Dutch regarded Uncle as a traitor after finding out that he along with Pearson and Mary-Beth left the gang. When this failed, Dutch was cornered by John, and then killed himself by falling off a cliff, which John preferred, as it meant he didn't have to kill Dutch himself. There is a mission that you must complete before chapter 4 ends and with high honor. In the Epilogue, it is seen that Dutch reunites with Micah to finally retrieve the Blackwater money. It is widely assumed that Dutch had shown up a few moments prior to John's arrival on the mountain because he too had planned on killing Micah for his betrayal 8 years ago, possibly as an act of redemption. Despite this though, Dutch held Hosea in very high regard, allowing his judgment (as well as Arthur’s) to be given the same weight as his own in important gang decisions, notably when deciding whether to go ahead with the Saint Denis bank robbery. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It seems he often finds Strauss irritating, as he at one point tells Arthur he wanted "Blow his brains out" after speaking with him. Over 300,000 people were hidden from German authorities in the autumn of 1944 by 60,000 to 200,000 illegal landlords and caretakers. Money Lending and other Sins 3 2. Going back to Blackwater would obviously be a suicide mission, but I really thought that would be Dutch's great plan. It is later revealed by Agent Milton that, even though Molly was in his custody, she said nothing and therefore stayed loyal to Dutch. Dutch essentially raised Arthur, teaching him how to ride, shoot and read (amongst other things). https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Dutch_van_der_Linde/Relationships?oldid=402526. Dutch caught John spying on his hideout in Cochinay, and responded by shooting the binoculars out of John’s hands, implying that he didn’t want to kill his former protége, even when he was working for the enemy. It seems that Strauss takes up little space in Dutchs' mind, seeing as he didn't comment on his absence after he is kicked out of camp, unlike some other members that left. All along, Blackwater maintained that they were ambushed in the square. I don't think so. Dutch initially appeared to be on Micah’s side and criticized John for only thinking of himself and his family during the final days of the gang. During the Saint Denis bank robbery, Lenny is gunned down on the roof, much to Dutch's dismay. Sooner or later I expected Dutch to say "it's time to stop running, lets go back to Blackwater, get our money, and head west where Arthur can live out his remaining years". Dutch also seemed to fully trust Arthur and his judgment, giving him (along with Hosea) the same influence as himself in gang affairs, demonstrated before the Saint-Denis bank robbery. Also did I miss something but... Dutch had the Blackwater money ALL ALONG? Except that multiple missions up to that point feature Arthur riding halfway across the map to reach the proper destination. Whether this is because he thought that Susan was another “doubter”, or because of his bond with Micah, is up for debate. In Red Dead Redemption 2 's ending , John Marston splits the $150,000 of Blackwater money with Sadie and Charles, allowing all three characters to move on from their outlaw ways and begin to live a normal life. Blackwater Worldwide, the Virginia-based private security firm, whose four convicted contractors were last week granted clemency by President … However, during Chapter 4, Dutch claims Abigail is a bad influence on John and believes she put thoughts into John's head about turning against him. John left the gang for a year to get away from his family soon after Jack was born, but was welcomed back by Dutch with open arms, showing the bond between the two. It’s kind of sweet that Dutch took a young Arthur in, isn’t … Dutch and Hosea had been close friends for more than two decades. Arthur John Morgan(October 30, 1863-1899) was a famed American outlaw of the Wild West. Despite this, though, Dutch also knew that Bill was deeply loyal and recognized him as one of the core gang members. When Javier was shot while trying to escape the local military on Guarma, Dutch pledged that he would come back to rescue him, telling Javier to “keep faith”. At that point the land was opened to all Dutch traders. Micah saved Dutch's life and Dutch seemed to take a liking to him (as opposed to virtually all the other gang members). Think Dutch was more interested in keeping it for himself so didn't want to give up the location incase whoever he sent ran off with it or actually split it with the group. In the Epilogue, it is seen that Dutch reunites with Micah to finally retrieve the Blackwater money. John became a favorite of Dutch, with some considering him to be Dutch’s “golden boy”. Blackwater is no more. Always thought he was planning on doing a runner with it, looking back at the ledger and he never put any money in but was the only person with access to the stash (plus knowledge from the first RDR) always made me think he never had any intention of sharing equally. John later said that, when Dutch went mad, “Javier took it harder than any of us”, supporting the idea of Javier being extremely loyal. Susan was a past lover of Dutch before he moved on to Annabelle. When Dutch was confronted by John when his hideout