As we all know wild animals have evolved a lot over the years and thus it is not advisable to try and go against nature by trying to put them in captivity. The above citations may just be a few but they are a great indication of how coming in close contact with animals may be extremely hazardous. ... An important factor here is that animals are kept in laboratory conditions that can influence the results through … 300 already written essays and plagiarism report for FREE (on request), Place Fortunately, there have been very few reported cases of infections since the discovery of the virus in 1932.There are only 31 reported cases ever since its discovery. Such situations may make the animal very hostile forcing the owner to resort to hard methods like removing its claws. By - TNN. Animal lovers are divided. Venomous snakes and tigers have been reported to have escaped their cages or an aquarium respectively. A study conducted by the CDC showed that a monkey, especially the male monkey, starts depicting dangerous aggressive behavior such as biting at the age of two. But that is no reason to ban the keeping of pets in general. Research has shown that monkeys and reptiles like snakes pose a serious threat when tamed as pets. 1. Yes For Animals. Do not hesitate to call us, send an email, contact via Live Chat, or use message system, should you have any inquiries. Animals destined for the pet trade are yanked from their homes in places such as Australia, Africa, and Brazil and are subjected to grueling transport. The truth is that it doesn’t matter which living creature you’re going to give your preference to, pets are a very good company, and almost any animal could become your new best friend. A domesticated animal is any animal that depends on a human for food, water and shelter this includes farm animals such as cattle, horses, sheep, chickens, goats, dogs and cats. Although we may love them, keeping them as pets only serves to harm them. INTRODUCTION Some animals are known to spread very dangerous diseases that are extremely harmful to man. Argumentative essay topics on obesity. One can argue that animals can be tamed if their existence is considered to be endangered. An example is some magicians who use monkeys in their trickery. Premium Pets. In zoos, people take care of endangered animals and they do scientific researches. Conservation biology, Biodiversity, Wildlife 2495  Words | “Between 13,000 and 2,500 B.C., humans domesticated dogs, cats, cattle, goats, horses, and sheep from their wild counterparts. Animal Testing Essay Example. A clear example of habituation is if a snail is moving along a surface and a person taps into the surface, the snail will immediately withdraw into its shell, it will then re-appear after the pause only to withdraw again on another tap. However, there are other reasons, such as the importance of preserving the species to ensure it does not go into extinction, giving people a chance to appreciate wildlife that is impossible to find in a modern, commercialized city and protecting the human population from any threats caused by dangerous animals. Some states ban the possession of exotic animals, while others partially ban the possession of the animals. You should never take an animal from the wild, and keep them as pets. It can be seen that this is a dangerous thing to do as they may turn violent at any time. Most countries across the globe annually report increasing incidences of animal attacks on people. Moreover, they spend a lot of money and time taking care of their pets. Such legal issues often act as a fend for people trying to tame wild animals as pets.  One has to undergo a lot of legal sieving to be allowed to acquire an animal. Sometimes they are kept in cages. How about a monkey? ... would definitely admit a scientific argumentation of why animal testing should be abandoned. It continues up to the point where there is no more response from the snail. Premium Some wild animals which were turned into pets have been reported to have out their cages because people do provide less standards of safety measures normally observed in the zoos. Pets are not human but display a lot of human qualities like strong personalities, emotions, preferences, etc. In the U.S.A. for example, there are federal laws, state laws and the local laws that govern exotic animals. They may cause a condition called the Neural Larva Margins if they invade the eye or the brain. an order, Academic Essay Writing: Things You Have to Be Aware Of, How to Make an Outline for a Research Paper, Boost Your Academic Performance with Professional Proofreading Service, Pay for Literature Review and Get a Wonderful Piece, Buy Articles for My Website Without Hesitation. If you can all recall the incident that happened back in October of 2011 in Zanesville Ohio (which happens to be my hometown) where 56 animals were let lose, and all damages that were caused. It is extremely inhumane trying to separate them from their natural habitats. However, instances of a pet chimp attacking its owner or a big cat mauling its keeper are not rare. Goat, Livestock, Pets 672  Words | Zanesville is very close to us which is all the better reason for us all to agree that exotic animals should not be kept as pets. In such a situation people do tame the animal to protect the species. 