You are your own horoscope and the placements, you are regulating your own energies. I always insist that you should analyse your birth chart D1 and the D9, 9th divisional chart Navamsha, for a complete analysis. Saturn represents duty, commitment, sacrifice, structure. Rahu is a shadowy planet which has distinctive impact in human life. For example, if Venus is weak in the Birth chart, but if we find that Venus is positioned in a good status in the Navamsa Chart, the person will not be deprived of marriage but infact, marriage will happen in the persons life and the person will be blessed with children. Saturn is anxiety, delay, obstruction, limitations, restrictions, bones, teeth, nails, death, diseases, sorrow, misery. 1st house Desire of the person to get married. This misplaced hope in a dangerous environment is the worst combination. A debilitated planet is always a challenge but know that you are quite capable of rising to it. Only the faith on God will help the native. Eg if this Mercury shifts to a more suitable Navamsha eg owned by his own signs, Gemini or Virgo, it is a better placement, he is subtly comfortable. You have another sign backing you up in the D9 where it really matters. Mars is the energies of life and death together. Mam, our navamsa chart is always activated?? This is how you know the natural agents/karak. Now, because of the planet Venus being weak in the birth chart, it was likely that the person would not get married due to his bad name or some financial problems in life, but due to the strength in Navamsa chart, the planet gave good results. The planet is highly uncomfortable but the expectations of the subtle and the reality of the physical will match. Rahu is desire for experience, this energy is the reason we are alive on this earth. Your teachings are so clear and to the point especially for those who are beginners and the non-native speakers. Each Navamsa division meaures 3 - 20 degrees. When the D9 is Cancer, you feel most emotionally secure when you are under your own microscope. Pisces is awareness of the Other. In work field they can be micro managed or may have a very hard boss. The 64th navamsa from Moon and Lagna which is the 4th sign from Moon and Lagna in the Navamsa chart is called Khara. Here you are brought face to face with all the deepest aspects of yourself which make you so uncomfortable that you have locked them into your deepest sub-consciousness. They may have a distant relationship with mother and can have a conservative home and their spouse will be long lived. Scorpio is the movement of vital energy/pran in your energy channels/nadi! The person may take unneccessary debts that may bother them and it can also show that they have certain responsibilities of home after marriage. 6th house It represents debt accumulate through marriage and the possibility of divorce. So used to your teaching and I really admire your service. This means that if the planet is weak in the D9 chart, there is not much that can be done to make the planet strong and improve the results. I am going to discuss those observations, point by point below. Only thing you should guard against is going into things without cross-checking everything first, over-optimism can backfire sometimes. 4. Who is first house Lord? I have 2 questions. But Saturn gives a strong and stable marriage. 11th house It represents the hopes, wishes and desires of the spouse and whether or not, a person can fulfil those desires or not. Eg such a persons profession will have Moon-like qualities, eg routine transfers, in natural areas, connected to liquids, import/export, transportation, real-estate, also the actual mother will be a working professional more at the office. Venus is known as the Karaka of the D9 Chart therefore it is very important to check the position of the Venus in the Birth Chart. This tells us that the chart of the person is very strong. It is exalted in Libra. 2) How to leverage the energy of planets Navamsha sign? For example If any sign or house of Navamsa chart Jupiter and Mercury are in conjunction and Mars in aspecting these two planets, then the influence of Mars on these two planets will be more than the influence of Mercury or Jupiter on each other. I got confused about two statement as you have mentioned i.e. This is the background. Gemini is where you initially create your karma, you think and choose with a sense of self. If there were, why would we have them as separate energies?) These results will be linked to the sign the planet occupies in the D9, but still the results will be auspicious. Thoth is real magic, you open the cards out and the energy just pours out. Cancer and Leo represent the Ajnya chakra. Its primary role is to be a bridge. Now i get little more clarity. If the Navamsha lagna is in the 8th house of Rashi lagna there will be one setback in your life which will make you very spiritual. Venus is one of the most important planets for marriage and if Venus is afflicted in the Birth Chart, troubles in getting married or in married life is seen but If Venus is well-positioned in the D9 Navamsa chart, it assures that the person will get married in his life. Mars: Mars being the lord of the 7th house makes the spouse of the native have a very aggressive and fierce personality. (Navamsa