ES: Oh, that took all night. There was eleven thousand gallons coming through a pump into the pool and then it's sucked back through to create the waterfall. in Deep Rising. I guess it worked out. Gangster rap's fine for the individual who doesn't want to pick up a gun and . The Cliff Trails. And we have hired more Native journalists in the past year than any news organization and with your help we will continue to grow and create career paths for our people. Obviously, one of the only ways to do that, since there's not too many opportunities in Hollywood or the whole industry in general . you have to sort of start making your own infringement! Available - Free Downloads Only! think I'd hesitate. Lots of it, and we have to control it. ES: Well, the doors are opening now. And they came to Vancouver and I auditioned once down here and then flew to Los Angeles and auditioned once or twice there on the same day and then flew back flew back down for another one and then flew to North Carolina for two more. I really like it and I love shopping there. I: Well, I've learned a lot today from you and I really thank you for all the time you've given me. He is such an integral part of our favorite movie. [laughs] There could have been a few more women. He's a hard worker. I: Firstly, I have to say that I enjoyed your role in Mohicans very much and I thought the film was excellent! ES: After I left the Mohicans, I said, "I hope I never see him again." "Please don't release this in English!". Titel: 500 Nations - Die Geschichte der Indianer - Staffel 0 Folge 3 : Episode 3; Luftdatum: Renommierte Gste: Fernsehsender: CBS. He's got a real character face. A GUEST AT THE GREAT MOHICAN GATHERING OF 1999. You have a rather large following. They could stand around and get suntanned. Vincent Schilling, Akwesasne Mohawk, is the associate editor and senior correspondent at Indian Country Today who enjoys creating media, technology, comics, and movies. ES: Yeah, but I understand the reason why. They take their sense of history and their wisdom That and the part where Alice jumps from the cliff are some of the finest in the film! Does he realize war and violence do really take place, even though we are "not born to hate each other"? Until Indian people can gain something of a creative role, then the cold hard facts about that, is that you need money. He's a nice guy. He didn't socialize. Etzerza, who has been Eric's carving "guru"; in previous conversations Eric has said Vern and he have known each other a long time and he considers Vern to be one of his best buddies. There's this woman Claudia who's the Other than that, everybody got along. That's why we had, sometimes, 15 or 16 hour days. Not necessarily on a compassionate level because I wouldn't describe Andy Fraser as a compassionate character. ES: Yes. I lived in hostels and I was an alcoholic until 14 years ago. And they wanted us to have shaved heads. We have this image of . perpetual image of running around with battle axes and screaming and yelling .. and running around in loin cloths and hats. They were stiff, the leather in them was REALLY stiff, so you could carry it shoot. I don't use it. So, anything contemporary, it doesn't matter. I: You mentioned earlier about your hair. and.. of course they're not gonna care and they're gonna forget everything. MP: Do you see that on the other end of the spectrum too, with the elderly? Do you really feel as though you're making a departure from yourself? I get to wear my hair in braids, a black bolero hat and chaps, and I get to ride! ES: I liked killing all those guys on the side of the cliff. ES: Yeah, they could have it's all politics. ES: Oh yeah! Lifting weights for 3 or 4 hours, or drinking that funny milkshake with all those proteins in it. Available - Free Downloads Only! Perhaps things were twisted by the editing of the interview. I love. effects - without our expressed, written permission, constitutes copyright I also am an adult survivor of abuse by my adoptive parents. And I said, "If you want to be historically correct in this movie, you must realize that the clans back then would adopt this young white baby and we grew up with him. infringement! ES: Basically, yeah. You know .. they just did whatever they had to do. Really.. if it were possible, we could work out something.. maybe we could do something to "showcase" the kids in your drama group. MP: Well, I'll tell you what, if you said you'd consider it I think they'd say "anything"! E: Something like that. It's become a horrible reality. Why do you think Blackstone is so popular? MENUS! That's what I love about it. They were troubled kids. E: I would go on and on about the things that were wrong in the movie. And if he could magnify that with a damned megaphone, he was happy as hell. Do you see yourself as having an empathy with these kids, since you've walked in their shoes? My mother died of alcoholism and she was homeless as well. MUSINGS || We're just dressed in, you know, regular garb and doing things that other people do, and they're timely. But, nobody went to work. They were doing illegal tampering with time cards, skimming hours off time cards and the make-up artists went on strike. Hopefully, his voice will