At this time you may want to go over how to find the diameter when you know the circumference: d=C/π, Once youth have the diameter in inches, they need to multiply this number by $8 to find the average cost per year to treat that particular tree. (30 minutes). Have them think about customs or traditions, religious beliefs, economics (how they make a living), family, community, etc. Now, look at the EAB life cycle. Due to the recent statewide quarantine for emerald ash borer and workload considerations, USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine (APHIS PPQ), the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), and the Wisconsin DNR Forest Health Program have discontinued trapping programs for adult beetles in … For over a decade, the emerald ash borer has been established in northern Virginia. If several means ten miles, how far from Detroit would they have gotten in the 16 (or so) years it has been in North America? (MLR: D1-d), Why is the ash tree so important to the Wabanaki people? Have youth add up the total cost of treatment for their area and record it on the board so that you can get a total treatment cost for the town. When you get the ball of yarn, toss it to someone holding a card with which your organism has a relationship. Do this for each species. Recent Project Findings. What would life be like without it? %PDF-1.6 %���� Let them know that the cost of treatment is a yearly cost, while the removal cost is a one-time cost. The emerald ash borer has killed millions of trees in North America and is spreading rapidly. Have each youth share the northern and southern boundary state or province of their species. Become brittle, increasing the risk that they could fall and cause a power outage. You should end with a web of yarn that models the interactions between the organisms. Find out if any citizen scientists have found EAB in Maine and posted it to Vital Signs; go to the. This spring, some ash trees failed to leaf out around Cresco, Iowa, where Hawkeye Rural Electric Cooperative serves about 7,000 meters. 207.581.3877 or 1.800.287.0274 (in Maine), 4-H Camp & Learning Center at Bryant Pond, 4-H Camp & Learning Center at Greenland Point, 4-H Camp & Learning Centers at Tanglewood & Blueberry Cove, Insect Pests, Plant Diseases & Pesticide Safety, Affiliated Programs, Partners & Resources, Non-Discrimination Statement & Disability Resources, Register for Workshops, Classes, & Events, The University of Georgia Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. There is global evidence of rapid environmental change resulting from invasive species, such as the emerald ash borer (EAB). (MS-LS1-5; Review: 3-LS1-1), Information about epicormic branches found on the. As of October 2008, the emerald ash borer can be found in the following states; Michigan (2002), Ohio (2003), Indiana (2004), Illinois (2006), Maryland (2006), Pennsylvania (2007), Missouri (2008), Virginia (2008), West Virginia (2008), and Wisconsin (2008), and in two Canadian provinces; Ontario (2004) and Quebec (2008). Have them look closely at the photos of EAB and trees that have been attacked by EAB, and then complete the EAB identification data sheet. (List these on the whiteboard). Emerald Ash Borer kit from Michigan State University (to show group), sets of laminated Emerald Ash Borer images (included in visuals folder), laminated copies of EAB Signs and Damage pictures on the, individual laminated copies of EAB look-alikes (the “suspects”). Here is a list of things they may come up with: Prevent the spread by quarantining firewood, Prevent the spread by quarantining nursery stock, Kill EAB by introducing a parasite or predator. What if one of these species were not here? View emerald ash borer-infested counties under federal quarantinein the United States. Reflection Questions (Journal or Discussion), Producer: organisms that use the sun’s energy to produce food, Consumer: organisms that cannot make their own food, Decomposer: organisms that get energy by breaking down dead plants and animals, Photosynthesis: the process by which plants use sunlight to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen, Food web: a group of organisms organized in predator and prey relationships, Interdependence: when members of a group are all dependent upon each other, Biodiversity: the degree of variation of species within a certain area, Matter: the material of which something is made. Rev.Original May, 2010 i Executive Summary Exotic and native forest pests such as Agrilus planipennis (emerald ash borer), Anoplophora glabripennis (Asian longhorned beetle), Dendroctonous ponderosae (mountain pine beetle), Ophiostoma novo-ulmi