Bear in mind to think past the expected set of job description and find out which of your abilities and achievements make you into a stand out applicant than others. You explained earlier that leadership qualities are a bonus for this position. The more descriptive and accurate you can get, the better your chances of landing the job. Freshers are like a blank canvas and you can turn them into beautiful paintings with proper guidance and mentoring. During the interview process, it is nearly inevitable that you will be asked to answer the question, “Why should we hire you?” At this moment, you need to proceed with caution. The job listing states that you are looking for someone with patience and superior communication skills. For instance, on the off chance that you list that you are a “team player,” think about an instance when your capacity to work admirably with a team brought about an effectively executed project. Things which you should remember when you are answering “Why you be hired for this Internship”: Always tell completely about your experience. However, the qualifications that I bring cannot be measured by traditional experience. If this is your strongest skill, don't be afraid to say that in your interview. The whole interview process is about answering this question: Why should we hire you instead of one of the many other well-qualified applicants?. I’m glad you asked. “Thank you for asking this question! Don’t memorize a script but proper preparation will set you apart. I want to make more of an impact than just doing my job. Going on these lines will likewise provide answers on how to increase self confidence. >>> Click Here To Join the Webinar for Free <<<. Sir, You should hire me because I have a good record of success in my education. Throughout the interview, it’s important to deliver specific examples as often as you can. You can underline your skills related to your job, tools/softwares you have used, non technical ones, and so on. Below you will find some tried-and-tested answers to this question – feel free to adapt them to your personal circumstances and you’ll be on your way to … Why Should You Hire Freshers. Try these expert recommended tips while preparing why should I hire you answer for fresher. Employers do want to see such qualities in a fresh graduate. The more concrete examples you can give, the better you will be able to showcase your value to the hiring manager. 1. I’m glad you asked. In the following article I present you some of my thoughts as to why freshers need to be hired. You can hire me because, As I am a fresher I have no prior experience or practical knowledge but I have great theoretical knowledge, I am very consistent, punctual, always motivated towards my work and I learn new things real quick. You need to be unique and separate yourself from the talent pool. … It will be my honor to work with you and this organization. If you follow the 3 steps above and organize your answer like the answer examples we looked at, you’ll have a great answer for “why should we hire you.” … The following paragraphs elucidate the key pointers that you must include in your answer. I will bring those leadership abilities to this position. In this way, begin by getting information about the employer prior to the interview, regardless of whether it is “just” a telephonic round. Explanation: When responding to this question, you always want to thank the interviewer for asking the question. When any interviewer asks you the question as to “Why Should We Hire You?”, they want to know how you are the ideal candidate for that particular position. Remember, employers hire workers to solve a problem, whether it’s boosting sales, streamlining processes, or building a brand. The question which arises is why to hire the fresher if you can hire an experienced one. I know you have a big decision ahead of you and for that, I am not envious. The hiring manager is gauging your response to determine if you are the perfect person for this job. Job interviews can be daunting. Every interview question is an attempt to gather information to inform this hiring decision.. You should like the company in which you are going for an interview and worship the company. Stating the tenure and critical leadership role at your most recent position can demonstrate loyalty and the ability to adapt over the years. In our discussion today, I hope I've demonstrated my understanding of the financial markets and analysis along with my passion for carbonated beverages. I also have 4 years job experience. In my previous job, I was responsible for maintaining and updating our company website. Explanation: By stating your lack of experience right off the bat, you can get that out of the way and focus on what you can bring to this position. While answering, remember that you are selling yourself and by exhibiting your insight into the company. “Honestly, I possess all the skills and experience that you’re looking for. However, leave it out of your answer if you want a … Question 4: Why should we hire you? Study these examples, pick out your unique qualifications as they relate to the position, be prepared, and you will ace the interview. Explanation: This response uses a specific percentage to demonstrate the candidate's ability to perform the job responsibilities effectively. Copyright © 2021 Novorésumé ApS. In case of each quality, think about a particular time that you utilized that characteristic to accomplish something at work place. While the question might be archaic and intimidating, it is a favorite question among hiring managers, so it's important to be well-prepared. Explanation: Showing that you have “bonus” skills is a great way to separate yourself from the other candidates. 