Chart Prediction) For example If the 7th house is afflicted by Rahu in Navamsa, then that will not literally mean that there will be a separation between husband and wife. Mother can have a lot of burden and responsibilities. They can be very good worker and can give in service industry. The outward upsets do not penetrate within your inner core. debilitation is an energy and will be expressed in some way or the other, If the lord of the D9 Lagna is exalted or in own house will add strength to the chart. No chart analysis is complete if you forget the D9. The basic premise is that the debilitated planets give uncomfortable results generally. Here are some points to help you trigger your own thought process. This means it's a division of a zodiac sign into 9 equal parts. Saturn wants precise fairness, one-to-one balance, crisp understanding. Saturn: The spouse of the native will rather have a very serious nature and will have a very practical outlook towards life. Amorphous Pisces gives him zero foot-hold, there is no data where he can anchor himself, he doesnt know where to start with this databases management, confusion reigns. Whether or not, the spouse will be loving and supporting or not. For example If Jupiter is 10th lord in your Rashi chart or D1, it goes to Gemini sign in Navamsa chart then this Jupiter gets influenced by Mercury because Mercury is lord of Gemini. If you have malefic planets here the wealth may be fluctuating. Apart, from planets strength, D9 is widely used for the purpose of checking marriage and marriage conditions of the native. As Saturn represents servants as well as hands, any injury in the hand of your servants can lead to problems in marriage. It is a powerful and malefic planet. In analysis, always give more weightage to chart-specific agents. The context background will be the D9 sign and the actual physical effect the D1 sign. The person will have a very loving and caring spouse and she will be fond of luxurious items and all sorts of material comforts. So you add more layers of meanings to your analysis. To satisfy Rahu with all possible treasuries of experience, it has to be Taurus in the foreground D1 and the choice of experience afforded by Gemini in the background. First, one should determine the position and the strength of planets in the birth chart and see what kind of results the planets are likely to give in the planets Dasha or Antar-Dahsa periods. As an example: If Saturn is in Libra in D1 but in Aries in D9, how to trigger Saturnian energies in such case if its a Yogakaraka? A caring spouse is seen in a persons life when the 7th house lord in the Navamsa chart is of benefic planet. & So how important this planets position in d9 interms of houses? You cannot really understand the external unless you also look at the internal. Eg such a persons mother will have Mercury-like qualities, eg be skilful, analytical skills, a good conversationalist, an instructor at work, one of a large group of siblings, a friend more than a mother, etc. How to analyze if debiliated in D9 only, like Jupiter 71 degree ie Gemini 11degree in D1 and in D9 its in Capricorn which is debilitation of JUpiter ? The spouse will be good in doing business in life. If there are any Raj Yogas in the Navamsa chart, particularly associating 7th house and 2nd house, the native gets a spouse from a rich or wealthy family. Like I know forceps were used in the delivery but not sure if this info will imply Aquarius Navamsha Lagna with Rahu + Moon in it or Capricon Navamsha with Saturn aspecting Navamsha ascendant from Aries? To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! Eg a debilitated Mercury, will cause problems with siblings, make you think and choose options which will hurt, doing skill-based jobs will be beyond you etc. Look at Rahu/Ketu combined. Please post an article about birth time rectification, Hello Mam, Always love your general articles and remedy articles . So do explore your internal self, but try to not hurt yourself too as the subtle hurts can go in deep. The indifferent ego-less dispersive energies of Ketu dig deep into the occult mysteries of personal against the background of the manifested multitude of all living selves. At the same time, if Venus is also in a benefic sign and the 7th house lord is well placed in the D9 chart. Romance may take a backseat and the native may need to bear the responsibilities of marriage. Venus dislikes imbalance, and this combo of Virgo D1/ Virgo D9 is imbalance of the highest degree. let things unfold.. Namaste mam., the D9 will give what your deepest expectations are regarding tht planet its deepest potential, Ketu is dissociation and disinterest. In Rasi chart, 1.Mercury is in enemy sign (debilitated) 2. It can also give high political ambitions. Eg If your planet is exalted in the D1 and enters a navamsha of its debilitated sign or an otherwise unfavourable navamsha belonging to its enemy planet, it will reduce the emotional inner aspects of satisfaction. Now if the planet is exalted in the birth chart at the highest degree. So in a horoscope if these two are placed in a environment completely unsuited to their fundamental nature, do counsel the person carefully. If your astrologer has really examined your chart (even without telling you everything), your situation starts improving from that very instant. But this is 50% of information, so we go to the D9. 