and O. ulmi (pathogens associated with Dutch elm disease), Cryphonectria parasitica (pathogen associated with chestnut blight), and Geosmithia sp. For example, they might ask whether their organism is a producer, consumer, predator, prey, mammal, reptile, insect, plant, etc. Insecticide: pesticide used against insects, used to kill all stages in an insect’s life cycle. Put a big star in the approximate position of Detroit. After two or three minutes, give each youth a piece of paper, clipboard, and pencil. —Where did the emerald ash borer come from? One technique used for detection of A. planipennis is the establishment and peeling of girdled trap trees. Where does the matter in a food web come from? page, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science page, Emerald Ash Borer: Coping with the Costs, the Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts of Invasive Insects on our Communities (PDF), Activity 5: Money Talks, Ash Tree Inventory form (PDF), Insecticide Options for Protecting Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borer fact sheet (PDF), How Glooskap made the Elves and Fairies, and then Man of an Ash Tree, and last of all, Beasts, and of his Coming at the Last Day, Learning to Look Lesson: Wabanaki Basket page, Sustainable Maine, Basket Trees: Saving a Tradition page, Sustaining Forests, Culturally and Economically Important Nontimber Forest Products of Northern Maine page, Mobilizing to Fight the Emerald Ash Borer, Faculty Articles page, UMaine Native American Programs website, Emerald Ash Borer Information Network website, Recommendations for the Collection, Storage, and Germination of Ash (. Let youth know that if a tree shows extensive damage, treatment is not an option. Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)/Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Pest Alert, Emerald Ash Borer, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, State and Private Forestry Northeastern Area (PDF), Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)/Is it an Ash Tree? (Ban on importing firewood, a survey of campground users to see if they’ve heard of EAB, detection methods, emergency response plan, seed collection). Tell youth to listen for things that connect to what they’ve already learned. :ʋ�����lEN@�;.�]�;y{/$��Nh֍��n�A� Ú,tRP�b�X�1����J�ƭ��Y�ڂ3��*�H�H����Z� ^��Q Take a few minutes to talk about these words, and then read Kunu’s Basket: A Story From Indian Island by Lee DeCora Francis (ISBN-13: 978-0884483304). What are some ways that organisms in an ecosystem are interdependent? (Cost of treating a tree depends on several things and ranges from 7-16 dollars per inch of trunk diameter. —When is the best time to solve a problem? Cooperative Emerald Ash Borer Project (2006). Are you interested in learning more about what the University of Maine and UMaine system campuses offer? Once youth have been introduced to key vocabulary, pass out one index card to each participant with the name of an organism written on it. Then ask those who felt that tug to raise their hands. Do we usually think of humans as vectors for disease? How did they spread so far? Is there anything you could eat that doesn’t come from plants? Photo: Debbie Miller/USFS, The University of Georgia Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health This kit serves to educate youth about the threats of invasive species, such as the star of our newest toolkit: the Emerald Ash Borer beetle, an invasive species from Asia. Together, walk them through the first part of the dichotomous key in tree guide: needles versus broad leaves, alternate versus opposite branching, and compound versus simple leaves. Discuss. You will use these trees to create the data table. Now imagine we take that away, too. Compare the cost of treatment versus the cost of removal. Control Efforts Three species of biocontrol have been researched and are currently being deployed. (Pause the movie to talk about these connections if time allows. 