How do you manage your nerves around leaving your dogs and enjoy your vacation when you travel without the pups? He is an indoor cat and very much attached to me. Hi, thanks for writing. The voices coming from the system can help your cat feel as if there is someone else present. It's not fair to stress the two cats out for 17 days just so you can vacation. Also cats like clean litter boxes and may stop using the litter box altogether if it’s too dirty or is not cleaned regularly. DEAR JOAN: I go to a local park and feed the feral cats daily. Cats are intelligent and intuitive creatures. I do have a mattress pad. This just helps to keep your cat’s surroundings more familiar, and ensures they feel safe while you’re away. Personally, I like it when all of my kitties are here to greet me. This blog shares information and expertise about cats gleaned from over 18 years of cat rescue work. Cats don’t like change, so leaving him home where it’s familiar, safe and quiet, is probably the better option. Science is based on facts, and the facts are that cats simply treat us like they do other cats, but there may be much more to it … Having a pet sitter visit at least once or twice a day, or spend the night–or boarding your cat at a boarding kennel, will give your cat the attention, stimulation and care they need and is best for them. I cover the bed with a tarp when we go on vacation. Maybe it’s the first time you’re leaving your pet with a sitter overnight, or maybe you’ll be on two-week excursion—either way, you’re feeling bad about it. When I do travel, I’m usually gone for a few days to as long as a week. But I at crazyJackz only give you practical conclusions that are true to real life. Also, some states or counties don’t mandate a legal requirement for worker’s comp insurance or liability insurance that may be important to you. But to avoid sounding as if we are “sugarcoating” the facts, in all honesty, most cats just do not like change. The reality of the situation dawns on the doggo, and it begins to experience considerable amounts of stress. Cats and dogs abandoned at the start of the coronavirus outbreak are now starving or being killed. 15. Last, if your pet's case is especially severe, consult your veterinarian about the possibility of administering anxiety-reducing medicines, if only for a brief period of time. Are the cats separated from the dogs? They may not want to show themselves. ~ Mahatma Gandhi, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi, “A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. So I just went on my first week-long vacation since adopting Olive. You will know instantly whether or not she enjoyed her time alone. In fact, some become completely devastated and that is no exaggeration. Or have a friend/relative come stay at your house while your away, at least she’ll have company and some normalcy. They may be withdrawn or upset and their eating habits may change for a period of time. Buy some fun new toys for her -- think feather wands and toy mice. We’ve asked a neighbor to watch over him in the past, but as our friends get busier with kids and work, it’s become more of an imposition, so we find it easier to hire someone. Keeping a consistent schedule will also help Trotsky not feel abandoned. If you’ve taken steps to reduce your cat’s anxiety while you’re away, you should be able to rest at ease. What level of care will they provide your cat? Cats do best when they’re fed at the same time everyday, morning and night, with both wet and dry food. Updated 1033 GMT (1833 HKT) March 15, 2020 . It’s your responsibility to keep your cat safe, healthy and happy, so why would you take a chance on something happening to your cat, compromising its health or well being? The peace of mind is worth every penny! Are they recommended by reputable professionals? When cats are left alone for longer than a day, our absence causes them stress and anxiety. Are there additional services they will provide, if so, what? He also has very runny poop now and it is all over him? If your cat indeed has separation anxiety, try to make your next absence as trauma-free as possible. Some cats may be especially susceptible to separation anxiety issues when their owners are away from home. The more you do that, eventually your lonesome pup will learn to keep his cool when you're gone. You may have experienced your cat kneading you with its paws, this is what they do as a kitten to stimulate milk from the mother cat. Thanks for your comment Judy. R udyard Kipling was right. All of these signs point to a kitty that is very unhappy about being left alone. She has a condo that she doesn’t use, toys she rarely blinks at. "The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man.
" Keep their routine familiar and make sure that your cat is feed the same food and is on a routine that is familiar. Ask about their experience; and ask to see their credentials and licenses. If you don’t already, get a tall cat tree for climbing and perching. Do Cats Try to Visit Former Owners? Lily might think that you’ve abandoned her because you… There are always many risks leaving cats outside — poisons, dogs, feral cats and cat fights, disease, cars, getting injured and foul play. But dogs observe our routines. Times should be set aside every day for doing activities the cat enjoys, such as playing, grooming, and treasure hunts. Travel with cats. Ever want to go traveling but feel stuck at home because of your pet? I do it daily, just a thought. Me and my husband are going away for 20 days and I am not quite sure whether I should leave my cat behind or take him along. I have mini schnauzers too and I feel exactly as you do. Our cat saves a homeless abandoned kitten.Kitten sleeping. It’s just like having sex. Are those puppy-dog eyes making you feel guilty as you pack your ... stay there,i will be gone for 3 weeks. How long have they been in business in your area? Cats also need wet food for hydration and protein, and wet food left out for more than a couple of hours will get stale. You will know instantly whether or not she enjoyed her time alone. Cat’s worry like we do and can feel abandoned and increasingly nervous the longer we’re away. I can’t live my life always worried. Felines may be too dignified to shout their love from the rooftops, but your pet could very well miss you while you are away soaking up the sun on that beach vacation. I could go on and on for the reasons why I feel this way, ... You do know normal people laugh and mock you when you cry about a cop shooting your dog to stop it from mauling a person. love these 2 boys so much just thinking about leaving them gives me anxiety ..I feel they will think I have abandoned them just like there previous owners..i ... Its always hard for me to leave my dog and go on vacation. 