I have worked so hard to clean up my past. the officer may even be upset that he or she has to do the paperwork associated . He stayed the fault was hers for an unsafe lane change. Hello, there. What can I expect? No injuries, no report required. Both vehicles pulled into a parking lot to make sure all was ok. My 1 daughter took pics of damage but the owner to the damaged car told both of them the dents and scratches were already there before she got hit. That was back in Sept 2017 more than a year ago. She said the hood flew off his car and he just kept driving, She also said the hood was found a quarter mile away. KTRK A woman was killed and two children injured when a deputy collided with their vehicle while chasing a robbery . The security guard at my doctors office changed my tire. Given that the damages appear to be very minor in this case (and that liability likely lies with you), your insurance company will probably just accept liability and pay the damages. A hit and run could be a criminal offense, and how its handled depends on what state youre in. If you were injured in a car accident that was not your fault, do not let the other side of the story prevail in court. Hiring a personal injury attorney is crucial in he-said-she-said Car Accident Dispute because they have the resources to investigate who was at fault and have the . I called 911 and it took them 25 mins to come by that time the driver had left. Im still vastly paranoid though that something will happen because people are highly unpredictable. It was a very small dent and i gave her my phone number so we could stay in contact and i took responsibility. All he has is my name and my phone number? If i have to go to small claims court will i have enough to establish liabilty? the next thing I know Im not hearing anything from them. Here are factors that may affect the believability: Witness statements after a car accident can be crucial. Your brother was not responsible for the accident and therefore he is not liable. Other than that, things that might help you prove that the damages werent as severe as claimed include: the police report, photos of the vehicles, and witness statements. Unfortunately, its not uncommon for plaintiffs to wait until the last minute. He said the dent was made by turning into his parking lot. He keeps going back and forth on giving me his insurance or paying me cash. 40-6-273. She gave her insurance information. We wish you the best! ), Lastly, heres our Personal Injury Attorney directory so you can find someone nearby: https://www.enjuris.com/directory/. after i was able to think a little more clearly me and my wife made our police report, and even reached out to the company of the driver to try and figure everything out with them but all they keep saying is that their driver is claiming its my fault and says that it was okay for them not to make a police report. Any advice? Regardless, if you dont have insurance coverage, the Honda driver will attempt to collect damages from you personally. We dont have police report so I am not sure who can assist us if we cant locate the at-fault driver. A police report has been made and several witnesses to the scene called it in. Im on SSI and most of my monthly money goes to my bills. They are giving us their insurance company.. will the fact I didnt make a police report hurt my case and can my attorney find the insurance through the Sr1? If the driver is suing for damages above your policy limit, then youll have to hire a personal injury attorney to represent you. A taxi failed to make a complete stop at a stop sign and we T-bone. Her vehicle was uninsured at the time. I had explained she needed to go to a shop and get a receipt so I can pay for the costs. When you have a car accident on private property, the police have no jurisdiction to do a report, since it's not a public roadway. Documenting the details ensures that all parties are protected. Well half a year goes by and we get served papers saying the man is suing us and his car was totaled!!!!! What are out options? A pick up truck that was behind him decided he didnt want to wait to try to get to his turn 1/2 mile up so he proceeded to try to squeeze up along the left hand side of my husband where there was no legal lane and he got himself pinned. Try to get shots of both cars and the accident scene from as many angles as possible before you leave the scene. If you are unsuccessful, you might want to consider hiring an attorney who can negotiate with the insurance company or file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver. I was in a car accident on April 22,2019. The truck didnt seem to have any damage at all. He told me :they said to park at the Panera I follow him then all of a sudden he disappeared on me because he was driving fast ,I came to that place he wasnt there and I said May b he meant the other Panera so I went there and waited no police came so I went home but I still report after I went home . Hello Felicia. That is certainly a unique story. It states the other driver said he was directly behind my son, the hood flew off and hit his windshield impairing his vision which caused him to hit my son. That was it. Long story short, he was attempting to use my insurance and my insurance deemed him at fault based on photos that they took. He emphasized to always file a police report no matter what. From what youve written, its not clear how much damage there was or to whose car. Unfortunately, in such situations its highly important to talk to a personal injury lawyer. He says because of this he injured his hand and now wants us to pay for the doctor bill which is $500. That is why he (through the insurance company) would sue you. However my insurance company paid for the car damage, but they are reneging to pay the full personal damage. What should we do? It sounds like the other driver failed to do so, in which case she acted improperly. Dude had my number because I gave it to him when I called him the first time, after 6. Problem is, I was never in an accident in June 2018. This is all valuable information that can help a court decide what actually happened. With that being said, if you are at-fault for the accident and you are not insured, the other driver can sue you personally