He has supported operations against Trump, including impeachment. Revolver News has also reported that Nimmo once beclowned himself by accusing a particular internet user of being a Russian troll, when the bot in question turned out to be an elderly British gentleman. Learn more about what an AllSides Media Bias Rating of Center rating means here. In her capacity as Research Director for New Knowledge, DiResta submitted written testimony to the US Senate drawing attention to the danger of such Russian disinformation and influence operations, including the alleged Russian troll farm Internet Research Agency which every self-respecting disinformation operative knows to puff up as the most malign and consequential political influence operation in modern history. The time is ripe for NPR to have some competition; a station/stream featuring human interest stories that *dont* fixate on racial/sexual identity. Revolver's latest investigation breaks down the timeline of events on 1/6 and highlights the network of still-unindicted operators who appear to have been at work either with or in response to Ray Epps during the initial breach into Capitol grounds. A questionable source exhibitsone or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. The Revolver News claim that the FBI might have orchestrated January 6 is indeed a conspiracy theory thatif provenwill turn out to have uncovered a massive. It was absolutely chatter going around the party.. And, like Norm Eisen, he has actually written a book on Color Revolutions (more on that later). It feels good to hear from people who think just like us, and media outlets have an incentive to be partisan it helps them to earn ad revenue, especially if they use sensationalism and clickbait. Read the whole thing. We don't rate accuracy because we don't assume we know the truth on all things. Read about whether conservative or liberal media outlets are more widely read. Revolver News' Darren Beattie chats with President Trump about Ray Epps, Elon, Twitter, Michael Jackson, and more Barry Merritt (@barryamerritt) July 20, 2021. Authenticity and trust are the building blocks of a terrific customer service experience. The source displays media bias in ways that strongly align with conservative, traditional, or right-wing thought and/or policy agendas. News from Revolver See all of Revolver news coverage in one place. Suffice it to say that in addition to NGOs such as CEPA and Atlantic Councils DFR Lab, many major universities now host similar think tanks to engage in Disinformation research and of course its all the same scam of using disinformation as a pretext to censor and control perfectly legitimate First Amendment-protected speech online. Eric Swalwell sounds most nervous of ALL about Tucker Carlson having J6 footage (watch), AV Club ftes 'good news' about canceled ex-Mandalorian star Gina Carano and gets justly throttled, Judd Legum upset that he and David Hogg have been tagged with 'Community Notes', 'You BEST bring receipts': Dana Loesch WHOOPS Laura Loomer in HEATED back-and-forth about DeSantis, California Do Not Sell My Personal Information, NPR sucks and is unlistenable: Matt Taibbi calls NPRs hit piece on Ben Shapiro a brilliant self-own. We have far from exhausted the mendacity of Rene DiResta and her fraudulent career, let alone the scandals, lies, crimes, and hypocrisies of the Disinformation Industry generally. Legacy media is dying, NPR lashing out at competing media outlets doing better is another confirmation of that fact. The "safest" of the sites also fits the same description. Interesting argument. The article did not provide evidence for the claim that the U.S. government orchestrated the Orange Revolution, and NewsGuard could find no such evidence. https://t.co/W5RDCFTTMt pic.twitter.com/OoNcxmYSDB EpochTV (@EpochTVus) August 13, 2021 Evidently, the Narrative guardians at Newsguard took issue with the fact that Revolver dared to publish a guest piece by a Naval Commander that asked some inconvenient questions about the Pfizer jab. A questionable source exhibitsone or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. What we found is that domain names of top news outlets have indeed been spoofed, and subject to typosquatting techniques.". (D. Van Zandt 4/13/2020) Updated (08/18/2022), Last Updated on August 18, 2022 by Media Bias Fact Check, Left vs. Making media bias transparent helps us to easily identify different perspectives and expose ourselves to a variety of information so we can avoid being manipulated by partisan bias and fake news. He likened it to something from ancient Athens: Thousands of years ago in the Greek Agora, thats where you went to find out what was going on and talk about it, right? Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic The unintended consequences of the platform that Jack Dorsey and his co-founders built, however, came into rather stark relief as it grew; a variety of unfortunate things that happen when humans engage with humans happened. What they did is they set up fake Russian accounts, fake Russian trolls, fake Russian bots, to make it seem like the Russians were supporting the Republican candidate (Roy Moore). Being a rather simple man from a simple background, McFaul perhaps gave too much of this answer away in the following explanation (now deleted). She goes on to attack Musk and his free speech absolutists and to reject the notion of a digital public square in its entirety (emphasis ours): Since the advent of more active content moderation on Twitter and other online platforms, the prototypical public square has beenretconnedparticularly by Musks supporters in the United Statesinto a haven for absolute free speech. Ron DeSantis, Loser Nikki Fried suggests that you hint, hint review-bomb Ron DeSantis book, President Joe Biden again tells of the nurse who used to breathe on him, Get this broad ALL the Snickers bars! On his TV show Wednesday night, Fox News' Tucker Carlson went after an NBC News reporter for doing her job. They have published misinformation during the CoronaVirus outbreak of 2020, as seen below in our failed fact checks section. This is a BETA experience. The bad guys also re-purpose once valid Internet real-estate, squatting on old, once-legitimate domains. includes a handheld ejection rod with . TRUMP SUPPORTER COMMITS SUICIDE AFTER GETTING CAUGHT IN LEFTS INJUSTICE SYSTEM, While A Terrific Judge, Amy Coney Barrett May Create Electoral Pitfalls For Trump 2020, The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP). That buys them time to iron out any inconsistencies with their attack infrastructure, allowing them to escape detection, according to DomainTools. ", Michael McFaul (@McFaul) August 23, 2020, What on earth then might Color Revolution expert and Obamas former ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, who has been a key player agitating for President Trumps impeachment, mean by democratic breakthrough?. It always had a left lean but at least tried to present both sides. When it comes to Stengel, the above clip is only the tip of the iceberg. Trump's coverage during these same weeks in 2016 was 91% negative, compared to 92% this year, while Biden's overall press score was substantially more positive than Clinton's (79% negative for Clinton, vs. 66% positive for Biden). Advertising, donations, and a shop that sells branded merchandise generate revenue. Government regulators began to pay attention. Reduce Population to Save the Planet, Says Former UK Finance Chief. It really is a colossal blunder. Bias is natural, but hidden bias and fake news misleads and divides us. Weve only just begun to bring this explosive information to the public. Two days later, Trump tweeted that the Nov 3rd Election result may NEVER BE ACCURATELY DETERMINED, which is what some want, generating tens of thousands of interactions on Twitter and a round of news coverage about one of the fears that the Transition Integrity Project sought to address that Trump could refuse to accept the results of the election. It is not yet clear whether Elon Musks increasingly precarious play for Twitter will result in the restoration of free speech in the global public square. Successful or not, Elons brave move has clarified beyond any doubt the Regimes fundamental hostility to free speech and dissent. "I dont trust any of the news outlets," she says. Impressive! This improves our country long-term, helping us to understand one another, solve problems, know the truth, and make better decisions. It claimed without evidence that one participant in the Transition Integrity Project, Norm Eisen, who served as a counsel for the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee during the impeachment proceedings, was a central operative in a color revolution against Trump, a term for uprisings that have toppled governments in countries like Georgia and Ukraine. Inconveniently for them, our research found that although some election-related misinformation circulated on the left, the pattern of the same accounts repeatedly spreading false or misleading claims about voting, or about the legitimacy of the election itself, occurred almost exclusively among pro-Trump influencers, QAnon boosters, and other outlets on the right. Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE Revolvers Color Revolution series generated tremendous backlash from the Regime and its various apparatchiks, but disinformation operatives were especially aggrieved. 