3  Pages. keep animals in cages for entertainment and profit purposes. Can You Do My Article Review? They can go up to an extent of taming wild animals for their pleasure. This idea is highly welcome as some animals are said to be greatly diminishing in number due to various ecological reasons. There are many reasons why humans should not keep animals in captivity. Exotic animals should not be owned as pets because it can be dangerous for the animals, dangerous for humans, and it is against the law in most of the US. Buy Discussion Board Post of Premium Quality Here! While pets are mere domesticated animals for those who do not possess them, for those few who do they are not just dogs, cats, or birds; they are family. There are some pet animals who are allowed to stay with us freely. Some people have kept wild animals in a bid to reap money out of them. It is a fact that almost all reptiles carry salmonella and they do shed them from their feaces.According to CDC about 93000 cases of salmonella infection are reported each year. In recent years, studies have shown that pets, such as raccoons, can be carriers of Rabies which is a viral disease that causes death if not treated urgently. From my perspective, animals should be kept in the zoo instead of leaving them in natural habitat. Exotic animals, which are unusual or rare species such as lions, tigers, and non-human primates – are nowadays kept within households as pets. This is a viral disease that has been known to be common among monkeys. : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture We love our dogs, cats and bunnies, sure. 3. Exotic animals should not be owned as pets because it can be dangerous for the animals, dangerous for humans, and it is against the law in most of the US. Some states in the U.S.A. at least have the leniency to allow the possession of exotic animals as pets, if their owner has a license to keep them. Trying to tame animals like raccoons, monkeys, reptiles can easily result to deadly outbreaks that can destroy lives of many in the vicinity (Jodi, 2012). Should We Really Be Keeping Cats And Dogs — And Geckos — As Pets? While most of the people keep dogs, cats, hamsters as well as rabbits as their pets, but it is not strange and there is more people than you think around this world keep lions, tigers, bears, wolves, kangaroos and also other exotic animals as their pets. Updated: Nov 24, 2017, 17:15 IST. It has been known that the virus is shed by the monkeys through the saliva and genital secretions when the monkey is ill. This is largely due to the fact that most wild animals usually have special needs that cannot possibly be provided by untrained  people in the society, that is to say, that skill and training  are sometimes  required  dealing with certain animals. But there would be … Futhermore, the legal follow up is mostly costly to the common person. Most attacks recorded are results of animals breaking of the Zoo and parks around the world. INTRODUCTION In zoos, people take care of endangered, StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays, Term Papers & Book Notes. Most people often ignore the bites or fail to report fearing the confiscation of their pets. Although some may argue that animals should not be held in captivity. As cited above, this really boosts a person's life, makes it a joyous, which results in a healthy way of living. You must also ensure you give YOURopinion. Our desire to own unusual animals as pets often leads us to bring wild animals home. Larger, accredited zoos try to distance themselves from these operations by touting how well the animals are treated, but to animal rights... Free Premium 6  Pages. Nowadays, lots of animal-rights organizations want to ban zoos for animal’s freedom and there are some reasons of their opinion. However, there is another problem that has not been paid enough attention to—this problem is keeping exotic animals as pets. 650-888-8007 Home; Services. Every essay writer is highly qualified and fully capable of completing the … Definitely! Let us weigh the pros and cons of this trend, which seems to be on the rise. Like salmonella and the  roundworms, they are very fatal to human beings but have no effects on the monkeys. If a person handles reptiles and thenhe or she has a meal without properly washing their hands, the person is at a very high risk of contracting salmonella. Call Us Today! They’re happy in a large terrarium or aquarium. This really boosts their marketability. Exotic animals, which are unusual or rare species such as lions, tigers, and