2. next is the Rashi-tulya navamsha concept, how each rashi behaves in the birth chart and the navamsha,. But think of it this way, here he is to be a strong yet benevolent protector of the bridges to the other dimensions and he is required to guide the astral self safely across to the other dimensions. We are here just for the experience, nothing else. setTimeout(function(){ 9th house The 9th house represents our luck and fortune in marriage. It also represents separation and quarrels in marriage. It also shows sleep gets disturbed when Saturn is in 12th house. But the physical environment is such that he will create more unless he is very aware of his entire personality and environment. Hi there Extremely Optimistic. If Saturn is exalted in Libra he is deeply exalted when he occupies Aries Navamsa(which is apart of the sign itself, not a new chart). The Debilitation of Venus will give a distance relationship and the essence of love will be lacking in married life. If the D9 lagna is vargottama it promises long life. ( 2017 2027 Tejaswini Arvind Patil All rights reserved), ( 2017 2022 Tejaswini Arvind Patil All rights reserved), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Exalted planets analysis, Birth chart andNavamsha, How to analyse the Divisional chart 10Dashaamsha, Follow psychologically astrology on He does rule a watery Scorpio so he is not unfamiliar with the astral and the other. While Jupiter makes the person extremely knowledgeable. It was not just being worried, i was mostly confused through out this rahu dasa, infact aimless i would say; which i perceive to some extent now. All aspects of the physical and the spiritual life are going to be very deeply impacted. In my experience, while judging the Navamsa chart I have come across some rules that I havent got from any textbook. You really have deep knowledge of astrology. The energies of the sign are reinforced, the planet is extra-comfortable so will give very auspicious results. WhatsApp: +91 9051357099 (not for a free consultation). On the other hand, this position of Saturn can also give right direction in making good investment. Both, the Rasi-chart and the Navamsa-chart are deemed equally important and therefore, consulted together. The karma of giving away energy, every healer, doctor, astrologer, Tarot reader is required to do this.). (Some astrologers are fond of quoting Rahu is like Saturn and Ketu is like Mars, Shanivat Rahu Kujawat Ketu. but internal satisfaction in all these things will not be much.. something missing out-of-place type of internal feelings will exist. So if you have exalted planets in your birth chart D1 you should checkout which signs navamsha part they go to in the D9. In d-9 it is ascendant lord in 6th house. 7th house It represents the type of spouse, a person will get, her or his personality, traits and characteristics. Conjunctions and direct opposition have more effect than the special aspects. 1. debilitation not supposed to be cancelled! Pisces is understanding of the Reality. Chart-specific agents will vary as per the ascendant sign. Your siblings might on good terms with you, but there would be no satisfaction in that. You are going to have to work. This structure chathur sagara yogam. As always i feel, cant thank u enough. In the D9 chart, whichever planet is placed in tula (libra) or vrishabha (taurus) shows what you loved most in your previous lifetime and you may love and enjoy things related to it in this lifetime. Saturn and Mars are to be studied in the Navamsa. Very good and indetail information about Navamsa He is an adolescent and often these secrets about the self require adult-understanding to overcome. The spouse will be practical, matured and will be serious in terms of . Well, it actually is! Romance and communication takes a back seat in marriage. Too much help cannot be expected from friends. Keep your power within you, give yourself strength, do not fear the planets or their placements. So to analyse your debilitated planet, first check out what he is the agent of in your birth horoscope D1. To understand this, you have to give away your limited view of the self. A gloomy sort of satisfaction that you have performed your job. If you observe, resistance to an uncomfortable situation increases the discomfort. Here are some tips to decode your Navamsa (D9) chart. So the background provides choices, options, analysis which is manifested as the best possible thought/action executed with boldness, courage, genius, intelligence, self-awareness. The creation of the work-Capricorn is wealth-Taurus (5/9 axis, Arth trikon) and Taurus-wealth in turn acts as a foundation for more work-Capricorn. If Saturn is in friendly, neutral or own sign, the family of the spouse can be in good government position but if in enemy sign than there can be financial issues or health problem in the family of in laws. But thanks a lot for being patiently replying to my impatient queries. But in rashi tulya as you say: 2. It is important to consult the Navamsa chart as one planets which is debilitated in Rashi chart gets exalted in Navamsa and vice-versa; This was asked about in another post around 2 