for the damages. I suspect that she has the right to ask for a report from the plaintiffs mechanic, proving the cost of repairs, then use that in comparison to the police report in case of any inconsistencies. A couple days ago she messaged me stating she needed the money to give her the amount she wants. no police report, no insurance card. The other driver was from the neighboring state and just a bridge separates the 2. I tried to make a report but I ran into complications the motorcycle is not mine a friend bought it and ask me to drive it home since he didnt know how to ride a motorcycle yet. When the police arrive at the scene, they should make a written accident report. Our back in is pushed up to the rear wheel well. Will our non insured motorist cover this without a police report on file or should we file a report after the fact? However, the statement on the police report stated that my son said the hood flew off. My 2 daughter (1 driving 1 sitting passenger) slightly hit a car in front of her due to slick roads at a stop sign. (410) 403-3215. Now she said she is going to take final steps since i didnt complete the agreement even though we never filed a claim or signed anything to prove anything although i do have videos of me paying her. Please consider using the Enjuris law firm directory to find an attorney in your area who can help. I gave him a copy of mine and left. You may have a case. What Happens After A Car Accident With No Police Report? When you say citation are you referring to the complaint for court? My car was legally parked and hit by another car. They merely labeled it as an exchange of information even though the driver never stopped to exchange information and refused to exchange information when I asked. In some states, it is even required. It was a minor car accident so we didn't file a police report. I didnt even know if its an accident or not. my husband thank god was not hurt but he was shaking up pretty badly. The chances of winning a "he said, she said" car accident case is increased by a few, key elements. I could see the driverc car about 50ft from where the officer and I were standing. My car was completely totaled. Most states have laws about when a police or Department of Motor Vehicles report is required. Additionally, insurance claims can go forth without police reports under most circumstances. Hi i had an accident in Chicago . She didnt want to call the police and file a report. Its a written account of what the police officer was told by witnesses and drivers at the scene, along with his own observations of the cars damage, weather conditions, drivers injuries and more. I am also wondering if she has an opportunity to redeem herself from fault of this accident, since she truly believes she didnt cause it. If the other car didnt sustain any damage, the owner may not file a claim. Its also a good idea to call the police after an accident just in case. He didnt even try. It appeared the Honda had previous damage to the left bumper/headlight as it had white tape holding it. Hes worried sick about it. Is it because she was able to sue my insurance claiming she was injured? A lawyer can tell you whether you live in a traditional fault or no-fault state. I now remorsefully regret that decision as the grocery cart (which was full of groceries) was hit by the driver of the car which pushed the grocery cart into both of my knees that I had replaced within the last 5 years. The Atlanta Police Department has suspended the response to non-injury crashes as a result of following social distancing guidelines due to COVID-19. Unfortunately, not all car accidents are straightforward. My car only got a slight scratch which I can easily fix on my own. Filing a Lawsuit in he Said She Said Auto Accident Disputes. i did not report to my insurance . once I was inside I wrote a letter with my number on it and went back outside to leave it on their windshield. She will defend herself in court under the grounds that she knows she owes money for the accident, but not as much as what she is being sued for. So yes, you can still file a car insurance claim to get compensation with no police report. Anyway, the lady seemed nice to me at first. If the request is made within the 60-day . I was not physically injured, but I am definitely emotionally rattled by this ordeal. I was a passenger in my friends car and we got reared ended by another car on the freeway near an exit. You might have insurance through your own company. It's been almost three weeks since a traffic stop in Memphis led to a violent arrest and, three days later, the death of the 29-year-old Black driver. this lady claims I hit her in a parking lot so she runs me down till I stop and get out. If you live in a traditional fault state and you are embroiled in a "he said, she said" claim, it's particularly important to talk to a lawyer because you'll have to prove fault before you can get compensation. We didnt think much of it for he does that often when certain vehicles go by,we live on a dirt road in a rural area. Physical evidence and surveillance footage are also . I got the guys name number insurance policy number plus the non family non friend witness name and number who saw it, How awful!! It sounds like your insurance company is saying that you violated the terms of the policy and therefore arent covered. I would recommend reaching out to an attorney. The SUV had NO dents or scratches. Im assuming your daughters didnt get a recorded statement of the owner stating that the dents were already present. Now what can I expect? With our help, we can possibly help you recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. It's good to contact the police any time you're in a car accident. And I didnt even get the chance to get her information because I was in complete shock and disoriented from the impact. Try to get shots of both cars and the accident scene from as many angles as possible before you leave the scene. In the meantime, be sure to collect any relevant documents you can (medical records, pictures of the vehicles, pictures of any injuries, witness contact information, etc.). Nevertheless, you can hire an attorney to investigate fault. Yesterday I had a fender bender, was at a stoplight and the