), (Sulley activates Boo's door. Roz: Two and a half years of undercover work were almost wasted when you intercepted that child, Mr. Sullivan. (He opens the box and we see: "BUSINESS SHRIEK" magazine. It was released on June 17, 2013. George relaxes, whistling happily as he walks away. Come out slowly with the child in plain sight. Mike: Big deal. Sulley cracks his knuckles and shakes to keep it loose. Celia: Monsters, Inc., please hold. I did. (She blinks sleepily. Randall explains that every year around this time, all of the banished monsters meet on an island in the Bermuda Triangle to socialize and that he knows a monster there that might be able to help them. CDA Agent #1: If you could make that out to Bethany, my daughter (The geeks, Smitty and Needleman, emerge from a door, grab the trash can, and wheel it away. If I were a rich man , (Boo approaches Sulley. Yeti: Oh, would you look at that? We would've had it made! In seconds, Mike deftly fills can after can with scream. IMDb, the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. Meanwhile at Boo's room, she and her brother are laughing out loud at the comedic show of Monsters Inc's newest comedic duo: Mike and Sulley. So help me! Sulley lends the pipe around the handles to secure it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Fungus: I'm sorry, Wazowski, but Randall said I'm not allowed to fraternize with victims of his evil plot. Mr. Waternoose: What was that? This leaves Sulley and Mike to think that Boo has moved to a new home, so Mike and Sulley set out to find her. (Randall and Fungus coming running down the hall, crashing after Sulley and Mike. Sir, you don't understand. (Boo frowns. Sulley: What were they talking about a machine? ), (Sulley and Mike watch as Fungus and Randall struggle to break free of the crowd. (he sees George and Charlie) Hey! The frenzied CDA agents pounce on the agent with the sock.). Huh-?! Suddenly, he spies a tentacle, emerging from the closet. Mike throws another snowball.) (Mike and Sulley hear Randall approaching.). Nice to see you. Is this one yours? Mike: Who cares? ), (Sulley tosses the bear across the room. Mike: And what about me? Mike: No. He turns around to find Mary in his bed.) (As Mike continues, Sulley approaches Boo, who is petrified.). Mike: No, don't touch those, you little--! You know, there's more to life than scaring. Charlie, Waxford and Frank: Nice job! Give her the!!!! It stops in front of a pile of hiker paraphernalia piled in the corner of the cave. Always watching. Crystal also gave . It must've been dark last night, because this is its door. Roz magicially appears in a sparkly dress from inside the tub.). Get your hands off my Schmoopsie-Poo! Mike: Think romantical thoughts. Sulley: See you guys later. Later that day, Sulley who is now the CEO of Monsters Inc is visited by Roz and they get to talk if he ever misses the old days of being a top scarer. UGH!!!! Randall asks him if he knows where El Chupacabra is. (Mike reaches for paperwork on the desk, but Roz's wet hand lands on it first. ), (A small shower head pops up, spraying disinfectant. ), (From the other end of the tunnel of doors, Randall jumps onto a door and rides it towards them. In terror, she lets go of Mike as he and Sulley round the corner towards the Scare Floor.). Did she disappear? ), (Sulley stops, scarcely able to believe what he's seeing.). Save it for the scare floor, will you? Fungus: Hmm, you're still behind, Randall. (Ms. Flint rewinds the tape, then plays it. Randall rushes off to his cart as monsters return from lunch. Psst. ), Waiters: ! Yaah! No, the fuchsia ones go to purchasing, and the goldenrod ones go to Roz. Sulley is gone.). The film is a sequel to the critically acclaimed 2001 Disney/Pixar film, Monsters, Inc., and features the returning voices of Lara . He turns around to see his tail being dropped by a human girl named Mary [we'll interchange Mary and Boo throughout this page]. Randall: Can it, Wazowski! He exits, leaving a trail of more slime. gym bag to Waternoose.). (The machine comes closer to Randall and Mike.). Mike smiles in recognition. Mike: Scary feet, scary feet, scary feet-- Oop! ), (Sulley and Mike struggle to hang onto the door as it plunges downward. the doors surrounding them activate too. (SMACK!) Oh, yes. We're just two regular Joes on our way to work. Mike, Sulley and Boo hang onto the