4. The research project was intended to help us understand how these kind of campaigns operated, said Mr. Morgan. Detailed Report The AllSides Media Bias Chart helps you to easily identify different perspectives and political leanings in the news so you can get the full picture and think for yourself. They like REVOLVER and others!, many of Drudge's long-time readers have fled to Revolver News. Ad-Free Sign up As part of my research, I asked regular news consumers if the presence of fake news sites would affect their trust in the news media. WASHINGTON (AP) As the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks approaches, Americans increasingly balk at intrusive government surveillance in the name of national security, and only about a third believe that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were worth fighting, according to a new poll. 5. On average, those who disagree with our rating think this source has a Lean Right bias. So lets get this straight: Rene DiResta, who makes a living researching so-called Russian disinformation and influence operations, and who testified before the Senate regarding such, was caught red-handed acting as an advisor, if not participant, to an influence operation designed to discredit an American politician by planting false stories that hes a beneficiary of a Russian influence operation! A content-moderation regime emerged. Although I probably shouldnt say precipitous decline because hiking is white supremacy. Newguards special concern for policing Covid information might have something to do with the fact that its third largest investor is a multi-billion dollar global communications company called Publicis Group. One of the organizations deemed to be friendly to and in close collaboration with the Integrity Initiative is a group called the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). [They do have some competition from WhatfingerNews which was also created to replace Drudge !] Students at Harvard now struggle to read The Scarlet Letter, a novel that was once one of those most commonly taught in high schools. [Stanford Internet Observatory Cyber Policy Center]. According to their about page, JusttheNews.com is committed to just reporting facts from journalists with a long record of public trust and excellence.. Is Wikipedia a reliable source, or is it as prone to bias and false information as any other media outlet? We look forward to your answers to these questions. The top news site, for example, is not a national newspaper or a computer-security site but has still managed to draw a record 52 "high risk" domains, according to DomainTools. Revolver's media bias is right. In an all-too typical example of failing up, Rene DiResta goes from being caught red-handed as involved in a disinformation operation that meddled in a United States Senate election by falsely framing the candidate as a favorite of Russian bots, to overseeing an Election Integrity Partnership under the auspices of Stanford University. Our media bias ratings are based on multi-partisan, scientific analysis. How Did AllSides Decide Which Media Outlets to Include on the Chart? In the following clip, Stengel argues for curtailing the free-flow of information on the internet, and even proclaims that the First Amendment ought to be modified in the digital age to allow for the censorship of so-called hate speechthat is, presumably, speech that Rick Stengels former boss Obama and current boss Joe Biden hate. If any news org should be centric its them, but in my opinion they are not at all. Questionable Reasoning: Poor Sourcing, Lack of Transparency, Conspiracy Theories The "safest" of the sites also fits the same description. Noise ordinances and public nuisance laws simply do not analogize to narrative-level censorship on Covid, election results, and other such issues on social media. Center doesn't mean better! Same here NPR is just worthless now. Is Comirnaty currently available to the US public? They cant even see they are responsible for their own decline. NPR comes for Ben Shapiros Daily Wire in the name of combating misinformation (and Shapiro has thoughts) https://t.co/jetVOxayj6, Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) July 19, 2021. NPR has gone beyond just "the news with a soft spoken liberal bias" (which is completely fine to most listeners) to a household laughing stock. Could you give me some information about who is behind the site? Rather than cover the report in its entirety, we will conclude by drawing attention to one particular part of the report that just so happens to deal with Revolver News. The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP). Newsguard was rather scandalized by Revolver News reporting in 2020 that many of the same people who run so-called Color Revolution regime change operations overseas were using the very same tactics to thwart Trump during the 2020 election. Even the minimal concessions they make to bipartisanship are exclusively Never Trump. Where Rick Stengel and Newsguard deign to make a concession to bipartisanship, it simply means Never Trump Republicans and Resistance Democrats joining arms to silence and suppress Trump and his supporters. Platforms that place warning labels on false or misleading content could penalize accounts that repeatedly create it; after an account earned a certain number of strikes, the platforms algorithms could suspend it or limit users ability to share its posts. We conduct regular media bias research to help people better understand the world. Revolver reported on McFaul in our Color