Report Save. Yes there is an update. Diminishing returns, so Focus 3 is really not worth it. Monster Hunter World Guides. But it depends on your playstyle and how many standing combos you cycle through (the more, the less value L2 has). Kjarr Axe Stream. Deathaxe Vaal Aspida (Vaal Hazak tree) Progression Builds #Mid-story Builds MR 1 star, no decos. Tags. This will likely be the last album as capcom slowly end it’s update cycles, but I’ll be back if anything new shows up. Finally, we can abandon Kjarr Spark at its terrible stats. A unique switch axe made from the gold of Kulve Taroth. 17. share. Kjarr Strongarm Decay wins only against the Rath family, Kjarr King is only best against Ancient Leshen and Kjarr Strongarm Spark's only niche is Kulve Taroth area 1-3 partbreaking. GS question: why only Focus 2 (and not 3) with Wyvern Ignition ? Clusterb. The non-agi reliant sets are better for monsters with short enrage durations, such as Ruiner Nerigante and Kushala. Generic Transitional Armor Sets for Most Weapon Types, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the MonsterHunterMeta community. Meaning you’ll have to spend your high dps period with lower damage overall (unless you’re using the ice unique version). As a whole, we could see that FC offers quite significant value for Water, Thunder and especially Ice compared to their meta set counter parts. Deathaxe Vaal Aspida (Vaal Hazak tree) Progression Builds #Mid-story Builds MR 1 star, no decos. Sword and Shielda. However, this is a hyper optimized version around damage from the previous Kjarr Spark + Fatalis 4 piece build. AT Kulve Taroth’s new Kjarr Weapons are absolutely worth the more challenging fight, and the new rewards system has made the grind one of the most forgiving so far in Monster Hunter World. Can somebody explain to me why the Jho HBG build is called "Cheats"? If this is somethinig you’d prefer then feel no shame using this build instead. Kjarr Strongarm "Ice" is a Charge Blade Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). This is a continuation of /u/kerodon’s work, including up to date event gear for PC. So for the Jho DB set, this build I posted below should be stronger against dragons because you get 10% more affinity and 20 dragon attack in exchange for 2 crit boost. It might be a bit hard to notice but this set gained 2 levels of quick sheath. My N2 LBG build with 348.2 ERaw, Health Augment:,110,99,103,97,100,83,health,0,0,90,0,0,16,5,0,26,5,0,57,16,0,35,5,0,5,5,0,2,Close,Close,Close, N2 LBG Build with Wide Range, 328.04 ERaw: (unfinish),,95,103,103,97,99,64,health,0,0,35,0,0,16,0,0,5,5,5,90,26,0,16,5,0,16,37,0,2,Long,Long,Long. Kjarr Axe Decay on the other hand is one of the best dragon switch axe that you can get. Great work ! The Kjarr decay and Kjarr water are the best bows in their element. Sorry I missed your message, it's hard to follow these cross-posts sometimes. With Luna 2pc, on an average run you'd go from 10 Dash combos to 14. This was extremely difficult for bow to keep up given the attack frequencies. That’s good! If a monster topples from taking head damage, then this build won’t do as well due to the fact that the high dps period during topples doesn’t allow Frost charge levels to regenerate. I can't wait to get it and do a test run on Diablos. 61. share. However kjarr fire is best for non-Nami. If you want Clutch Claw Boost, aka Shaver deco, in any of these builds, just cut a normal shot, or spread shot if there was only 1 level of normal shot. Also look for Kjarr Axe “King” for fire damage. Normal 4, Insect Glaivea. Styxb. Mid High Rank:, Early Endgame:, Early Endgame (Agitator, +Tenderizer):, Focus 2:, Deviljho:, Deviljho:, Raw (not optimal):, Support / Status:, Diablos:, Deviljho:, Deviljho:, Normal 4:, Deviljho:, Diablos/Horn:, Deviljho:, Diablos:, Normal 2:, Cluster:, Glutton:, Elemental, Con. As a general rule of thumb, for monsters with 20 and below elemental hzvs, this is the go to bow. Styx, GunLancea. It's only a week or two away, so might as well! It’s very unlikely for master rank monsters to take more than 120 shots to kill at this stage of the game (Solo wise), and … However, I would love to touch on a interesting play style in Frost Craft Dash dancing bow. However the low total raw does make it inferior for the more raw skewed thunder matchups. Weapon from the Kulve Taroth Monster. Swap out the dragon attack decos for attack boost against match ups where dragon hzvs is below 10. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.. Kjarr Axe "Paralysis" Information. It’s very unlikely for master rank monsters to take more than 120 shots to kill at this stage of the game (Solo wise), and therefore, overall, this will be the best water build. Safi’s Drakshield (EVENT: Safi’Jiiva) 4. Even without good positioning you can do a constant 100 true damage with three health augs and three restore up behind a guard up + guard 3+ defense. The Con3 Variations are for people who prefer only to use Dash Juice whereas the Con1-2 Versions are used … This is just a flexible framework to get you started in case a started. “Here’s my GunLance Long 4 alternative with Evade Extender - Link. And for monsters with 30 elemental hzvs, elemental bows will generally win by a rough 5%. From 11 to 15 if you eat for Black Belt (+Con3 +Juice, obviously). Kjarr Axe "Paralysis" is a Switch Axe Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). On average bow can recharge about 60 frost craft charges by doing this. This build is more preferred if you were using Evasion Mantle with Cat horn Attack buff (these 2 will cap you at the 2.0x raw cap) and kill your oppoonent in under 80 shots. Somehow I had no idea this subreddit was a thing! These won’t be updated. 1b. Be cautious about what you take this build to hunt for. Kjarr sword water and para are kinda just garbage so I wouldn't bother with builds for them. Taroth Arrow Fire is the best bow against Namielle with its highest elemental damage value. For monsters with 25 elemental hzvs, if the monster also have above 60 shot hzvs, then this bow is competitive with elemental builds if you could maintain a good evasion mantle uptime (roughly 50% of your hunt time), in other words, if you can kill a monster fast. I'm guessing unless I'm a speedrunner, the Luna 2 builds are better cause stamina cap up gives more bow dash dance use correct? Since comfort is the primary consideration, I personally would recommend Kjarr water as the best option for its cost effectiveness and lower skill requirement. Change element augments and swap out the dragon attack decos for attack boost against match ups where dragon hzvs is below 10. This allows frost craft to recharge during this short time frame. Does anyone know of such a build?? User Info: Unbound-King. Houses the true might of the goddess within. What type of ammo would I use with the "Cheats" heavy bowgun build? Find out which appraisal weapons from the Kulve Taroth are the best used in the game. There are multiple ways to approach this build. Back to top. Kjarr weapons are "Incandescent" weapons that are obtained by triggering AT Kulve Taroth's "Fury" mode. With Critical Element, you'll deal more lightning damage when you land critical hits. Due to the nature of some weapons I’ll try to include some less “all-in” builds for Lance, GunLance, Switch Axe, and Sword and Shield. Ruin Agitator set - new set with Nerg Y. Safi’s Drakshield (EVENT: Safi’Jiiva) 4. Like the other elemental Kjarr axes, this uses a Power Element Phial. Kjarr Strongarm “Decay” (EVENT: MR Kulve Taroth) & Alatreon Morphblade (EVENT: Alatreon) – Situational, Morphblade can be better with Focusless Velkhana 2 piece build 3. I suspect that's possible because the Decay SA has really bad stats, having the lowest element and affinity out of all the elemental Kjarr axes. Kjarr Sword "Decay" Information. Instead of doing a tenderising combo after a clagger, you should just jump off instead. The tool specialist is not important and mainly to use the two level 2 slots. With the right skills it can defend against virtually anything while maintaining decent dps. This build willl only do slighly more damage (like 1% ish) than the TCE variation of Aquabow but also comes with extended stamina bar and additonal coatings. 3:, Guide by JinJinx and Tuna: Otherwise the set posted in the thread is better for overall use because stun resist 2 and crit boost will do more because dragon attack is less effective against more resistant monsters although at that point, you would probably use a different DB. Con3/ss2 VariationHoney Hunter build IDThe Con3 Variations are for people who prefer only to use Dash Juice whereas the Con1-2 Versions are used with Dash Juice + Felyne Blackbelt. Taroth thunder has the highest elemental damage and accels against high thunder hzv monsters suchs as Nagracuuga. Since I wasn’t very clear in the previous patch note about how this bow is positioned in the meta game, mainly around the question of whether this is a “generalist bow” or not. GunLance and Switch Axe, Evade Extender. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Change ). That means your explosive pulses do water damage instead of impact. Support LBG is a clear upgrade too iirc. Very useful : ). Thus, the 2 builds are merdged. An Alternaitve approach to the build, favoring attack augments for higher base raw. If you are interested in Monster Hunter World builds, you can peer into them at: Dragon Longsword Build, Raw DPS Build, and Elemental Crit Build For Sealed Weapons. Kjarr Axe King. Create a free website or blog at Rare. As MHW is finishing its content update cycles, I too will be moving on to being a bow main in other games. Credits and sources at the end. King and Spark are okish? The Frost Craft builds will exceed normal bow by as high as 18% dps at FC 3 and loses only 3% at FC 0. Some elemental Horns can hit absurly high element but since you run TCE on ele Horn anyway this is not too big of a change. Although Frost Craft Dash Dance Bow as a concept is not entirely new, as myself and many others have explored this concept before with Velkhana Alpha and Beta armour, but with that set, it was only worth using when Frost Craft is charged to level 3. Additionally, this build does not work well with monsters who also topple from their head, for example Teostra, since during topples you won’t be able to regenerate Frost Craft Charges. Make sure to hit their weak spots for maximum damage! Original Poster 1 year ago. The con2 variation beats Safi Hellbow but the con3 variation does not. Blazeb. The ability to utilise challenger charm and maximise affinity without affinity augments is what brought this build to a new level. Kjarr Stream (Ice) as well. level 2. Kjarr Axe "King" Information. To find out more about hzvs, either use this spreadsheet, or visit Kranico. I’ll try to keep this maintained throughout a meta cycle until new substantial changes are introduced (Teostra γ, KT 14, Drachen, …), at which point I might consider a thorough set rework and a new updated thread. You can replaced the Flawless/Physic deco with other Flawless combo decos and run Con2 builds. T3hPhish's Metahemoth Album (+ Awenth, Xan, BoardwalkHotel, Jake, 2d): | Can someone give me an explanation why I would use the linked CB build with empress/dante instead of the former PC meta build with nergi/death stench in those slots? Frost craft the 4 piece bonus from Velkhana will increase both your raw and elemental damage by 5%/20%/25% based on the charge level for bow. Diablos, Heavy Bowguna. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. The short version is: if it helps your killing times, it’s probably there. Also I do recommend to everyone a modified version Long 4 build. Pierce, Bowa. Enjoy your hunts and see you in the next game. Switch Axe (SA) Meta SA sets. I don’t usually recommend mantles in my builds, but for these, you’ll want high damage output mantles with slots that can provide extra levels of stamina surge. Most of the conclusions drawn for the viability are done through game play testings. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. This damage boost is not subjected to damage caps. As for its performance against Kjarr Water, it will break even at around 120 shots, which is 20 shots after power coatings run out. :(. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I added this as an alternative Long 4 build :). MHW Charge Blade Builds – Armor Set . RULES (to be expanded): Dunnoa bout other weapon types.Interesting. ( Log Out / It improves/changes x”). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The following builds aim to represent a solo-focused meta, while not necessarily a speed-run meta, and generally won’t compromise damage for ease-of-use, deco availability, or any other crutches - unless it were at the expense of a class mechanic (CB Focus) or a too-good-to-pass boost (Health Augment). THIS THREAD IS OUTDATED AS OF 2018-12-21 & WON'T BE MAINTAINED, 1. Although the 4 piece Fatalis Kjarr decay build isn’t as strong as the Alatreon builds, it is quite comfortable and offers very solid damage. Kjarr Axe "Stream" Crafting and Upgrades. Meleeb. You don't NEED any of these but they help, especially health. The Fatalis 4 piece bonus offers the equivalent of HealthBoost 3. Lance could use guard. Sadly with all these new bows and builds, Dragon bows are back to the shadow realm of bullying Jhos. Unbound-King 2 years ago #2. ( Log Out / However, during the process I thought this could be good for any other hunter out there too and it would be drowning in the AT Kulve Taroth session room, which should be closed soon (almost 500 posts), so I created an "official" thread for that purpose. If I remember correctly the posted build actually has more handicraft overall compared to Nergi/Deathstench. This is THE elemental phial CB we've been looking for. After collaborating with a great bow speed runner Tidus 69, we have further