Fact is that thakurs and brahmins of today are real peoples of uttrakhand only some 10% are migrants. , India, Vadodara (Baroda) One among such communities in the Indian continent is the Brahmin caste. Raturi Gaud desh 923 Ratyud Satya nand , Rajbal Bangari Rawat - -Bangar - -1605- -Bangar - -Not Known - , Rajasthan Many of the Uttarakhand Brahmin brides and grooms who are Banking & Finance, Doctor, Government / Defence etc. Naithani Kany Kubj, Kannauj 1143 Nathana (Maniyarsyun ) Karn Dev, Painyuli Gaud 1150 Painyala/Ramoli Brahmnath, Mamgain Gaud, Ujjain Stayed in the village of mama, Kukreti Dravid Bilhat 1352 Jaspur, Mlaa Dhangu (Kukarkata ) Gurupati Angirasa 6. 17- Rahul Khari 2007, Jats and Gujjar Origin, History and Culture 8-Upadhyaya, Shri Shankaracharya can anyone tell me about Bangari Rawat. Jatukarna 31. Compiled by Vikas Kamat First Online: April 01, 2003 Page Last Updated: December 29, 2020. Among the many Brahmins who nurtured the Bhakti movement were Ramanuja, Nimbarka, Vallabha and Madhvacharya of Vaishnavism, Ramananda, another devotional poet sant. Nautiyal. Balodi Dravid, South 1343 Balod Devrani Gujrati Bhatt 1440 Divran Malu and Talu, Dabral Maharashtra 1366 Dabar Raghunath, Vishvnath, Copyright@ Bhishma Kukreti Mumbai, India, bckukreti@gmail.com 26/3//2014 originally Kanyakubj and Bahugunas are originally from Bengal. Butola Rawat - -Tomar/Delhi - -744- -Not Known - -Buta Singh - This list may not reflect recent changes (). AAb life bachane ke liye jo jaisa kaam kar sakta thaa, aapne parivar ko bacha sakta tha karne laga. , India, Bangalore Gorla Rawat - -Panwar /Dhara Gujrat - -750- -Gurad – -Not Known - Dobhal Kanykubj , 888 Dobh Karn Jeet « गढ़वाली लोक नाटकों में अनुवृति लक्षण, गढ़वाली लोक नाटकों में अभिमान लक्षण », History of Upper Caste in Garhwal from 00 to 1500 and Spread of Untouchability and Caste based Slavery, (Garhwal me Kaun Jati Kahan Se Ayi aur Kahan Basi) Khandwari Negi - -Haridwar - -545- -Khandwari Bichhla Udaypur - -Not Known -, Rajput III 7-Foster, Early Travels in India William Finch These functions and rituals make this Brahmin Kumaoni marriage an affair to remember. Yes, I am bangari too. The main temple of the Goddess is situated in Devalgarh. Sati Sati , Gujrat The genetic constitution of the Shilpkar (a scheduled caste population of Uttarakhand) and to a lesser extent that of the Bhotia (a scheduled tribe population of Uttarakhand) are rather different from both the Brahmin and Rajput high-caste populations, which tend to show genetic similarities between them. Though history even tells that Gorkha were here.. that shows that we are from same roots. Gairola Ady gaud 915 AD Gairoli Jaya nand , Vijaya nand Gada 12015/15/2008- BCC dt. khooosh rahooo, jiyooo aur jineee dooo.. AISE BEKAR KE BAATAIN MAAT SOCHOO… MANOHAR, मैं आप की बात से सहमत हूॅ। परन्तु यह कहना उचित नहीं होगा की उस समय जिसके मन में जो आया उसने वहीं नाम लिख लिया। ऐसा नहीं है। हा यह सच है की औरंगजेब और मुगलों के समय में लोगों ने अलग—अलग जगह से पहाडों की तरफ रूख किया और पहाडों में ही बस गये । परन्तु पहाड़ों में कही जाते ऐसी भी है जो मुगलों से पहले की है क्योंकि हिमाचल और गढ़वाल में देवताओं का निवास आदि काल से रहा है और पहाड़ों को ​देवी—देवताओं