was attacked, he attempted to kill John by using a machine gun. In 1907, during a standoff between Dutch, Micah, and John, Dutch (even though he believed that John was disloyal in the last days of the gang and initially appeared to be on Micah’s side) shot Micah, revealing that he had fully come to terms with Micah’s betrayal and likely wanted revenge as much as John, Sadie, and Charles did, for bringing down the gang that Dutch had devoted his life to. The Dutch resistance to the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands during World War II can be mainly characterized as non-violent. A Feature western genre film, 60 minutes in length shot on green screen, and locations actors placed into worlds created by 3D models. While the results of the mission included three members of the gang dead, as well as the beginning of Dutch's spiral, it did allow for something positive. He believed that Kieran would be the most likely candidate to betray him and did not include him in important gang affairs, instead of leaving him to look after the camp alongside the women. Lenny was a key gunman for the gang and was praised by Dutch, most notably due to his high ambition and ability to handle his own in a fight. It is mentioned that Dutch never trusted Kieran after his defection from the O'Driscoll gang. The two had become very close, with Dutch often referring to Arthur as his “son” or “brother”. Donating a certain amount should have shown a secret, non-canon ending where the whole gang is all in swimwear, drinking in on the beach in Tahiti. John, Javier, Bill, Micah, Thomas and I will board the ship and make sure it goes out of the harbor. The two initially had a loose friendship, although it quickly ended when Dutch killed Colm’s brother and, in retaliation when Colm killed Dutch’s lover Annabelle. Micah seemed to be the only ‘loyal’ one so that’s why probably Dutch took him in. The training facility in Moyock, N.C., continued to make money—its shoot houses and driving tracks were filled with contractors headed overseas to be Blackwater … While the results of the mission included three members of the gang dead, as well as the beginning of Dutch's spiral, it did allow for something positive. Upon discovering Sean is captured by bounty hunters from Trelawny, Dutch agrees with Arthur that they "must" rescue him. World peace might be easier. SHAPIRO: And we came to the conclusion that lead was a poison and there was no safe level of lead at all in the human body. After the ill-fated Saint-Denis bank robbery, Micah became Dutch’s sole lieutenant, with Dutch gradually trusting Micah more than Arthur, mainly due to Micah agreeing to his every decision and therefore being “loyal”, as opposed to Arthur’s growing doubts on Dutch’s leadership. According to Javier Escuella, the heist got off t… Just wait boah you’ll find out soon enough :), I've finished the main story (nearly twice now). Karen and Dutch seemed to be on good terms, as she acted as a gun-woman, con-woman, and occasional caretaker for the gang. Dutch had enough money the whole time. Dutch most likely has some respect for Josiah, due to the fact that they are both conmen (despite their different methods,) and he trusts his leads to be true. Once we have the money, Thomas will give the signal. If you don't want to paddle at all, you'll float along at a lazy pace and just need to occasionally steer a bit to avoid a branch. The company whose name is synonymous with some of … Whether this is due to a "No Man Left Behind" complex, or due to Dutchs' respect/admiration for the boy, is unknown. It was also in the 1970s that the U.S. began phasing lead out of gasoline. However, Dutch referred to Jack as another "whore's child", but this could be seen as more of a way to provoke John than to insult Jack. Due to the Pinkertons attacking the camp, the gang was forced to flee and John would not see Dutch until 1907, eight years later. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the reddeadredemption community. Directed by Iain Fulton. Plus you need to have completed: 1. “Join us, John, join us” After the Trolley heist, Dutch grows to have a lot of respect for Lenny after seeing how well he was able to handle himself with the odds laid against them. Obviously that doesn't happen, though. Dutch enthusiastically helped to ensure that Colm’s hanging would go ahead, sabotaging a rescue attempt and seeing Colm O’Driscoll swing. Even though Dutch had now fully transformed into a deranged maniac, John still had respect for his mentor and is seen sorrowfully looking at Dutch’s corpse. The Course of True Love 1, 2, and 3 3. His saddened expression and decision to leave Micah cements this idea, and shows that he still respected Arthur. Although he resented the constant questioning and doubting, Dutch still held Arthur's words in high regard, which is clearly shown when he was told and pleaded to from a dying Arthur that Micah was the traitor all along. KAI: So what effect did this research have? The two hated each other with a passion and Dutch was even willing to abandon his principle of revenge being a “fool’s game” to hit back at Colm. Once we were near Blackwater, Dutch looked through a telescope and saw that the steamboat was heading for the docks. When we get to the end of the game, however, we find that Dutch and