4. You think by taking him to your friend's home your cat won't be stressed but that's not true. What if your cat had an emergency, and no one was there? You might need to go away completely before the mother cat will return to attend to the kittens. Foreign travel and cats Unfortunately it soaked through. I am furloughed for about another 8 weeks so she will be just over 5 months old when I hopefully go back so that is why I do these things now. I have had pet sitters that spend the night while we’re away, especially for longer than one week. But if a qualified, reliable petsitter cannot be found, then boarding your cat in a high-quality boarding kennel would be second best – a veterinary office that provides boarding for cats is also an excellent choice. Leave your all your contact information—cell phone numbers, email addresses, places where you’re staying, hotel phone numbers, your veterinarian’s address and phone number, and the nearest pet emergency hospital address and phone number—in case anything should happen. Do cats have feelings for us different to love? We must put emphasis on the fact that you should NOT leave your cat at home alone while you go on vacation. This means they will hide even when called. No it cannot servive on its own. Now, thanks to Petcube pet camera, your voice can comfort them wherever you are. Getting a blood panel with this one, will serve as a baseline for future panels. It’s really a myth that cats can fend for themselves, they need care and attention. Suggestions? The best choice will depend on the needs of your pet. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Can you physically see and visit the kennels? Vacation and Decreasing Stress in Cats . Water bowls should be cleaned, filled and refreshed 1 time per day or as needed. Keep the radio or TV on so your cat feels less alone. And if you do let your cat outside, consider keeping them on a leash. So be sure to ask about these. Is someone on the premises 24/7? On the plus-side, they DO like routine, which a … Here’s a list of minimum standards of care by Cat Fancier’s Association for commercial catteries. If you're travelling by aeroplane, you'll need to plan whether your cat will be travelling in the hold or the cabin . Cats that don’t eat enough or stop eating completely because you’re away or because they’re depressed or without food, rely on their fat reserves for energy whenever they have inadequate protein or when protein supplies are exhausted in their body. I really want/need a few days away from home, but I have three cats that have never spent a night without me close. You miss them when you're gone, and it's not like you can call to talk to them when you're feeling particularly sad about their absence. Rocky replied on March 24, 2019 - 7:19pm Permalink. Cats may be independent, but they don’t do well left alone for multiple days, they get lonely and anxious without their human companions—especially with the increasing time we’re away from them. I don’t really know anyone in town since I moved here only a couple of months ago, so having her in a boarding facility will let me know that she’s being fed and kept safe until I come home. Maybe it’s the first time you’re leaving your pet with a sitter overnight, or maybe you’ll be on two-week excursion—either way, you’re feeling bad about it. Some states and counties don’t require a license for pet boarding or pet sitter services, so there may not be any minimum standard level of care, quality, safety, competency, or reliability required. Is it clean and sanitary, do they clean it daily? Sounds like you have done all the right things. Stressed-out kitties have an unfortunate tendency to avoid the litter box and go in the middle of your living room, instead. I was in a hamburger restaurant with a friend 14 years ago, when a big, white cat walked in, the restaurant was in the middle of this huge traffic hub with large shops like IKEA and such. Cats are emotional creatures. Have a list of interview questions ready to ask your list of pet sitters or boarding services. The pet sitter should offer favorite treats to your cat or play with them and their favorite toys. You will fnd out many apps and activities your cat take part in while your away. You have a cat sitter coming in to your home to look at them, feed and play with them. Pooping on beds is loud communication for cats. However, it falls to me to figure out what to do with “our” cat when we travel for long periods of time, move across the … If you humans can go on vacation, then so can I! In fact, some become completely devastated and that is no exaggeration. Otherwise, if you have other pets, your cat may incur aggression from them after the vacation. A cat may have such a problem if she was weaned early or perhaps even if she was separated very early on from mama. Tell me in the comments! So what do you do with indoor/outdoor cats when you go away? I think that is the best thing you can do. Therefore, I am curious whether you would suggest that I leave the cat with a friend and her cat or whether I should leave the cat at home and ask someone to check on her daily. You wrote asking how you can make your cats most comfortable while you are away. You’ve cleared your schedule, made vacation reservations, and set up everything for your cat. If the supposedly abandoned cat isn't safe where you found it, you need to work to gain its trust and get it to come with you - or at least, to not put up a fight when you pick it up. Get her a scratching post. She still won’t even let me pick her up. 10 Important Considerations in Preparing to Adopt a Cat. My cats are indoor cats… Speak to your vet for more advice on travelling with your cat, or take a look at our guide for more information. Don't make a big production before you leave, for example. 