non-human primates – are nowadays kept within households as pets. These greatly provide a measure of what a person will be getting into when trying to tame a wild animal. Economic reasons have also been a push factor that has made some people try to find ways to keep wild animals as pets. SHOULD ANIMALS BE IN ZOOS are stating that zoos should be abolished. That is my choice on this subject. Wild animals should remain in their natural environment - for their best interest and ours. Residential Remodels & Additions; Waterproofing & Leak Detection Animals in our life. Nursing home, Human, Domestication 1419  Words | They do find joy in dealing with animals. Former circus employees have reported seeing animals beaten, whipped, poked with sharp objects and even burned to force them to learn their routines! Struggling to complete your should animals be kept as pets essays essay? Here are three of the most common in the U.S. Dogs are very faithful pets ferocious for intruders but most caring and loving for … 3  Pages. Another dangerous disease that can be acquired in handling of animals is Histoplasmosis.The disease is usually spread through handling the feaces of a birds or rodents. Moreover it has been found that wild animals are not exactly good companions unlike their domestic counterparts. * No sense of freedom. None of 'Write Me a Memo' Requests Are Ignored by Our Team. Persuasive Essay by the Humane Society of the United States Would you like to have a wolf for a pet? As a result the animal’s health will deteriorate leaving the owner perplexed and helpless (Rena, 2008). Like the roundworm, the salmonella does not make the animal sick but it affects human beings. 3  Pages. 6  Pages, humans. Like a zoo or put back in the wild. But if the owner of they wild animal can not take care of the animal it should be took for the owner and put some where safe.  Last but not least, the Herpes virus (Lianne, 2012). Another debatable disadvantage of keeping wild animals as pets is the fact that however much a person can try simulating the natural environs that the animal would ideally be designated to live in, it is still impossible to exactly offer the required quality. 1650. According to Miriam Webster, it is a one's place of residence, the social unit formed by a family living together This idea is highly welcome as some animals are said to be greatly diminishing in number due to various ecological reasons. Sometimes, barren concrete and metal bars are all a tiger or bear will know for their entire lives. However, there are other reasons, such as the importance of preserving the species to ensure it does not go into extinction, giving people a chance to appreciate wildlife that is impossible to find in a modern, commercialized city and protecting the human population from any threats caused by dangerous, * Shorten life spans. Animals raised for food are often pinned or caged in cramped, unsanitary conditions. Lots of people have allergies to animal hair. Despite the various reasons and advantages for taming wild animals as pets, there are cons that make affair very tricky and disadvantageous indeed. The economic reasons have upped the people’s social status and economic stability. Comparison essay literature halloween candy essay relaxing holiday essay, essay republic day speech in english short hindi essay for class 7 focus group discussion essay.Judicial review simple essay, computer in life essay mehnat ki azmat essay in urdu for class 7 essay … Free Essays on Should Animals Be Kept As a Pet. On the other hand state laws have the authority over the animals possessed by a person. Many people have questioned whether they would ever consider to buy a wildlife animal as a pet. It is highly evident from the arguments and citations given, that though some animals may look beautiful and attractive to keep as pets, it is far much better to keep off the temptations rather than risk it out. 10  Pages. The risks far much outweigh the benefits and the general public should be warned off to minimize loss of more lives. The only escape route if possible is to probably tame the animal and keep it as a pet. We establish intimacy with them by keeping them as our pets. Owning a wild animal may sound exciting, but unfortunately, people who keep wild animals as pets often run into trouble when they are trying to tame them. The Endangered Species Act prohibits the trade of an endangered animal species; the Public Service Act prohibits the importation of any non-human primate into the country, whereas the Lacey Act allows the U.S.A. government to prosecute a person found by an animal  that is illegally acquired from another country or state. Get help with your writing. The changes are dangerous considering a possibilitythat a monkey may the owner suddenly or ny other person. Should Animals Live In Captivity Essay 1046 Words | 5 Pages. Almost no one, except perhaps the richest people, can provide a wild animal with all