Public Integrity reviewed public records to see how much U.S. corporations paid union-avoidance firms in recent years. LRI works with consultants based around the country, many of whom run their own satellite firms, such as Browns Road Warrior Productions or Smiths Rock Creek. But since the campaign first went public in August of last year, Starbucks HQ and its union-avoidance law form, Littler Mendelson, has mounted a blistering anti-union campaign to try to stop workers from self-organizing: it . Identify and Address Areas of Concern Before they Become a Problem, By addressing problems proactively, not only can the company demonstrate that it cares about employee concerns, but they can deny union representatives potential foot holds that they might otherwise use to support their organizing efforts. Research on union avoidance firms Power structure analysis and strategy Mission-driven sectors of the economy (health care and education) About Jane. . In these emails, you will receive updates on company proceedings, relevant news in the industry, and messages from our President & CEO, William R. Adams. [iv], ( ( A major component of our union avoidance strategy is to train supervisors and alert them to the skills necessary to avoid unions, skills they can use each day in their interaction with employees. Your employees have a right to unionize, but you also have a right to educate them about potential dangers and negative effects of labor union representation. Smith and Rock Creek have been involved in several other anti-union campaign at hospitals a specialty for several union avoidance consultants including St Joseph Regional Medical Center and Mad River Community Hospital. For example, under the Obama Administration, Brown wrote against the Employee Free Choice Act lobbied against pro-labor changes to the FFA Reauthorization Act and testified against the Obama NLRB efforts to streamline the union certification process to prevent employers from using delay to undermine union campaigns. Anti-union experts have been busy in the nonunion grocery and warehouse sectors. The Dangers Of Union Avoidance. These strategies can include active intimidation and surveillance of union supporters, exploiting divisions within the workforce to stir up opposition to the union or spreading misinformation about the . The benefits of this program include: Again, supervisors are in the best position to create and maintain a positive work environment; helping to reduce the frustrations and resentments that often lead to union activity. Between 2014 and 2017, Littler Mendelson advised Nissan during a ferocious three-year anti-union campaign in Canton, Mississippi, where many workers were African-American. 9.The Federalist Society, Harold P. Coxson Bio, available at to be confidential until the attorney verifies that the firm does not represent other 312-759-5646, F Union avoidance is a method companies use to keep unions out of their establishments. Follow us on Facebook page to receive the latest updates. Other anti-union consultants claim years of experience working for organized labor, including for the Teamsters, steelworkers, laborers and AFL-CIO. Labor Relations Training for Supervisors (best way to reduce your risks). Often the easiest way to solve a problem is to avoid it entirely . For over 35 years we have helped our clients with employee relations, union negotiations, union avoidance, labor relations training, HR due diligence for M&A, and much more. A union flyer was posted on one of your facility's employee bulletin board last night. Visit our subscription center and let us know what you're interested in learning more about. With 30 years of experience as union avoidance consultants, we know what it takes to avert a disaster for your business. The PRO Act has already encountered stiff opposition, but if Amazons conduct at Bessemer comes under intense public scrutiny, this time could be different. The chief result of the hearings, under the guidance of chief counsel Robert Kennedy, resulted in the enactment 1959 Labor-Management Relations and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), which targeted unions, not union-busting firms. Univar USA. Union avoidance; The partners responsible for this area of practice include William M. Tambussi and Susan . For a complete list of our services please visit our services page. union suppression approach union substitution approach reactive human resources approach union avoidance strategy union acceptance . A leaked internal "polling" spreadsheet from one of the country's top union avoidance firms offers an inside look into a highly secretive industry that specializes in helping employers derail . Opera. But union avoidance firms and law . But several U.S. union avoidance firms have recently sought overseas markets for their expertise. Both Russ Brown and Rebecca Smith have worked for LRI directly, and continued to do so, even after establishing their own anti-union consultant firms. Littler Global opened its first overseas office in Venezuela in 2010, its first European office in 2015, and now it has offices in over twenty countries. Consultants . In addition, for those companies with more than one location, a union victory at one job site can encourage the union to attempt organizing at other company locations. Labor relations consultants specializing in union avoidance activities have been operated in the United States since at least the 1940s. Between 2000-2009, he was an assistant and associate professor of comparative employment relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Factor in geography. We will work to guide you in the best ways to educate your employees about the dangers and problems of unionization and address underlying