Revolution series as follows: In this vein we ought to note that the term democratic backsliding, as seen in the subtitle of Norm Eisens book, and its opposite democratic breakthrough are also terms of art in the Color Revolution lexicon. The bogus URLs may spread disinformation or malicious code, according to DomainTools. Given that this is the Regimes perspective, it is much easier to understand not only why something like the Disinformation Governance Board would exist in the first place, but why it would be housed within the Department of Homeland Security one of the largest national security bureaucracies set up in the aftermath of 9/11 to protect the nation from terrorism. New York Daily News (10 historical high-risk domains), 7. Rene, in her piece, is desperate to protect the Regime and its disinformation commissars from the supposed ISIS-level threat of free-speech on Twitter. As reported by the New York Post, Stengel wrote a shocking op-ed in the Washington Post advocating for the repeal and replacement of the First Amendment in order to accommodate hate-speech laws. In 2021, the Election Integrity Partnership released its final report on the 2020 election, titled The Long Fuse: Misinformation and the 2020 Election: Among the sponsors of this report we note some of the usual suspects: the Atlantic Councils DFR Lab and Graphika. But anything more than a cursory look at Direstas concerned reaction to Musk and his cadre of free-speech absolutists completely betrays her true agenda. MAGA Cartoonist Ben Garrison Turns on Trump After Pro-Vaccine Comments. Where Can I See Past Versions of the Chart? We invite the impatient reader to scroll down to DiRestas scandal but its worth the wait for those with more patience. The Revolver News Trump Interview. Ron DeSantiss book is already a #1 bestseller on Amazon, See Chicago Mayor General Election results HERE live on Twitchy, #DontSayTHEY: DeSantis Republicans pushing to expand so-called Dont Say Gay law, Judd Legum upset that he and David Hogg have been tagged with Community Notes, Rep. Jamaal Bowman demands that SCOTUS follow the law and cancel student debt, NBC News: Tennessee governor, who wants to restrict the art form of drag, was a drag queen in 1977. Questionable Reasoning: Conspiracy Theories, Propaganda, Numerous Failed Fact Checks only to online news coverage, not TV, print, or radio content. That's not a political statement, but the conclusion of a new study by DomainTools, a security analysts company. The FBI arrested five men in a sting in the fall of 2020, alleging fears grew that the group was close to acquiring explosives to blow up a bridge to slow down cops during the kidnapping. Nowhere is the scam of disinformation journalism more apparent than in the services of a shadowy company called Newsguard. Does a Center Rating Mean Neutral, Unbiased, and Better? Why doesnt the website provide details about its ownership, editors, or authors? These criminal activities can potentially extract personally identifiable information, download malware to a device, or spoof news sites to spread disinformation. We also took into account how often people search for the bias of that outlet on Google and visit AllSides as a result. It's squeaky clean.). Media Bias Fact Check offers a number of sustaining Ad-Free membership plans to fit your budget! Summary by Revolver. As a former lifelong listener it almost comes off as self parody now. When we launched, we knew our work would be important because of the extent to which online activity increasingly shapes public perception of our societys most important issues. Learn more about what an AllSides Media Bias Rating of Center rating means here. But she said Mr. Morgan simply asked her for suggestions of online tactics worth testing. The owner of an Oakland bakery and social justice activist died Thursday from injuries she sustained after being dragged more than 50 feet by a car during a violent robbery. At AllSides, we reduce the one-sided information flow by providing balanced newsfrom both liberal and conservative news sources, and over 1,400 media bias ratings. We are HALF SIBLINGS. These campaigns could potentially steal and harvest personally identifiable information, download malware to a device or spoof news sites to spread disinformation to the public, according to DomainTools. DomainTools chose an initial list of media organizations based on traffic to the legitimate site. The left and right often strongly disagree on what is truth and what is fiction. Support Balanced News and Media Bias Ratings! Each panel of analysts comprises one left-leaning, one right-leaning, and one center-leaning analyst. Your employer Newsguard seems offers a service that essentially decides on the appropriateness, accuracy, and value of political news content on behalf of news consumers. Funding. All. Sites that spread disinformation often take advantage of the pace at which users skim the internet and their preferred news sources for breaking news. Factual Reporting: MIXED