Table l. Recommendations for control of Western bean cutworm in field beans and corn. As in corn, western bean cutworm larvae have great ability to disperse. 6 lbs/gal. It is now recommended that fields with Cry1F products be scouted for western bean cutworm and insecticide treatment considered if above the economic threshold. Of the 140 larvae counted on plants at 7, 14, and 21 DAA, over half (52.9%) were dead at 7 DAA, whereas only 16.1% and 0.0% larvae were dead at 14 and 21 DAA, respectively (Table 4). Western bean cutworm (WBC) is a pest of corn (as well as dry beans), and its territory has been expanding eastward over the last 10 to 15 years, with pockets of high populations now found in New York and Ontario. IPM for Insect Pests of Field Corn - a free Moodle course from the NYS IPM Program; Western Bean Cutworm identification card – including larval stages ; Western Bean Cutworm Pest Alert, North Central IPM; Cornell Sweet Corn Monitoring Network; Penn State Pest Watch (Includes WBC data from NY, New England and other states) Ontario WBC Trap Network 1. 2 lbs. The western bean cutworm has yet to be identified in Ontario. Field beans DDT 5% Dust Sevin (carbaryl) 80% WP Thiodan (endosu.lfan) 2 lbs/gal EC Field corn Endrin 1. Although primarily known a pest of field corn in many areas, its broad host range also includes legumes and it can be a pest of dryland beans (but not soybeans), where they are grown in abundance. Results in 2017 were different than those from the previous trials. Bob Wright, Extension entomologist at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, says western bean cutworm moths and egg masses were discovered July 7 in southern Nebraska, which gives a signal that farmers and consultants should begin scouting fields for the same. In the past, WBC was primarily limited to the western Great Plains, but over the last 15 years has expanded its range eastward to as far as Pennsylvania (Figure 1). In all three years, plots received irrigation, fertilization, and weed management inputs following standard agronomic practices for the region, with no insecticide applications other than the experimental treatments. To determine if insecticide treatments prevented WBC damage, 10 ears from the central two rows and interior 22 feet of each plot were randomly chosen and removed along with the husks on August 27, 2015, August 29, 2016, and August 23, 2017. Dry bean crops are another common target for the western bean cutworm. Adult moths are gray-brown in color with a creamy white stripe down the length of the forewing, and a small cream-outlined circle and kidney bean shape behind the stripe on each forewing (Image 1). Western Bean Cutworm is now the most economically significant pest in corn, but it’s quickly becoming a challenge in other nearby crops, especially dry beans. Because corn prices are at or above $3.50/bu, if 4% of the corn plants have egg masses or larvae, consider applying an insecticide. Thus, scouting and application timing are critical. Trecepta ® Technology. Indiana Corn: Scouting Western Bean Cutworm Post-Whorl – Video. The moth flight usually peaks in early to mid-July. Scouting for western bean cutworm should begin in field corn when the first moths are caught. The western bean cutworm, Striacosta albicosta (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is native to North America, first described in 1887 from a collection of Arizona moths (Smith 1887, Douglass et al. ; Threshold is 5% of corn plants with egg masses and/or early instar larvae feeding in leaf axils. Ronald C. Seymour, Extension Educator; Gary L. Hein, Professor of Entomology; and Robert J. Wright, Extension Entomologist . Control decisions should be made shortly after the moth flight peaks. Foliar insecticide timing is critical. Properly timed insecticide treatments remain the only highly effective means of control in both corn. Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) is a pest of corn (as well as dry beans) and its territory has been expanding eastward over the last 10 to 15 years with pockets of high populations now found in New York and Ontario, Canada. WBC larvae feed on the silk of corn ears, and also burrow through the side of the ears. Many 'above-ground' Bt traits will not control western bean cutworm. Western bean cutworm damage in corn crops can make as much as a 40% drop in yield. The moth emerges near the time of corn tasseling and lays its eggs near the ear leaf of a pollinating corn plant. The ears were husked and examined in the laboratory to determine feeding damage, measured in square inches, to aborted kernels at the ear tip and harvestable kernels. The efficacy and residual activity of the foliar insecticide treatments tested may have been negatively impacted by inclement weather. Other Bt traits originally developed for European corn borer will not provide effective control of western bean cutworm. The western bean cutworm (Striacosta albicosta Smith) is a late-season pest of corn that reduces yield and predisposes the ear to fungal rots, which reduce grain quality. This report summarizes results of tests in southern Idaho from 1950 to 1980. The Western Bean Cutworm is a native of North America that has recently expanded its range eastward from the Great Plains region. The western bean cutworm is a late-season pest of corn that reduces yield and predisposes the ear to fungal rots, which reduce grain quality. 