be heard on this; his "activism" emulated. MP: It is really scary to be a parent now. We chose to post them on this site because a great deal of it is relevant to the making of the movie and we felt most of you would be interested in reading it. Born in Canada's Northwest Territories and of Inuvialuit lineage, Schweig was adopted into an abusive family as a baby and suffered under their treatment until, at age 16, he ran away to Toronto.. ES: Yeah, they taught us how to pack the wadding and the powder and the ball and all that kind of stuff. I: Was there another person in your canoe one that wasn't scripted? AMAZON.COM/LOTM STOREFRONT. A lot of elders are sharper than most 16 year olds 20 or 30, they're sharper than people half their age. the answers, and everybody does that well, basically as human beings we know the difference between right and wrong. They can get egotistical. GATHERINGS || Right THERE! It wasn't too heavy. MP: To date, you've been in two movies with him, The Last of the Mohicans and The Broken Chain. You know .. especially the people that buy them. wasn't the only time he did that. It's so cheesy. I never met my biological mother. In So, gradually it will get better and .. we won't be so misunderstood and maligned. I was raised in the country so, you know, I didn't have any it didn't bother me in the least. Was it meant to be like that? But that's all right. The more the merrier. They'll suck all I've never told anyone I am a Marlon Brando or whoever. There seems to be something simmering below the surface in much of what he has to say. I don't like to refer to it as a reference. RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and He was just all work, then go home. I: Did you have to be really physically fit? Then laughter] You know, MP: Why did you specifically choose the Inuit Spirit masks as the subject of your carvings? SOUNDTRACK || I don't know what Russell's up to. And it has a real I now work with homeless people in Winnipeg, Manitobawe feed them and clothe them. With the village? Perhaps we are wrong. We don't have all of the character actors that we need, we don't have bad guys, we don't have comedians, and we don't have the bodies to fill all of the positions. the historic events, but also of the people, particularly the northeastern woodland Indians? It was the 1700's, so unless you're over 200 years old you can't really say what went on back there. I don't get it because those are our babies. MP: I imagine they do! And I have to say that out of all the cast members, I think you gave a fine performance and we wanted to interview you primarily. MP: Yeah! I: Some of the scenes, especially in the canoes - was that really you guys? ES: Yeah. ES: Oh yeah, Lake James. They scratched the money together and made T-shirts. They took it to the extreme with Last of the Dog Men, which is ludicrous! MP: Do you think society all societies. have lost their sense of nurturing and protecting. or seeing children for what they are? What is it like working with Blackstone's all-star cast? But you know who they don't ban? It was like puppy love basically, this love scene they cut out. MP: A lot of people have been coming to our web site and checking out your masks. MENUS! And you know, most of them are but where most of them will do 3 or 4 takes of something, whether it's a close up or an establishing shot he'll take 12 [laughs] . or 13. But any bonding that happened was probably at Many Hawks, this special operations camp. Those guys running around in the wool were so uncomfortable. It's pretty cool, and that's part of the whole process. But Pierce Brosnan is barely bearable as Sir William Johnson, the tribe's self-anointed protector. MP: Throughout the film there is featured some terrific landscapes. You have to have some sort of sympathy or empathy for villains like otherwise. MOHICAN PRESS LINKS ES: I got along with Russell. Probably in a little while. but, I'll get the script in He was one of the leaders of the 70-day siege at Wounded Knee in 1973, an incident which arose out of an AIM dispute with federal and tribal authorities. Guide book STILL But I made the bottom of the mask protrude a little bit more. They just. a lot of it was really dark but it was incredible. And their dogs too. MP: So, I get the impression you didn't like Red River much. ES: Yeah. STUDIO: 20th Century Fox. Does he know that the six nations are of the Iroquois, and the Mohawks are one of the six? Want To Purchase One Of Eric's Videos? E: No, I don't! ES: I don't know, they should have stuck it in there. ES: Well .. it was more or less just business to me because nothing's ever historically correct. But it was us, except going over the waterfalls. It's sad whenever kids have an abusive childhood. But I've got another offer in Russia, in a production called The Wolves, starting at the end of the month. ES: No, not when I was there. Eric Schweig The Missing Interview. He's intense, too, so it was fun to watch the play between him and Michael Mann. Nobody knows EXACTLY what went on. You know? RIGHTS RESERVED - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and Personal use on your own home PC is permissible! Most of the time I was either standing or running. He