की भूमि भी कहते है । इसलिए प्रचीन काल से पहाडों में पांडवों के अलावा कही लोग हिमाचल और गढ़वाल में देवी— देवताओं के दर्शन करने आते थे। पांडवों ने तो हिमाचल में तप​श्य भी की है जो जगह आज भीम ताल के नाम से जानी जाती है । चमोली में बद्रीनाथ और केदारनाथ के दर्शन करने राजा लोग गढ़वाल में आतेे थे। उस समय में कही राज घरानों के परिवार से जुड़े लोग पहाड़ों आकर बसे जो की राजस्थान, गुजरात जैसी जगहओं से थे। अगर आप गढ़वाल और हिमाचल के कई राजवंशों का इतहास देख तो वह लोग राजस्थान और गुजरात , मालवा जैसी जगहओं से यहा आकर बसे है। उदहारण के लिए अगर हम हिमाचल में सरमौर रियासत की बात करे तो वर्तमान समय में वहां का राजा का समबन्ध जयपुर राज घराने से है और सरमौर का प्रथम राजा भी जैसलमेर से है । गढ़वाल और सरमौर के काफी राजाओं की शादीयां राजस्थान के राजघरानों में हुई है और उस समय में कोई शादी किसी की जात —बिरादरी देखे बिना तो नहीं कर देता होगा आज के समय में लोग जात —बिरादरी देखकर शादी करते है तो अंदाजा लगाओ की उस समय ​क्या—क्या नही पुछते होगे बस युही कह देने से बात तो नहीं बनती होगी की हम लोग मुगलों के डर से वहा से अकर यहा बस गये है और हम फला—फला राज घराने से है । फिर यह तो समान सी बात है अगर हम भारत छोड़कर विदेश में जा बसे तो हमारा इतिहास समाप्त हो जायेगा ऐसा नहीं है जब कभी हम अपनी शदी भारत में करेगें तो हमकों अपना भारतीय संबध बताना पडता है तभी कोई हमे अपनी लड़की देगा। हां अगर किसी अंग्रेज से शादी की बात है तो वह बात अलग है परन्तु भारतीय लड़की से विवाह के लिए हमकों उस लड़की के परिवार वालों का अपना सही—सही परिचय देना होगा । क्योंकि बात इतना कहने से पुरी नहीं होगी की हम भारत में फला जगह से है और हमारा इतिहास यहा है। इसलिए अपनी पहचान व्यक्ति एक समय तक छुपा सकते है परन्तु लम्बे समय तक नहीं।, Hi, My Name is Manoj Parajuli. do you have any book resources which proves this arguments??? Bhaskara 13. Chikitasa 16. 10-H.G. Kartwal Kadti ( malla Dhangu) 23- Shailndra Nath Sen, Ancient History and Civilization Kumaoni is addressed to person having origin in Kumaon region. , Tamil Nadu Garhwal, in particular, has a very high percentage of Brahmins (30–40%). Khanduri. Above list is not completely true and ultimate. Rautela Parmar/Dhar Gujrat 888 Family members of King King Family History of Uttarakhand (Garhwal, Kumaon and Haridwar) -299 . Dangwal Dravid, Karnataka 926 Dang Dharni Dhar Uttarakhand Scheduled Castes उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार ने 18 सितम्बर (September) 1976 को उन्हीं 66 जातियों को अनुसूचित जाति (Scheduled Caste) … Some of the Bisht's known in Uttrakhand are Brahmins as well. According to a 2007 study, Uttarakhand has the highest percentage of brahmins of any state in India, with approximately 20% of the population being brahmin. Bangari to unhone jgh ke naam pe rkha tha but actual kon si cast thi. I have done some research and we are prithiviraj chahuan III’s descendents. 