There is a Class Action against these fools- regarding the mishandling of Loan Modifications filed by Tycko & Zavareei LLP in October, 2016; I believe another lawsuit is in order given the vast mishandling's of this so-called company. Hello, how do I become part of this class action lawsuit? So I called them and was told the letter containing the amount to bring the mortgage current is usually good for 30 days and I would get a new one. I have always paid my mortgage on time for the past 5 years. Original review: Dec. 30, 2022. Today they specialize in mortgage servicing in the US. I'm with everyone else add me to the list. I have all factual supporting documents to support all details in this letter. account was moved to a new servicer SLS without notice They have had my loan for a year and NOTHING has gone right. Loan servicing is an activity that is undertaken to help the borrowers make the necessary payments on their loans. Class action lawsuits may or may not be allowed depending on the terms of your contract with SLS. They would not use the $58.00 in suspense as I had calculated. have to do with late payment fees, false advertising, and, ., I too have had issues with this loan company. Then charging me the fee of those appraisals that I had no knowledge or authorized them to do. Kept requesting more documents. 52. So it appears he sends team of persons to stalk, harass, and harm victims in every city and state. File a complaint to Specialized Loan Servicing [SLS]. 04/26/21 1250.00, I have received a statement with the balance being over 10,000 and a letter to foreclose. Within a year or so it turned my loan over to SLS also just as a "collector". They misfiled it my appeal stating there is nothing more I can do and foreclosure will proceed because I did not file by the due date. Box 636005 Littleton, CO 80163-6005 Attention: Customer Care Support. Class Period: January 1, 2011 to October 31, 2018 We told them that we had already paid it to US Mortgage and they said well you were suppose to pay SLS. This company is truly frightening to deal with. Regarding: SLS. If there is anyone out there that can tell me where to start let me know. September 20, 2021. Creditors like Specialized Loan Servicing LLC cannot harass you over a debt. I actually had to call them in October this year just to get my 1098 for 2020 to file taxes. No verbal or written request was made for a forbearance on an SLS loan. You can also contact the customer care center at 1 803-4757. I called them multiple times to request escrow analysis. to the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, the Federal Reserve, or a regulatory agency for SLS. 04/12/21 538.38 Also had 1076.00 in suspense account at this time. Specialized Loan Servicing LLC: NMLS ID 2168 Affiliated Entities: CMC Funding, Inc: NMLS ID 41998 Class Action Database. Rep provided verbal response to 175.00 fee- it was for escrow shortage. Thank you, My email address is, This is a living night mare with SLS. I am interested in joining all class action suits in process. They tried to foreclose on me 4 times . This is been extremely stressful it's the reason I was asked to resign from the salon at work that because I was getting no rest I was freaking out all the time because of the stress of this. It's pure corruption. Is this legal? We have had our loan passed around like garbage and treated no better. Sept 27th 2020 I seen they reversed the payment back into checking account. This company has illegally and fraud gently mishandled this account and reported inaccurate information to the credit agencies, while being denied another loan from another company to refinance due to this. In June I called made payment in July called made payment and at that time they stated the full forbearance is due. my heart condition caused by them, and my psych. For more than 15 years we have helped nearly 50000 customers resolve their issues and will never stop striving to ensure further improvements on our platform for a better communication between companies and customers. Additionally, these mortgage payment fees are not disclosed or included in Baracks mortgage agreement. Be careful coming to Los Angeles and near the small cities between Monterey through San Francisco,. What is Specialized Loan Servicing? In the case of the Litton loan servicing class action lawsuit, if you sign and agree to the terms of a deferred principal re-amortization plan, then the late fees and accrued interest will be rolled into the loan balance at the end of the deferred period. The reps who have answered the phone have been Rude,unhelpful and a huge lack in knowledge when it comes to answering questions to an account holder. Presently they're threatening foreclosure--they hold me to the loan conditions and they meet none of the loan conditions--typical mobster mentality. They attempt to hold me to an illegal interest rate while they do nothing, support nothing valid regarding my loan. I would love for someone to look into my situation with SLS. I contacted SLS again on Oct.23rd and spoke to a woman who told me she sees exactly whats wrong with my accountShe said they have been adding ALL my payments to my escrow account, and no matter how much extra I pay, it will NEVER show that were not in arears! There may not be public information out there about all current legal proceedings. Was told they could not due that. I stopped making payments for awhile when we had a bankruptcy and they said we didn't have to make payments, but they just kept adding more on to the loan it never seems to be getting smaller no matter what I pay. Victims who pursue litigation may be able to recover reimbursement for these fees, as well as additional compensation. 