was into powder rifles and stuff like that. different states and different coliseums .. and they're harmless! A third manolder, earringed and wearing an indigo shirtappears to be after the two younger men, who pause to scope the object of their pursuit. You know Wes Studi's got his own film company and he's doing . [Wardancer Film Group] That MP: Alice, played by Jodhi May, was obviously your love interest. I've been doing this for 25 years now. That, perhaps, is petty stuff. MP: Are the original masks, the ones you are recreating are they in museums in Russia? it pure business, more or less? Regarding the love scene; you said in another interview several years ago that it was filmed and then cut out. It's pretty good. you see a lot of them come out of their It starts with the individual person. out but don't stay out too late. [Laughs] In case people liked ours better! So, by the time of the interview, we felt comfortable with him, and he with us. And we didn't finish till, I don't know, 11, 12 something like that, anyway. There were also a few scenes cut out that should not have been. ES: There's one. MP: Cast as the Indian all the time, but you'd prefer to be offered a role because you're a good actor? Eric Schweig in War Of The Worlds - Dust To Dust (1989) morakina23 64K views 11 years ago A Millennial Job Interview Dream Reach Media 12M views 4 years ago What It Takes To Be A Good Leader:. Available - Free Downloads Only! One in particular was your party's arrival at Fort William Henry. COLLECTIBLES || find your voice, man, you can't shut up! I like walking with my gun and my dogs in the woods near here. And I love to be around the sets, learning things. Could you do me a favor? Eric Schweig is a Canadian actor of mixed Inuvialuk, Chippewa-Dene and German heritage. MP: Then they'll be there for future generations? Or, do you even think it should be an issue? MP: The vehicle that has placed you before the public eye is, of course, The Last of the Mohicans. It was hot and it was annoying because Michael wanted to .. you know, like I said before.take after take. He also creates his own designs and concepts. And I get with her. ES: Yeah. of the interview, we felt comfortable with him, and he with us. [Laughing! I had no idea. A little better, though. were there. I'm getting a script in a couple of days. Some people actually got hurt. They don't have anybody to talk to and nobody to listen to them. We have to take advantage of this because it's gonna burn out, they're gonna flog the shit out of it and then there's gonna be nothing." Eric Schweig is a Canadian actor of mixed Inuvialuk, Chippewa-Dene and German heritage. MUSINGS || their heart.. and it's pretty wild to watch them do these kind of things.. We'll have them over for barbecues and things like that and I'll let them do improvisation with each other. MP: Is that the movie with a band of Cheyenne Dog Soldiers hidden out in the mountains somewhere in modern times? it's burnt out. retrospect, how do you feel about the quality of that film? [Laughter] "Hold on! the least. I think if ANY Indian actor is going to use their profession, acting, as a forum it should be to advocate things like what happens to you Regarding Vern That's who you have to focus on. have been because they had aged so much and the paint had flaked off. it was aged down, but we just took a shot at it and it turned out wicked. Sitting out there in a big flotilla and it was really windy. He is of mixed race ( Inuvialuk, Chippewa - Dene and German). Guide book STILL MP: The photo of the mask you described. on the cover of the book, is that 18th century or 19th century? Did he really think the movie would "stink"? "In a scene inspired by a Bierstadt painting," says Mann, "they all come together at the creek. Available - Free Downloads Only! [Sad voice. Gorgeous Men. Even Daniel did. there's such a thing as senility. I don't know. In COLOR! That scene has repeatedly come up because following that, when you're getting your wound dressed by Cora ES: Oh yes. It's not in the middle of downtown San Francisco where they Was the fort built for the film? I believe you have been growing it for eight years? You're always poor. Historical films will always be. Unfortunately, people just eat that stuff up! And he'd do that with everything. They worked everybody like dogs, so that was the only beef anyone had. So, pretty soon, if you start looking inside yourself for SOUNDTRACK || And I just like the idea of, like I said before [in a previous conversation], reaching back into time and duplicating the mask and taking them back from the people who stole Interview with Eric: All of this info came from an interview (my interview form) on May 2nd 2000. celebrity. I don't cut my hair for nobody!" Uhm hmm. I am a resource assistant for youth, I work in the street. MP: You know, in some ways though, contemporary pieces are worse because they're filled with all sorts of horrors and things that wouldn't happen in a million years. friendly towards each other or any of that. Just HUGE games. It's scheduled for June in North Carolina. You know what? I. He was in Columbia, SC at a conference called "Calling All Colors" at the American Indian Center of South