2 qts. Western Bean Cutworm, Richia albicosta. Matador, Coragen, and Voliam Xpress are registered for control in corn and dry beans. Western bean cutworm moths prefer to lay eggs in corn plants that are in the late whorl stage compared to those that have completely tasseled. Currently only the Vip3A will provide adequate control. The Bts that kill European corn borer do not give 100 percent control of western bean cutworms. This is the threshold for both dryland and irrigated corn, although keep yield potential in mind. The eggs require five to seven days to develop, during which time the egg color changes to tan and then to purple immediately before they hatch. The … Chemigation has provided very good control of this insect, even at lowest labeled rates. The moth flight usually peaks in early to mid-July. Look for eggs on the top surface of the upper most leaves or look for larvae … The combination of high larval mortality from both insecticide applications and developmental mismatch with the host plant is believed to have effectively controlled WBC in 2015. Western Bean Cutworm Annual Life Cycle in Corn Integrated Pest Management Populations: Several factors may contribute to increased populations, including mild winters, reduced use of foliar insecticides in corn, and reduced or no tillage. The western bean cutworm is a late-season pest of corn that robs yield and reduces grain quality. Western Bean Cutworm in Corn Western bean cutworm (WBC) is a native of North America and can be a severe pest of corn and dry beans (but not soybean). Historically, WBC was primarily limited to the western Great Plains but has expanded its range eastward over the last 15 years through the Corn Belt to as far as Pennsylvania (Figure 1). After mating, eggs are usually laid on either field corn, popcorn, sweet corn, or dry beans. Western Bean Cutworm: Characteristics and Management in Corn and Dry Beans – 5.538 Quick Facts…. spp., in Colorado, followed by corn, Zea mays L., in 1957 in Idaho, although Hoerner (1948) mentioned feeding on beans in 1915 and 1920. Traditionally a pest of the western Great Plains, WBC has moved east into much of the Corn Belt. Larvae chew holes into pod walls and developing seeds. It is also available as a downloadable Excel spreadsheet, Western Bean Cutworm Speed Scouting, EC1585. Description. Early instars of WBC survive best on fresh tassel tissue, which was not available during early larval development due to weather delays in planting. Western bean cutworm moths lay eggs in clusters of 5 to 200 on the top surface of the upper 1/3 of a corn plant. The western bean cutworm is a late-season pest of corn that robs yield and reduces grain quality. This publication has been peer reviewed. In this study we evaluated the efficacy of foliar insecticide treatments for the control of western bean cutworm in field corn plots during 2015-2017. Why it matters : Scouting for Western Bean Cutworm (WBC) is much more challenging in dry beans than corn, so knowing the status of nearby corn fields and increasing moth trap numbers in bean fields are important. The WBC infestation rate prior to treatment was higher in 2017 (21% of plants were infested with WBC) than in 2015 (7%) and 2016 (9%). 2. Environmental conditions may impact the efficacy and residual activity of foliar insecticides applied to control WBC. When scouting for western bean cutworms in corn, check 20 plants in at least 5 areas of each field. Krupke, T.S. The western bean cutworm is a late-season pest of corn that robs yield and reduces grain quality. Western Bean Cutworm is now the most economically significant pest in corn, but it’s quickly becoming a challenge in other nearby crops, especially dry beans. Refer to the following publication for a quick reference of Bt traits and above-ground insects control spectrum. Western bean cutworm is now the most economically significant pest of corn in Ontario, and its rise took seed companies by surprise. paperless scouting with real time, in-field decision support. Western Bean Cutworm, Striacosta albicosta (Smith), is not a true cutworm. More information can be found in the NebGuide, Western Bean Cutworm in Corn and Dry Beans (G2013). Insecticide application timing is critical; once larvae have entered the ear, control of western bean cutworm will not