light turned green so I let it roll in neutral. I got her license plate and damage photos. Contact our North Carolina car accident attorneys without delay. Does he have the right to change his mind. At the time, I was very overwhelmed and didnt know exactly what to do. No police report was ever filed. My brother was on the passenger side also. If the matter is urgent, get directly in touch with an attorney in your area, most offer free consultations. I have a family member (38yrs old), who was hit by a police truck one night while he was crossing the street. But the other party may also say that you were partially responsible for the crash even if you werent. Hi, I scraped a car in the parking lot with my car 5 days ago. He was stuck in traffic 6 months ago on a 2 way street. Talk to Berger and Green About Your Car Accident Today. There was a tractor trailer parked on the side of the road unloading sometime at the bike shop. Thanks for the question. Physical evidence (sometimes called "real evidence") is evidence that can be seen, held, or observed at the accident scene, as opposed to a witness's description of the accident. Regardless, youll need to respond if she serves you with a complaint, otherwise you risk having a judgment entered against you. Wasnt in the car, nothing. Physical car accident evidence includes the vehicles involved in the accident and the accident scene itself, typically documented in photographs. can anyone give me an advice for what im supposed to do. I really neee some assistance right now and Im feeling so helpless. I have zero information on him, and if it werent for his dog going ballistic near me I would have gotten out and taken pics or caught his license plate. Depending on the law in your state and the location of the accident, a report may need to be made to the municipal police department, county sheriff, highway patrol, state . I can understand your not wanting to risk the insurance companys raising your premiums for what sounds like a very minor incident. I did not file a report, I was too focused on getting the drivers license plate and driver description. However, individuals who feel threatened or cannot move their vehicle may still call 911 for assistance. Be nice. For get about the what ifs, the man was not injured and even if he had whiplash, he would have had PIP. My Mobile AL. (The dent on HER car) SHE SAID SHE WAS SO SORRY and that its OKAY so I just left no complaints. Thanks for sharing your story. Message. Only the DMV in your state can revoke your license a private person or company cant do that. Hello, I recently hit a parked vehicle about a month ago. If that doesnt seem to help, you can feel free to use the Enjuris lawyer directory to find an attorney who can help. Photographs of the site where the accident happened can help. Be sure to save the text message and pictures in case the driver tries to claim that you caused more damages than you actually caused. we have no income coming in to help pay for the damage. Crash somebodys car in the parking lot no police report I didnt give him my Insurance or my license like 5 months ago! My husband was able to put it back on for him and tied it with a bungee he had in the car. Two days later the man and his wife came up to our house and said our dog made him wreck because he tried to detour the dog from chasing his son, and actually run over him, and wrecked. They will be able to review your case and assess the likelihood of tracking down the negligent party. I would contact your insurance provider and explain that he is threatening to sue you. Best of luck I hope it all works out for you. For one thing, the sooner you have a written account of what happened, the better. The responding officer will often offer his opinion as to fault in the police report, but the insurance company is under no obligation to agree with this opinion. 3+ Car Accident Police Report Sample Examples. Their insurance company is contacting me for my statement of the accident. The police are hoping to file it as a crash report, but I am not sure how to go about things or where to take anything. I was ready to handle the situation the day of and have been trying to contact her since. I immediately retrieved my phone and showed him my call log, showing where I received no call. Some states require a report for any collision, even if there are no injuries and no damage. For example, if one of the drivers realizes that fault has been assigned to the wrong driver, he or she can appeal to have the report changed. Based on the information you provided, its not clear to me why your insurance company will not cover the accident. There was a camera but I cant find access to it anywhere on line. A little under two years ago my boyfriend who had his permit at the time but is now licensed, was assisting his father who is licensed and insured, back a truck up into a family members driveway. A whopping 4.8 million of these accidents, or about 72% of them, were categorized as property damage, meaning there were no injuries or fatalities. She told him he was lying . Yes, you can certainly sue. After 2 days of calling my brother he told her to give him an estimate of the window replacement, but she refused and stop calling. 2. Depending on the state where you live, whether you have information on the truck, and some other factors, you might be able to get compensated for the damage to your car directly from your insurer. However, if an accident results in property damage exceeding $1,000, an injury, or a fatality, according to Texas law, a police report must be filed. I was at a red light yesterday afternoon (Lexington, KY) and the light was about to turn, so everyone started moving forward. Another driver ran a red light and I hit him. Just because theres no police report doesnt mean you cant sue someone for damages caused by a car accident. I assured her that he was in fault but offered to pay half anyway. Her car has major damage as she hit his tow hitch. I was driving down the street an traffic came to a stop. If you are at fault for the accident, the other drivers insurance is irrelevant. Any direction you can provide is most appreciated. I got hit by a car in LA and i lost consciousness. 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