door as it moves. Don't! Randall disappears. Mike: Well, then why don't you find some place for it to sleep (suddenly angry) WHILE I THINK OF A PLAN?! ), (The fabric of Sulley's chair has now been reconstructed into a makeshift monster costume.). Stay calm. Attaboy. Circle 7's employees were absorbed into the Walt Disney Animation Studios, while Pixar would later make Toy Story 3, Finding Dory and Monsters University, none of which had any connection to Circle 7's versions of these films. Mr. Waternoose: I hope you learned a valuable lesson in scaring today. Sulley runs out, but gets caught in a hanging mobile. Now, say goodbye to-- (Mike points to where Boo stood moments before she's gone.). Sulley: (to himself) So the pink copies goes to accounting, the fuchsia ones go to Roz. I know you can do this. The portal to the monster world is closed. ), (George leans on his crutch, nervously trembling as he stands in front of his door with Charlie.). (jumping up) Oh. Doors ride out of the vault and land in stations. Something about a village! ), (Sulley opens the bathroom door, only for Rox to pop out. Roz: And I'm sure you filed your paperwork correctly for once. CDA agent #3: This is a 23-19 in progress. Mike: You know, pal, she's the one. (A scream comes from another door. (Randall stomps on one of Sulley's hands, knocking it off the door edge. Sulley barely dares to breathe. As they turn to the camera, the Monsters, Inc. logo appears over Mike, blocking him entirely.). Sulley tries to mime his words. George: Boy, Wazowski looks like he's in trouble. ), (Randall's door switches onto yet another track. Too expensive. ), (Sulley covers the picture as Mike approaches.). "), (Mike and Celia are seated in a romantic booth, laughing.). Lost Media Wiki's page for the Circle 7 sequels. Titled Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise. Mike: SULLEY!!! That wasn't real. Yesterday, however, two of the screenwriters behind Circle 7's Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise Bob Hilgenberg and Rob Muir, or Bob & Rob, as they call themselves - offered an. Come back. Mike: (calling back) I love you, Schmoopsie-Poo! (Boo roars again.) ), Sulley: Haha! Randall: Okay, very funny. Monsters Camp is an upcoming pixar film and a reboot to the 2001 film. It's a work in progress, it's gonna get better. Simon and his co-worker Rodney go to the swamps in his van. (into wrist communicator) Bring me a door shredder. The full summary goes as follows: The story begins at the wedding of Mike and Celia. They realize they need to remind Boo of their existence if they want to go home. Sulley: I don't believe I ordered a wake-up call, Mikey. He turns to see). He and Celia make their way to the door vault using a maintenance platform. I just read the Toy Story 3 script a little bit ago. Randall hits a switch on the console, turning it off. Mike: I could use the exercise? A metal dome is bolted over the sock. Mike gasps. Mike manages to grab onto Sulley's tail.). The pink copies go to accounting, the fuchsia ones to purchasing, and the goldenrod ones go to Roz. (Sulley opens the closet, but with Roz inside it. He holds out his hand, formally. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. She is the one! Where did everybody come from? He turns around, annoyed.) (Ahead, a switched reroutes the doors onto multiple tracks, Boo's door on one, their door on another. Sulley sets her back in bed, then walks slowly to the door. Smitty and Needleman, the two geeky teenage janitors stand in awe on the sidelines. Sulley's standing in the middle of the Scare Floor. Mike: What's that? Sulley: Yeah, I got, uh, Smelly Garbage, or Old Dumpster. Waternoose: Yes, yes, I'm coming. But as it does, the letter begins to glow, he looks back down at the letter and the second half written in glow-in-the-dark ink reveals itself, showing Boo's new address. (Sulley and Mike turn at the sound of Randall's voice.). ), (Boo gives Mike a big hug. (Randall stands menacingly over Sulley, who holds onto the bottom of the door for dear life.). , Mike and Sulley: (v.o.) (Fungus is suddenly pulled up into the ceiling by a pair of large blue hands. Jim Hill Media's article on Circle Seven Animation's formation. The Circle 7 scripts for Toy Story 3 and Finding Nemo 2 were kinda bad but this sounded like it would have been a fantastic follow up and much better than MU. (Sulley's yelling frightens the kid, who starts crying again. He heads off towards Waxford.). Fun filled evening planned for tonight? He is a comic book store owner who still believe that monsters are real. (Celia leans forward and gently rubs Mike's head. Mike: YOU'RE STILL NOT LISTENING!?!?! Charlie: Oh, come on now, George. Boo squeals happily as her door enters the Scare Floor on the conveyor belt above. Laugh Factory served as a continuation of the 2001 film. Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me , Sulley: (joining in.) Her face is uncomfortably scrunched. Mike: Well, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I spotted several big mistakes. Mike: Not you! Go fetch. The sequel I am referring to is Monsters Inc. 2: Lost In Scaradise. (Sulley goes up and down, roaring on two levels. Sulley: (nervous) Uh, well uh er, uh Mike: No! Monsters Inc. - Disneystore Figure Set 19 April, 2013 Characters: James P. Sullivan, Mike Wazowski, Boo, Randall Boggs Label: Disneystore Made in: China, 2012 Characters: George Sanderson, Fungus, Roz Label: Disneystore Made in: China, 2012 Loading. Sulley: Mikey, there's a scream shortage. As long as it doesn't come near us, we're going to be okay. Mike: (sighs) You want me to prove everything's on the up and up? Mike: I can't believe we are waltzing right up to the factory! Due to their unique bond, Sulley was unable to let go of Boo so Mike set up a visit on Boo's birthday. ), (A kid sleeps in bed. ), (Clapperboard closes and is pulled away, revealing Needleman and Smitty in front of the door shredder as they prepare to shred the defunct door. But Sulley's smile fades. On the back of the console, he sees the cords wiggling. It would have been produced by Circle 7 Animation, a company owned by Disney. (Mr. Waternoose and Sulley watch as CDA agents file off the scare floor.). The nightmare is over. (Celia calls to Mike from a nearby desk. ), (Boo laughs hysterically at Mike's pain. Mike: Schmoopsie-Poo, I really can't talk. ), (Randall pulls out a pin from their door, sending it plummeting downward. Put that thing back where it came from, or I'll poke myself in the eye! Goodbye, Monsters, Inc.! ), (Waternoose grabs the mechanical simulation child from the bed.). He leans next to the door, opens the door and roars. They reminisce and laugh as they pack up old pictures and talk about how not that much is going to change with Mike moving out, but deep down, they both know that things will really never be the same as before. Mike: Hello? Ready, Sulley opens her door. Mike tries to break the tension with a joke, which drives the old monster crazy. The agent points it towards the kid just as a random monster walks between them. ), Sulley: Ready or not, here I come!! Celia: Oh, Googly-Woogly, you remembered! Mike: Oh, now those were alphabetized!! Both dreams do come true , Josh Rivera: (voice slowed down) Action. Jerry: Okay, people, Eastern Seaboard coming online. (CLANG! It swings open, exposing Sulley, Mike and Mary. Without warning, the kid bites him. I need scarers who are confident, tenacious, tough, intimidating. Sulley just barely gets a hand-hold on the lip of the door.) Or a limb? Yeti: Oh, I just assumed you were buddies, you know, when I saw you out there in the snow hugging and all that Mike: Look at that big jerk. Look, I already told your buddies I haven't seen anything! (As the commotion clears, Sulley peeks out from behind Boo's door. If you're gonna threaten me, do it properly. We need to get there NOW!!! Huh? Mike: You know, I am so romantic, sometimes I think I should just marry myself! Mike: Hey, what's the matter? The first stall door in the row suddenly slams open. A shadow cuts across the bed sheets. Waternoose: This has gone far enough, James! ), (Waternoose hurries after the CDA agents). This caught the attention of Simon Nerlich, a nerdy 30-something and a self-proclaimed monster hunter, who was listening in on his police scanner. ), ("If I Didn't Have You" starts playing and the screen flashes, revealing two tentacles holding a clapperboard. ), (Boo comes skipping around a corner and run into a group of monster kids. ), (Because the door was lying sideways, Mike's fall changes trajectory as he enters a French kid's room. Pete "Claws" Ward flips out his retractable claws like switchables. Oh, come on. Where's Wazowski?! Mike, Sulley and Randall make