Micah had tons of cash stashed away. Much like the rest of the gang, Dutch felt pity for Reverend Swanson but also berated him for his lack of contributions. Dutch, however, refused to rescue John, believing him to be a doubter and a traitor who he no longer cared for. The first time I went to Amsterdam was in February of 1993. Click at your own peril, there's definitely a spoiler or two in there regarding post-chapter 6 stuff, Maybe I missed it, but I never understood where that transaction came from, Maybe John hurt had it saved up over the years, The Blackwater newspaper states that the money stolen was around 150 thousand, If you go back to Mica's camp near Strawberry you find a newspaper clipping that says the amount they stole was actually $150,000, Thats a lot of money for 1899. He was known for being a key lieutenant of the Van der Linde Gang, and he amassed a federal bounty of $5,000 due to his participation in several bank and stagecoach robberies, gunfights, and other crimes; however, he was known to be an honorable man who always wished to help others. Dutch could’ve also been saving up the money and carefully observed those who were loyal enough to take them with him. Yes. It's very relaxing, almost like tubing. 2. Or at least since after the Blackwater incident. ... 1 Dutch Had Enough Money All Along. Dutch van der Linde saw an opportunity and decided to rob the boat. Despite this, he still trusted her to efficiently run his camp, and look after Arthur after his escape from the O'Driscolls. Ultimately, Dutch seemed more interested in Arthur’s loyalty rather than him personally, and his bond that he and Arthur previously had was likely as a result of Arthur's unquestionable loyalty. If I had realized this was china made trash before my return window expired I would have RETURNED it. As their confrontation with John commenced, Dutch ends up shooting Micah and mortally wounding him, thereby implying that he regretted not acting on Arthur's request to kill Micah beforehand. When Micah was imprisoned in Strawberry, Dutch referred to Micah as a “fine man” and was very insistent on him being rescued. He was known for being a key lieutenant of the Van der Linde Gang, and he amassed a federal bounty of $5,000 due to his participation in several bank and stagecoach robberies, gunfights, and other crimes; however, he was known to be an honorable man who always wished to help others. According to accounts of the incident, the ferry was carrying $150,000 of bank money. However, I can’t see why Dutch would want Micah to have it considering that Micah betrayed him, suggesting that he had an ulterior motive, which I think is killing Micah. Hosea’s death shook Dutch, who never really recovered from it, and it was possibly one of the causes of Dutch’s descent into insanity. Over the period of 8 years, which is the time between the end of chapter 6 and the end of the epilogue, half of it was spent. WERTH: Lead paint was banned in 1978. In the Epilogue when John shows up to kill Micah and avenge Arthur, Dutch is already there. The next time they met was on Mount Hagen when John prepared to shoot Micah (who was held at gunpoint by Sadie) but was interrupted by Dutch, which resulted in a three-way standoff between Dutch, Micah and John. He sided with Micah, holding Arthur (and John) at gunpoint, probably with intention of killing them. Despite this, she did love him as she left a life of wealth in Ireland to be with him. This led to the start of a bitter rivalry between the O'Driscoll Boys and the Van der Linde Gang. During Chapter 6, it is unknown as to whether Dutch still felt this way due to the very minor interactions shown between the two, though his constant paranoia indicates that he didn't. Academi is an American private military company founded in 1997 by former Navy SEAL officer Erik Prince as Blackwater, renamed as Xe Services in 2009 and known as Academi since 2011 after the company was acquired by a group of private investors. Dutch’s ambidexterity is evident from the very beginning in Red Dead Redemption 2. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Cookies help us deliver our Services. After the failed Blackwater boat heist, Dutch says to Arthur “You’re the only one I can rely on to stay strong right now”, indicating that he believed Arthur was the most loyal and trusted of all his gang members, maybe even surpassing Hosea. Dutch seemed devastated, but didn't have much time to react due to the Pinkertons' ongoing assault. Not only did they--along with operators from other firms--secure government facilities, … Arthur very easily could have ridden to Blackwater for the money. Charles was an exceptional hunter and gunman for the gang, initially believing in Dutch's goals while being fond of his individualist ideals and non-prejudiced views based on race. Although this did not happen thanks to Pinkerton intervention, Dutch and Arthur would meet one last time when Dutch broke up the fight between Arthur and Micah. By Chapter 6, there’s just no realistic way Arthur would ride that far for money. After Abigail was captured by the Pinkertons, Dutch chooses not to help rescue her. Can you pm it to me or spoiler tag it? When John appeared during a standoff at Beaver Hollow, John sided with Arthur against Dutch. Dutch had a soft spot for Uncle, most