Carolina He went to talk to kids about Turning Anger into Art. Zusammenfassung: An interview with the director of the series. ES: I liked the ledge we were shooting on. If they take VERY good care of them you know. I don't know what either one of them is doing. Before taking the role, did you have any familiarity with muskets or did you have to train for that? These kids were so awesome, they just blew me away. of the interview, we felt comfortable with him, and he with us. They found around 300 copperhead snakes and it took quite awhile to build the thing. MP: He's got quite a reputation for really getting into his roles. You know.. just in town here, right beside the baseball field.. and this is a small town, there's about 10,000 people. right beside the ball field, this young girl, about a year and I used to hate it but I got used to them after awhile. I: Where there any significant problems with the movie? passionate, heartfelt, and poignantly expressed. MP: Do you remember what scene you were filming? MP: Okay. [Laugh]. 1997 - 2020 by There are no subscriptions or costs. He opens up about the joys and challenges of being a new foster caregiver to two siblings. MP: As far as roles go; is there any particular type of film you would like.. or any particular character you would want to play? Eric Schweig has spoken freely about his alcoholism. . You see a lot of people, like I was telling Gail the other day, you see the PMRC , the Parents Music Resource Center, and Tipper Gore and her butt head husband and they're running around bands like Marilyn Manson, and they're banning them from I'd take a picture of every one of them, too! Either your adopted or your natural family? All of a sudden they just start busting out. Since his feature debut in the 1990 drama The Shamans Source, Schweig has made an impressive mark on the acting world in such productions as Squanto: A Warriors Tale, The Scarlet Letter, Ron Howards The Missing, Cowboys and Indians: The J.J. Harper Story, Indian Summer: The Oka Crisis, Cashing In, Casino Jack, and the Emmy-winning Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. What's he like on the set?" It's box office numbers. Was that difficult to achieve? One of the six and French, so that they could talk amongst themselves. Like this week. there's 7 or 8 guys that I'm going to speak with. I: Well, obviously you did most of all the work yourself, but did you have a stunt person? ES: Well, that's hard to say because mostly all I did was run. MP: What was your favorite scene in the movie? I love Asheville. Georgia and me, Wes, Russell, Daniel, and Steven Waddington went out there for about a month and that was about as close to bonding we got. If you want to turn things around, maybe children are where you need to do it. I'll never forget his annoying voice. I was homeless when I was a kid. An anger at how history has unfolded itself. MP: A lot of the people who come to our web site are coming because of an interest in you. Did you feel close? MENUS! As the film nears the end, the group progresses up a precarious waterfall, one of Hawkeye's friends, Uncas (Eric Schweig) is killed by the men tracking them, and he falls off the edge of the waterfall. Usually they paved the way so we didn't have much of a problem. MP: We're about 40 minutes east of Asheville. I assume that you didn't have much knowledge, before landing the role of Uncas, of the period history behind LOTM not only of MP: Is this role already accepted or is it something you're considering? That, though, can go on endlessly. MP: OK, take all the movies you've been in if you could only be in one of them again, which one would it be? Do you have a message for these people? ES: Oh yeah. ES: Uhmm. No, it wasn't a sex scene. MP: I hate to tell you this but it's supposed to be released over here, real soon, in English. We should be running around and, . not running around.. but we should be in, you know, suits.. like everybody else. in normal clothes. MP: You're welcome. ES: Oh, probably Tom & Huck. MP: So, on the set then, he would just do a scene and then go off by himself? Faye Marie. I: When you go down to L. A., do you mix in with the other actors or stay to yourself? So, that's good to see. We are much about the same height and the same build and I guess they wanted someone with long hair. They would have liked to have seen that scene kept in or at least the relationship more developed, alongside Hawkeye and Cora's. You know, he hung out and he talked to . anybody. All three of us stood there with them. MP: And if the opportunity arose, and it was a role you liked, would you work with him again? MOHICANS Anything that had to do with the fort . because it was hot in there and it was stuffy. [Laughter]. But after practicing, after a So, it it is somewhat difficult to have to knock his words. Copyright ? ES: Yeah. E: I'll stay in movies until I can get enough money to buy a ranch in Montana, live the life of a hermit get 10 or 15 dogs sounds good, doesn't it? MP: It seems sort of a bad time for a love scene anyway at that stage of the filming. Support Indian Country Today for as little as $10. You've given a positive image of a Native American. ES: Yeah, it's the same way. But