their way to the beach and are greeted by none other than the Abominable Snowman. Flankbottom tries to make a move on Celia when Mike bursts in and explains to Celia what's been going on. I can be taller! Sulley: Ah, actually, that's my uh, cousin's sister's daughter, sir. In July 2021, YouTube channel The Hemmas Show released a video revealing the full plot of the movie and the full reasons of its cancellation, having interviewed Rob Muir, a screenwriter of the film. (to other CDA) Attention! Where are you going? Sulley looks down to his clip board where the sliver of Boo's door is taped. Whimpering, he protects himself with a garbage can lid. Tongue Monster Kid: (turning her head) Bye, Mike! Mike: I think you mean "Ooklay in the ag-bay". ), (Meanwhile Fungus is being tossed happily into the air by the celebratory group.). We're still working on it. ), (Sulley tiptoes down the dark passageway, carrying Boo. What are we going to do about the child?! You. XanderwritesAgain! Waternoose. No, no, no, no, no, no. Let's take it home, big guy! Mike: Hey, is this thing on? ), Roz: Guess who? (Charlie, Waxford and Frank gather around Randall, congratulating him.). So now the truth comes out, doesn't it? We can talk about this. ), Mike: (v.o.) Ha, ha, ha! Boo squeals with delight. Sulley: I think we stopped him, Boo. Okay, stop. Sushi?! The lobby of Monsters Inc has been transformed into a beautiful wedding chapel. And when I find whoever let it out, they're DEAD! Sulley: Mr. Waternoose, there's no time for this! The film features Sulley and Mike attending college while forming their friendship. The walls lift up to reveal that this was a practice simulation for Mike who can't manage to say "I do" no matter what he does. MOVE! (Randall swings down from the rafters, kicks Sulley and sends him tumbling backward out of the open door. Sulley gasps for breath.). Mike: Are you out of your (screams) miiiiiiiiiiind?!!!!! ), (Sulley laughs as a microphone comes down from behind him. (As George gets to the door, Sulley bursts through, trampling George.). Waternoose. Mike: 1, 2, 3, 4! Look! ), (Sulley notices that Boo's hood is down.). Gimme that shovel! ), (George walks by carrying a watermelon and a mallet. Yeti: You wanna go to the village? gym bag, scoops her up, and zips it closed. (Between each push-up, Sulley springs into the air, striking a fearsome pose and roaring. Celia: (o.s., over paging system) All scare floors are now active. Randall: (laughs) What do you know? The closet door creaks open. Her hands (flippers) grab at her "lower region. ), (Sure enough, Randall is heading towards the exit with Boo in tow. Mike: I'm telling you, pal, when that wall went up, you should've seen the look on Waternoose's face. (Mike is still explaining the situation to Waternoose.). (Mr. Waternoose unlocks the can, and the sound of children's scream leak out. Randall practices camouflaging by blending into various background patterns: wood, brick, wallpaper. ), (The bedroom light clicks off. Waternoose: (stammers) B-butH-How'd you--?! Giant slingshot? Sulley: I went back to get your paperwork and there was a door. (Sulley drags Mike away. Mike: Not bad, huh? ), Sulley: Ooh, ah, the happy bear, he has no , (Boo reaches for the bear, accidentally touching Sulley's hand. Mike: Well, I don't think that date could have gone any worse! One of these days, I am really gonna let you teach that guy a lesson. ), (Randall straps Boo into the scream extractor chair. I wouldn't have nothing if I didn't have, (Pixar Animation Studios logo appears. The detector beeps.). ), (Mike is still wedged inside the garbage can.). She sent me to my room. Lost in Scaradise - Thinking Animation Lost in Scaradise In Disney, Animated Features, Pixar, Storyboarding Courtesy of screenwriters Bob Hilgenberg and Rob Muir, a rough concept art trailer for Disney's Pixar backup Circle 7 's abandoned sequel to Pixar's Monsters, Inc., Monsters, Inc. 2: Lost in Scaradise. We're out of snowcones. (Tony tosses Mike and Sulley two pieces of fruit. Sulley: Okay, Boo, it's time to go home. He climbs aboard a door being ejected and sails up onto the track several door behind Sulley, Mike and Boo. Finding Nemo 2 focused on Nemo reuniting with his long lost brother, Remy. Oh! Mike: Make it stop, Sulley! Mike: (v.o.) Roz: (calling after Mike) I'm watching you, Wazowski. But when the shredder does shred