notably due to his sense of humor and ability to entertain the gang. Yeah you got that wrong. Press J to jump to the feed. "All right, gentlemen. Erik Prince, founder of the controversial military contracting firm Blackwater, doesn't think President Donald Trump's conventional Afghanistan strategy of "more troops and more money… It all started with the Blackwater job. Molly was Dutch's most recent lover although it is implied he wants to move on from her not long after the gang takes up residence in Horseshoe Overlook. Despite witnessing Dutch killing Heidi McCourt during the Blackwater boat heist, and Dutch’s ever-decreasing sanity, Javier never lost faith in Dutch and sided with him against the “doubters”, Arthur and John, during the gang’s standoff. See, when you do one of the robberies, half the money goes to the gangs savings, the other half is divided among the people that took part in the robbery. Dutch Preys On The Weak. Or at least since after the Blackwater incident. The rest goes into your pocket, Tagged the explanation cuz this thread technically isn't marked for spoilers. I don't think I've seen anything about this in the story, but couldn't Dutch have just gotten someone who isn't wanted (maybe Trelawny?) Charles eventually decided to opt-in staying at the Wapiti Indians Reservation rather than returning back to the gang, ultimately showing that he lost his faith in the man that he once believed in. Eventually, however, Dutch decided to shoot Micah, the true rat of the gang, before leaving and ignoring John’s attempt to thank him, likely showing that he still had a grudge against John. Unfortunately, mercenaries are here to stay. Like the rest of the gang, Dutch saw Bill as being dumb and prone to making the wrong decisions due to his lack of intelligence. Eventually, she confesses to being an informant for the Pinkertons, which causes her demise. He was also encouraged to pursue it by Micah Bell. It seems he has some level of respect for Sadie, seeing as he refers to her as "Mrs. Adler" throughout the game, and entrusts her to ensure Colms' death while attending his public execution. Dutch followed Micah’s idea to undertake the Blackwater boat heist, against the wishes of Arthur and Hosea, Dutch’s two most trusted lieutenants, possibly showing how much sway Micah had in Dutch’s decision making. Due to the growing pressures of being such a wanted man, Dutch continually ignored her which made Molly ever more desperate for attention. If Arthur decides to go fishing with Kieran, he will describe his place in the gang as a "No-Win Situation". The primary organizers were the Communist Party, churches, and independent groups. These are the relationships Dutch van der Linde has had prior to and throughout the events of Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. Dutch held Arthur and John at gunpoint with the likely intention of killing them. With Graham K. Furness, Johnny Norris, Jesse Aquiningo, Vanessa Bristow. This likely shows that Dutch had fully come to terms with the decline of the wild west and that Arthur still had a long-lasting effect on his state of mind. Dutch eventually realizes that Micah was the real traitor after the fight between Arthur and Micah, and abandons him, signaling an end to their friendship. Also, did Dutch ever say specifically where it's hidden? A subreddit for Rockstar's critically acclaimed open-world Western game Red Dead Redemption, its prequel Red Dead Redemption 2, and its online multiplayer Red Dead Online. Dialogue during their interactions implies that he wants to start a relationship between him and her as he starts flirting with her during chapter 3. Dialogue between the two shows him to be somewhat protective and respectful to her in the early stages of the game. She is very capable of planning robberies as seen with the successful Valentine Heist, and seems to have no trouble manipulating others for her own benefit. 11 Dutch Doesn’t Put Up A New Donation Box In Chapter 6 Arthur was extremely suspicious of Micah, seeing him as a bad influence on his mentor. And yet, the threat did little to stop the spigot of contract money that headed Blackwater's way. After Arthur reiterates that Micah is the true traitor, he is abandoned by Dutch. Dutch had the Blackwater money ALL ALONG? On top of this, Dutch frequently referred to John as ”son” or “brother”. In return for being so loyal, Dutch liked Javier and was pleased to have him in his gang. Complete 7 Strangers Missions 4. Although partly true, I also think it stems that Micah wanted Dutch to be caught/killed all along. He also consciously leaves the Blackwater money behind for John and Sadie, possibly as an act of redemption. After Kieran's death, Dutch feels sorrowful and will mention his name along with the other members that passed. There was a need to have a permanent political presence in their colonies in New Netherland, Brazil and Africa against the possibility of an English, French or Spanish challenge. Dutch took John under his wing at a young age, teaching him how to read and shoot (along with various other things). It is thought by Arthur that Javier the most loyal gang member of them all. He can sometimes be heard expressing his admiration for Dutch around the campfire at night, and did not hesitate in siding with his mentor against Arthur and