its … Should exotic animals be allowed to be kept as pets The wild, cruel animal is not behind the bars of a cage. This leaves peoplewith just their hands tied. As opposed, the tamed animals are usually isolated in cages  inside the  homes depriving them of their natural behaviors. Should Wild Animals be Kept as Pets. Parrots may have their beaks and feet taped and be stuffed into plastic tubes that can easily be hidden in luggage, and stolen bird and reptile eggs are concealed in special vests so that couriers can bypass X-ray … One can argue that animals can be tamed if their existence is considered to be endangered. Premium lead to. 3. Premium 4  Pages. Dog, Wildlife, Pet 986  Words | Most animals move around in groups with their fellow peers. Adopting an animal that has no home and might otherwise be destroyed is clearly a morally good thing to do. But, if you want a pet, there is one thing you shouldn't do. Although the terms taming and domestication are often used interchangeably, they are not the same. People may argue a lot whether this a form of poaching or protection but there is a reasonable opinion that it is of great importance in bid to keep the wild species. If you’re thinking about getting a pet snake or you believe that iguana is the one to be kept as a pet, go ahead and by one. Some information provided by scientists can only be useful if one has interacted with the animal for a long time. Although owning a wildlife animal would seem out of this world, it’s not worth risking the lives of these poor animals who are meant to be out in the wild. Elephants who perform in circuses are often kept in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies. Farm animals. Axel Munthe, Swedish Writer and Physician, (1857-1949) The question of humanity arises every couple of years, on the topic - should exotic animals be allowed to be kept as pets. In some incidences such bites result in the loss of lives. In terms of the federal laws, there are three of these kinds namely: Lacey Act, Public Health Service Act, Endangered Species Act. Out of the discovered cases 21 have been resulted in fatal conditions. Roadside zoos, petting zoos, and smaller animal exhibitors tend to keep the animals in smaller pens or cages. * Shorten life spans. Some other animals are attractive in nature; that is they can make one’s home look charismatic and very appealing in terms of nature (Silver, 2008). This shows how much of a threat these wild animals are to the life of innocent people. Governmental organizations and people should start raising more awareness about the torture that these animals face while being shown off … Such methods employed are usually in opposition to the nature of the animal’s original behavioral characteristics. SOC 120 Introduction to Ethics and Social Responsibility  Salmonella is  another one dangerous disease that can be easily spread by animals. Such people are known to be passionate about animals. In other words you need to discuss the arguments FOR animal rights and AGAINST. 1 through 30 However, according to research, 98% of the people believe that exotic animals should not be kept as “pets”. A dozen of dancers have also incorporated monkeys in their performances. * Not natural. If you can all recall the incident that happened back in October of 2011 in Zanesville Ohio (which happens to be my hometown) where 56 animals were let lose, and all damages that were caused. Exotic pet, Extinction, Endangered species 891  Words | For some of them having an exotic pet is a cool thing and a display of love for the animal. Want to keep a pet? The local counties and towns in the USA however has adopted strict measures on the possession of wild  animals. Most companion animals could not survive in the wild anyway. Our essay writers are standing by to take the work off of your hands. Bird flu is another disease that is well known to be transmitted from monkeys, pets and birds. Reasons why you should keep a pet. Wild animals should be kept as pets. It is to be noted that the roundworms normally do not have any effects on them but can cause severe complications for  humans. This for real leaves the animal in jeopardy. More so, some animals are not used to being confined to small cages. Animal cruelty, Cruelty to animals, Pet 1379  Words | 3  Pages. Such animals include several reptiles, rodents, frogs, unconventional felines, such as the serval, fennec foxes, guinea pigs, etc. Some people say that caging the animals is a money-making gimmick and it is unethical as it deprives them of their freedom. He is in front of it. Domesticated Animals public, but animal rights activists believe the costs outweigh the benefits, and the violation of the rights of the individual animals is unjustifiable. However, according to research, 98% of the people believe that exotic animals should not be kept as “pets”. 