the door, the machine starts driving around the Scare Floor. Nervously, he does so. The new commercial's on. Photographer: (o.s.) GYAH!!!!! Pull the lever! (CDA agents burst out from the bathroom stalls. It's "Sullivan", not "Soloman"! Mike: You're the boss, you're the boss, you're the big hairy boss. Characters Mike Wazowski Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just to entertain readers. Boo hears from her brother and breaks off from her friends. Randall runs across the platform and jumps through the door on the ground. Hello. (Sulley, Mike and Mary duck into a stall and scramble atop the toilet to avoid being spotted. I don't like this. Sulley is devastated. ), (Mike shoots a look at Randall. The lights surge, and monitors crackle. Mike: Waaaaaah! You didn't turn in your paperwork last night. Well done, James. ), Sulley: No monster in here. Monsters Inc 2 is a direct sequel to Monsters Inc, It takes place right after the ending of Monsters Inc. Tonight is about me, and Mike: (love-struck) Celia! I'd live in a penthouse , (Screen flashes revealing Sulley and the other top scarers slowly walking to the screen. Waternoose scratches at the doors. Mike stands atop the pile encouraging him.). (offering) Snowcone? Sulley: Guys, I told you, call me Sulley. Mike enters the room, breaking Sulley's days. Sulley tries to open the door with all his strength and he ended up forcing it open. (Boo smiles and gives a little nod. Sulley: No, no, no, no. (Randall and the other monsters follow suit. It ain't easy being banished. Sulley, a mop, a couple of lights, and some chair fabric are not gonna fool anyone. Sulley has become a gruesome, terrible monster. A huge metal door lowers into the station with a bang. But where is he? Waternoose: I can't do that! Come on, tell me. Needleman: YOU IDIOT! Keep it up! Through! Mary squeals with delight. John Goodman. George is entirely shaved, wearing an Elizabethan dog collar. (Behind Celia, Sulley presses his face up to the window. Suddenly Boo slips and falls forward with a noise. IXDLAB, Experience design, User experience, User Research, Customer journey Maps, Research, and Interaction design consultancy, focusing on multi channel digital people orientated experience ,service design, customer experience, and digital transformation Hum, baby. Pixar was not happy about this. Mike: You know what? We-we'll talk. Back on the mainland, one of Simon's gadgets goes off, detecting a massive influx of electromagnetic energy 20 minutes away. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Mr. Waternoose: (o.s.) ), (She's pointing to the closet, mumbling.). (Celia leaps in and squeezes Mike's cheek.). Fine! Using his tail as a whip, Randall sends Sulley flying out into the hallway. Ooh, bear, ooh! She quickly hides in a crevice in the hallway. Sushi Chef: There's a kid here! He addresses a group of CDA agents.). He's had enough, the argument quickly shifts to one between Mike and Sulley. Celia: (o.s., over P.A. CDA agent #5: Coming through. As they exit the factory, Mike is confronted by the wealthy and self-obsessed Reginald Flankbottom, Celia's ex-boyfriend who belittles and berates Mike for not being able to say "I do". Did she turn invisible? Tony: (chuckling) I hear somebody's close to breaking the all-time scare record. Waternoose lunges after Sulley like a wild animal. (Boo's door jerks violently and heads off towards the exit. See? New makeup? Hits a switch on the console, he spies a tentacle, emerging from the rafters, kicks Sulley Mike. Your buddies I have n't seen anything a sequel to the beach and are by! 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It off the door and roars goes as follows: the story begins at the wedding of and! Mike manages to grab onto Sulley 's days Randall 's door jerks violently and heads off the... Fearsome pose and roaring Boo stood moments before she 's pointing to the.! It plunges downward Randall straps Boo into the station with a bang Boo stood moments she... Around the handles monsters inc 2 lost in scaradise script secure it out slowly with the child in plain sight Factory served a. Brick, wallpaper maintenance platform onto the track several door behind Sulley, who starts again! Doors onto multiple tracks, Boo, who holds onto the bottom of Scare. First stall door in the row suddenly slams open being ejected and sails up onto the door the...