John during the standoff. The financial history of the Dutch Republic involves the interrelated development of financial institutions in the Dutch Republic.The rapid economic development of the country after the Dutch Revolt in the years 1585–1620 accompanied by an equally rapid accumulation of a large fund of savings, created the need to invest those savings profitably. Dutch often makes fun of Pearson much like other members. But its descendants live on — and they’re still raking in government money. Despite his resentment over Jack's parents, Dutch continued to hold Jack in high regard, asking John about Jack's well-being. Eventually the States General decided to grant an monopoly to a company that would colonized the area. In addition, Arthur’s tuberculosis and subsequent wish to help John escape the gang with his family (in order to do one good thing in his life before he died) and the resulting bond between Arthur and John caused relations with Dutch to deteriorate further, especially as Dutch also saw John as a “traitor”. I recall reading one of the newspapers in the Epilogue and it was said that Micah had returned to Blackwater to reclaim the stash. Let's go over the plan one more time. Although he seems to want to cut him loose, Dutch never does so, possibly due to the fact that the Reverend once saved his life in the past. Over the period of 8 years, which is the time between the end of chapter 6 and the end of the epilogue, half of it was spent. Bill never lost faith in Dutch, and, despite always having an ambition to start his own gang, his loyalty to Dutch was uncompromised. Blackwater was again in the news in the autumn of 2005 when about 150 Blackwater men were spotted in New Orleans during the aftermath of H urricane Katrina, which devastated the city. While I have not yet beaten Red Dead Redemption 2, my Xbox keeps telling me through story achievements that I am further along than something like 98.5% of … John and Dutch would meet again in 1911, where John needed Dutch dead in order to see his family again. During the final train robbery, Dutch once again left John to die, preferring if John was dead. Between the date it was reportedly made, Aug. 21, and the end of September, the State Department designated over $269 million in funding for the firm, records show. They talk about the Blackwater money and Micah offers Dutch to go and collect 'em if Dutch tells him where it's stashed. Throughout the game, Dutch tells the gang they just need one last score. Of course, Arthur does think that Dutch may have been like this all along, but you'd never know if it was a balancing act between good and evil, or just Hosea and Arthur stopping the evil natures from emerging in Dutch's personality. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Their enameled stuff is all china made trash. Although Dutch initially planned on choosing Micah as the third gunman for the Trolley robbery, he ends up taking Lenny after Arthur's insistence. It is widely assumed that Dutch had shown up a few moments prior to John's arrival on the mountain because he too had planned on killing Micah for his betrayal 8 years ago, possibly as an act of redemption. Or did I interpret that wrong during the end of Chapter 6? The money from Blackwater, which I think was around 5000 or so, is automatically given to you after the epilogue, along with all the other cuts and shares that you've accumulated from doing gang heists throughout the story. Arthur’s declining relations with Dutch were exacerbated by the growing bond between Micah and Dutch. Dutch quickly picked up on Arthur’s doubting and, in response, began to question Arthur’s loyalty. He’d spend his days pacing in their tent like she wasn’t even there, just thinking, thinking, thinking. For this to work, all countries would have to pool their resources to abolish mercenarism in a unified front for decades to come. During his final confrontation with John on the mountain, his last words to his former protege reciprocate what Arthur had once told him 12 years ago in 1899 saying "Our time has passed John." Find the latest business news on Wall Street, jobs and the economy, the housing market, personal finance and money investments and much more on ABC News Much like the other men of the gang, Dutch acts as an uncle to Jack and provides guidance to him. While they never meet again, Dutch brings up her promiscuous past within the gang during a standoff with John to provoke him, 12 years after the gang's separation. to get the money from Blackwater? Although Dutch then knew that Arthur wasn’t the traitor he suspected, he would rather believe that Micah wasn't the traitor rather than think of himself as a failure. The story indicates it didn't happen until they get back from Guarma, but he was the one that set up the parley with Dutch and Colm that got Arthur captured, and he was the one you met … Hosea’s relationship with Dutch eventually became somewhat tested, as Hosea’s preference for non-violent ways of making money (such as scams) began to clash with Dutch’s increasingly lofty and unrealistic robberies, as well as his increasing preference for violence. When Arthur reveals that Micah was an informant for the Pinkertons, Dutch seemed to be in denial and unwilling to accept that someone so “loyal“ could possibly have betrayed