7  Pages. Animal shelters euthanize more animals than get adopted. You need not should animals be kept as pets essays struggle any longer, as you can hire a custom essay writer from us and get the work done for you. The virus usually spreads from the wound to the brain where it causes inflammation. A habituated animal cannot be able to survive on their own if left in the wild. However I believe caging animals, seizing their freedom and doing heap of heap stuff like circuses, people have fun and some people earn money is the main thing happening in zoos. However repeated tapping on the surface results in a briefer withdrawal time. Also, such legal framework brings people many troubles in order to come up with the laws of the land.  It is also common to find people taming animals just for their personal satisfaction. There's nothing wrong with having a friend of another species. To start with, a lot of countries have abstract, strict laws that govern the wild animals in the country. Write My Speech and Help Me Impress Everybody. The reasons are pretty clear. Ethics, Peter Singer, Virtue ethics 1683  Words | Addressing people who are not animal lovers, I would say it is very difficult to explain what joy an animal can bring to one's life. In such a situation habituation is said to have occurred (Louis, 2008). If you can all recall the incident that happened back in October of 2011 in Zanesville Ohio (which happens to be my hometown) where 56, and it is unethical as it deprives them of their freedom. These laws vary from one country to another.  Naturally, most wild animals are inherently known to be dangerous to people. Dogs and cats are the most common types of pets. Keeping a pet can make our life more cheerful and delight. Some people may not really know how to diet, house and maintain a certain animal. Finally, inadequate safety measures and poor housing facilities are other reasons wild animals should not be kept as pets. The phenomenon coupled with the fact that animals tend to be unpredictable is very dangerous for wild animals. From many angles, it is proved that animals are our friends. The use of animals at the cost of their lives is a touchy subject with me. Some people think that animals should be kept in the zoo for their better living, while on the contrary, some say that animals should not be kept in cages, instead they should be kept free in natural habitat. * Generally kept only with own species. If the infected animals come into contact with people and bite them, the person may contract the disease (Kum, 2009). Essay on should animals be kept as pets >>> click to continue Measurement lab report Papers on abortion pro choice,to write service learning reflection paper papers essays preview abortion: pro-choice is the logical choice argument abortion. Exotic pets take up much less space than dogs and cats. facebooktwitterPintrest. The state laws vary from state to state mainly with regard to the animals being governed. Should Wild Animals Be Kept as Pets? Essay on topic my country pakistan kept Essay on be as should animals pets. Though little research has been done on the disease it is noted that the low infections are probably due to the  uncommon B virus spreaded by macaques, immunity against B virus is stimulated by herpes simplex virus infection, and undetected infections. Racoons are also known to be carriers of another deadly disease known as Toxoplasmosis. These reasons make people think twice before venturing in the act. Animal habituation is basically a simple form of learning whereby a given animal stops responding after a given exposure to certain stimulus for a given length of time. Essay, Pages 3 (573 words) Views. Home Former circus employees have reported seeing, dangerous for humans, and it is against the law in most of the US. When it comes to the types of animals that can be kept as pets, there are many to choose from. We may not realize how much impact, abuse. The question now in mind is how risky are they if they are closely interacting with the same innocent people. Although owners of exotic animals might believe they are not doing anything bad, in fact such a practice should be prohibited due to a number of reasons. They have played various roles; that of a friend, companion, protector, comforter, and more. Some owners of unusual pets put great effort into all the paperwork necessary to get their animals authorized as pets. I believe that animals should live in captivity because of harm from humans, to humans, and bad living conditions. Protector, comforter, and it is unethical as it tries to rehabilitate a sick or an! Their personal satisfaction by keeping them as pets only serves to harm them Cosmos and Culture we our. From tortoises, who should be abandoned are being given two opposing discuss... Also creates serious public safety concerns pet is a health hazard to the of... Reasons wild animals can not be kept should animals be kept as pets essay pets are not exactly companions... 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