developed and optimized the concept of frost craft dash dance through practical gameplay and mathematical analysis. All of the following weapon categories are listed at random, their sets are serviceable and try to fill a niche in their class while keeping with the theme of this thread -- however builds within its own weapon class are offered in a (subjective) better>worse, a>b, approach in an effort to streamline readability. Houses the true might of the goddess within. Con3/ss2 Build Honey Hunter build ID. Still, a worthy addition in most cases considering there's little average eRaw loss. Most of this patch is similar to the last one so I won’t go over the reason to why Fatalis 4 Piece is now the meta preference for bow. Bows like constitution. 3. It does, yup. ( Log Out / Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Long 4d. If you find there’s a correction or suggestion to be made, or these don’t fit your style, please use HoneyHunter’s MHW Builder ( and try to format your post in a way it helps others and myself find it (e.g. These builds are very limited to match ups. With the additional of Velkhana Gamma set, the dynamics for this difference have shifted, and produced some great results! Some “Ironside” charm for shields (Guard+, not to be confused with "Guard charm" that gives Defense+), and Constitution for bow. You're absolutely right, and I updated some of these builds a couple of days ago :). Frost Craft has a max charge of 100 and Bow melee attacks will consume 10 per hit, rapid shot will consume 4 per hit and power shots will consume 8 per hit. I looked into it and you're right, it's possible to fit these at minimal cost. If your prefer a non-peak version of these builds at a tiny bit of damage loss, Phemeto made a good video for em at Here. Changed Skill : Brace Jewel → Slider Jewel Build : 4. Con3/ss1 VariationHoney Hunter build IDThe Con3 Variations are for people who prefer only to use Dash Juice whereas the Con1-2 Versions are used with Dash Juice + Felyne Blackbelt. By using Boltbow with 4 piece Fatalis, this set gains 10 true raw over using Kjarr Spark at the same elemental damage levels. Attack and Health are the better generic charms early game. Categories. Definately best CB from new batch. MR 3 star, no decos. I'd take it. Deviljhoc. Welcome to Monster Hunter Meta! This build willl only do slighly more damage (like 1% ish) than the TCE variation of Aquabow but also comes with extended stamina bar and additonal coatings. The Death of Blast Builds . Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.. Kjarr Strongarm "Ice" Information. 6. share. Con1/ss2 Build Honey hunter build ID. Note: When comparing performances in non-namielle match ups. Arch Tempered Kulve Taroth Capcom Kjarr weapons Kulve Taroth Monster Hunter World Monster Hunter World Guides PC … Kjarr Axe "Decay" Crafting and Upgrades Kjarr Axe "Decay" is a special Switch Axe weapon that can only be obtained through " The Fury of El Dorado " Kulve Taroth Siege Event quest. Kjarr sword water is usable but doesn't keep up with end game gear. Weapon and Charm slots are free, and it’s recommended you swap the latter for something like Health, Maximum Might, Critical Eye, Evade Extender, Guard, …, when not previously maxed. Elemental, Con. Deviljhoc. As for its performance against Kjarr Water, it will break even at around 120 shots, which is 20 shots after power coatings run out. Zhou Yu. The Con3 Variations are for people who prefer only to use Dash Juice whereas the Con1-2 Versions are used with Dash Juice + Felyne Blackbelt. Elementalb. MR 3 star, no decos. This is mostly favoured as a speed run option. Due to the nature of some weapons I’ll try to include some less “all-in” builds for Lance, GunLance, Switch Axe, and Sword and Shield. We have also included a build for the New META LS: The Kjarr Decay Long sword. Kjarr Sword "Decay" Crafting and Upgrades, Recycle bin with old / unoptimized builds (outdated by 2018-12-14): A good example of this game play is the run done by Tidus, make sure to check out his channel for more runs using FC builds. Nonetheless, feel free to try them out for a change in play style. This is just for the first use of your stamina bar, and then Luna 2pc loses its value as you won't fully replenish your gauge. Rawc. Monster Hunter World Wiki Guide: Monsters, Weapons, Walkthrough, Armor, Skills, Palicoes, Items and more. The Safi Mix set is used for match ups where peak is impossible to keep up, for example Lunastra and Raging Brachydios. Support / Status, Hunting Horna. Overall I feel that damage wins. These take a a lot of work fiddling with the builder and checking numbers, and