The perfect wife was supposed to stay home and have dinner ready and on the table for when her husband arrives home from work. This idea of outer beauty often results in women trying to warp their body image to please the people around them ("Prevalence vs. Funding" 4). Beauty standards in the media are one of many reasons feeding and eating disorders are a rising problem. (1) Young girls that are exposed to appearance focused television programs, and magazine shows feel that they need to look like the models that they see. One example is the cover of the magazine Vanity Fair; In the original photo of Madonna, she appears to be muscular in her thigh and her arms. Beauty standards have been a major issue for many years now and women have been willing to change their bodies over and over to please themselves and others. Choose your side. This causes many girls feeling that they arent good enough in society, society wont accept them because they arent perfect and they start to not like their body. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Jon Bent's mother was a beauty queen herself, and seemed to relive her dreams through her daughter. Body Image and Self-Esteem 2. Bordo focuses on body image and our perception of beauty and how we are supposed to look according to the media. 40-70% of girls that are in grade school either want to lose weight because of magazine pictures or think that the perfect body is depicted by magazines. Activists helping to combat the beauty mold, society's You have many more beneficial things in life that you can focus on. Money can't buy love or happiness. I will use the sociological imagination to analyze a situation which had a huge impact on me, which will be body image and how media and family affect it. According to article Teens and Celebrities When a teen girl flips through her favorite fashion magazine, inundated with pictures and articles revolving around the erroneous belief that celebrities are perfect (Teens and Celebrities). 11/7/17 Public Speaking-TR-C Persuasive Speech Outline. 1644 Words7 Pages. Perfect writing solutions to all your enigmas. Nature is able to show us true beauty, without modifications, exaggerations and falseness. Speech on "How and why it is wrong for the media to promote a certain beauty standard"BIOLA STUDENT COMM 100 There are many causes and effects of this problem, but there are also things we can do to fix it. Mark K. Stafford is an American English writer. Our society places too much emphasis on our appearances, forcing many to undergo drastic changes to become beautiful. Many people begin to develop issues concerning their body and image. As guest editor of Star Telegram newspaper, I did what was asked of me and reviewed the article written by Susan Bordo Never Just Pictures. Customer Reviews. User ID: 102530. Perhaps the greatest example of the dangers of child beauty pageants is the story of six year old Jon Bent. By adopting a realistic and positive perception of ourselves, we can live happier, healthier, more rewarding lives. 2 PERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE SPECIFIC PURPOSE This speech aims to assert how society has promoted a specific body image as the beauty standard, negatively affecting women. This feat can be challenging to accomplish, but an engaging, thought-provoking speech topic is an excellent place to start. "Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. Adolescents and women are surrounded with the idea of cultures perfect body type where girls are stick thin and gorgeous. What is known about beauty standards is that they vary a great deal across time and culture. Logos: Logos aims to convince an audience with logic and reason. Girls at that age should not even be concerned with their bodies yet and eating disorders being developed is a harsh wake up call as to how young girls everywhere are being effected by the media each and everyday. 3. If your body image is often a negative one, youre not alone. In a study done by Clay, Vignoles and Dittmar they showed three groups of adolescent girls magazine images. As a person ages body image issues become less significant; they have accepted who they are, and are not bothered by how they look to others. Every day, boys look at themselves and say, "too scrawny", "to fat", "not enough muscles". Changing how the world looks at each other starts with each and every one of us Adolescents idealize celebrities and try to be like them. All of you must have seen how people are portrayed in media and how beauty standards are set for both men and women. They see other women who look different than they do and think to themselves why can 't i look like that. This toll becomes evident from statistics such as, 7 in 10 girls believe that they are not good enough or dont measure up. Researchers have found that the ongoing exposure to the thin ideal can shape and distort adolescent females perceptions of beauty, particularly in television media. We are all about pushing a narrative of melanin beauty while dismantling industry standards. Kids who should be worried more about spelling words and math problems are being wrapped into the Medias image of a perfect body. They advertise products that can help a person achieve what they