800-459-1215 . I tried to call the so-called "Customer Service " number which is not being answered at all notvoice mail says the system is down. I did they failed to provide and disclose all facts that pertaining to this modification. WF Sold my loan during a refi after telling me the loan would not be sold. Judges/courts were not allowing discovery or making banks prove who owned the Note, loans not placed into actual trust after closing date of trust (which stated by law loan must be in trust within 90 days of closing date). which I was not notified, nor did I authorize this. . According to Citibank customers, the bank may be calling these charges processing charges, and assessing them for payments that are posted the same day. He came into my life via so-called friends and they are his partners in locating people vulnerable to loosing their homes or investment property. I have not received the loan payoff information or how much it sold for. I declined and sent a letter of appeal a week prior to their due date. This company is a disgrace; holding my tax money for over 5 months and I'm in need of my moneygoing through a lawyer is costly. According to Barack's lawsuit, by industry standards it costs SLS approximately $0.50 to process a mortgage payment made over the phone. You can also send customer service questions via email by logging in to your account, selecting contact us and following the prompts. (Violation of my privacy). your claim status, claim form or questions about when payments are Class Members who want to be excluded from the terms of this settlement or object to it have until March 2, 2019 to do so. None of these banks have honored my Countrywide agreement but the Feds couldn't have left the homeowners in a more difficult situation by settling with Countrywide and leaving those of us in these loans to fend for ourselves. they are insulting my intelligence. They extended my mortgage by 10 years you have with a mortgage lender. You can also set up a one-time payment through your online portal or pay over the phone. This is a question for a lawyer. Keep in mind this co has A LOT of connections and you might not suceed in court. Reporting delinquent-late balance of over $5,000 My email:, Please send me the information for a class action suit since this company made our payment higher than before. He is also in social services and may have adopted out our daughter cause he is too busy making money and or taking money. Ca., to file a lawsuit to finally get SLS to . . Every once in a while some one like me comes along with the foresight to keep all communications with said company, when they realize they are dealing with substandard business practices. You can submit a complaint about bad customer service too. New payment shouldve been 628.00 and I told him he must be mistaken cause I had the modification and he tells me there is no record of itand do I have the "congratulations letter " I told him I wasn't sure and he said, no worries. if you need something specific. Account was not serviced correctly 3:15-cv-01208-MPS. I believe they are actually a foreclosue specialist They are trying to piggyback off of the debt accrued by another crook, Nationstar, same type of company . 04/19/21 1617.22 Additionally, consumers who have been charged excessive pay-to-pay fees for paying their mortgage over the phone or online may be eligible to hire an attorney if these fees were hidden fees and not disclosed in their mortgage agreement. If a lawyer decides that you have legal grounds for a lawsuit or case, they might be willing to represent you. I would like to be a part of a class action suit against SLS Attorneys spooked or practice threatenedall ignoring until us people come together to fight the organized Crime where there is proof in some state and federal courts that banks and servicers plus attorneys are filing false documents and untrue title. Go to your legislative to help pass law to make banks record every transfer for true title and assignment so you know who really owned propert just as car title is recorded and have to prove to show you legally own. How you can sue SLS is based on your contract terms and the size of your complaint. You can also make a, If you think you have been harmed by SLS you can make a compensation claim. Take your complaint beyond customer service and get a real resolution. Please email me also about this class action lawsuit. We want to hear it. . Which is ridiculous because we paid by our banks to send out the payments. If you are a victim of fraud immediately contact authorities and file a complaint. I am fed up with this company and its unfair practices for sure, I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE I FEEL THAT DITECH AND GREEN TREE FINANCIAL HAVE BEEN CHARGING ME FEES TO PAY THEM ALL OF MY MONEY THAT REALLY TRULY LEFT ME WITH NO MONEY FOR ANYTHING AT ALL PERIOD PLUS THEY DENIED ME THE HARP LOAN BECAUSE THEY TOLD ME BE CAUSE I LIVE IN THE STATE OF INDIANA AND I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE HELP ME WITH THESE PEOPLE I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO TO GET THE HELP THAT I NEED SINCE I HAVE NO MONEY OF MY OWN TO EVEN GET A LAWYER TO HELP ME PERIOD THANK YOU KINDLY FOR YOUR TIME ! The suit alleges that SLS . However, SLS is a loan servicer, which means they will still follow up with you and communicate with you about payments and how much money you owe on your mortgage. Specialized Loan Servicing Facing Class Action Lawsuit I dont want to be silenced in the background, I want my voice to be heard and for this company not to put anyone through this amount of stress due to their negligence. she said she was opening a ticket on my account, and that she would work on the account, and bring it all to where were paid up, and theres no sale date for my home, and please call back Monday (26th) and itll all be corrected., How can I be part of the Class action lawsuit against SLS . I'm seeing a trend with SLS and veterans. According to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, some companies may be misleading consumers about pay-to-pay fees, either by misrepresenting the purpose of the fee, or by pressuring consumers to pay additional fees to post their payments the same day, even when that is not necessary. Thank's for your post. They just sent it to me today and now I have to amend my taxes because they do not do their jobs and wanted to tell me that I didnt pay anything in 2020. None of these companies operate legally. This is the 3rd time I'm writing the same thing so something isn't working with your equipment. According to Barack, he purchased a home and secured a mortgage in September 2001. Can someone please help me to save my house! Although its very beautiful, I was trapped in several communities like camp grounds where sex trafficking occurred. Try to talk to anyone at your lender, impossible, or SLS Is Specialized Loan Servicing the same as SLS? I live in NY and asked forbearance amount to be Deferred to the end of the loan. I had a loan through countrywide, that went to Boy A and in October and November of 2016 I submitted all paperwork and was granted a loan modification through BoA. Make sure a tila audit is conducted on your loan. I would love to know how to begin or become part of a class action suit against this company. You can also contact the customer care center at 1 803-4757. This comment was posted by a verified customer. They need to be stopped. Their general fax number is: 1-720-241-7218. This comment was posted by a verified customer. Some of our payments were returned it yet they said we were late. My credit score that used to be in the low 800s and high 700s is now in the low 400s so it screws me out of getting a VA loan suchBS! I also believe any mortgage company that sended your mortgage to SLS should be sued. We too received payment notices that were not correct and then due to several tragic events in our family got a couple months behind. Literally make things up. This is a rental property I hate to let it go but under these terms I have no options. Bank of America has been practicing unlawful and illegal practices for years, according to a recent class action lawsuit filed by thousands of borrowers. The article on them appeared in the Htfd Courant in 2018 perhaps no later than May 2018. They mis applied paymentsbut it in a "holding pattern"-didn't apply against mortgage, alter interest rates, accounting lied and says its taken care of, but interest never credited back appropriately, charges wrong interest, charged late fees even though paid due to "holding patterns" they generated! She tells me I need to apply for a review for extension and it will take 48 hours to hear something back. There's got to be a way to stop them from getting away with such actions. Class actions in U.S. district courts are regulated by federal laws like the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 (CAFA), which allows any class action with . Plaintiffs Thomas and Theresa Quinn ("the Quinns") have brought this suit, individually and on behalf of a purported class, against Specialized Loan Servicing, LLC ("SLS") for violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ("FDCPA"), 15 U.S.C. They are almost exclusively foreign callers in a foreign call center reading from a script. During 04/20-4/21 period of time. A direct lender is the financial institution which gives money for a loan. Privacy Policy | listing at $319,000 as is sale. I about lost it Michael and explain to her no that can't be right because I tried to pay it on the 30th and Billy's told me not to worry. The document states that I should not ignore any foreclosure notices, that I needed to contact them immediately and be prepared to take steps to respond to any and such notices and protect my interests. We should all stand together and file a lawsuit not only against SLS but also the banks that sent us there. We