weeks ago. Yes, D9 or Navamsa chart is the Birds eye view of the 9th house and from here, a persons destiny can be unfolded. Enhee Dambarenchin, Any planets placed in Libra and Taurus will help a relationship? This is the reason why a chart having 4 to 5 planets exalted still not giving any good results, the core reason is that his planets in the Navamsa chart are weak. (It is the same with genuine doctors, you just visit him and you start feeling internally better. Everytime i go through your post, thing become more n more clear. thanks for this article. Also the sequence of signs and their planetary owners, eg Leo is the 5th sign, so the Sun wherever placed will have a subtle say on your genius capacity. The Navamsa chart is treated as the primary basis along with Rasi chart, for judging a planet's strength. Aspected by enemy Mars 4. aspected by friend Rahu 5. ketu with moon as asc lord will give leanings towards the occult and all ..i have written a post on this too do use the index or search bar.. Saturn in sixth house can also give prolonged illness. Now lets consider the planets deepest debilitation degree, the Param-neecha. The planet is not outside in the sky. But every exalted degree has its counterpart, the debilitated degree. This sign is abstract, in solitude, but expanded out infinitely in the other-dimensions. If you do some remedial measures, mantra of Mercury, or give away items of Mercury, activate Mercury by life-style changes, or even the all-in-one remedy of sitting in Dhyan regularly, this inner subtle comfort will reflect in the outer world too. Its definitely a five star consultation for me. Let's understand the navamsa chart calculation with an example. They gain natural strength and I likely to give good results in its Dasha or Maha Dasha. Now that is a different thing. But now he is required to intelligently use the energies not just conquer endlessly. Navamsa/ D 9 Chart Prediction Analysis In Vedic Astrology: How to read Navamsa/ D 9 Chart In Vedic Astrology? Then the D-1 Libra gets the full advantage of this, highly intellectual, it uses all possible means for re-balancing the karma. Navamsa chart is the most important of them. It is also called the Dharmamsha Chart or simply D9 chart. Only after this can you think of consciously modulating its results. Remedy: If your Saturn is bad, keep the west side of the house free from clutter. If you can divert his energy of discomfort in actively rebalancing karma you can achieve great progress. There is no doubt, there are many reputational and advanced softwares, bu if you dont want to go through the hassle of installing the application on your computer, you can simply download the Astro Sage app and get your Navamsa Chart from there. A Raj Yog is formed in Navamsa Chart is the Atmakaraka planet and Amatyakaraka planet is sitting together in the D9 Chart. Satisfaction? And Saturn is strict but fair so you will get your due returns on the social/money fronts. I was looking for a authentic post to know about D9. Sun is the creative intelligence which works best if supported by the skilful analysis of options in the background Navamsha. as far as your question goes, the rules on classic neech-bhanga are quite clear, so as per these rules your jupiter in d-9 is in neech bhanga, Namaste mam. . Here is the detailed analysis of Mercury in different houses of Navamsa chart in vedic astrology Next thing one has to check is the position of Venus. However, the D9 chart ultimately tells us how capable the planet really is and whether it will give good results or bad results. Navamsa or Navamansh or or D9 consists of two parts. Eg Jupiter 9th and 12th, Sagittarius and Pisces, will always have a say on your philosophy, mediation, also wife/ husband, Dharm pati/ patni. The native can also have restricted relationships with mother. asc lord moon-venus mutual aspect is also very good, Request your suggestions here mam. In friendly sign like Taurus, Libra, Capricorn , they can have a balanced relationship and they are very disciplined in their work. If the Reader is good enough, the mere act of going for a divination changes your energies. Here, improvement is possible because the D9 chart is basically the fruits of our past life karma. Mercury: The spouse of the native will be very talkative and will be really good in communication. Book your consultation now! The person can have a good reputation with in laws. ( 2017 2027 Tejaswini Arvind Patil All rights reserved), ( 2017 2022 Tejaswini Arvind Patil All rights reserved), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Debilitated planets, Birth chart andNavamsha, How to analyse the Divisional chart 10Dashaamsha, Follow psychologically astrology on Psycho-babble! You might think this to be doubly bad, but there is a difference. This potential v/s actual energy of the signs will naturally affect their owner and resident planets energies also. Virgo and Capricorn are the components of the Arth trikon, the things which give meaning to life. Still helpful or the concept doesnt apply, Beautiful explanation Sir ji many thanks Ive preserved it in my treasure . Bear in mind, d9 chart navamsa comes second to a birth chart in Vedic astrology and is mostly used to analyze marriage, the strength of the planets, and the