call perfection. They slap photos all over the place, on billboards, magazines, and ads, showing us what a real person looks like. There has been an increasing number of women that are dissatisfied with themselves due to constant external pressure to look perfect. Figure two indicates that the chances of girls dieting are 2.2 times likely than men. Sample Persuasive Speech Outline. Self-esteem plays a big part of body image. Open Document. Every day, there are girls who look in the mirror and all they see is fat and ugly. Wrap up your persuasive speech with a strong conclusion. Although it is not strictly necessary, your argument may be stronger if one or more of your supporting points addresses the views of the opposing side. Wortham swears by apps and is grateful that she can communicate with her boyfriend who is three thousand miles away. Images of beautiful females are plastered all over the media, commercials, Internet, movies, TV shows, ad campaigns, etc. According to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5), anorexia nervosa is a restriction of energy intake, intense fear of gaining weight, and a disturbance in the perception of ones body size (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The level of skinniness that is shown by models is unachievable and biologically inappropriate, it gives a wrong picture of what an ideal body looks like. 1120 words. This idea that every girl needs to look the same, like a doll, to be beautiful is absurd, and the people who enforce such thoughts are just as damaging. What is more, the song contrasts the lengths women will go to in order to make themselves appear more beautiful, but perhaps the line you should know, youre beautiful the way you are is the most profound statement for this generation. 3. The fact that only people with these features are beautiful and that the rest of them are not eligible to be shown in public is etched in the minds of the people because of media. This has led to an increase in cases of lower self esteem, body dysmorphia issues, and eating disorders. The author states that, magazine images are routinely airbrushed: thighs slimmed, wrinkles smoothed and blemishes removed (29). . Most girls, if not all girls, have gone through one particular phase in life: finding self-confidence. In her eyes, nothing can replace person-to-person communication. Instead of looking at peoples character and personality, society decides to judge people based on the way they look. Open Document. Harriets obsession with her body scares her mother, sadly Harriet is not the only one who faces this problem daily. Persuasive Speech About Beauty Standards: User ID: 231078 / Mar 3, 2021. In an interview with the Daily Mail . Beauty standards are portrayed everywhere: on magazines, social media, ads, commercials, and even flaunted among peers. Which then enforces unhealthy and unrealistic beauty ideals that negatively affect women's self-image and their body image because society has attributed beauty to self worth. Short Speech Examples. Consider these carefully when thinking about your persuasive speech outline. 40% of girls aged between 6 and 12 want to change their appearance. REVIEWS HIRE. Celebrities and the media play a big part on the beauty . Writing a personal statement is a sensitive matter. The harm that comes from perpetuation that these new beauty standards imposed on men and women often cost people their health. Societys emphasis on physical appearance makes many people feel pressured to change their appearance so they can be, Young dancers and their bodies is a topic rarely out of the news right now. Here are some tips to help you finish your persuasive speech in the best quality: 1. She spoke up about it and. When they turn on the TV, read magazines or go on the internet. that striving for what is regarded as the epitome of female physical perfection destroys women. For example, if someone wants to lose weight and they see that Beyonce has done a 30 day lemon detox and it helped her lose weight, they will try to follow suit. In her essay, I Had a Nice Time with you Tonight, on the app, Jenna Wortham believes that social media apps are a helpful way to connect. We can learn to feel comfortable in our own skin. These are also the pictures that are being shown to teenagers at a time of their lives that they are particularly susceptible to peer pressure and looking good(Tabitha Farrar). Take the movie Cinderella for example. Asking a rhetorical question at the beginning of your speech arouses the audience's curiosity. Many women around the world have struggled with their weight and how others see them. Beauty standards are set so only these people benefit, but this world is full of people of all shapes and sizes, no one person is exactly the same, even twins, so why should beauty standards be of the same look, we should embrace our differences and appreciate and promote diversity, instead of models all looking like clones of e3ach other, the catwalk should be full of men and women comfortable in their own skin, wearing fashion pieces modelled around their bodies, not shaping them. OK, thanks for participating, now the people . This paper posits that the has been a correlation between mass media' establishment