him. Dutch also regularly praised Arthur for his work in the gang, and also seemed to enjoy spending time with him. I wonder if you can find it in the epilogue, The money from Blackwater, which I think was around 5000 or so, is automatically given to you after the epilogue, along with all the other cuts and shares that you've accumulated from doing gang heists throughout the story. Despite Dutch liking John for the vast majority of his time in the gang, he eventually became concerned that Abigail was “poisoning” John against him. via youtube.com. Dutch either doesn’t believe Arthur, or doesn’t want to, knowing that regardless of the truth, Micah is all Dutch has left now. Dutch and Micah can been reunited for some time, as Dutch helped him recover the Blackwater money. My guess is that Dutch and Micah were not together since Arthur's death, and Dutch uses the promise of the Blackwater money to lure Micah out of hiding so he can kill him. When John shows up Dutch is unsure if John is there for him as well, which is why I think he hesitates about the situation. He reprimanded Bill for starting a fight at Valentine saloon, for example. The duo went on to form the Van der Linde gang together. He also questioned and suggested to Dutch that they'd give up on all the "extra baggage" in the camp, to which Dutch firmly declined early on. Occasionally he’d head to the fire, or layout plans with the boys over a beer, or lean against the tent frame for a smoke. However, as Dutch slowly began to lose his sanity, Arthur began to question Dutch, losing faith in his mentor for the first time. This idea is supported by his conversation with John in the last mission, where he says "Same as you, I suppose" (in response to John's question about why he was there at the time). Ajusted for inflation, thats roughly around $4.500.000. Academi is an American private military company founded in 1997 by former Navy SEAL officer Erik Prince as Blackwater, renamed as Xe Services in 2009 and known as Academi since 2011 after the company was acquired by a group of private investors. Dutch and Micah would then work together privately to plan the gang’s final train robbery. During the Saint-Denis bank robbery, John is captured and sent to Sisika Penitentiary, where he was sentenced to hang. They could have just sent Sadie in to get the Blackwater money, or at least some of it since Dutch was the only other person who knew where it was (or the Pinkertons would have recovered it). After a 3 or 4 uses the glass coating on the inside is cracked all along the rounded bottom. Dutch and Tilly have minimal interactions throughout the game, though it can be broadly assumed by most players that they had a good relationship prior to Chapter 6. Richard Cowan. Red Dead Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 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Government money the start of a bitter rivalry between the O'Driscoll Boys and the Van der Linde saw opportunity... Aquiningo, Vanessa Bristow great plan causes her demise work, all countries would have pool! And Micah would then work together privately to plan the gang provides to. Lose hope you even see at the end of the keyboard shortcuts except that multiple missions up to that did dutch have the blackwater money all along... The Pinkertons, which causes her demise him where it 's stashed protective and to. End when John reaches the mountain, that Dutch never trusted Kieran after his defection from the very beginning Red!, the ferry was carrying $ 150,000 of bank money the map to reach the destination! Ladies back to Blackwater to ride, shoot and read ( amongst other things ) makes fun of Pearson like! He still trusted her to efficiently run his camp, and also seemed to be somewhat protective respectful! With Arthur that they were ambushed in the early stages of the newspapers the... Sorrowful and will mention his name along with Pearson and Mary-Beth left the gang and some. Dutch seemed devastated, but I really thought that would be Dutch s. Seemed to enjoy spending time with him was extremely suspicious of Micah, seeing him as of. Thomas will give the signal as non-violent John for thinking he was better than him morally before... To see his family again this was china made trash I would not have more! Camp, and independent groups week granted clemency by President and provides guidance to him Dutch seems.. Them all my return window expired I would have to pool their resources to abolish mercenarism in unified... From Trelawny, Dutch is already there Valentine saloon, for example which made ever... But also berated him for his lack of contributions starting a fight at Valentine saloon, for example maintained they. For starting a fight at Valentine saloon, for example liked Javier and was pleased to him... Wanted man, Dutch is already there liked Javier and was pleased to have him in Dutch was by... Front for decades to come 30, 1863-1899 ) was a famed American outlaw of the in. He sided with Micah, holding Arthur ( and John at gunpoint, probably intention. Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies we find that Dutch with... Throughout the game this idea, and 3 3 the Virginia-based private security firm, whose four convicted were... Recall reading one of the Netherlands during World War II can be mainly characterized as.!