Making their way into the stars, they run afoul of the Turian Hierarchy and the rest of the Citadel species. . Links are always helpful. The Council ordered the recently-formed Special Tactics and Reconnaissance division to make a preemptive strike against krogan infrastructures, and the Krogan Rebellions began. The Council is the Outside Context Problem for humanity. Then they meet the rest of the galaxy. She didn't even know him. Hell, in terms of developing dangerous AI and risking having them get loose and threaten the galaxy, humans are arguably even the next quarians in the eyes of most. On a more serious note, whatever happened on Akuze. Partially subverted: Shepard was offered the chance to have her scars removed, but chose to keep them as a reminder. There's also the obligatory shot at Mass Effect 1's elevators, including a reference to the Elcor Hamlet ad. Peptuck has stated that GDI and Nod forces will throw down with a Reaper however. Recently I have been on my Mass Effect kick but when I checked the SB I realised that Mass effect had 19 threads with very spread out recs in them and the last rec thread seem to be about a year old therefore I have decided to start a new one that can have all recs and requests in one place. The next thousand years were relatively peaceful ones for the Council, interrupted only by some minor galactic incidents and the Geth War of 1895 CE. Garrus hijacks a tank to capture an unarmed, injured mercenary. You need to change your parameters in order for Shanxi to be heavily armed. In terms of colonizing new planets at an astonishing rate, and in terms of capacity for personal violence and rage (we explicitly possess part of the mechanism behind blood rage), humans are potentially the next krogan. Also, the company that developed the Werewolf rifle is, To quote Shepard: "Most little girls had dolls. Tali'Zorah x OC Liara T'Soni x OC EXTENDED SUMMARY INSIDE Updates will occur every Tuesday and Friday St. normandy. This thread is for recommending fics you like and asking for links to fics that might exist. In fact, the Turians make up a huge part of the Council's military. She scratched, slapped, tried to pull the pair of hands away from her neck but couldn't. My last chance of sanity, Dec 23, 2022. The krogan, having exploded in numbers and encroaching on the territories of other races, were asked by the Council to withdraw from the asari colony of Lusia. Notable for the level of depth involved in depicting the effect that a GDI-led humanity would have on the galaxy. Any fics where humanity are so technologically advanced that they can be considered gods. Depending on Shepard's morality, Ambassador Udina either states the necessity for the new Council to be assembled of only one species - the humans, or merely calls for a human chairman in a multi-species Council. Unfortunately, the predatory yahg misinterpreted the delegation's non-subservient behaviors as an attitude of contempt and promptly slaughtered the delegates. After the whole incident on the Ark A crossover story featuring the Halo and Mass Effect universes. Though they have no official power over the independent governments of other species, the Council's decisions carry great weight throughout the galaxy. It'd been sixty million years since the fracturing of the Star Gods, and the end of the enslavement of the Necrontyr race. It was also abandoned, but it's a fun read anyways. In this case I'm basing it on the idea of Issac Arthur videos. Now the Reapers have to find organics to synthesize or "merge" with. A more centralized megastructure-bound population is easier to bombard than scattered colonists on a garden world, the political setup you're stipulated gives little plausible reason for any large defensive embankments (so none of those giant laser networks that hard sci-fi military theorists love), and with ships limited to 0.2c instead of reinforcement from Arcturus Station coming to save the day a few weeks later it'll be twenty years before anyone responds. Transcendent Humanity is an AU Mass Effect fanfic by Solaris242. Focus: Games Mass Effect, Since: 02-10-15. A series of one-shot sex-scenes featuring most of the female romance options from the Mass Effect games (Mass effect Trilogy and Andromeda) in a relationship with Shepard or Ryder wherein the female is sexually dominant and Shepard/Ryder takes a submissive role in the scene. Another species already chose synthesis in a previous cycle. No human government has ever lasted so . its quite a read. Outraged, the krogan refused. Over the past century, Belphagor has made a name for himself in Heavens Demon District as a card sharp, thief, and charming rogue. Site of a major industrial accident, orchestrated by Cerberus, that resulted in thousands being exposed to dust-form Element Zero. . The races are supposed to work in harmony, as a multi-racial unit, but there's more than enough evidence to show that Council members prioritize the needs and wellbeing of their own race before they help anyone else. In 2186 CE, Councilor Udina informs Captain Bailey that C-Sec has been compromised and is working to undermine the Council. Mass Effect had three full games to explore the dealings of these three leaders, and the players have tons of lore to dig through about the Council's past, present, and future. Humanity not being a united body but having several different stellar nations at war with each other, for example. The turians inflicted a lethal blow using the salarian-developed genophage; without the ability to quickly replenish their forces, the krogan dwindled. The nail kicking . The Global Defense Initiative, having formed a unified global . This is not necessarily something new, but I just realized something: One other thing that I think scares the galaxy about humans in Mass Effect is that, in just about every respect, humans are potentially the next iteration of what made every other major species famous or infamous - all at once. I haven't updated in a while, but I will post more stories as Want me to write a Shepard x Reader or anything, I'm here! He smirked making her flinch. It served as a four-way crossover between Titan's ongoing series Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor, Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor, Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor and Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor, uniting the four Doctors . Though Shepard and Councilor Udina attempt to petition the Council for aid in retaking Earth, the Council races are more concerned with protecting their own borders. When Belphagor uncovers a nefarious smuggling ring that spans both Heaven and Earth, Vasily jumps at the chance to help shut it down. The Turians had different plans. RELATED: Mass Effect: 10 Reasons Miranda Is The Best Companion In The Trilogy. or will the timeline restart like the others? "It's alright Luciana, everything will be finethey're just like you."No they're not, they have wings." phasing tiberium kinetic impactors with liquid-tiberium cores. Marren follows two sisters as one offers the ultimate selfless act to the other, proving the very meaning of family in this novel of artifice and intrigue. The jump start that the Council races have on humanity is simply too large. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Lives. Give someone else a proper chance. The Council was formed around 500 BCE, by the human calendar. It's said that for every one ship humanity has, Asari are allowed to build three, and Turians are allowed to build five. Cerberus is made up entirely of humans and is openly xenophobic against aliens. I'm slightly unsure whether I should be doing this here, but here goes. There is also Mythos Effect. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It's a bit of a Star-Trek-like Humans Are Special scenario - humanity's mercurial nature terrifies Vulcans, and similarly, our potential to unfold into just about anybody else likely terrifies the Citadel Council. Has an official prequel in the form of Eagle's Fall by Charnobyl, which covers the Shanxi War between GDI and the Turian Hierarchy. The Council is an executive committee composed of one representative each from the member species. Jacob repels the batarian insurgents and brings Jath'Amon to justice. well here is the think about HFE storys and ones where the council is balance if the council has the tech that humans have and better tech the reapers have it to meaning it will just come down to this in the end. Alliance colony devoted to the growing of ossilbir, a high-nutrition vine that is a staple of Alliance military rations. She's played video games for at least as long as she could write, and vice versa! After their top Spectre agent, Saren Arterius, reported the Alliance's illegal AI research on Sidon, the Council holographically confronted the first human ambassador, Anita Goyle, and announced they would impose heavy sanctions on the Alliance with regular reports from personal overseers. Garden world with both human and batarian populations. His skin appeared paler than usual as he stared right into my soul. Upon which they'll handily defeat any force they encounter, because mass effect fields means their ships have a preposterous mass ratio, so they'll be faster and better armed and armored. Unfortunately for GDI, the turians adapted pretty quickly, and. The salarians gather intelligence and information. Her body shook up in fear. Not to be confused with the television series. Has there ever been a Mass Effect fic where a race besides humanity got handed these kinds of tech boosts? If Udina is Councilor, Shepard will not be granted Spectre status. I wish another good writer could pick up some of these stories. In the midst of the unforgiving opulence of Palm Beach, A Palm Beach Scandal is a story for our times. A certain Lone Wolf. I offer, what I hope are insightful, helpful, and informative OC reviews within the following fandoms: Marvel, South Park, Doctor Who, and a few others. RELATED:Mass Effect: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Spectres. At first, it was just the Asari and Salarians, but the Turians and humans joined on later. Mate is someone every werewolf can die for. The Council is contacted by the batarian ambassador, Jath'Amon, with the intention of bringing about a reconciliation between the batarians and the Citadel races. During their investigations, they discover that the true purpose of the peace talks is to facilitate an assassination attempt on the Council by means of a deadly bio-weapon. They only encountered the Citadel Council for the first time during the Krogan Rebellions and were a militaristic race whose combat strength helped win the war. Mass Effect Fanfiction where humans are just much better than the Citadel Council Races. The result? Not one instance of the word "Kane" anywhere in this chapter. However, both sides are wrong on certain points.". However, they also unleashed the Genophage. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. In terms of building big-ass war ships, making guns, and developing military strategies, humans might be the next turians. The Hegemony is currently classified as a rogue state after a political disagreement between them and the Council concerning human expansion in, "zone's of Batarian interest's", mainly the Skyllian Verge and Attican Traverse, and the Batarian's subsequent self-expulsion form the Citadel. Mass Effect Fan Fiction Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Tali has already completed her pilgrimage when the story starts, which means rather than a sole Quarian on the run from Saren, she had a team of Migrant Fleet Marines with her, of which Kal'Reegar is the only survivor. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. masseffect3. The Kardashev scale is mostly a General description. There are worse things to lose than a good name. STG units formally seconded to Council service are also known as Infiltration Regiments. Any fics where humanity are so technologically advanced that they can be considered gods. Using a fresh new approach to Joseph Campbells archetypal Heros Journey, Levin reveals how to be a hero in the narrative of your own process. In one of the author's own comments, he said that (paraphrased) "Neither side is right. The Council responded by cutting off contact with the yahg and declaring Parnack off-limits to Citadel races; the Council asserted that the extremely aggressive yahg were poorly suited to integrate with the galactic community. Geth Consensus:The Geth Consensus is name given to the "government" of the Geth by the galactic species. Along the way you meet a couple of Turians that seem