0432433 Grant No. The emerald ash borer is an invasive species and is, therefore, expanding its range faster than any native species. Proposed Release of Three Parasitoids for the Biological Control of Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) in the Continental United States. Following this lesson step by step, together as a group, will give youth an in-depth understanding of Wabanaki basketry. Get the group to discuss how meat and dairy products come from plants in an indirect way. If EAB finds ash trees, it may establish a population in this new place. Emerald Ash Borer is not just a threat to the ash trees in Maine; it is also a threat to Maine’s economy. However, individuals are capable of flying “several miles” to infest new trees. Ask youth the following questions for discussion: Range: the geographical area within which a species can be found, Vector: any agent that carries and transmits a disease or pest to another living organism. Do the Math. Have youth research a town of similar size that has already been affected by EAB. Which states/provinces would the EAB have gotten to on its own? Do you think there are any ash trees in the woods by our school (or wherever you will be doing the survey)? Once the tree is infected by the Emerald Ash Board, it may take one to 3 years for the tree to die. Emerald Ash Borer Adult. (Either distribute laminated copies of signs and damage pictures or project them on the board.). Explain your thinking. Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement Start Date: Aug 30, 2020 End Date: Aug 29, 2023 Objective: The emerald ash borer is the most destructive and costly invasive forest insect pest that is spreading rapidly in the Midwestern, Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic United States, killing stands of ash trees where ever it occurs. —Write these words on the board: family, family traditions or customs, values, and beliefs. What would you tell them to look for if they wanted to know if their ash trees were infested? Discuss the word “vector.” Is there a vector for EAB? Emerald ash borer mortality in an urban community. Reporting Frequency. Youth continue asking questions until they have figured out what species is written on their card. Working with partners, youth will take turns asking each other a series of “yes or no” questions in order to deduce the name of their organism. Cooperative Emerald Ash Borer Project NH MA NJ DE Map Key Initia cœnty EAB EAB quarantme boundaries Sate quarantirE--genetally infested area Indian Reservatton National Forests Canadian EAB regulated areas Wes 100 . Do a quick review of photosynthesis: plants are made of mostly water (H, laminated copies of food webs (or internet access and laptops). Emerald ash borer (EAB) is a non-native wood-boring pest of North American ash trees. (, Visit the Maine Indian Basketmaker’s Alliance to find and invite a basket maker to your school or next group meeting. Highlight the key public areas of town, such as schools, parks, libraries, and downtown. Walk around to coach when necessary. All sites for images are included with the image. Have them raise their hands if they have aces. To learn more either: If you need help connecting to UMaine or one of the other UMaine System campuses, contact us by email or call (207) 581-3877 and ask for Laura, Greg, or Sarah! The organism on each card is different, and each has its own range map. Research Project: Collection and Rearing of Emerald Ash Borer and Associated Parasitoids from Infested Ash Logs in Maryland Location: Beneficial Insects Introduction Research Unit Project Number: 8010-22000-028-12-S Project Type: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement What could you have done to avoid getting infected? Wabanaki baskets are made exclusively of brown ash, which they call the “basket tree.” The Emerald Ash Borer has the potential to erase an integral aspect of the Wabanaki culture. (If you wish, call a local tree removal service and get a quote for removing or treating trees in your area.) The emerald ash borer beetle Agrilus planipennis is an invasive insect from Asia. For this exercise we will use $8 as the average cost.). An introduced pest from northeastern Asia, the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, is killing all native Fraxinus in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio, and now spreading into surrounding states and Canadian provinces. Examples are below.) endstream endobj 865 0 obj <>stream �hR���WZ{y!G���8�a���,�d2��f B��o��S��ܥEcqs�D��1�zB9�n֖��p�K�%պ�? The University of Maine offers over 100 academic majors! Many American Indian cultures and traditions rely on ash trees for the wood needed for making baskets, lacrosse … Put the “suspect” pictures on the front table. This devastating pest was first found in 2002 in North America where it was discovered in southeastern Michigan and adjacent areas in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. To make things easier, you can make a rule that the tree must be at least 12 inches in circumference to be counted. Then show them the “range map” of EAB for 2013. [Note: The facilitator may wish to model this with the youth.]