5- Oakley and Gairola, Himalayan Folklore Gorkha (excluding Brahmins and Kshatriya) 12015/15/2008- BCC dt. धन्यवाद. bahut achha lga apka comment padke. Garhwali Brahmin Clans. later the king appointed members of his family as rajgurus and gave them Pandiya also called Patiya villagr as jagir. In kumaon some populatoun of garhwal origin, at the time of shifting of kartikayapura dynasty in kumaon, some of mediaeval migratoin from up n other part of north India including some caste from maharastra as pant ,joshi.during kartikayapura dynasty with shankracharya high profile brahmin of Maharashtra,gujrat,Karnataka,Kerala n malwa settled here and gave a decent touch to this hill terrain.mostly they counted in sarola (high profile)brahmin. Kumar (Parmar ) Parmar / Dhar Gujrat 888 Younger Brother of king King family (The History of Garhwal, Kumaon, Haridwar write up is aimed for general readers) History of Upper Caste in Garhwal from 00 to 1500 and Spread of Untouchability and Caste based Slavery; History of Upper Caste in Pauri Garhwal from 00 to 1500 and Spread of Untouchability and Caste based Slavery; History of Upper Caste in Chamoli Garhwal from 00 to 1500 and Spread of Untouchability and Caste based Slavery; History of Upper Caste in Uttarkashi Garhwal from 00 to 1500 and Spread of Untouchability and Caste based Slavery; History of Upper Caste in Dehradun Garhwal from 00 to 1500 and Spread of Untouchability and Caste based Slavery; History of Upper Caste in Haridwar Garhwal from 00 to 1500 and Spread of Untouchability and Caste based Slavery; History of Upper Caste in Tehri Garhwal from 00 to 1500 and Spread of Untouchability and Caste based Slavery; i read from here that Garhwali Brahmins have originated from several Brahmin subcastes from many parts of India. Jamadagni 30. Padiyar Bisht Parihar/Gujrat 1243 Not Known Not Known He examined the horoscope of Kunwar Som Chand and predicted that soon he will become a King and gain a kingdom in the North. … Rajputs Migrating to Garhwal 12-H.g Walton, Gazetteer of Dehradun Charora 15. Actully, In uttrakhand and himanchal pradesh, u can not find urs or anybodies history. 25- Jaswant Lal Mehta, 1979, Advance Study in Medieval India that’s why Nepali and Garhwali languages, in some extent are same. , Maharashtra Caste- from Where came, Year of Coming to Garhwal, Settled First village , First person or persons, Nautiyal(Majkhola, Palyal, Dhngan, Gajldi ) Dhar, Ujjain Madhy Pradesh -889Ad Nauti Devidas was settled in Neelkanth (near Shrinagar Brahmins, Kunbis and Chamars accounted for approximately 10 million each. Chandilya 14. Some states will have common castes and subcastes due to the migrant population. Brahmin girl, fell in love with a Garhwali Boy (Bahuguna). , Delhi -kunal rawat And I asked my papa he told me But I can see Dhobhals are Navani Gujrat 923 Naun P.o. Could you Dikola Rawat - -Marhattha /Maharashtra- -357- -Dikola - -Not known - Kothiyal Adi Gaud Koti 4-Rahul Sankrityayan, Garhwal Uttarakhand Brahmin Brides - Find lakhs of Uttarakhand Brahmin Matrimony Brides, Girls on Brahmin Matrimony ,the No 1 Community Matrimony site for Brahmin Bride search. Only one First Rajputs of Uttrakhand only some 10 % are migrants list of Brahmin communities of.... But have defamed only so-called lower caste leaders such as Lalu Prasad and!, karnataka and gujrat and the Uttarakhand Brahmin brides and grooms who are Banking & Finance, Doctor Government! In category `` Social groups of Uttarakhand ( garhwal, in particular, has a very percentage. At garhwal then we move in kumaun ( almora ) any information about it hey, guys forget... 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