issues in your workplace. The key to sound employer policies and procedures begins with a clear and legally compliant employee handbook. In 2015, American Apparel hired the union-avoidance firm Cruz & Associates and paid at total of $462,343; During 2015-2016, New York, New York Hotel & Casino paid union-avoidance consultants at Balance Incorporated . Firefox In 1984, Japanese auto manufacturer Nissan started making cars in the United States at a plant in Smyrna, Tennessee. According to Motherboard, leaked polling spreadsheets from one of the most prominent union avoidance firm, IRI Consultants, show how anti-union consultants profile and essentially characterize . Cemex managed to narrowly defeat the union in a March 2019 election, but not without traipsing all over the law and illegally firing a female driver who had been organizing her co-workers, according to trial testimony. 101. Under the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, it is illegal for employers to intimidate, retaliate against, or ask workers whether they support a union drive. Three of the biggest law firms that do this work are Littler Mendelson, Ogletree and Jackson Lewis, which have grown from regional operations into global union avoidance behemoths. Littler attorneys have also proposed that global union federations be regulated by U.S. law. We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. November 4, 2021. With ANHS, we make sure you stay union-free. Several states have tried to outlaw them in recent years, and Russ Brown actively opposed Connecticuts 2019 anti-captive audience bill. Brown and Smiths anti-union activities extend beyond individual counter-organizing campaigns, and they have targeted the sector for several years. Contact us for a free consultation! Here are some of the most well-known companies in America and how much they've spent on union-busting firms. This is a mail-in NLRB ballot that will end on March 29. Among other campaigns, while working under LRI, Brock helped defeat a union campaign at the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas in 2014 and is currently running a major anti-union campaign at the largest hospital in Maine. Like Smith and Brown, Brock has a long-time association with Oklahoma-based LRI, and he includes Teamster Avoidance in his areas of expertise. Since Littler was founded in San Francisco in 1942, union avoidance has been a major area of its expertise. . #7. Many of the early studies suggest that union members are less satisfied than nonunion . . But who are Amazons anti-union consultants? Along with the AFL-CIO, the Association of Flight Attendants-Communication Workers of America filed a complaint with the CFA stating that the policy on non-votes enabled hostile employers to manipulate the process to defeat union campaigns. kill organized labor in aviation. Link to book room. Sources. The New York Times profiles union-avoidance firm Jackson Lewis and exposes the lengths an employer will go to, at the advice of a unionbuster firm, to attack workers who attempt to form unions. In September 2020, almost 1000 nurses voted to join the NNU in a landslide victory, thereby providing the labor movements largest hospital victory in the South since 1975. For example, evidence reviewed by Motherboard . In the 1960s and 1970s, the industry was spurred on by multiple former LRA personnel, including attorneys Louis Jackson and Robert Lewis of New York-based Jackson Lewis, one of the biggest anti-union law firms of the past four decades, along with Chicago-based consultant John Sheridan and Herbert Melnick, founder and chairman of the notorious Modern Management Methods (3M) firm. Research shows that even a few supervisors with poor interpersonal skills can instigate union organizing campaigns.. CHICAGO. © 1998-Present LAWCHA. . When addressed early, organizing is avoidable. When addressed early, organizing is avoidable. Thanks to the video criticizing Amazons anti-unionism tweeted by President Biden and the RWDSUs inspirational campaign at Bessemer, the PRO Act is arguably now in a league that EFCA failed to achieve. According to a filing with the Department of Labor, Amazon engaged the services of LIS starting January 3, 2021, for the purpose of "conducting meetings with employees in the voting bargaining unit to discuss the realities of signing authorization cards and voting in the upcoming . 1.John Logan, The Union Avoidance Industry in the United States, British Journal of Industrial Relations 44, no. Through overseas offices or strategic alliances, Littler Mendelson, Ogletree Deakins, Jackson Lewis, and Fisher Phillips have expanded their reach to Latin America, Europe, and Asia. Terms of Use & Disclaimer. The EPI estimates that the "union avoidance" industry, through which companies hire outside firms to defeat organizing efforts, is now worth $340 million per year. Since the 1990s, not much in management's union-avoidance playbook has changed. Smith has worked for several anti-union consultant firms, including LRI, East Coast Labor Relations (formed by Joe Brock, which is also affiliated with LRI) and Reliant Labor Consultants. One commentator wrote about Brown on an online airline pilots forum: This guy is the reason American, Southwest, UPS and now ALPA are sending out letters letting us know they are watching this. Lawyers and consultants devise strategies for managers to maintain union-free workplaces. Union Organizing Efforts and Membership are on the Rise. And that's made employers extremely vulnerable to unionization. The right mix. 17.The Littler Report: The 2011 Global Employer: Highlights of Littlers Fourth Annual Global Employer Institute, available at And he is why we will all be looked upon as pariahs if the Union is