. After all the rounds, ask the youth to predict how many people will be infected (could be up to 16). Ask the youth where they think the EAB could eventually spread to. How are they similar/different from the beetles? Give the volunteer 10 cards to represent the firewood he/she brought to the campsite. Depending on how many youth you have, you could use more or less. (Several miles a year on its own). h��U[k�0�+�e���2�B.M�v�Ζ�����������wd�i�d�l0F ���s�t,� Tell them they need to make close observations to see if there are any signs of EAB in the area. “I’m very familiar with the emerald ash borer,” Trezona says with a frustrated sigh. How is the EAB life cycle similar to a butterfly life cycle? Tell youth they must first find the diameter of each tree and record it on the inventory sheet. The federal government will no longer regulate the movement of borer-infested wood. In the next rounds, they will spread the virus to whoever shakes their hand. In that time they eat leaves and find a place to mate and lay eggs. Are all insects harmful? What would it be like? The results of subsequent studies showed that EAB was inadvertently introduced near Detroit, Michigan during the 1990s from northeast China, probably in EAB-infested solid-wood packing materials used in international trade. Agricultural Research Service/USDA Project Status. (3-5-MLR), How do you think the loss of the ash tree will affect the Wabanaki? What kind of impact do you think EAB will have on this woodlot? Discuss. By the end of this activity, youth should understand the economic effect that EAB could have on any town in Maine. Outside would be ideal. Then, the ash borer showed up at Tri-County Electric Cooperative, which serves 15,000 meters from Rushford, Minn. Delineate the area to be surveyed. In their groups, have youth look at the images of the emerald ash borer as well as the signs and symptoms of an infected tree. (See example below). (This could be a “sister city” if you have one in an EAB-affected area.) It was first found in Minnesota in May 2009, in St. Paul. Watch Your Ash is a multimedia project from graduate students at the University of Colorado providing an excellent overview of EAB detection and management in Boulder. — How Glooskap made the Elves and Fairies, and then Man of an Ash Tree, and last of all, Beasts, and of his Coming at the Last Day (Internet Sacred Text Archive website), Activity 1: Learning to Look—Wabanaki Baskets (35 minutes). Compare this with how far it has spread since it was first discovered in 2002. If the youth will be completing this at another time, you can give them areas that they live close to. Write letters to your state representatives to have flyers handed out to everyone passing through Maine tollbooths. By the end of this activity, youth should be able to understand where ash trees live and how to identify them. Pass out the “species range map” cards to the youth. College & University. Why not? Using chalk or dry-erase markers, draw a large map of the United States on the board. Which stage of life is the longest? Have youth close their eyes and put their heads down. ����_,F���d�g)Q��)j1�S@�=���!�-��/լ�% ]up�Vx+�6\�݉�d�������_dηT�S{� Get the youth to commit to agreeing or disagreeing with the following remark: “I think everything you ate came from plants.”. Here are some examples: Make a group Powerpoint presentation for the town, highlighting things we can do. Now have all who felt that tug raise their hands. Have one youth sketch a rough map of the area so that they can record where their trees were found. The emerald Ash bore infestation has become a serious problem. h�D�AK1F��ܚ��d��J)�ZXP��KLR;evj��9��]�{_?" During what season do EABs reproduce? Goals / Objectives In this specific cooperative agreement, we will focus on: (1) Survey, collection, and identification of natural enemies (parasitoids) associated with emerald ash borers and other buprestids infesting ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) Different groups of youth could come up with different ideas, which could be acted upon in later lessons. (Use Forest Trees of Maine as a resource if necessary.) A small part of the forest? —If and when EAB makes it to our town, how heavily will our town be impacted? ;C�~3���PQ2��"��p� �a����b�QJ��v�県�t�@@ɸ*�`P��{"��`��^�^��U^l�������N�������t�����?l��AUd����D��n�$�U�J�V4��0��/��S$rv� CQ'Om��O��׮���'ɵ��e�����4hzR�U��uf�\M2,M�6���.��՛�~V��cݯׅ]�ʡoaZ]LFW��t���o�O u=�'�S"�XĜ�$yk]'���&�|�L"���0�]d�˝si���d�{a�.�=6�J��� }$��3�O�s0�]}gy�/�|w�u�˴��Y�=�O�˜~�J}o����!