during instruction. Questioning Strategies in ESL Classroom: An “High schoolers not as different as you might expect. Hanke Korpershoek, Truus Harms, Hester de Boer, Mechteld van Kuijk, Therefore school administrato, learning environment is conducive ,students will development a positive, School Students Attitude towards Schooling. Effective Teaching in Schools. Hey everyone! teachers. It’s great advice for kids of all ages, but particularly for the teenagers in your life. a quiet voice Record and replay high noise levels to show students how noisy the lesson can get. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. They want to know their boundaries.”—Mindy M. Notice the quiet ones in the back row, encourage everyone to share their opinions, and most of all —don’t let a few kids highjack the spotlight in your classroom. For it is the law of the educational classroom. Sometimes the best things you can your high school students is your time and your focused attention. “Be real with them, but don’t try to be their BFFs: they need you to be the stable adult.”—Heather G. “Have the students create a Behavior List for classroom on the first few days, and post that list as a reminder—they know what is right/wrong, hold them accountable.”—Carol G. “Model, model, model your expectations! High school kids are really little kids in big bodies. One-way Analysis of Variance statistical technique was used to analyze the data. It was recommended among others that aadequate remuneration that is commensurate to their work should be provided to the principals. Here’s How to Silence the Haters, Join the WeAreTeachers Influencer Network. The finding is supported by that of Ahmed (2011) that reported that the application of reinforcement as a classroom management strategy is higher among private secondary teachers than their counterparts in public schools but indicated that effective behaviour change is needed among the public school teachers to bring about proper use of reinforcement to motivate the students to learn. Journal of the Institute of Education, LASU 2(2). This site is like a library, you could find million book here by using search box in the header. Krejcie & Morgan sample size determination table and stratified random sampling technique was used to sample 28 Deputy Principals from a total number of 34 deputy principals, 28 Heads of Guidance and Counseling from a total number of 34 and 152 teachers from a total of 240. Based on the findings, the study recommends that school principals should constantly organize seminars and workshops for teachers to get them acquainted with the effective classroom management techniques. (PFMQ) with reliability coefficient of .84. It’s extremely hard to do the other way around.”—Jen J. Result showed that there is significant influence of self-concept, test anxiety on perception towards examination malpractice among secondary school student in Calabar Municipality of Cross River. By the time they reach your classroom… On the other hand, gender and educational discipline of teachers had no significant influence on their classroom management effectiveness at 0.05 alpha level of significance. The teacher's adequacy in educating is surveyed by his capacity to utilize different classroom management strategies to control students towards successful teaching and learning, that is consequential directional. A stratified random sampling technique was employed to select a sample of 639 out of 2131teachers in the study area. Combine high school classroom management strategies. Pilot study was done in three schools that didn’t participate in the actual study to determine reliability of the instruments and split half method was used to ascertain a reliability coefficient of 0.871. Data was collected using questionnaires, in-depth interviews and document analysis guides. Questioning Strategies in ESL Classroom: An Observation. proportionate stratified random sampling technique was employed to select 748 respondents from Anambra State of Nigeria for the study. Education 5 (4). 145 copies of the questionnaire were completed and returned for analysis representing 89.5%. “Teens appreciate visuals of whatever it is you are teaching, motivational posters, and a bright and cheery well-decorated classroom.”—Theresa B. Some of them had it parked so many times that they’d just come in and put it there from the start.”—Amanda L. Purple hair, ripped clothes, piercings, and tattoos. … “I find my students are much more responsive when I take the time to explain why we are doing what we are doing”—Vanessa D. “Giving your students a logical explanations of how what you are teaching will benefit them in their future.”—Joanna J. Based on the findings it was recommended among others that counselors should create awareness for married couples through workshops and seminars on how to adopt the nuclear type of family find make the best out of it. Throughout the school principal must be politician, economist, psychologist and sociologist a time for Teens to defining. Up on who they really have to work for and which classes can... And replay high noise levels to show students how noisy the lesson can get Workshelps at. 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