of standards of beauty and body image and unhealthy effects on young women, such as eating disorders, loss of self-esteem, and sexual objectification. Create an Outline. They are being bullied by their classmates and peers for not having the ideal physique. However, because teens are going through a lot of physical changes they do not usually look like social media 's definition of perfect and they become insecure. In No Model For Girls by Fiona Bawdon, the author explores how models and Photoshop can negatively affect adolescent girls body image. Ask a Rhetorical Question. These ideas thus increases the womens body image anxiety especially around people who are unfamiliar to her or people who are said to be perfect. weight, height, race) 2.) They are viewed based on their outer appearances. YWCAs Beauty at Any Cost discusses this in their article saying that, The pressure to achieve unrealistic physical beauty is an undercurrent in the lives of virtually all women in the United States, and its steady drumbeat is wreaking havoc on women in ways that far exceed the bounds of their physical selves (YWCA). Whenever someone is posed with a question, whether asked for an answer or not, that person intuitively answers. While the ideals are supposed to promote health awareness, fitness motivation, and self love, it unfortunately results in many unfavorable consequences. Women are under constant pressure to measure up to unrealistic social and cultural ideals of beauty. They have decided that these features are the standard features to be labeled as eligible for attention and fame. Studies have shown that women who occupy most of their time worrying about body image tend to have an eating disorder and distress which impairs the quality of life. The media broadcasts the thin ideal in every possible way that we can think of. Another startling statistic that was in the same study conducted by Marium Javaid and Iftikhar Ahmad, was that actresses and models had 10-15% less body fat whereas the average body fat for healthy women is 22-26% (30). How are people of the darker shade any less beautiful than the fair-skinned? If the portrayal could be different such as the man being the cook or the parent who stays home and takes care of the kids things would be very different. Celebrities are role models to various people around the world and they are criticized for their appearance. Millions of pictures are posted of expectations of how women should look. Most of these girls are not even have fully developed bodies yet and are already trying to perfect themselves. 100% Success rate User ID: 109262. Practice gratitude. They are willing to go through cirurgical process in order to fit in. Now he writes full-time books and articles for TheWordyBoy. Women are constantly penalized for not being beautiful and at the same time are stigmatized, even pathologized, for not feeling beautiful, for having low self-esteem, for engaging in behaviors like dieting and excessive exercising, or for having eating disorders (Johnston and Taylor 954). The main cause of poor body image in young dancers is the perceived idea that one must have the perfect ballet body. Analyzes how social media has lambasted celebrities for their unattainable physical standards, including sam smith, d'angelo, chris brown, and justin bieber. Every day people starve themselves just to fit into society's mold of what the perfect person looks like. 1 like. We want to look like them, eat like them, exercise like them, talk like them. The obsession over weight has led to an increasing number of individual's who have developed eating disorders due to low self-esteem or other related issues. Women are placed into a box telling them they have to look a certain way and if they don't they're simply not good enough. Or is it because you feel your beauty is not up to standard or even non-exist ant? Beauty standards are often defined in terms of . The chapter that really stuck out to me was chapter eight, Its all about the cape, was still the issue of girls and their weight. However, as these girls are growing up they don't know that the women in those pictures don't even look like that in reality, they're constantly comparing themselves to images of women that aren't even, Beauty standards evolve as people do and are based on the need to procreate. Advertising is a mind game. Stop and take a closer look! The popular girl who is captain of the cheer squad could also be the girl kneeling over the toilet gagging up the food she eats. "Beauty provokes harassment, the law says, but it looks through men's eyes when deciding what provokes it.". The "perfect" individual is shown as the true form of beauty; however, it does not accurately portray the true citizen of society. It is about being true to oneself, having a kind and compassionate heart, and living a life that is authentic and genuine. Celebrities have influenced girls to look like them.When people see other women or men who they consider perfect they start to idolize them. 78% of the women surveyed felt that the portrayal of women on these platforms is unrealistic. Being bombarded by negative images of tanned, blonde and skinny to the point of sickly all-over the media can really have harmful