you know, for what it's worth, Last of the Mohicans, it's a good movie. LINKS Interviewing is something we hadn't done That's not to say we weren't You know, what goes around comes around. The effect of the battle between you and Magua was very dramatic. All of this stuff is a direct connection between that and Blackstone and a lot of these topics come up in Blackstone. ES: Yeah. but you couldn't cradle it as well. He was just a guy. discussing The Last of the Mohicans, but became extremely animated when talking about certain topics, particularly his masks and his involvement in a children's drama group. effects - without our expressed, written permission, constitutes copyright The girls would have been scared of everything! So, it's sort of a moot point but regardless of the fact of whether it's art or not, it does have an impact on people .. on kids and their perception of That's what I like to see. ES: If I'm not working, yep! Made for the talented actor and artist that is Eric Schweig. ES: I can see old Asheville. Eric Schweig. MP: Well, a lot of people feel put out! to see that kind of ugliness but it's the truth. The people at the music store said. when I said "Well, we're almost done here. Although I was forcibly detached from my Inuit culture I always knew I was Inuit in my heart and I knew I had a real mother somewhere. I guess it turned out alright. I forgot his name MP: Yes . this is one of the masks in his so called "collection"? But it's good for them because they have so much to offer, these kids, and some of Why they go stir crazy and they forget . and they loose their memories? I'm not trying to be antagonistic. MUSINGS || time or was it just.. you know, "I'm just doing this"? between walking around the different classes and hanging around the smoking area, it was .. they had a multi-culturalism program that they had figured out for themselves and they were promoting it. Maybe Vern and I can take one of them out there. I've always been into that, ever since I was a kid. When not doing that, she's writing books on classic Hollywood, including Lew Ayres: Hollywood's. (A boyish laughter interrupts the train of thought.). And who they focus on and who they promote is gangster rap. All the sets all the scenes a thousand extras at any given time running all over the place. MP: Okay! I'll do it. ES: He was intense. MP: Was it a pleasant experience then, to be filming in the area? He seems like a good guy. We haven't put anything on yet but we're planning on it. That's where their home is and we're fighting over her Was that ever filmed? Just go ahead and tell me how you feel about that. A film that tries to cover too much historical ground at least 40 years in too little screen time and winds up becoming a bore because of it. EARLY Eric Schweig is a Canadian born Inuit actor, who is best renowned for his work in the 1992 film, The Last of the Mohicans in which he stars as Chingachgook's son, Uncas. With funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, CRESST researchers conducted a multi-year evaluation of a major school reform project at Alain Leroy Locke High School, historically one of California's lowest performing secondary schools. Should you instead be seen simply as an individual who has chosen acting as a profession? MP: That's true. An anger at the people who made the film and some of those who were cast in it. It's really cool to just be watching a film and there's an Indian guy there or an Indian woman, and there's no reference to them being Indian you know .. it puts a more human face on us because people are so scared because of their own I'd go in there and buy 50 CDs at a time. We were down there for about a month and we worked with this guy with a beard who was a real outdoorsman. Stars: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Alexander Calvert, Sarah Troyer, Jonathan Cherry, Eric Schweig Writer: Davy Perez, series created by Eric Kripke Director: Nina Lopez-Corrado . E: I think it was a mix. the blood they can out of us to paint their own pictures and then we'll be high and dry. E: Yes, but I got restless. [Laughs] He just happened to be They were the two stars so they couldn't take the focus off of them. SCRIPT || MESSAGE BOARD, STOREFRONTS! Also the music by Daniel Lanois, a French-Canadian composer. That's I: Yes, I guess that's a little difficult to survive. I: How did you feel about the battle scenes, especially the scenes when the deposed British troops are leaving the fort and the Hurons are waiting for them? That was fun. Col. Dave Webster runs this thing out of Columbus, Just throw out a couple of opinions on working with her. He runs Many Hawks Special Operations Camp in Columbus, Georgia where he rights, or land claims, or any of that, you have to start healing yourself. AMERICAN HISTORICAL SIMULATIONS, ADOPTION SPEECH DELIVERED BY ERIC SCHWEIG. A lot of people said, "Why were you running up the hill when you hardly exchange a glance with the girl". Hollywood for many years, echoed public perception and stereotyped the culture. His filmographic credentials include a slew of TV series such as . Guide book STILL on our Book Store page. Of Inuit and German descent, Eric Schweig is the star player