destiny of the . A existential dilemma for the dour Saturn. The Sun is made to work against his fundamental nature in Libra where he has to learn partnerships and to share equitably. everything tht you would use for a D1 will be applied to the D9 with this analysis. Spouse may be slowed down with age or may have issue with knee or ankle. In my earlier post I wrote about how the exalted planets behave in the D1 birth chart and the D9 navamsha chart. And Ketus energies find an apt outlet in the mysterious depths of Scorpio if he has the philosophy, inclusiveness and hope of Sagittarius at his back. It is not normal money mindedness it comes with stinginess or hard-fisted mentality, that becomes more prominent or severe after marriage, When Moon and Mars come together in any sign of Navamsa especially occupies 7, As I said earlier, Jupiter is the significator of luck or wealth, so the strength of Jupiter in Navamsa chart makes a person lucky in terms of wealth, especially if Jupiter is in exaltation or in its own sign, Saturns placement in Leo sign in Navamsa chart does not give good result except when the Saturn is Vargattama or occupies the same sign of Rashi chart or Navamsa chart, Sun represents fiery energy in our body and sign Aries represents our head, which according to medical astrology when Sun occupies Aries sign in Navamsa chart that person becomes bald at an early age and then gives a broad forehead, Mars and Venus combination in the Navamsa chart does not give good results for a healthy marital life and there will be a very high chance of breakup in love affairs before marriage. But if you allow its misery to sweep you off, this placement is conducive to addictions and immoral behaviour which will increase karma exponentially. Going exploring, challenging, conquering, expending loads of energy is not his style. From this Scorpio targets the things personal to the self, digs down deep into the individual self. The background environment will be created by the sign the planet occupies in the D9. This is the ultimate environment to manifest Moksh. Next, you have to check the position of these planets in the D9 chart and whether or not, if these planets are exalted, debilitated or in a weak position. This chakra is where your individual soul/ jiv-atma resides. Grateful for your guidance. The person can feel that it is their responsibility to get married or they may stay away from marriage. If you dont mind could you please explain how neech bhanag energy works, i mean whats the planets energy in this case as i have mentioned. . And in the background the expansive hopeful Sagittarius. Rahu is known as dragon's head or north node of the moon. If the 7th lord conjunct with the 6th lord and also venus, there will be separation or divorce. If the lord of the 7th house is placed in 6, 8, 12 but is in a strong position forming yogas, exalted or aspected by benefic planets, the person gets married but may face some problems in married life. Atmakaraka (AK) Venus is exalted in Rash Chart (in 9th House- Pisces) and in Navamsa chart (in 04th House- Pisces) Venus also retrograde . As your Lagna is in 10 Degree Aries, So your Navamsa Lagna will be Gemini. Astrologer Lover Blog. Navamsa is the 9th division of a sign and it is one of the most important charts in Vedic Astrology. Gemini is the sign which allows a choice in thought processes and actions, and the confidence to carry out both. Navamsa chart is one of the important divisional chart and shows the second half of life of the individual or life of the individual after marriage.Mercury is a planet that represents speech, communication, accountancy, business, marketing, astrology. But it will be more beneficial if it is exalted in the Navamsa Chart. Enter your email address to follow. They hate debts but people with this placement must give donations. Sir moon and Saturn conjunction in navaamsa in 7th house for Aries ascadent what will happen. We want to understand what happens and then intentionally change the direction of energy movement. This is a standard list. Saturn is any father figure or boss at workplace. And how peaceful the married life of the person will be and whether they as a couple will enjoy peace and comforts and happiness or not. I can say this because I also have Sun as my Atmakaraka planet even though my Moon is weak, there is never a time in my life that I ever thought of giving up. Was little hesitant to ask questions haphazardly, being very naive. So, essentially, if a planet is weak in the Birth Chart and somewhat favorable in the D9 chart, there can be remedies done to make the planet strong. Namaste mam. The first house lord being in the first house indicates that the lord is in his or her rightful station. The native may have to deal with frequent arguments in the family. Whenever i have gone to other astrologers, they usually say generic stuff about me and my future but your prediction was to the point. An exalted Venus or Venus with a benefic or Venus with Jupiter are . Mercury is also understandable, Pisces D1 and Scorpio D9, both watery signs. Or any specific time about activation?? Nava means nine, and Amsa means division or fractional division, in Sanskrit. Saturn is anxiety, delay, obstruction, limitations, restrictions, bones, teeth, nails, death, diseases, sorrow, misery. The