impacts at this age when teens are already sensitive to what people think about them. Its Time to Wise Up Tips for Preparing Your Persuasive Speech. With mounting evidence of the media having negative effects on body influence, people are becoming concerned (Eating Disorders). Persuasive speech topics are typically thought of . The minimum wage should be increased. Your body or face doesnt define your worth. The body fat for a healthy woman is 22-26%, yet girls still see themselves as fat and continue to try and lose weight. Speaking of abortion persuasive essay writing, here are the steps you need to follow to prepare an exceptional speech: Research the topic. Can cause or be an additive to eating disorders 3.) OK, thanks for participating, now the people who didnt raise their hands, why? As girls begin to hit puberty, their bodies start to change. Beauty Standards of the Modern Age. Why are beauty salons filled with people who pay large sums of money to beautify themselves? The emphasis for a girls ideal body to be perfect, thin, but curvy at the same time affects women emotionally and causes them feelings of, body dissatisfaction, can cause eating disorders, and major psychological issues. Not knowing in the next five minutes theyll be comparing their bodies to the model and feeling bad about themselves wishing that they had her body. The Media often glamorizes a very thin body for women. Discuss how beauty can improve self-esteem and having the feeling that you are beautiful can promote healthy development. Images of models are constantly construed to resemble the form of beauty that society idolizes, which is often white, unreasonably skinny, hyper sexual, and flawless. Prove your worth through those and break the stereotypes. Alyssa does not look like all those girls and this makes her feel gross, insecure and out of place. Women are starving themselves and men are abusing steroids in a never ending quest to achieve what is to be believed is the perfect body. Rather than waiting for your audience to think up objections to the points you make, do it yourself. The best way to make sure that your essays and papers are written perfectly is to work following outlines. The notion of beauty itself is a social construction that becomes normative despite the fact that it is often used a tool for social control. A persuasive speech seeks to Establish a fact o E.g., Coffee drinkers have (do not have) a higher risk of heart . When girls see these depictions in magazines, such as Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition, People Magazine, Vogue, and others are affected by what they see. When people think of the new body image, we automatically think models. Adolescent girls use the media to help figure out how they should look and act, which consequently mirrors how their eating patterns change and evolve. The media influences people all the time to have a negative body image and nobody is doing anything to stop it. The media's use of airbrushing is one of the major causes of these impossible standards of beauty. In other words, the sociological imagination helps people link their own individual biographies to the broader forces of social life: "Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both" (Mills 1959). The establishment of these unrealistic beauty standards have caused campaigns like the Lane Bryant "#This Body" to shine a light upon the women of color and different physiques. But then, every single woman they see on TV, in movies, in magazines, any woman considered hot and beautiful doesnt look like them anymore, which brings on deadly disorders like anorexia and bulumia that wreck the lives of young girls. Open Document. Persuasive Speech (1) - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Studies have suggested that eating disorders among adolescent girls have increased over the past fifty years. Body Neutrality 2. When did being zero-sized decide the worth of a woman and being muscular that of a man? 7 Pages. Always check your products, toothpaste. Yet some may challenge the view that Social Media apps are a reliable and effective method of communicating, Sherry Turkle stresses people are substituting online communication for face-to-face interaction. 5% of women naturally possess the bodies that are regularly displayed in the media. Only 5% of women in the U.S. are said to naturally have the picture-perfect body that is portrayed in media. Who is to decide the beauty standard of men and women? Zendaya Coleman saw a picture of herself on a magazine and became upset about how her picture was edited. As we are each driven by the idea that we are able to achieve some sort of perfection, the average person is faced with dissatisfaction of their bodies, some of which may be caused by the media. Some of these features include fair skin, thin hour-glass body shape for women, muscular body for men, etc. 191 Best Persuasive Speech Topics. Secondly, we can put an end to teasing and bullying. Frequently, the desire to become thin becomes an obsession and girls perceive thinness as being an essential trait. The unrealistic body types of being extremely thin, in pop culture, are influential factors for many teens, especially teen girls. Women have a major difficulty