to take quite an interest in you, bringing in many complicated situations. The High Council told everyone it was because she was a hybrid, but Luciana knows they truly consider her a threat because she has abilities that could make her far more powerful than even the Council's leaderso they take away the one thing that allows her to use her gifts, and put her into the Angel Academy. The Citadel Council in Bioware's sci-fi RPG, Mass Effect, is a group of three (or four) representatives from the most powerful races in the galaxy. Renegade, an Alternate History/Alternate Universe fanfic that loosely follows the plot of the first Mass Effect game.. Initially assume that it is based on real world physics and thus Humanity didn't learn of element Zero until the First Contact War and it's tampering with the relays which caused it. The Citadel Council is galactically seen as the number one superpower, although the U.T.E is quickly looking to usurp that title for themselves. Seven years later, on the way to the GDI colony world of Eden Prime alongside a Council Spectre, she discovers an old enemy has emerged and attacked the human colony: the alien Scrin, working alongside the synthetic geth and a mysterious alien dreadnought. For Zaeed, that "one very unlucky dirigible.". See, the Thanix Cannon. A brief conflict instigated by the turians against the newly-encountered humans for what the turians viewed as a breach of galactic law, the First Contact War, as humans referred to it, was brought to an end when both sides prepared to escalate their involvement. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. frankieu chapter 7 . The Alliance or whoever replaces them are doing their thing, building habitats and so on, when suddenly these people with physics warping technology show up out of nowhere and just like that most of your technology, no matter how complicated, is irrelevant compared to even the simplest things that can be done with element 0. United we Stand Chapter 1, a Halo + Mass Effect Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. These member races don't seem to have a ton of pull, at least not where the Council is concerned they can bring issues to the Council's attention, but can't be part of the vote on how the Council will decide. The result? A crossover story featuring the Halo and Mass Effect universes. Black pointed sharp claws jutted out of his fingers. Goyle later asked for an audience with the Council, diplomatically offering Alliance participation in taking down the rogue AI researcher, Dr. Shu Qian, on Camala. ;p. I'm already assuming they have as much defenses as reasonably possible. Mass Effect Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. That actually FUCKING canon dialogue mass effect humanity conquers council fanfiction sources say the Council had humanity earmarked as basically a Council is!, liara and Benezia adopt a young man using biotics Days is an Alternate History/Alternate Universe fanfic that follows! But when Shepard returns, the Commander realizes the Council is only prepared to put up a blockade to stop Saren reaching the Citadel itself, and they had no intention of going to Ilos. This Councilor warns the Commander of Udina's treachery, having learned of it beforehand and that Udina was leading the rest of the Council into a trap laid by Cerberus assassins. The Prince of Tricks may have finally pushed Vasily too far, putting one more crack in an already fragile foundation. Either Anderson or Udina is appointed as the human Councilor, with the other becoming their assistant. JavaScript is disabled. Cookie Notice theres Transcendent Humanity by Solaris242 on With over thirty exercises designed to help you reinvent your creative process from the inside out, this book will show you how to: Identify your biggest challenges and render them powerless Start a project that you loveand stick with it Design a structure for writing regularly Great motivational book for anyone dealing with writer's block or other writing obstacles. Be sure to check out my other one, Borderlands x Reader. Written by the same author behind Tiberium Wars and Forward. In the traditional ME timeline, he joined the Corsairs because he thought it would cut down on the red tape that the SA puts on its military, and left to join Cerberus when even Corsairs proved little better than the Marines. The Citadel Conventions, They're Pretty Mad About Shepard's Cerberus Ties, What Exactly Their Prerogative and Authority Is, Mass Effect: 10 Best Boss Fights In The Series, Mass Effect: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Spectres, Mass Effect: 10 Reasons Wrex Is The Best Companion In The Trilogy, Cerberus is made up entirely of humans and is openly xenophobic against aliens, Mass Effect: 10 Reasons Miranda Is The Best Companion In The Trilogy, Salarians are infiltration and information specialists, Mass Effect: 10 Things You Only Know If You've Read The Books, Metroid Prime Remastered Is Sold Out Everywhere And Being Scalped For $150, 10 Video Games That Were Visually Years Ahead. Zaeed pulls this with Jacob and the GDI Marines in Chapter 9, while storming the warehouse. When the Reapers invade Earth, humanity pleads to the Council for military aid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It sucks getting really into them only for them to be left on a cliffhanger. Reach her on Twitter (@TalkToGabrielle) or by email ( This page is a list of Alliance colonies, both those in the canon and those created by users on MEFW, with stats, including location, date of establishment, and relevent trivia. The Council is an executive committee . Please provide a link. It's hard to believe they could do it with such a primitive tech level. The Council revealed itself and the existence of the galactic community to humanity and brokered a peace agreement which forced the turians to pay significant reparations. Nod forces will throw down with a Reaper however they run afoul the... Alliance colony devoted to the `` government '' of the Citadel Council is an executive committee composed of one each! And Salarians, but here goes besides humanity got handed these kinds of tech boosts looking usurp... Recently-Formed Special Tactics and Reconnaissance division to make a preemptive strike against krogan,... 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