while I tried to find, make and present the most optimized sets... Let me know if you catch any mistake please, and I’ll try updating as soon and as possible. Handicraft Skill Not Necessary. Wide 4c. Kjarr Axe "Water" is a healthy alternative to Taroth Axe "Water" in terms of elemental damage, and arguably, the best Water SA to choose from. Report Save. Bazeld. Use this only on … Styled with the Kulve Taroth Alpha Armor Set (α) , Kulve Taroth Gamma Armor Set (γ) and Kulve Taroth Beta Armor Set (β) This weapon has 1 slot,20% Affinity and 300 Fire damage. Weapon from the Kulve Taroth Monster; Styled with the Kulve Taroth Alpha Armor Set (α), Kulve Taroth Gamma Armor Set (γ) and Kulve Taroth Beta Armor Set (β) This weapon has Average Elderseal, 1 slot, 15% Affinity and 330 Dragon Damage; This weapon has a Skill: Critical Element . Can there be an actual "META" build for bow, you know without Luna 2 please? Although the 4 piece Fatalis Kjarr decay build isn’t as strong as the Alatreon builds, it is quite comfortable and offers very solid damage. #2. Feel free to use dragon attack charm instead and rearrange decos to reach higher levels of stamina surge at the cost of damage. (Note on jewel availability: While I'll always recommend you check HoneyHunter's web tool and configure your own jewel collection there whenever you're missing decos, a quick and easy solution if short on Attack Boost or Expert jewels would be to simply exchange one for the other; Health Boost and Fortify are also worthy considerations here.). This is a place to discuss in-depth strategy for the Monster Hunter franchise, including but not limited to weapon strategy, gear builds, farming and much more. I’ll spare you the troubles of reading every bit of calculations. Due to it's heavy elemental damage coming from Crits, when mixed an already strong Crit Meta Mixset, can deal massive damage to … Inspired by the cult of frost craft from the Mathalos Discord, this concept of bow gameplay is extremely tricky yet interesting. Take the Kjarr Stream builds for example: ... Alatreon bow is far ahead of Kjarr Decay both in terms of coatings and damage, and hence this set will be most recommended. How is Tool Specialist +2 more beneficial than +2 Handicraft? Kjarr Strongarm “Decay” Safi’s Drakshield Deathaxe Vaal Aspida (Vaal Hazak) Aside from the new version of Kjarr Charge Blades, the previous Charge Blades are all mentioned in the Best MHW Iceborne Charge Blade. Kjarr water doesn’t have power coatings : (. Well, because @HotCell43 asked me about good AT Kulve Taroth weapons, I decided to set up a list for that (for all other new players too). Elemental, Con. The information can be found in the 2 illustrations down below. When soloing, change the 'Flinch Free(Brace Jewel)' skill to your want skill. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Someone posted this album on a different thread: If you like CB with Savage Axe but no sharpness then Kjarr Ice, Decay and Water are clear upgrades. For the Kjarr bows you sub out damage for more utility. Edit: thanks for this list, really helpful. Basically, until you hit mid High Rank, you're just looking for defense and/or a few good bonuses like Health Boost, Attack, Handicraft, Critical Eye, Weakness Exploit, possibly +Elemental Damage. But the damage aspect of this build is capped out. You can read about it again in the overview from 15.01. It was one of the first new ones I got. MR 5 star, no decos #Post-story Builds Pre … Everything up to (and including) AT Kirin. With the Kjarr Crest Spark's strong thunder stats, this build focuses on amping up your elemental attack even more. Gameplay wise, Frost craft bow play style will be slightly alternated from normal bow game play. So if you prefer having Para + coatings, just switch the bow to Kjarr Spark and slot in the other decos. There is now a definitive winner for the water meta: Safi Aquabow with Velk essence and 4 piece Fatalis. Kjarr Axe "Stream" is a special Switch Axe weapon that can only be obtained through " The Fury of El Dorado " Kulve Taroth Siege Event quest. Kjarr Strongarm “Decay” (EVENT: MR Kulve Taroth) & Alatreon Morphblade (EVENT: Alatreon) – Situational, Morphblade can be better with Focusless Velkhana 2 piece build 3. -Be nice Con3/ss1 Build Honey hunter build ID Credit to TWNS for refining this build. To find out more about hzvs, either use this. 190 raw, 20% initial affinity, build in Crit Element and 1 lvl1 slot for deco. Its a more specialised version compared to the above.If you want health boost 3, just remove the dragon attacks. Numerically we can’t say too much about FC bow except that the damage while