�ܲ�5���'�#���v��J�V�����K�۝l;��e(���85��(C�������Z&�6�u��a�����@����c��|��|��=�WH"���n)b����. In 2012, the emerald ash borer was found in the Berkshires and in Connecticut near Waterbury. Ask what will happen now. EXPANDED FOREIGN EXPLORATION FOR NEW NATURAL ENEMIES OF THE EMERALD ASH BORER (EAB) IN CHINA FOR CLASSICAL BIOLOGICAL CONTROL. In addition, multiple dates of these national EAB positive maps were acquired to detect additional finds temporally. (, Where does the energy in a food web come from? Make posters about not moving firewood and post them in your town. How do you know that the emerald ash borer is an insect? (You may need to review circumference and diameter with the group. Discuss. Now ask the youth to consider the human life cycle. Youth could also download the ESRI app for their iPhones or iPads to create their own maps. Play the first four minutes of the emerald ash borer control video, below (from the EAB Infested Trees page of the Emerald Ash Borer Information Network website), to help youth understand the massive economic effect of this insect: Tell youth that their job is to do an inventory of ash trees in parks and other municipal areas. Finally, our own field work on ash tree assessment in northern Ohio and southern Michigan during the summers of 2004 and 2005 yielded additional spatial information, particularly on ash not yet visually affected by EAB. Is there anything we can do to help? Instruct pairs of youth to take one picture at a time to fill out the Line-Up sheet. At which stage of life does the EAB damage the tree? Are there other things our town can do? 8010-22000-028-22S Proposal … Research industries that are dependent on ash trees (furniture, sports equipment, tools, basket makers, firewood, logging). You can measure it beforehand or have the youth measure the area. In their groups, have youth use the insect guide to answer the following questions (which should be written on the board): What are some identifying characteristics of insects? W ash ing to n St .J ose ph Ca be l Hi gh la nd Hr ison Wi bag Bon e War ren Au gl ai ze War ri ck Craw f or d Cumbe rlnd Sh ia w s e A le g h Ora n ge Har iso n DuP ag e Ca mer o Fou nt ai n Ham ilt on De fi anc Ma rsh l Eff in gh am D c tu r Sny d er Sou th am pt on Mo nit e au Wya ndo t Ma hon i g H m ton a rion Ke nd a l Ti pca no W Sta rk e Research the different treatment chemicals and compare them in terms of cost and public health. What traits do you look at to tell apart the tree species? ), The youth with the virus secretly taps the hand of the person with whom he shakes hands. Ask them if they think this range map has changed since then. Tell youth that for this game we are going to pretend that we all live near Detroit and that we plan to go camping somewhere in the U.S. Before leaving, we load our truck with firewood from the backyard. Their eggs are laid on the bark of branches of the tree on which they establish themselves. By the end of this activity, youth will be able to: Use questions to get youth thinking about insects and the EAB: Activity 1: Identify the Emerald Ash Borer (20-30 minutes), Epicormic branching: bud clusters found on the stem or trunk of a tree (see photo included with visuals), Invasive species: a species that is introduced and out-competes many of the native species so that it changes the biodiversity of the ecosystem, Native species: a species naturally found in a specified geographical area, Larva: the immature, wingless, feeding stage of an insect. hޔ��n�0E�`�� �,�A� C�A��hڡ_Y��c/>0eR�c5 k��;�h��.��3���Y$�wVq[�Mr0�l����/Iqz~=_�'�~�@'3Y�J������c�v��|�n��Ni�T�bh4 {w����q�e��L�B? USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. We are going to model this with a ball of yarn. How does having more people on board help to solve problems in general? How is the EAB life cycle different from a butterfly life cycle? Why did you keep it? Make posters to educate people about EAB. Use flagging tape to mark boundaries of the survey area as well as the areas for which the youth will be responsible. Allow youth enough time to write these down. In 2013, the emerald ash borer was found in Granville, Person, Vance, and Warren counties in North Carolina. Have youth get into the same groups they had for the Ash Tree Inventory and pull out their ash tree inventory sheets. Create a data table (with or without the youth) that contains the major species in your woodlot and a way to name the section that each pair of youth surveys. The EAB was first found in North America in 2002 near Detroit and since has spread to 13 states and two Canadian provinces, killing hundreds of millions of Ash trees in rural and urban settings. Take the youth to a place where they can focus. ), Give each team a clipboard with two copies of the. Agrilus planipennis (emerald ash borer, Coleoptera: Buprestidae) is a pest of ash (Fraxinus spp.) Discuss the word interdependence. 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