with accepting the, The Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons, unlike the Americans do not gather statistics, but Canadian surgeons say they are seeing the same increase in plastic surgery among the millennial youth (Thomas, 2015). In the article Beside Oneself: On the Limits of Sexual Autonomy by Judith Butler talks about how our society can influence us to make us feel threatened affecting our lives. Media's Effect on Beauty Standards. We can prevent that by stressing that being average isnt what you see on magazines, being average is any way someone can be. Since 90% of people with eating disorders are women between the ages of 12 and 25, we should be asking ourselves what is causing my child to develop destructive habits at such a young age? The answer is that theyve been told that the type of body, The author argues that the number of plastic surgeries has been increasing among teens due to the huge impact that the surgery has on increasing self-confidence and body-image satisfaction. Also, the article includes the reasons teenage girls choose to have cosmetic surgery and the types of procedures they perform. They photoshopped her to look thinner, have more appealing features, and even changed the shape and color of her hands. Body image issues have recently started to become a problem in todays society because of social media, magazines, and television. In today's world, it feels almost impossible to be happy, this generation is all about the media which makes having self-esteem 10x harder. They seek to replicate these celebrities. 1430 words 5 page (s) Abstract. Dear adolescents, never go astray by seeing what the media portrays. 1832 Words | 8 Pages. As a wise man once said, To love yourself is to understand you don't need to be perfect to be good. However young girls have so much pressure put on them to look in a way that is not only unrealistic but also unhealthy. Body image is a major issue for young ballet dancers with potentially life-damaging consequences because of the distorted idea of body image instilled in them at such a young age. It isn't about it being realistic or not of one person, it is about . Many celebrities such as Zendaya Coleman, Lady Gaga and others have refused to use photo shop. Be proud of yourself. YWCAs Beauty at Any Cost discusses this in their article saying that, The pressure to achieve unrealistic physical beauty is an undercurrent in the lives of virtually all women in the United States, and its steady drumbeat is wreaking havoc on women in ways that far exceed the bounds of their physical selves (YWCA). Young girls are vulnerable and will not take criticism lightly, so it is best for them to be themselves. It is your time to do what you like the most, it is your morning routine and you can accommodate it as you prefer. Eating disorders are mostly developed by women. . 112 Engaging Persuasive Speech Topics. One is that it can take over brain cells and effect mental and physical health. Around 69% of girls say that models influence their idea of the perfect body. In this assignment. However, modern requirements do not prohibit using jok While there are many possible causes and triggers for these disorders, the medias influence on body image cannot be overlooked. You do not feel the need to change any part of yourself as you believe you are perfect as you are. It includes 45 different graphic organizers for teaching narrative, summary, argumentative, and expository writing at a 25% discount pric. For example, Kylie Jenner, if you grew up watching Keeping up with the Kardashians you know how she looked before all the plastic surgery she got done, she now looks completely different. Celebrities and the media play a big part on the beauty standards placed on people.The unrealistic standard placed on people make them feel like they need to change themselves. However, by promoting a positive body campaign, stopping the portrayal of fake and photoshopped models in the media, and expanding the diversity of models, we could lift unrealistic body standards and start accepting everybody as beautiful. Your body doesnt deserve to be tortured through harsh diets and intense workouts. In today's society, teenagers desire the stereotypical perfect body. Most girls want to be tiny and twig like, just like the models portrayed in the media. INTRODUCTION Society has set unrealistic beauty standards that women are bombarded with every day, compelling them to set beauty goals that are impossible to reach, and the effects of this are devastating. Topic is an excellent place to start it because you feel your is. To convince an audience with logic and reason imposed on men and women are surrounded with the idea the. Kind and compassionate heart, and even flaunted among peers finding self-confidence concerning their body and image way to sure! To an increase in cases of lower self esteem, body dysmorphia issues and. Of abortion persuasive essay writing, here are the standard features to be to. Teasing and bullying do n't need to follow to prepare an exceptional speech: Research the topic your doesnt. Beauty pageants is the story of six year old jon Bent exceptional speech: Research topic... 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