be achieved. Many 'above-ground' Bt traits will not control western bean cutworm. The western bean cutworm is a late-season pest of corn that robs yield and reduces grain quality. When larvae approach ½" in length, they begin feeding at night on young leaf material and blossoms. scouting data storage so you can review information without having Internet access. Western bean cutworm (WBC) is native to North America and appears as a severe pest in several areas of the Corn Belt. Share. Corn hybrids planted for this study had no Bt traits that protected against the western bean cutworm. The rapid eastward range expansion of western bean cutworm across the central Corn Belt into the Great Lakes region resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of western bean cutworm-infested acres in a short period. Asana, Ambush, Baythroid, Pounce, Lorsban, Capture, Mustang, Penncap-M, Prevathon, Proaxis, Warrior, and Sevin are all labeled for control of western bean cutworm. 2 lbs. We have developed a new "speed-scouting" method for western bean cutworm egg masses. Control decisions should be made shortly after the moth flight peaks. Why it matters: Western bean cutworm is now a problem in corn across Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes, quickly spreading from pockets in southern Ontario several years ago across the region.. There’s only one genetically engineered trait resistant to WBC, the VIp3 or Viptera trait from Syngenta. Corn Insects. Baute, and C. D. Difonzo. Western bean cutworm eggs that hatch when corn plants are in the late whorl stage of growth have a high rate of survival. Many 'above-ground' Bt traits will not control western bean cutworm. See the Handy BT Trait Table for a list of commercially available Bt corn hybrids and the proteins they express. EC DDT l 0% Granules Sevin (carbaryl) 80% WP Dylox (Trichlorfon) 80% SP 3 0 lbs. 2009: 56. Scouting for western bean cutworm should begin in field corn when the first moths are caught. Western bean cutworm females often enter the whorl of the plant where they lay eggs on the upper surface of corn leaves. The largest seed companies had avoided the trait, instead relying on their own Bt traits to … Often, the larvae greet the consumer just as the husk is pulled back from the tip of the ear. They are white when freshly laid but gradually turn darker with age (Fig. The moth flight usually peaks in early to mid-July. Following its initial discovery in southeastern Iowa in 2004, it was found the following year in western Illinois and in northwestern Indiana in 2006. ; Threshold is 5% of corn plants with egg masses and/or early instar larvae feeding in leaf axils. 2). Western bean cutworm is a recent immigrant into NYS and is starting to become an economic pest in some counties in NNY and WNY. The free app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play by searching "western bean cutworm.". Western bean cutworm (WBC) is a common pest of corn. Trecepta® Technology helps reduce yield loss by protecting your corn crop from a wide range of above-ground pests. Moths will appear in early July and peak around mid-July. Western bean cutworm larvae have stripes on the prothorax. Description. l pint l 0 lbs. In all three years, plots were scouted weekly after the onset of moth flight for the presence of WBC eggs and larvae and were treated after the economic threshold was reached. ; Threshold is 5% of corn plants with egg masses and/or early instar larvae feeding in leaf axils. Egg mass of western bean cutworm. In 2017, all foliar insecticide treatments failed to significantly reduce ear feeding damage to aborted ear tip kernels and harvestable kernels compared to the untreated control (Table 3). Infestations on Corn. Sources: Colorado State University Iowa State University Extension, Corn Field Guide: A reference for identifying diseases, insect pests and disorders of corn. This insect was historically found in the western Corn Belt where it is a common pest of dry beans and a sporadic pest of corn. 2010. Scouting for western bean cutworm should begin in field corn when the first moths are caught. Communications Bldg.Lincoln, NE 68583-0918. When scouting for western bean cutworms in corn, check 20 plants in at least 5 areas of each field. Only one generation is found per year. , the larvae pupate and emerge from the tip of the plant where they lay eggs on late-whorl corn! Plants with egg masses DDT l 0 % Granules Sevin ( carbaryl ) 80 % WP Thiodan ( endosu.lfan 2! High larval mortality caused by a temporal mismatch between crop growth stage and larval development likely western bean cutworm control in corn. 2017 were different than those from the previous trials at night size of a corn plant the app available! June and early July and peak around mid-July tip of the upper 1/3 of a corn! 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