FC charge levels are up is quite significant for the noted elements. I really want a Wyvernheart HBG meta build for some awesome burst damage. The fire element is always a good weapon to have on standby when hunting in Monster Hunter World and the Kjarr Axe King Switch Axe is full of fire to match with your target’s elemental weakness. Gluttonc. This is especially useful when engaging monster that are weak to the lightning element! I was thinking of the swax when I made this thread. The Alatreon Switch Axe slightly outdamages the Decay one using the same set (ie 5p Safi). Press J to jump to the feed. The “raw” Kjarr Switch Axes, which is to say the ones with status effects instead of elements, aren’t very good. Switch Axe - Best Loadout Build & Skill Guide Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide to learn more about the best Kulve Taroth weapons to keep! This may not be the best in terms of the DPS, but if you want a mix survival and DPS build which is still highly effective in terms of inflicting damage to a monster weak to dragon, then this switch axe would be your best bet. Kjarr weapons are "Incandescent" weapons that are obtained by triggering AT Kulve Taroth's "Fury" mode. This build will push the weapon's thunder damage to its maximum. A unique light bowgun made from the gold of Kulve Taroth. ( Log Out / If this is somethinig you’d prefer then feel no shame using this build instead. JinJinx and Tuna [Monster Hunter Math] YT:, 1 year ago. This weapon also has Phial Type: Power Element Phial. You can see it here, This is a little different to the Kjarr Water build due to the base raw of Kjarr Stream being the lowest at 240, making normal shot and spread shot less valuable in comparison. Are clear upgrades water is usable but does n't keep up given the attack frequencies n't any... Set gained 2 levels of stamina surge at the same elemental damage value thunder damage its... Against virtually anything while maintaining decent dps outdated as of 2018-12-21 & WO be. A tenderising combo after a clagger, you are commenting using your Google account to Kjarr +. After a clagger, you are commenting using your account winner for the new META LS the. Little average eRaw loss this Album on a interesting play style in frost craft from gold., dragon bows are back to the above.If you want health boost 3, switch! End game gear terrible stats using Boltbow with 4 piece Fatalis the viability are done through game play.... Version Long 4 build soloing, change the 'Flinch free ( Brace Jewel → Slider Jewel build https. Modified version Long 4 build edit: thanks for this list, really helpful 5 % is: if helps... Be a bit hard to notice but this set gained 2 levels of quick sheath Palicoes, Items more. 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Everything up to ( and including ) at Kirin of bow gameplay is tricky! With old / unoptimized builds ( outdated by 2018-12-14 ): https: //, https:.... Focus 3 is really not worth it this damage boost is not subjected to damage.! Your Google account to TWNS for refining this build will push the Weapon 's thunder damage to maximum... Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.. Kjarr Strongarm Ice. ( Log out / change ), you should just jump off.. The Kulve Taroth 's `` Fury '' mode → Slider Jewel build: https // Definitive winner for the new META LS: the Kjarr Decay Long sword Luna 2pc, an... N'T keep up with end game gear “ Here ’ s work, including up date. D prefer then feel no shame using this build to a new level you know without Luna and... For higher base raw thinking of the first new ones I got the Kjarr Decay and water are clear.. Fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.. Kjarr Strongarm `` Ice '' is a hyper optimized around... Dancing bow attack build Kjarr Axe `` Paralysis '' is a Charge Blade Weapon in Monster Hunter World ( ). A more specialised version compared to the above.If you want health boost,. Impossible to keep up with end game gear using your Facebook account this only on … the Kjarr you! The better generic charms early game their element was thinking of the keyboard shortcuts at Kulve Taroth ``... Game play testings rest of the first new ones I got for this list, really.. Do a test run on Diablos ( +Con3 +Juice, obviously ) + Awenth,,. ( MHW ) by a rough 5 % the Decay one using the same set ( ie 5p )! Free ( Brace Jewel ) ' skill to your want skill on the... Done through game play testings previous Kjarr Spark and slot in the other elemental Kjarr axes, this gained. Next game with other Flawless combo decos and run Con2 builds: Power element....
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