3 Must Avoid Things Post Academic Interview! Don't let the question of, “Why should we hire you?” trip you up along the way. Why Should You Hire Freshers. With the assumption that this candidate has already discussed the specifics of their experience in earlier interview questions, it's okay to be a little more generic here. Now, I’m ready to spread my wings at a company of your size. This gives the hiring manager the chance to see some of your work and determine if it fits what they are looking for in a candidate. Go prepared and win over your interviewer…. I have the experience and the attitude to excel in this production assistant position. I would love to bring the coding and content skills I learned there to this position. Hating Recruiters: Is It Really Worth It. Explanation: By highlighting your experience with a particular skill that the position requires, describe in detail what that experience looks like and how you have used it previously. I can ensure you that I … E.g. If the hiring manager explicitly states that they are really looking for someone that also has certain skills, answering this question by showing you possess those skills will only strengthen your qualifications in the interviewer’s mind. If you can confirm what they need in a candidate, you can then refer to a specific instance where you performed that job duty with a positive outcome. Answer For Why Should We Hire You: As, I am a fresher and I don’t have practical experience, but I really want to practically discover and experience my potential by sending the best services to the organization. Honestly I'd have a hard time saying truthfully "You should hire me!" Required Skills: Excellent analytical skill, and problem solving skill. Why Should We Hire You? That brings me to one of the most challenging interview questions you could potentially face: Why should we hire you? There lies the trick! Many interviewers will also specifically ask you to make your case with one of these questions: Also, provide details of your experience in terms of the projects handled by you etc.. You need to practice answering questions concerning why you are suitable and have the knowledge of how to offer yourself over the fellow candidates. Wishing you all the success at interviews. This is the common interview question you hear often at any interview, yet it’s very difficult to answer for most of us. I trust that my experience in the industry would make me a solid match for this position.”, “I am quite good in terms of administrative skills and I am sure that I’d be an asset for your organization. I think that this job opportunity should be given to some one who has experience in the field. When asked, “why should we hire you?”, tread lightly and have a few different answers prepared in advance. This is your sales pitch to show the hiring manager you’re ready to do the job. Knowing how to answer the question “why should we hire you?” can make all the difference in … I have been looking for this kind of opportunity while I was in college. Lets see it from the view pint of an HR. While you don't want to sound like an overconfident show-off, now is the time to brag about your skills and experiences humbly. While volunteering and holding an office for the Special Olympics, I learned how to be patient with the athletes and participants at our state’s Special Olympics. Fresh perspective and approach: Freshers see and approach problems with a much newer and rawer view. All Rights Reserved. In your fast-paced organization, the ability to effectively prioritize is a significant component of success. For instance, in the event that you are very experienced with a specific ability that the job asks for, answer accordingly. This is a critical question in the process, thank you for asking. Otherwise, you risk falling into the same category as everyone else, which is what you're trying to avoid in the interview. You simply can’t do without it. Please DO NOT ask for resumes. For starters, I have all the skills and experience listed in the job description, and I'm confident that I can make an immediate impact on your company. Resume, CV and Cover Letter Writing Expert, Best Skills for the Fastest Growing Industries [+Infographic]. After all, you are comparing yourself to other candidates and trying to set yourself apart from these unknown personas without seeming too boastful. Consequently, select maybe a couple particular qualities from the rundown you prepared to underline in your “sales pitch.” Begin by clarifying what you trust the organization is searching for, and how you satisfy that need. My skill set is by all accounts an ideal match for what you’re searching for. The following are the 3 simple steps to keep in mind and follow. My eye is a little scapegoat running around on the moon, FROM "MOONSHINE" BY SUSAN TAYLOR Here are some examples to help you craft your response to this common interview question: That's a great question! After holding offices in four different organization and managing a full course load with a job at the university's admissions office, I learned how to multitask and prioritize responsibilities. Now we will go about seeing how to answer this question. I have … Read the full job description in detail and think of a few skills that make you uniquely qualified to perform the job duties. That’s why preparing a stellar answer for “why should you be hired for this internship” becomes paramount. When it comes to hiring freshers, we can keep it real simple. We will tell you why. You can also ask the interviewer if there is any part of your qualifications they would like to expand upon. Be set up to adjust to new information, if the interviewer shows that another skill or quality is more profitable to the employer. Your goal when making your pitch is to show that you’re the best person to solve that problem. How to Answer Why Should I Hire You Answer for Fresher? Coordinating the event helped me develop better communication and planning skills which are imperative when performing the responsibilities you described today. The hiring manager is trying to find out why they should hire you over the others waiting to be interviewed, and if there are a lot of candidates, this response could make or break your interview. Why do you think you’re the best fit? Watch this video for Model Answer & Tips I'd love nothing more than to join your team here and grow this business unit. You need your response to be brief – close to a minute or two in length. Fresh perspective and approach: Freshers see and approach problems with a much newer and rawer view. Here are a few general answers that you can consider while answering the question “why should you be hired for this internship“: Example #1 It's great to list some bullet points that you will want to emphasize in advance and prepare a few responses to this question. If this is an entry-level position, those soft skills will make you more appealing to the hiring manager. Adopt this strategy and make it a part of interview preparation for freshers. Why should we hire you? Freshers these days consider BPO to be a good priority sector to work, because is a major job provider in India. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The question which arises is why to hire the fresher if you can hire an experienced one. Don’t just respond with a generic answer like, “I’m smart, qualified and I want this job.” Of course, you do, or you wouldn’t be sitting in this interview. If you can show your direct impact on an organization, the hiring manager will remember that and will be more likely to recommend you for the position. This response demonstrates the candidate's passion for the industry because, after eight years, they are still looking to do the same job, but in a larger capacity. In my 10 years of experience as a sales manager, I have effectively managed teams of over 15 people. So I want to be a part of that and a friend of mine also worked for you and recommended me apply because I felt that I would fit in with the company’s ideals. Along the way, you would also come to know as to how to increase self confidence. “Your organization offers many services in which I have got experience, in an assortment of capacities. What Topics to Avoid When Answering Why Should We Hire You? Why should I hire you answer for fresher is one thing you should know in and out if you are a fresher and looking for a job. The question is usually asked to see if the candidate understands what he or she is being hired for and check his confidence to grasp new things quickly, adjust well into a team and attitude. If you want to streamline your interview preparation , get access to up to 10 premium answers to basically every difficult question you may face while trying to get the job, have a look at our Interview Success Package . When you’re preparing for the interview, pause for a minute to analyze the set of job description. Even You Would Have Stayed a Fresher Sometime Sir:- If the recruiter still looks unsatisfied, … In that case, I'd like to tell you about a time where I handled a customer issue, and they walked away with renewed confidence in our capabilities and services. While you cannot possibly know the qualifications of other applicants, now is the time to sell yourself and state the things that make you the best fit for the job. Also, should have excellent computer knowledge. As a fresher, you must have not attended many interviews, but you surely know a mandatory question that is asked in the interview, ‘why should we hire you?’ The interviewer’s motive to ask you this question is to find out if you are an ideal fit for … It also helps a recruiter understand what skills and values a fresh graduate brings to the table. While I don’t know the experience of the other candidates, I can speak to the qualifications that make me the best fit for this position. Money . Explanation: This candidate who is switching industries can focus on their leadership and strategic marketing skills to transfer over to a new company. As a fresher, appearing for your BPO Interview can seem challenging. The more you continue to blubber about yourself, the more likely you will lose the interest of the hiring manager, and they will move on to another candidate. I developed motivational skills that earned my region the “Region of the Year” five years in a row for consistently meeting and exceeding sales goals. In addition to your experience, you can highlight why you are interested in this position with this company. This is your opportunity to explain to the interviewer why you would be a priceless employee. You know it, and they know it. If chosen for this role, I will continue to deliver high-quality work for the continued success of your organization. Unlike someone who is used to the work culter of another organization, you can mold a fresher as per your organizational culture with ease. Lets see it from the view pint of an HR. ... Why should we hire you? Why should we hire you? I think this is the right … Strategy is a big word. At that point, prepare a rundown of the qualities you possess that fit these prerequisites. or Why should we hire you? You should be good in team work, sharing ideas, exploring self and group discussions, interacting with customers and clients. Prepare a rundown of the prerequisites for the position, that involves skills, personality traits and academic qualifications. Explanation: By stating your lack of experience right off the bat, you can get that out of the way and focus on what you can bring to this position. I truly enjoyed what I was doing, which is what drew me to this position with your company. This question happens to be the one to appear on every basic interview questions and answers for freshers list, expected as it is a hot favorite of all the interviewers out there. Now here is a section where we are going to discuss the best answers to QUESTIONS on “Why should we hire you”? The more specific examples you can provide, the more memorable you will be to the hiring manager. [provide a couple of particular examples.] Since you are a fresher do emphasize that you are able to grasp new things quickly and are a good team worker with a flexible attitude. because you are going to meet or have already met the other candidates, and of course I haven't met them. In this era of industrialization and growing technological advancements, your company should hire freshers over experienced candidates. Explanation: If you’ve already had a lengthy discussion about the position and your qualifications, this question may be best answered by showing empathy and reiterating your passion for the company and your experience as it relates to the position. These sample answers are only provided as guidance to prepare your own. Explanation: While this response is a bit generic, it conveys a high level of confidence and positivity which are essential qualifications for an experienced professional looking for a high-ranking position. While I don’t have direct experience working in a corporate environment, I have delivered results above and beyond the ask from my clients in the agency where I’ve been a key stakeholder for over 20 years. This response poses a question back to the interviewer, which helps you get further clarification on what they are looking for. You simply can’t do without it. Think clearly and prepare with vigor and you will be decorating your new desk in no time. It will be my honor to work with you and this organization. You simply can’t do without it. We will be seeing over here, tips on how to answer this question. I believe that my experience with technology, specifically in the web design space, make me the best match for this position. We will tell you why. Leadership is always a skill that can be transferred between industries. In order to lend a helping hand in your preparation, we have collated top 30 BPO Interview Questions and Answers. However, it is extremely easy to understand the answer to such types of hr interview questions for freshers. Well, I think I will be a great fit for the internship since I … From what I've learned, it sounds like you are looking for someone who will be able to handle customer concerns quickly and effectively, is that accurate? I will bring that innovative and entrepreneurial spirit to your company, and your success will be my top priority. 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