do know that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau settled with SLS in. 11/25/20 100.00 Please help. As I am opening the letter the gentleman proceeded to take pictures of my home ect. So again we went back to SLS asking for the amount we owed and they could never get the numbers right. It is December 3, 2018 & I have tried to make my mortgage payment online for 3 days. Yes, Specialized Loan Servicing is another name for the mortgage company SPS. Please include your name and loan number on all requests. Strauss & Troy and Statman Harris & Eyrich File Class Action Lawsuit Against DJSP Enterprises, Inc. DJSP. He also replaced my daughters principal, qdmin, and school teachers to falsify documents and owned or operated the medical group at axminster medical group, also works with harbor ucla , and Providence in Torrance. I have had no success to reach any of them. How do i get in on this lawsuit, SLS has been harrasing me and coming after me for 11 yrs.for a 2nd loan that was payed off in 2006, I gave the proof of payoff through the CFPB TWICE AS WELL MYSELF LETTING THEM KNOW THIS ! Known as Computershare Holdings, Inc d/b/a Specialized Loan Servicing, they are supposed to be a center for loan and mortgage servicing for mortgage lenders. This has resulted in a situation where many . T from MN. Not applying mortgage payment / my money disappears. Baracks SLS Pay-to-Pay Mortgage Lawsuit is Case No: 1:20-cv-00701, filed in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado. and They have also denied me the conditions of my loan for my interest rate was to be decreased if it became illegal--which it did to force Countrywide into bankruptcy. They join together under one large lawsuit rather than file individually. Some companies provide money for a loan and manage that loan while others simply provide money for a loan and then allow companies like SLS to manage it. Have a complaint against SLS? I made 2 payments during forbearance that were returned. You can reach us at 1-888-FIGHT-13 for your free consultation, you will be glad you did. My email is, If there is a class action lawsuit against SLS please let me know how I can get on board. They have had the worst customer service I have ever dealt with and I call and leave messages and no one ever calls me back. SLS has stated 4/8/2021 that the foreclosure process will begin 4/8/2021 Tom Millon was the CEO of Computershare and SLS. This did not happen to thousands of loans violating the so called trust that some of the biggest banks are forcing innocent victims into foreclosure to claim title again and produce fake documentsI contacted over 10 attorney and firms, some took retainer fees then changed their tone didnt want to add name to case, paralegals stopped preparing docs, but I still took on. We do know that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau settled with SLS in 2022 to repay consumers for violations of RESPA and Regulation X as well as corresponding penalties. Wells Fargo Home Loan Class Action Lawsuit. It is causing harm to my health, quality of life, relationship with spouse and a family separation, anxiety, depression, missed work and many hours days months wasted that could be spent with my family. making us file chapter 13 because they said they were forclosing on our home of 32 plus years do to non paymenteven though we have proof of every payment from our bank. SLS added fees to my account, with no documentation to show any information for the fee, I was given 2 different reasons, 2 different documents,same fee . 12 months at 1617.22=19,406.64 with taxes, insurances everything included in payment. The office's phone number is 1- 800-315-4757. I cannot afford to pay an additional $700.00 each month! This I don't mind so I don't even have to worry about paying property taxes when it's due however, they increased the mortgage payments to three times that amount! The year is 2022 and SLS is still in business and still trying to foreclose on properties n make life miserable for all. From Oct-2-2020 these are the payments made that no one could verify for me. You might be able to get a lawyer against SLS based on the situation. After reading all of these complaints, I have a huge issue myself! Wells Fargo says the "error" affected 625 homes that were "in the foreclosure process between April 13, 2010, and October 20, 2015 SLS is primarily a mortgage loan servicer. Claim Form Deadline: July 2, 2020 Who's Eligible: Those with a Wells Fargo loan may be able to benefit from the settlement if, between 2010 and 2018 they met the following criteria: Qualified for a government-sponsored loan modification or repayment plan through Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, the Federal Housing Administration, or the Home Affordable . The company is a publicly traded company and invests / or operates a variety of financial companies. Taking money asking for the District of Colorado $ 700.00 each month letter of appeal a week prior their. Ridiculous because we paid by our banks to send out the payments out there that can tell me where start! They extended my mortgage payment online for 3 days they failed to and. 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