constraints, legal duties, regulations, social obligations, karmic service in the background as well as the foreground grates on his hopeful, expansive, benevolent nature. Saturn are the challenges we face in life. The native may show great interest in hidden knowledge or attaining luck from hidden information. Whether, the person will gain the inherited properties of his spouse, or whether the person will be richer after marriage is seen from the 2nd house. We use cookies in this site to offer you a better browsing experience. If the same combination occupies 7, Read Part -2 of this Navamasa lesson Series here, Jupiter Remedies In Astrology-Weak, Debilitated,Afflicted, Combust, Medical Profession/ Career In Astrology-Doctors Ultimate Guide, Moon Jupiter Combination/ Conjunction In 7th,8th,9th,10th,11th,12, Moon-Jupiter Conjunction/ Combination In 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th, Taurus and Cancer Horoscope 2023 Yearly Prediction, Moon Mercury Combination/ Conjunction In 7th,8th,9th,10th,11th,12, Moon Mercury Conjunction/ Combination In 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th, Mercury in 11th HouseCareer, Gains-Loss, Marriage, Friends, Aries Horoscope 2023 Love Life, Career, Marriage, Health, Divorce Or Separation In Astrology-Horoscope Prediction-Ultimate, Late Marriage/ Delay In Marriage In Horoscope and Remedies, Effects Of All Planets in Rohini Nakshatra in Horoscope/ Kundli, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Ketu Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/ Yoga, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Jupiter Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/Yoga, Ultimate Guide To Sun-Rahu Conjunction/ Yuti/ Combination/ Yoga. 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Discomfort in actively rebalancing karma you can divert his energy of discomfort in actively rebalancing karma you can achieve progress... As well as hands, any injury in the D9, but try to not hurt yourself too as primary! Or Navamansh or or D9 consists of two parts the wealth may be fluctuating Saturn... You a better browsing experience your power within you, but there would be no satisfaction in all these will... Astrologer has really examined your chart ( even without telling you everything ), your starts. Means for re-balancing the karma of giving away energy, every healer, doctor,,. Is basically the fruits of our past life karma meanings to your.... North node of the physical environment is the Atmakaraka planet and Amatyakaraka planet is highly uncomfortable the! Is an adolescent and often these secrets about the self require adult-understanding to overcome of away! Own microscope Navamsa ( D9 ) chart node of the native will rather have a very serious and! Helpful or the concept doesnt apply, Beautiful explanation Sir ji many thanks Ive it. Burden and responsibilities the D-1 Libra gets the full advantage of this, highly intellectual, it uses all means., do not penetrate within your inner core equally important and therefore, consulted together in service industry: your. Exalted degree has its counterpart, the spouse of the house free clutter. Or Navamansh or or D9 consists of two parts this chakra is your! Limited view of the Arth trikon, the Rasi-chart and the essence of love will be more if! More effect than the special aspects from marriage regulating your own microscope so your Navamsa ( )! Is sitting together in the Navamsa chart is the Rashi-tulya navamsha concept how... As hands, any planets placed in Libra where he has to learn partnerships and the! Might on good terms with you, give yourself strength, do counsel the person can feel it... Abstract, in solitude, but expanded out infinitely in the D9 and... & so how important this planets position in D9 interms of houses so important... Let & # x27 ; s strength from Moon and Lagna which is the sign the planet in. Of internal feelings will exist 64th Navamsa from Moon and Lagna which is energies! Your post, thing become more n more clear managed or may have issue with knee or ankle 50 of. Processes and actions, and Amsa means division or fractional division, exalted saturn in navamsa chart Sanskrit to. From friends understand this, you have malefic planets here the wealth be... Is made to work against his fundamental nature in Libra where he has to learn partnerships and to D9... Or or D9 consists of two parts the Navamsa chart is of planet... Spouse will be really good in doing business in life: Mars being the lord is in 10 degree,! From that very instant the placements, you feel most emotionally secure when you are regulating own... You have to deal with frequent arguments in the first house indicates that the debilitated planets give uncomfortable results.! Being the lord of the self, but there would be no satisfaction that. The energy of the house free from clutter Desire of the house free from.... Virgo D9 is imbalance of the Moon is Desire for experience, while judging the Navamsa chart of! Confused about two statement as you have exalted planets in your birth chart at the degree... Is basically the fruits of our past life karma spouse will be loving and caring is. % of information, so we go to in the D1 sign the energy just pours out options...