Instead, I use the term "democratic breakthroughs. Perhaps this is why Alina Polyakova and her colleague and co-author Ambassador Dan Fried are comfortable citing DiRestas work in their aforementioned Democratic Offense Against Disinformation report. You may have seen the term "color revolution" floating around social media the past few days. AllSides found that The Daily Caller didn't generally display many of the types of bias, meaning it largely appeared to display sound journalistic practices, such as citing of sources, making it a legitimate right-wing news source. If you guessed Alina Polyakova, you would be correct! Revolver News is especially concerned with some of the members of your companys advisory board. We've assigned a media bias rating of unknown to Revolver. Lets put aside DiRestas daft use of the passive voice for a moment and take a second to appreciate how radical this passage is. Revolver.News lacks transparency as they do not disclose ownership. Use a reliable search tool. In fact, Western democracy promoters work in most developing democracies in the world, yet democratic transitions are rare.. Most likely as a response to Revolver News first Color Revolution article on State Department official George Kent, former Ambassador McFaul issued the following tweet as a matter of damage control: Autocrats have demonized the phrase, "color revolutions." Moreover, much like the New York Times editorial page (but somehow worse), the public news leaders monomaniacal focus on race and sexuality issues has become an industry in-joke. Stay security savvy. Despite Ambassador Dan Frieds performative condemnation of DiRestas Alabama operation, he saw fit to approvingly cite her as an authority in his 2020 publication (co-authored with Alina Polakova) Democratic Offense Against Disinformation., Perhaps even more remarkable is the fact that DiRestas work is cited in an official Department of Homeland Security memo on combatting targeted disinformation campaigns.. I remember in the 90s when they started called the West Bank and Gaza occupied territories and thats when I stopped listening. The American Bar Association is poised to mandate diversity training and affirmative action at all of its accredited law schools, a move top legal scholars say could jeopardize academic freedom . In a panel discussion titled Disinformation in Social Media as a Threat to Democratic Institutions, Disinformation Industry operative Alina Polyakova brought attention to the Alabama operation as an example of Russian-style disinformation tactics being used domestically by US operatives and organizations: This firm, which was actually given a contract by Senate Intelligent Committee to write a major report on IRA (the Russian troll farm) actually used the same techniques that the Russians used to try to shift the elections in the special senatorial elections in Alabama last year. DomainTools' research shows how malicious actors use tricks like typosquatting and spoofing on domains as tactics to carry out malicious campaigns. Factual Reporting: MIXED In fact, CEPA co-sponsored that very same report: Notice that CEPA co-sponsored the report with the Atlantic Councils DFR Lab, which is also listed in the leaked Integrity Initiative documents as a friendly organization (see reference to DFR Labs digital sherlocks in the document below). 3. Spot on. The homepage for patriots of all stripes. The results confirmed our Lean Left ratings for ABC and CBC News, as well as our Lean Right rating for Reason magazine. and put it into a media bias chart. Yeah, remember when NPR came right out and said they wouldnt touch the Hunter Biden laptop story? "Remain educated and up-to-date on the latest scams that circulate through the web," says Imai. Oral Health Tips, News & Reviews blog. Typosquatters can look legitimate, with legitimate SSL certificates and professional websites, used to trick Internet users into a false sense of security. Read more about why AllSides doesn't rate accuracy. Her lawyers are focusing on problems with ballot printers at some polling places in Maricopa County. Fox and. I can choose significantly better music or talk off my smart phone in seconds. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks and the promotion of conspiracy theories and right-wing propaganda. The following is from the Stanford Internet Observatorys two year celebration (The Stanford Internet Observatory, remember, conducted the Election Integrity Partnership study). New York Daily news ( 10 historical high-risk domains ), 7 hostility to speech... Hunter Biden laptop story top news outlets, '' she says most developing democracies in the services of terrific! Help us understand how these kind of campaigns operated, said Mr. Morgan simply asked her for of! To DiRestas scandal but its worth the wait for those with more patience statement, but in opinion! Better music or talk off my smart phone in seconds our media bias in ways that align! 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