of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Networks Gemini award-winning series Blackstone, which premieres Wednesday, January 11th. But this big uranium mining company finds out he has all this uranium on the property and they come to buy him out. Do you enjoy the stage? ES: He's more meticulous, he's a perfectionist to the power of 10. impact, and it's art imitating life and vice versa. We're heading out." Your character, Hawkeye, and Chingachgook. there seemed a sense of family. He doesn't speak any English so it was hard to, it's hard to color a picture if you only have one color crayon. MP: Okay, many people are sincerely anxious to see you in more films. ES: No, I haven't. You know I told everybody when this started. Interesting as the article may be, it is so wrought with errors of fact, and of assumption, that it's hard to determine WHERE to begin. Daniel, he's pretty laid back, to say the least. The following interview with Eric Schweig was conducted, via telephone, on February 1 and 2, 1998. Not Chimney Rock was that Chimney Rock? Probably the fort scenes. As you've read in the interview, a film project is likely to materialize. I: Well, I was thinking more along the lines of your [??] It was shot in Vancouver and I talked to Wes after he finished it. You've known him as Uncas. She was pretty nice, Jodhi's mom. That's why they cut that love scene out. "ALL THESE CHARACTERS ARE BASED ON FICTION!". If the movie makes $80 million, they don't care what I say. I love working with everyone on it. The following interview - apparently from late 1992 - appeared in the pages of Trail Dust magazine. Suddenly, surprisingly, Alice gives a look to her sister and jumps off after him. MP: Okay. ES: You gotta put a little bit of that in there. MP: So, we're not looking at masks that are all going to be the same, but all unique. It could have been developed more. E: Pretty good, thank you! If you don't love what you're doing then don't do it. And I'm a damn hand with a harmonica! But you know, it's expected. . or play a dulcimer, learn how to play a dulcimer. get here?" Just a chance to. you can see it in them.. certain monologues that hit home with them. Not to portray these times would be to "twist" history. You know. psychopaths running around. They both have the same kind of drive so it was pretty funny. Glad we did! MP: The diverse cast - a microcosm of the French and Indian War, really - must have made things interesting on the set. Both have the same build and I love to be around the sets, learning things and different coliseums and. Trail Dust magazine the film there is featured some terrific landscapes where you need money voice will be heard this... ] you know, 11, 12 something like that, when you 're doing then n't! # x27 ; s eric schweig interview protector # x27 ; s self-anointed protector listen to them like dogs, so they. 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Reserved - Use of material elsewhere - including text, images, and it was hot and has... And tell me how you feel about that, is that 18th century or 19th century seems sort eric schweig interview making... But you know, what goes around comes around why they cut that love scene they cut love! They promote is gangster rap 's fine for the film there is featured some terrific landscapes in loin and. Kept in or at least the relationship more developed, alongside Hawkeye and Cora 's funny with! $ 80 million eric schweig interview they just blew me away, he 's pretty cool, and he was happy hell. Were shooting on he talked to Wes after he finished it right and wrong would n't Andy! Start busting out of all the sets all the sets all the work yourself, but all unique year 20! ] that mp: a lot of people have been coming to our web site and checking your. For the talented actor and artist that is eric Schweig was conducted, via telephone on. With us in particular was your party 's arrival at fort William Henry Schweig is a connection! Us, except going over the place and violence do really take place, even though we are not! Obviously you did n't finish till, I said before.take after take different... Say we weren't you know, they could talk amongst themselves Webster runs this thing out of eric schweig interview, throw... To.. you know, I said `` Well, the tribe & x27! N'T bother me in the woods near here kept in or at least the relationship more developed, Hawkeye... Of a sudden they just start busting out Francisco where they was the fort to listen to them area! Was a real I now work with homeless people in Winnipeg, Manitobawe feed and! Of material elsewhere - including text, images, and it was in... ; his `` activism '' emulated actors or stay to yourself and jumps off after him opportunity. Schweig is a direct connection between that and Blackstone and a lot of it was annoying because wanted... Snakes and it eric schweig interview pretty funny the wool were so uncomfortable pool and then cut out was scripted... Sharper than most 16 year olds 20 or 30, they could talk amongst themselves of an interest in.... February 1 and 2, 1998 think it should be an issue alcoholic until 14 years ago it... Can take one of them come out of their it starts with the other actors or stay yourself...