decertified. Dont think there wont be repercussions. Unless otherwise agreed in advance, all unsolicited When it comes to unionizing, many can . Jackson Lewis has a well-known and long-standing union avoidance practice. According to Amazon management, additional union avoidance experts were necessary because of the large size of the BHM1 bargaining unit, and the unusual nature of the lengthy mail-in NLRB ballot. Over the past decade, the four largest management-side law firms specializing in union avoidance have internationalized their operations. One of the best ways to determine a companys vulnerability to union organizing is to conduct onsite employee relations assessments. . Last month, we discovered that, starting in January, Amazon had hired two prominent anti-union consultants, Russell Brown and Melissa Smith of Florida-based Road Warrior Productions (RWP), to assist with its campaign against the RWDSU. A union organizing campaign can be an incredibly divisive and destructive experience for your organization or business. A second lawyer, a partner at one of the nation's leading anti-union law firms, also insisting on anonymity, said that workers' smart use of social media has undercut union avoidance efforts. Fortunately, you don't have to know the answer -- because we do. In 2018, Google dropped its long-time slogan, "Don't be evil" from its code of conduct. One consultant writes in his LinkedIn profile: To start, I want to make it clear that I own a consulting firm that works exclusively for management to stay union free and promote positive employee relations, but my story did start on the union side with nearly 24 years of experience for unions.. persons or entities involved in the matter and that the firm is willing to consider Unions stifle that autonomy. A proposed rule change would expose such anti-union expenses the last thing the union busters themselves want. The LM-20 form filled by Russ Brown states that three consultants will be paid a daily fee of $3,200 plus expenses for the duration of the campaign, which started in January. 8.Littler Mendelson, International Practice Group, available at Avoid a 32% Increase in Your Labor Costs with ANHS' Union Avoidance Training Services. These firms have perfected union avoidance techniques that make it extraordinarily difficult for unions to organize in the private sector.1 In recent years, several firms that specialize in union avoidance activities have extended their activities globally: Littler Mendelson and Ogletree Deakins employ attorneys in multiple countries, provide union avoidance advice to a growing number of MNCs and have annual revenues in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Union Avoidance. The autonomy to run your business as you desire is paramount to the success of your business. Money Back Guarantee: The firm has orchestrated hundreds of anti-union campaigns over the past few decades for some of the countrys largest employers and numerous smaller ones and through its Guaranteed Winner program, it even offered employers a money-back offer if they union won an election in which they ran the entire counter-organizing effort. Union avoidance law firms have advocated using the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Corporations to attack global union federations, cautioned corporations against signing international framework agreements that limit their union avoidance options, and argued that, under ILO jurisprudence, employers have not just a right but an obligation to campaign against unionization and collective bargaining. following terms. At the completion of the employee relations assessment process, Hutchison Group will carefully analyze the employee inputs derived from each session and provide the company with a comprehensive report regarding our findings, along with specific recommendations for employee relations improvements. You can also participate in Management Education & Development, or draw together your whole organization with ourPowersharing programs. Rebecca Smith: A second consultant working with Russ Brown at Amazon, Rebecca Smith, claims to have worked for unions 20 years, 16 years with the Teamsters, including as Executive Director of Training for Southern Nevada. She's fourth generation union, raised in an activist-union household. This makes proceedings more difficult during an already trying time. You have a powerful labor relations team of experienced union avoidance consultants in your corner. Littler Mendelson is the world's largest management-side law firm focusing exclusively on labor and employment issues. 15.Littler Mendelson, The U.S. NCP and Developments on Extraterritoriality, available at What should you do next- Five of Ogletrees fifty-three law offices are overseas; it publishes a global labor relations newsletter, and it recently expanded its cross-border practice to include global labor standards and corporate codes of conduct.4 Ogletrees expanding international focus has been client-drivena direct response to demands from corporations for its labor services in multiple countries. In May 2010, the ILOs Committee on Freedom of Association (CFA) issued a decision that the U.S. employer community has interpreted as an endorsement for American-style anti-union campaigns. Question. Smith conducts training seminars for management and her clients include many in the Fortune 500, and claims to have worked on anti-union campaigns for governments, non-profits, and companies in the airline, transportation, healthcare, hospitality, energy, and retail sectors.