1. Is it multiple times per day? You have a pet sitter lined up, or maybe a place for kitty to stay, you’ve packed up food, treats, and favorite toys. Keep the environment as stable and normal as possible so kitty doesn't feel confused and scared. And I’m pretty sure that many of you feel the same way. Hi Sunny, thanks for writing in. What we do now when we go on vacation is we look for family members or friends that are willing to come to our house to watch them periodically throughout the day. But despite being ready to go and knowing your pet is in the best possible hands, you still have a nagging feeling of anxiety about leaving your cat or dog behind while you head out on a fun trip. And to act so is immoral.” Do they have a business license, see the license. Cats can feel abandoned when their favorite person is not there any longer. With excessive licking, patches of hair tend to fall out -- yikes. 14. You’ve done all you can to prepare for your cat’s comfort, but you know it will still be rough on kitty (and you). Is the pet sitter or pet kennel insured? If your precious pet is able to focus on fun activities, she will have less anxiety time. Almost a year ago, I adopted an 8 yr old female from a shelter. I'm currently talking to a potential adopter who has another cat and I'm wondering if it would be better for him to go to a home with another cat. If your neighbor can spend time with him, provide him with some playtime, and give him lots of pets, this will reassure him. ASPCA: How to Help Your Pet Overcome Separation Anxiety, Central Dakota Humane Society: Home Alone. If your cat has anxiety about being alone, you might want to consider leaving a radio turned on at a very low volume. Why not play it safe and do what’s best for your cat? Regardless if you open up your home to a dog, cat, bird, small pets, pig, any pet, you can feel wonderful knowing you have saved a life and cared for a pet who will soon find his or her forever home. If your cat has a favorite toy, the sitter could also offer to play with it, again while not looking directly at the cat. You always want to visit the facility first and take a tour. But despite being ready to go and knowing your pet is in the best possible hands, you still have a nagging feeling of anxiety about leaving your cat or dog behind while you head out on a fun trip. I call home and talk with them on the phone/message machine – so they hear our voice! I have the option of leaving him at home and having my kind neighbor who he loves very much check up on him 2-3 times a day. Yes, cats who are abandoned - or feel they’ve been abandoned - can become sad. That said, if you're allergic then it's best for both of you that he goes to a new home. We have done this before when we were away for a few short days. Cat separation anxiety is more difficult to spot than dog separation anxiety. My cat was a stray who would randomly come into our backyard and we adopted him. When they poop like that it can mean they are uncomfortable, in pain, suffering — or unhappy. Naturally, Mittens will pretend he hasn’t noticed your absence when you return, but that’s because he’s a cat! Jennie Richards is a board member of the Community Concern for Cats rescue group and is a trained Animal Disaster Rescue worker for the Humane Society of the United States, Red Rover, and Noah’s Wish. When you go away, I would have a petsitter come maybe 2x a day, and have playtime each time in addition to feeding/watering. Cats really do walk by themselves and do not need their owners to feel secure and safe, a new study has shown. Actually, the youngest—3 yo—has never spent a night without me close. If you have a backyard, create a protected enclosure for them to roam safely in. If there’s been a recent change in your routine or work schedule, your kitty can feel like they’re abandoned. If she was very upset and anxious, she may have forsaken eating entirely. If your cat is staying home while you go on vacation, ask the pet sitter to meet them as many times as possible, well in advance of your absence. I would recommend a physical every year like we give ourselves. They are unfriendly and fearful of other people. There are many different options to make sure that your pet is safe when you are out of town on vacation. Aggressive Behavior Changes Some cats have a stronger prey-drive and will act out aggressively towards toys, children, other pets, or even you. In spite of that, your sweet feline is also prone to the angst -- and possible behavioral issues -- of separation anxiety when you're away from home for days at a time on vacation. Good luck, hope she’s ok. Your cat’s sitter is just a phone call away, so try to take it easy for a bit knowing that you’re not as far away as you think. They must however, always be under surveillance. What is the list of basic services that are provided, when are they provided? If she’s physically healthy, then it may be behavioral, which might have happened because you were away and she was alone. You’ve done all you can to prepare for your cat’s comfort, but you know it will still be rough on kitty (and you). If you have cats, you’ve likely wondered what to do with them when you’re away from home on a vacation or business trip. People and not feel abandoned and increasingly nervous the longer we ’ away... Out in the window kudos to adopting a stray who would randomly come into backyard! Every day for doing activities the cat ’ s a list of minimum standards of,... Hurt jumping or fell and was injured did the full panel when we got her she won! Gone for a few short days cat on a regular feeding schedule will also help Trotsky not abandoned! Some fun new toys for her -- think feather wands and toy mice present! Kudos to adopting a stray who would randomly come into our backyard and we adopted him Reserved... 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