[iv]. In the end, youre not the only victim of a labor relations conflict. He has published widely on employer opposition to unionization and on anti-union law and consultant firms. Consultants . . IKEA, for example, turned to Ogletree Deakins, one of the largest law firms that specialize in so-called union avoidance activities, to help it crush unionization efforts in Stoughton, Massachusetts, in 2016. 18.Stefan Jan Marculewicz, Elimination of the Secret Ballot Union Election and Compulsory Arbitration under the Employee Free Choice Act: A Violation of Fundamental Principles of International Labor Law, available at Part of that strategy involves training of key supervisors. . 3. In common with other union avoidance firm, ECLR claims an overwhelmingly positive victory rate in union campaigns: While unions typically win between 60 and 70% of union representation elections, ECLR maintains a win rate of over 95%. 11.Jackson Lewis, Surveying the New Labor Law Landscape, 2011, available at Pro-union workers who challenge their claims have had their ID badges photographed. The "Big Four" Union Avoidance Law Firms Go Global. Documents show Johns Hopkins Hospital hired a union-busting firm that frequently hires consultants from another union-busting firm with alt-right sympathies. 2. In 2019, Google hired IRI Consultants, a union avoidance firm, "amid a wave of unprecedented worker organizing at the company," as Vice's Motherboard put it in January 2021, while reporting on leaked files from IRI that provided a disturbing picture of how far Google may have strayed in its . "That's very likely an underestimate of how big the industry really is," Poydock said. However, it is estimated that hundreds of law firms and companies engage in union-busting activities. At ANHS, we know unions. Russ Brown also runs the North American Transportation Employee Relations Association (NATERA), an organization dedicated to weakening union influence in the transportation sector, on which Rebecca Smith serves as a board member. Workers at Amazons distribution center in Bessemer, Alabama are voting in a historic union election whether to join the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU). He also lobbied to make union decertification easier under the Railway Labor, promoted union deauthorizations, advocated for easier union decertification on the Grover Norquist Show, and testified before the Labor Department on regulations that threaten the stability of American Businesses. Brown and Smith, along with Russ have also testified in favor of easier decertification under the airline industry. Like Littler, it has expanded by opening its own overseas offices, rather than engaging in alliances with other management law firms. You might hear your bosses call this "union avoidance," but it basically just means "Union busting, in a suit." Three: Delay, delay, delay You need to emphasize to employees from the beginning that a third party is never necessary when there is a problem. "A lot of the money companies spend on this kind of activity isn't disclosed." A closer examination of the background of Brown and Smith I have written about the activities of Labor information Services elsewhere shows their involvement in several high-profile anti-union campaigns, their lobbying efforts on behalf of anti-union legislation, and their sustained efforts to weaken unions and collective bargaining, especially in the transportation and aviation sectors. One major difference between union avoidance law firms such as Morgan Lewis and consultant firms such as Road Warrior Productions and Labor Information Services is that consultants conduct so-called direct persuader activity i.e., they have face-to-face contact with employees while the law firms generally avoid this. 4 Issues In Play As New Biden . Thomas McKibbin, a . A Modern-Day LRA The Labor Relations Institute (LRI) Consulting Connection: Based in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, Phillip Wilsons LRI Consulting Services, LLC is one of the nations oldest and most active union avoidance firms in the nation. Our goal is to engage clients in union avoidance activities prior to an actual campaign - to avoid campaigns altogether. 19.ILO Committee on Freedom of Association, Complaint against the United States, Case No 683, Report No. This guy, Russ Brown, is looking to. 21.Daily Labor Report, Nissan Rejects State Department Offer to Mediate Over UAW Anti-Union Complaint, February 3, 2015. inquiries or information received by Barnes & Thornburg LLP will not be regarded Go . 7.Littler Mendelson, Labor Law Update, October 15, 2014, available at 4.Ogletree Deakins, Cross-Border Practice, available at Three of the biggest law firms that do this work are Littler Mendelson, Ogletree and Jackson Lewis, which have grown from regional operations into global union avoidance behemoths. Take our Union Vulnerability Assessment Quiz and find out if your company is susceptible to union organizing. It's not only Morgan Lewis: Amazon has links to other leading union avoidance firms and experts: Amazon has connections with several other leading anti-union law firms. The key to any union avoidance plan lies with front-line supervisors and their ability to deal with issues immediately and constructively. Equip your managers with the skills they need. [i]. However, while arguing that neutrality agreements violate workers freedom of association because they do not get to hear both sides of the story, union avoidance firms have consistently opposed union access to the workplace in order to make the case in favor of unionization.18 Thus, labor neutrality and union access agreements, they have argued, are bad for both corporations and their workers and also violate international law. Google's Union-Busting Methods Revealed - THE TOP 25 MOST CENSORED STORIES OF 2020-2021. Preparing a first round of union avoidance materials. 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